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Posts posted by sfosodkw2

  1. On 3/10/2024 at 8:25 PM, Fou-lu said:

    I also have the same doubt as the author and a little more.


    What is the budget for a 5k player server?


    Where to host an international server?


    Does adding proxy options help with latency? How to place proxies?

    1) i dont know the budget, as my own server never surpassed ~300 players.


    2) google cloud platform, amazon web services, hostinger...


    3)you can check some VPS that has international proxy support, talk to them before contract.


    For an international project that aims to have 5k player, proxy is a must, people dont tolarate lag in gameplay, its 2025 already.


  2. com chat gpt da pra traduzir tranquilo, eu traduzi 100% dos npcs do meu hercules


    fiz programa pra bater os IDs do iteminfo.lua com IDs do banco (item_db.conf) e listar quais estão só em um dos arquivos, completei a descrição dos itens, limpei o banco de itens inúteis, etc, etc... ai vou dar isso na mão de um monte de gente que nem curte o post?


    outra vez em outra conta fiz uma tradução aqui que não teve nem 5 curtidas e mais de 2500 downloads. O povo só entra no fórum pra sugar, por isso ninguém mais compartilha nada. vc quer algo bem feito? faça vc mesmo xD

  3. 6 hours ago, fTakano said:

    You can use the script command getunits().


    thanks. i tried but i dont think i am using the correct information, can you help me implement this?

    	.@count = getunits(BL_PC, .@units, false, "guild_vs3");
    	for(.@i = 0; .@i <= .@count; i++) {
    	rodex_sendmail(getcharid(.@units[.@i]),"RodEx People","RodEx Test Mail","This is a RodEx Test Mail.",0,501,1,501,1,501,1);



    [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!

  4. vc pode atingir isso modificando o for para  passar por todos os castelos e vendo a qual guild pertencem.

    ai na hora de "pagar" o jogador, vai multiplicar pela quantidade de vezes que a guild dele aparece (ou seja, quantos castelos possui), acho que é isso.


    	set .@TotalCost,0;
    	// Calcula o custo total
    	for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set .@i,.@i+1)
    		for(set .@j,0; .@j < getarraysize( .Items ); set .@j,.@j+1)
    			if( .Items[.@j] == @bought_nameid[.@i] )
    			set .@TotalCost,.@TotalCost + ( .Costs[.@j] * @bought_quantity[.@i] );
    	if( #CASHPOINTS >= .@TotalCost ){
    		// Deduz #CASHPOINTS e Ganha Itens.
    		set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS - .@TotalCost;
    		for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set .@i,.@i+1)
    			getitem @bought_nameid[.@i],@bought_quantity[.@i];
    		// Atribui a quantia de imposto igualmente a outras Guildas.
    		for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CastleMap$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) {
    			set .@castleGuild, getguildid(getguildname(getcastledata(.CastleMap$[.@i],1)));
    			set .@guildCastles, 0; // Counter for guild-owned castles
    			// Count guild-owned castles
    			for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(.CastleMap$); set .@j, .@j + 1) {
    				if(getguildid(getguildname(getcastledata(.CastleMap$[.@j],1))) == .@castleGuild) {
    					set .@guildCastles, .@guildCastles + 1;
    			// distriubir imposto igualmente
    			setd( "$GuildTax_"+.@i ),getd( "$GuildTax_"+.@i ) + ( (( .@TotalCost * .TaxRate ) / 100 ) / .@guildCastles );
    		// Notificação sobre o Total de Imposto Recebido pela Guilda.
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Imposto recolhido: "+(( .@TotalCost * .TaxRate ) / 100 )+" Cash";
    		mes "Você não tem #CASHPOINTS suficiente...";


  5.  I am using 2018-11-14dRagexe with NEMO, all working

    the "Cash Shop" button is there

    the itens are there

    the cash is there


    what happens is:


    if i click buy in the cash shop with no itens > nothing happens (as it should)

    if i add a item from the cash shop to the buy list and click buy  > GRAVITY ERROR


    i have kRO grf in my data.ini, i search for nemo for "cash" patches but there is nothing besides hiding the icon. does this client even support it?


    I cant use another client because i want a pre-renewal server and the sonic blow and vulcan arrow animation have changed in december 2018.

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