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Everything posted by khenma

  1. anyone knows about these? pet egg >> monster >> attack when their master attacks.. (can be passive or active status) is it possible?
  2. hmmm does the custom aura still need to be fix until now?
  3. hm i think i need to create new sprite... hmmm where i can find some free sprite for custom mobs/pets
  4. my sprite and act has only 0kb is it normal? and i cant open it in actor. always not responding
  5. hmm i didnt diff this,, i just downloaded the updated 20130807 client from ossi0110 i didnt merge this to data.grf
  6. hmm i didnt diff this,, i just downloaded the updated 20130807 client from ossi0110
  7. why i got this error,, since i put already the files inside that folder...
  8. ah.. ok... thanks .. i will try it then^_^
  9. do i still need to do this? Client Side For your mob to exist in the client, you need to add it to a few Lua files. [edit]datainfo/npcidentity.lua Example at the end of the file: ["JT_4_F_TAEKWON"] = 644, ["JT_4_F_SWORDMAN"] = 645, -- Custom Mobs ["JT_JACOB"] = 2500, ["JT_AQUARING"] = 2600 } The number after the = sign denotes the mob's database ID number. Other sprites in this file have their view ID e.g. NPC sprite number. [edit]datainfo/jobname.lua Example at the end of the file: [jobtbl.JT_GIBBET] = "GIBBET", [jobtbl.JT_DULLAHAN] = "DULLAHAN", [jobtbl.JT_LOLI_RURI] = "LOLI_RURI", [jobtbl.JT_DISGUISE] = "DISGUISE", -- Custom Mobs [jobtbl.JT_JACOB] = "jacobmob", [jobtbl.JT_AQUARING] = "aquaring" } In this file, the value after the = sign is the name of the actual sprite in your data folder/GRF
  10. yes i can... but with diff sprite... not the pikachu looks where should i put the pikachu.act and spt. files?
  11. Adding A New PetI didn't like the idea of replacing an existing pet, so I sought to add in pets. The process is a little similar to replacing a pet. Instead, you create a new line in pet_db.txt with your new pet information. As an example, we will add a Succubus to the pet_db.1370,SUCCUBUS,Succubus,739,9031,0,537,80,20,20,100,250,20,150,200,1,0,800,400,200,{ petskillbonus bLuk,20,10,90; }I made the Succubus's taming item a Rouge(739), her food Pet Food(537), her capture rate 1.5%, and her pet skill +20 Luck for 10 seconds every 90 seconds.Add the above line to the end of pet_db, and you are done. Now we have all the original pets AND a Succubus.The next step is to create a taming item and an egg for this Succubus. To create the taming item, go to item_db, and pick an item you want to use for the taming item. I suggest using an ETC item, as they really do not serve much purpose. Edit the values accordingly to follow the pet taming item format. An example of Rouge for the Succubus taming item:739,Rouge,Rouge,11,,5000,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ pet 1370; },{},{}Do not forget the bold part. This signifies which pet this taming item will capture. Also, count properly the number of commas you need. Map Server will give errors if the syntax is incorrect.Next, we need a pet egg. This, you will have to actually create. Choose an available Item ID. I suggest starting from 9028, if not already used, and work your way up, for pet eggs. Add a line to item_db.txt with the values for a pet egg. For example, a Succubus egg:9031,Succubus_Egg,Succubus Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}The egg ID is 9031, as you can also see from the entry in pet_db.After doing this, you now have added a Succubus into the database, with her own taming item and egg. Everything is now ready on the server side.[edit]Egg Sprites and Item DescriptionsIn order for your client to not crash, you must have information and a sprite for the pet egg. Go to your idnum2itemdesctable.txt, idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt, num2itemdesctable.txt, and num2itemdisplaynametable.txt, and create a new entry for the egg. I will not go into detail on how to do this; there are other guides for this. You may also choose to edit the item description of the taming item, though this is not necessary.Next, you have to give the egg a sprite, or else your client will crash. To do this, edit idnum2itemresnametable.txt and num2itemresnametable.txt and add in an entry for the egg. Refer to this topic for what to use for egg sprites. If you have no clue how to work with resnametables, then search the forums.I will give examples of the values I put in my tables.idnum2itemdesctable and num2itemdesctable:9031#An egg in which a Succubus Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.Class :^777777 Monster Egg^000000#idnum2itemdisplaynametable and num2itemdisplaynametable:9031#Succubus_Egg#idnum2itemresnametable and num2itemresnametable:9031#Áö¼Ó¼º¾Ë#[edit]PettalktableBy default, your pet will talk like a Poring. If you wish to change this, edit the talk_convert_class value in pet_db to the ID of one of the original pets. For example, to make our Succubus talk like a Zealotus, edit her talk_convert_class to 1200. Now she will talk like a Zealotus.If you want to edit what she says, then you may. However, note that if you edit this, both the Zealotus and Succubus will say the same things. It is not currently possibly to add in talk for Succubus and not replace anything. I recommend choosing a pet that you or your clients may never use, and replace that pet's dialogue. i just did the above instructions... but still it does not change into pikachu looks
  12. i have added the details for my pikachu pet.. but when i incubate it... still in VADON sprite.. i have my own spt. and act for pikachu... where to put these files? thhanks
  13. what is new with this client compared to 2013-08-07? thanks
  14. how to set this that will be automatically announce when one player pick up the item, then remaining will be broadcast too. ex. 29 TCg left.
  15. Solved by creating folder -->>> datasprite¸ó½ºÅÍ and putting the sprite there...
  16. now it turns to Vadon when deleting the entry in mob_avail.txt
  17. i really dont get it... huhu... sorry.. im still analysing
  18. help me understand about mobs.... this should be color blue poring. under jobname .lua [jobtbl.JT_4_SHOAL] = "4_SHOAL", [jobtbl.JT_1] = "No.1_Poring"} mob avail.txt // customs2381,10066,0 npcidentity.lub JT_4_SHOAL = 10065, JT_1 = 10066} Mob_db2.txt //customs2381,1,poring,No.1 Poring,15,534,0,50,33,1,67,79,0,10,1,8,7,0,15,0,10,12,1,1,29,0x3885,400,2612,912,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,957,9000,724,5,938,1000,958,50,727,70,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4038,1
  19. solved by adding/editing iteminfo.lub
  20. why got that error even i have already the .bmp file in my data folder.. i put it in the item folder, and the other one is already on collection item
  21. hmm so diffing this really makes the client crash? Use Custom Aura crashes client has been reported as a bug in this thread ,but Shakto didn't fix it yet , Don't diff with that option atm, or change to another diff tool NEMO - Client Patcher, that bug should be fixed. i use the nemo patcher hmm y cant find auraring.bmp ? but i have it in effect folder
  22. hmm so diffing this really makes the client crash?
  23. yes custom aura... hmm can you give me guides for this custom auras? where to find these aurafloat.tga, auraring.bmp and freezing_circle.bmp
  24. client crashed after i make a folder datatextureeffect and putting files i had downloaded from download section. (aura sprites) when i got lvl 99. and typing /aura it crashes....
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