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Everything posted by Triedge

  1. In my current project, I use a HP non-linear formula. job_maxhpsp_db of rathena was perfect for that. But sadly I see that Hercules does not use the job_maxhpsp_db. Would it be possible to add later that modification?
  2. Asura no have Cooldown.
  3. No, not the same. Cooldown is the time to reuse the same skill. While the delay is the waiting time to use some skill. In short, the Delay blocks you use any skill until finished. Example. Storm Gust have 5 sec Delay. You can not use any skills until the end of the delay (the delay is calculated to match the animation of the effect of Storm Gust). Asura have: Cast: 1 sec Delay: 1 sec Fixed-Cast: 1 sec Cooldown: 0 sec
  4. in: npc/custom/jobmaster.txt Search line: set .ThirdClass,1; // Enable third classes? (1: yes / 0: no) Change for: set .ThirdClass,0; // Enable third classes? (1: yes / 0: no)
  5. Just'm using the Hercules, it was easy to get but hard time update (still failed to update). This had never happened to SVN. So .. Why use Git?
  6. Message: User name and email must be set before commit. Do you want set these now. Option: Yes. ...no understand nothing.
  7. *FACEPALM* Delay => Global Timeout after using a skill. Cast => Loading time to use some skill. Cooldown => Wait time for back to use the SAME skill. Example: Bash with 5 sec Delay => After using Bash, I can not use any skills for 5 seconds. Bash with 5 sec Cast => To use Bash should be charged for 5 seconds before being released. Bash with 5 sec Cooldown => After using Bash I wait 5 seconds to re-use it, but I can use any other skill. Maybe. But do not forget that the emulator now has options to modify the Cast and Delay. I think it would be fair to have an option to change the cooldown from any status.
  8. Currently working on a project that is not based on skill spam, but it is something more strategic. Because of that, I need to use much Cooldown system. I would like to suggest that there is an option in Hercules to activate the cooldown is reduced by Dex. The cooldown is not the same as the Delay. Delay => Global Timeout after using a skill. Cast => Loading time to use some skill. Cooldown => Wait time for back to use the SAME skill. Example: Bash with 5 sec Delay => After using Bash, I can not use any skills for 5 seconds. Bash with 5 sec Cast => To use Bash should be charged for 5 seconds before being released. Bash with 5 sec Cooldown => After using Bash I wait 5 seconds to re-use it, but I can use any other skill.
  9. Updating 649e7b9..ba5ca9e error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: src/common/mmo.h Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge. Aborting
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