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Everything posted by Triedge

  1. There are times when you can not enter the event, when players enter the map are immediately teleported out of the event. Is there any condition for which you can use? This does not always happen. Sometimes if you let them play and sometimes just map them out.
  2. The window that opens is too small. Would that be corrected?
  3. http://rathena.org/board/topic/92423-facebook-share-system-new/ let me see. This Work in Windows with Hercules. Work in Windows with Rathena. Work in CentOS with Rathena BUT... no work in CentOS with Hercules. in Hercules show "Unknown Job:" in console.
  4. no work in Linux. or maybe... no work in Hercules.
  5. Lately I'm working on a script party. But I need the bounty on its members are very fair. I have no problem with the traditional method. But I would be more useful if you could attach a party member at random, but hey seen that if the member is not online the script practically stops. What options do I have?
  6. How can i remove the delay for ASPD You can not.
  7. This work in CentOS? work without root privileges? what port need this for work?
  8. when AfterCastActDelay is 0, the Delay is for the ASPD.
  9. Triedge

    Party Commands.

    oh, very nice! thx n_n
  10. Triedge

    Party Commands.

    It is possible to make a Battleground without waitroom ? that at least the party commands is more or less easy to make a Party vs Party.
  11. Triedge

    Party Commands.

    *party_create *party_destroy *party_addmember *party_delmember *party_changeleader *party_changeoption
  12. Triedge

    Party Commands.

    last night I was ready to start coding a script to Party vs Party. but I realized that Hercules does not handle commands Party. At least not the ones you see in rathena. Would it be possible to implement them?
  13. eso mismo... Recuerdo que Hercules premusia de tener mucha mas actividad en su repositorio/GIT que Rathena pero ultimamente veo que Rathena esta mucho mas activo.
  14. mmm.. setarray .@numbers[0],1,2,3,4,5; -> setarray .@numbers[5],6,7,8,9,10; work?
  15. example: setarray .@numbers[0],1,2,3,4,5; How added options 6,7,8,9,10?
  16. ... Example of something feature if change to the new system.
  17. Pls... No. In my mod server modify the 1000 monsters, change to the new system would have to configure everything again. Change HP, EXP, Drop, str, int, ATK and many more ...
  18. Eathena oficialmente es un proyecto muerto, creo que ya ni se actualiza o que se. Rathena esta enfocado a emular el Renewal y mantener el contenido del pre-renewal. Hercules sigue a Rathena en esos aspectos, pero Hercules se enfoca mas en la optimizacion e implementar varias novedades que Rathena por uno u otros motivos no veras.
  19. Triedge

    Dynamic menu

    Mm ... what would be the correct way to run something like this: select("I meet no requisites:" + ((countitem(501)) ? "Option 1!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(502)) ? "Option 2!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(503)) ? "Option 3!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(504)) ? "Option 4!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(505)) ? "Option 5!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(506)) ? "Option 6!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(507)) ? "Option 7!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(508)) ? "Option 8!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(509)) ? "Option 9!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(510)) ? "Option 10!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(511)) ? "Option 11!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(512)) ? "Option 12!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(513)) ? "Option 13!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(514)) ? "Option 14!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(515)) ? "Option 15!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(516)) ? "Option 16!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(517)) ? "Option 17!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(518)) ? "Option 18!" : "") + ":" + ((countitem(519)) ? "Option 19!" : "") )
  20. Triedge

    Dynamic menu

    That works well for small menus. But I need that for example, note 10 conditions. and fulfilled every condition, adds an option to the menu. Example: select("Nothing" +((BaseLevel >=5) ? ":Only Have 5 Level" +((BaseLevel >=5) && counitem(501) > 0 ? ":Only Have 5 Level and have item 501": +((BaseLevel >=5) && counitem(502) > 0 ? ":Only Have 5 Level and have item 502":"") ) Let's say you have level 5 and item 502. Obviously the options 1,2 and 4 appear, but the 3 does not appear. And while I understand as "creating" the menu, as it should make it work properly?
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