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About ParSalian

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  1. It patched with no error ,but i cannot start the exe directly
  2. patch id 71 is already there. You must choose id 75 and you can patch with no error. But nevertheless i can not start this exe directly
  3. When i use rocred laucher i got a Setup Loop . Restore Login Window diff was fine, it worked for me in 20130320.exe too
  4. the webpages and the svn is not available. What's going on there ?
  5. Search for Chunkspy or Ludadec 5.1 i dosent know wich Fomat pRo use .
  6. hercules work with 2013-03-20eRagexe client
  7. With Luatools-1.2 / luadisasm.exe . I ask in the Translation Topic for help but no answer. I search in the Net and found this Luatools iteminfo.lub
  8. @MStream yes i use that iteminfo.lua, but im not sure if this is compatible with 2013 client or if this only modified 2012 client iteminfo.lua is.
  9. i have decompile the latest 2013 iteminfo.lub but it won't work. If you have a working decompiled iteminfo.lub please share it with us Thanks.
  10. @bgamez23 I have already tried to rename infoitem.lua to infoitem.lub my Client got me this Messages : CItemInfoMgrSystem/iteminfo.lub:204263 bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil) This is the main function that i use. Is your diffrent please correct me. Thanks. main = function() for ItemID,DESC in pairs(tbl) do result, msg = AddItem(ItemID, DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName, DESC.unidentifiedResourceName, DESC.identifiedDisplayName, DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum) if not result then return false, msg end for k,v in pairs(DESC.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end for k,v in pairs(DESC.identifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end end return true, "good" end edit : the "20" in the linenummer the codeblock not display Row 4251 is 204251 and so on
  11. @bgamez23 : Lua for Lub diff not work for 2013 client
  12. itemnames rename to english like : Iteminfo.lub¡°£Æ÷¼Ç = Red PotionÁÖÈ«Æ÷¼Ç = Orange Potion³ë¶õÆ÷¼Ç = Yellow Potion
  13. i could just say i have Ragnarok client always installed and not only copyed and i run the setup,. also in 2012_10_4 rAthena Client i can start the exe directly. But whats me more interested how we rename items. If we only can hexed it in the client is it a Sisyphean task
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