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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. Following diffs are working

    Patch: Shared Body Palette V1 - body_<id>findhex:	8B 54 24 14 57 50 8B 04 91 50 8D 4C 24 2C 68 EC 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 14  replacehex: 8B 54 24 14 57 90 8B 04 91 90 8D 4C 24 24 68 EC 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 0C findhex:	B8 F6 5C 25 73 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C replacehex: B8 F6 5C 62 6F 64 79 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C 00 Patch: Shared Body Palette V2 - body_<gender>_<id>findhex:	8B 54 24 14 57 50 8B 04 91 50 8D 4C 24 2C 68 EC 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 14  replacehex: 8B 54 24 14 57 50 8B 04 91 90 8D 4C 24 28 68 EA 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 10 findhex:	00 00 B8 F6 5C 25 73 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6Creplacehex: B8 F6 5C 62 6F 64 79 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C  Patch: Shared Head Palette V1 - head_<id>findhex:	B8 D3 B8 AE 5C B8 D3 B8 AE 25 73 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C 00replacehex: B8 D3 B8 AE 5C 68 65 61 64 25 2E 73 25 2E 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C Patch: Shared Head Palette V2 - head_<gender>_<id>findhex:	B8 D3 B8 AE 5C B8 D3 B8 AE 25 73 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C 00replacehex: B8 D3 B8 AE 5C 68 65 61 64 25 2E 73 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C Patch: Enable Custom 3D Mobsfindhex:	83 FE 09 0F 87 8A 00 00 00 83 FF 04 0F 87 81 00 00 00replacehex: 83 FF 04 0F 87 8A 00 00 00 83 FE 09 77 30 90 90 90 90 Patch: Only Second Login Backgroundfindhex:	C0 AF C0 FA C0 CE C5 CD C6 E4 C0 CC BD BA 5C 54 5F B9 E8 B0 E6 25 64 2D 25 64 2E 62 6D 70 00replacehex: C0 AF C0 FA C0 CE C5 CD C6 E4 C0 CC BD BA 5C 54 32 5F B9 E8 B0 E6 25 64 2D 25 64 2E 62 6D 70 Patch: Enable ASCII in Textfindhex:	F6 04 31 80 75 0B 41 3B C8replacehex: F6 04 31 80 90 90 41 3B C8

    Following diffs have issues as mentioned

    SSO Login packet - conflicting with Restore Login Window (honestly i still don't know what that packet does).

    Use Arial on all Langtypes - the client stop abruptly when starting up (Maybe a langtype issue?)

    Remove Login Auto Close - I dont think this is actually needed since the client by default isn't closing when login failed.

    Skip Resurrection Button - Already resurrection button is not showing up for me by default. So i am not sure if this one is working  :(

    Increase Screenshot Quality - I didnt see much of quality change even with the 2012 clients. So i am not sure what this diff's purpose was originally.

    I will update the diff file later.
    @Judas. One set of hex string got missed in the first page for load lua before lub. Can you add these in there as well.
    Otherwise the Userkeys.lua file will get saved as Userkeys.lub but inside it will be uncompiled only. :P

    findhex:	01 00 00 00 68 C0 1F 8F 00replacehex: 01 00 00 00 68 3C B5 8F 00

    EDIT: Damn HTML tags screwed my post  :angry:

  2. Few more strings found (havent tested in game yet) :D .
    Anyone is welcome to test them :)

    Patch: Use Arial on all Langtypes findhex:    0F 85 9E 00 00 00 83 F8 14 0F 8C 95 00 00 00replacehex: 0F 85 9E 00 00 00 83 F8 14 0F 8C 95 00 00 00Patch: Use ASCII in Textfindhex:    F6 04 31 80 75 0B 41 3B C8replacehex: F6 04 31 80 90 90 41 3B C8Patch: Remove Login auto closefindhex:    B9 88 E9 98 00 E8 AB 93 D9 FF C7 84 24 CC 00 00 00 FF FF FF FFreplacehex: 8B 4C 24 14 C7 41 0C 03 00 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90Patch: Only 2nd Login Background:findhex:    C0 AF C0 FA C0 CE C5 CD C6 E4 C0 CC BD BA 5C 54 5F B9 E8 B0 E6 25 64 2D 25 64 2E 62 6D 70 00replacehex: C0 AF C0 FA C0 CE C5 CD C6 E4 C0 CC BD BA 5C 54 32 5F B9 E8 B0 E6 25 64 2D 25 64 2E 62 6D 70Patch: Increase Screenshot quality to 75 - change the 4B to the desired value in hex (ranges from 1 to 100)findhex:    C7 44 24 70 03 00 00 00 C7 44 24 74 02 00 00 00replacehex: C7 84 24 AC 00 00 00 4B 00 00 00 90 90 90 90 90Patch: Skip Resurrection Buttonfindhex:    6A 00 68 C5 1D 00 00replacehex: 6A 00 68 FF FF 00 00Patch: Use SSO Login packet (Still dont know what this is for )findhex:    0F 84 23 01 00 00 83 F8 12replacehex: 90 E9 23 01 00 00 83 F8 12Patch: Disable Hallucination Wavy Screenfindhex:    0F 84 7F 01 00 00 83 3Dreplacehex: 90 E9 7F 01 00 00 83 3D 

  3. ok Load Lua before Lub is also working but would need one extra hex replace & another interesting fact is Shortcut keys will now be saved in SaveDataUserKeys.lua (they have removed the _s  or was it like this already?)


    Judas you can update Post 1 with these diffs :)


    Chat Flood Limit raised to 10 - this can be raised upto 255 by changing the 0A to the corresponding hex value in the replace string.
    Search : 83 7C 24 04 02 7C 47
    Replace: 83 7C 24 04 0A 72 47

    Enable 64K Hairstyles
    Search : 83 F8 1D 7E 07
    Replace: 83 F8 1D EB 07
    Search : 8B 45 00 8B 14 81
    Replace: 8B 45 00 8B 11 90
    Search : 8B 4C 24 3C 73 04 8D 4C 24 3C 83 FE 10
    Replace: 8B 4D 00 90 85 C9 75 02 41 41 83 FE 10
    Search : B8 D3 B8 AE C5 EB 5C 25 73 5C 25 73
    Replace: B8 D3 B8 AE C5 EB 5C 25 73 5C 25 64

    Skip License Screen
    Search : 3F 1D 80 00 B8 1D 80 00
    Replace: DB 1E 80 00 DB 1E 80 00

    Read Lua Before Lub
    Search : 00 2E 6C 75 62
    Replace: 00 2E 6C 75 61
    Search : 00 2E 6C 75 61
    Replace: 00 2E 6C 75 62


    Search:  01000000 68 C01F8F00

    Replace: 01000000 68 3CB58F00
    I will update the diff file to reflect the changes tomorrow :)

  4. Ok ill check it out :)


    EDIT: Nope :( same issue + this one loads hack shield updater as well before client starts up.


    EDIT2: Ok this is weird. Now its working. My char was attached to the blank account id i created earlier (2000001) when using the bat file but the login user and pass was created into a seperate id (2000002) . Now I modified the char table account id to point to the second one (2000002) and its working. Still dunno what happened here though :D


    Well anyways now i can test lua before lub and other stuff :P

  5. OK this is interesting. Hackshield is still getting deployed !! :( Maybe thats why?

    Tooltip on Hackshield =>

    Process name: ragexe.exe

    HackShield SDK Version: 5.6.71(Build 237)


    This is the error screen showing up when it crashes


    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
      Application Name: ragexe.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp: 5149164c
      Fault Module Name: MSVCR90.dll
      Fault Module Version: 9.0.30729.4974
      Fault Module Timestamp: 4b7a226f
      Exception Code: c0000005
      Exception Offset: 00036ddb
      OS Version: 6.1.7600.
      Locale ID: 1033
      Additional Information 1: 0a9e
      Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3: 0a9e
      Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

  6. I have sprites added into the data folder but they have not been used yet  (i was going to check the read lua before lub diff with them :D).

    and no custom grfs are present. 


    No error before the crash.

    Once i enter the username and password it goes to the server selection screen.

    When i press enter i see in the char server console that the details for my char are being fetched but the client freezes and moments later it stops working.

  7. Shakto are you sure about the read data folder first diff? I tried adding the diff to the client posted by Judas but it is crashing :(


    I will try with your hshield patch as well one sec.


    and btw the allow chat flood, skip license screen and enable 64k hairstyles have been tested to work :D

  8. Judas the hshield patches III & IV provided by k3dt are the same as the "disable ragexe name check" & "disable 1rag1" patches.
    I have double checked the diff locations in the diff file & also updated it to include K3dt's HShield Diff as alternative to the Shakto's patch.
    I do have doubt about the Enforce Official Login Background patch. Since there are two locations where it shows up and the client was working fine with both of them.
    Clients that can be used :
    No diffs present  => http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/2013-03-20eRagexe.exe
    Skip Packet Obfuscation already present => http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xtqkr

    Both HShield patches have pros and cons:


    As specified by Shakto,
    If you apply his hshield patch, you can log with login window but you have to have the hShield folder and aossdk.dll and v3hunt.dll and you can't change the name of the exe. It has to be Ragexe.exe.

    If you apply k3dt's patch Hshield is disabled but you can't log with window login, We will have to use the bat file method but you can change the name of the exe.

  9. OK well here they are (I have not tested them out in game yet - still at work  :(). I have added them to diff file as well.




    Search:  8B 54 24 14 57 50 8B 04 91 50 8D 4C 24 2C 68 EC 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 14Replace: 8B 54 24 14 57 90 8B 04 91 90 8D 4C 24 24 68 EC 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 0C Search:  B8 F6 5C 25 73 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6CReplace: B8 F6 5C 62 6F 64 79 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C 00






     Search:  8B 54 24 14 57 50 8B 04 91 50 8D 4C 24 2C 68 EC 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 14Replace: 8B 54 24 14 57 90 8B 04 91 50 8D 4C 24 28 68 EA 65 91 00 51 E8 51 C8 F8 FF 83 C4 10 Search:  00 00 B8 F6 5C 25 73 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C Replace: B8 F6 5C 62 6F 64 79 5F 25 73 5F 25 64 2E 70 61 6C 

  10. I found the hex required for sharing the body and head palettes. I am thinking whether it be better to have the new palette paths as 


    head_<id>.pal & body_<id>.pal



    head_<gender>_<id>.pal & body_<gender>_<id>.pal


    option 2 would enable the male and female to have different palettes for same id.


    or maybe provide both as options?


    Waiting for response :)

  11. Here are a few diffs I found . I didnt get a chance to test these out in the game yet.

    So I am adding them into the diff file with an Untested tag.It would be great if someone could test them out for me :)

    Otherwise I will check them when I get home from work today.



    Chat Flood Limit raised to 10 - this can be raised upto 255 with small edit in the replace string  Search : 83 7C 24 04 02 7C 47Replace: 83 7C 24 04 0A 72 47 Enable 64K Hairstyles Search : 83 F8 1D 7E 07Replace: 83 F8 1D EB 07 Search : 8B 45 00 8B 14 81Replace: 8B 45 00 8B 11 90 Search : 8B 4C 24 3C 73 04 8D 4C 24 3C 83 FE 10Replace: 8B 4D 00 90 85 C9 75 02 41 41 83 FE 10 Search : B8 D3 B8 AE C5 EB 5C 25 73 5C 25 73Replace: B8 D3 B8 AE C5 EB 5C 25 73 5C 25 64 Skip License Screen Search : 3F 1D 80 00 B8 1D 80 00Replace: DB 1E 80 00 DB 1E 80 00 Read Lua Before Lub Search : 00 2E 6C 75 62Replace: 00 2E 6C 75 61 Search : 00 2E 6C 75 61Replace: 00 2E 6C 75 62

  12. ah ofcourse  :meow:
    Found Chat Flood Diff now.


    There is a section in the assembly which compares the various exe names (atleast thats what it looked like to me)

    Do you think the hshield issue has some relation to this?


    Address in Ollydbg: 

    1) 86C91B

    2) 86CCDC

  13. mybitch (that sounded wrong :P) the crc mismatch error shows up everytime i use a diff (and it should since we are essentially modifying bytes in the client) but it wont affect the client's functionality. Just ignore CRC mismatch issues. If you get some problem with the client please let me know.


    BTW what is this no-hs version??

  14. Here is the Link to updated Diff File : http://www.mediafire.com/?52n4ijuiw4u6uas


    1) I have also added increasing headgear view id to 10k and 5k in the diff. (ofcourse only one of them can be selected).

    2) "Recommended" tags have been added as well so the initial Auto Select option will select all the essentials

    3) I will be updating this file going forward (no new files) whenever a new hex code edit appears.

  15. I can't do the last patch alone, i'll need help from someone who has knowledge in asm >.<

    The very big issue is that it's impossible to change the name of the exe >.<


    I'll just look a last time if read lua before lub is possible with asm


    what did you mean by "impossible to change the name of exe"

    Isnt lua already being read?

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