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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. its because your upper value is 2 (means only transcendent classes) for the other 3 while the valk shield has it as 7 mean both first and second jobs can equip it including transcendents but third classes wont be able to.


    In case you are wondering which one is Upper its the value after 0xFFFFFFFF (means all base jobs)


    item_db format is :


  2. hmm i am also facing that issue now. I downloaded fresh copy and compiled. Only changes in conf i have done are the IPs (all set to for testing), SQL Db names & disabled PIN system.


    One thing i have noticed is that it happens right when all the maps & npcs are loaded and it is about to contact char server for loading guild info. Maybe there is some connectivity issue going on during that time? I know its not my settings because I used the same for a previous Hercules folder and it was working then.

  3. the tabs are now picked up as text from msgstringtable.txt and printed on to the tab one character per row (so we need to shorten the text itself).


    Line numbers are 

    1466 - Usable Items
    1472 - Miscellaneous Items
    2051 - Equipment
    2052 - Favorites
    If you don't find them at that line just check the adjacent one.

  4. oh 70 is already there maybe i have an old xdiff copy :P


    btw i forgot to add this one

    <patch id="82" name="Disable 1rag1" type="UI">	<desc>Disables the use of 1rag1 command line parameter for specifying username & password - to be used with Restore Login Window</desc>	<changes>		<byte offset="46d5c1" old="75" new="eb"/>	</changes></patch>

  5. try this 

    <patch id="71" name="Restore Login Window" type="UI">	<desc>Restores old style login window instead of using the new token based system from Gravity</desc>	<changes>	        <byte offset="1919A2" old="F1" new="4C"/>                <byte offset="1919A3" old="8B" new="E4"/>                <byte offset="1919A4" old="46" new="10"/>                <byte offset="1919A5" old="04" new="81"/>                <byte offset="1919A6" old="C7" new="F9"/>                <byte offset="1919A7" old="40" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919A8" old="14" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919AA" old="00" new="01"/>                <byte offset="1919AB" old="00" new="77"/>                <byte offset="1919AC" old="00" new="04"/>                <byte offset="1919AD" old="83" new="8B"/>                <byte offset="1919AE" old="3D" new="4C"/>                <byte offset="1919AF" old="3C" new="E4"/>                <byte offset="1919B0" old="CD" new="0C"/>                <byte offset="1919B1" old="BA" new="52"/>                <byte offset="1919B2" old="00" new="50"/>                <byte offset="1919B3" old="0B" new="8B"/>                <byte offset="1919B4" old="75" new="11"/>                <byte offset="1919B5" old="1D" new="8B"/>                <byte offset="1919B6" old="8B" new="42"/>                <byte offset="1919B7" old="0D" new="18"/>                <byte offset="1919B8" old="24" new="6A"/>                <byte offset="1919B9" old="9C" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919BA" old="C0" new="6A"/>                <byte offset="1919BD" old="01" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919BE" old="6A" new="68"/>                <byte offset="1919BF" old="00" new="1D"/>                <byte offset="1919C0" old="6A" new="27"/>                <byte offset="1919C2" old="68" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919C3" old="A4" new="C7"/>                <byte offset="1919C4" old="8E" new="41"/>                <byte offset="1919C5" old="8F" new="0C"/>                <byte offset="1919C6" old="00" new="03"/>                <byte offset="1919C7" old="68" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919C8" old="1C" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919C9" old="A9" new="00"/>                <byte offset="1919CA" old="8E" new="FF"/>                <byte offset="1919CB" old="00" new="D0"/>                <byte offset="1919CC" old="51" new="58"/>                <byte offset="1919CD" old="FF" new="5A"/>                <byte offset="1919CE" old="15" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919CF" old="4C" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D0" old="37" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D1" old="8E" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D2" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D3" old="C7" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D4" old="06" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D5" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D6" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D7" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="1919D8" old="00" new="90"/>                                <byte offset="4010C9" old="80" new="6A"/>                <byte offset="4010CA" old="3D" new="03"/>                <byte offset="4010CB" old="54" new="B9"/>                <byte offset="4010CC" old="8D" new="28"/>                <byte offset="4010CD" old="C0" new="66"/>                <byte offset="4010CE" old="00" new="A6"/>                <byte offset="4010D0" old="74" new="E8"/>                <byte offset="4010D1" old="13" new="6B"/>                <byte offset="4010D2" old="C6" new="FF"/>                <byte offset="4010D3" old="05" new="D5"/>                <byte offset="4010D4" old="54" new="FF"/>                <byte offset="4010D5" old="8D" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010D6" old="C0" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010D7" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010D8" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010D9" old="C7" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010DA" old="43" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010DB" old="0C" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010DC" old="04" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010DD" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010DE" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4010DF" old="00" new="90"/>                                <byte offset="4019D0" old="0F" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019D1" old="84" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019D2" old="23" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019D3" old="01" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019D4" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019D5" old="00" new="90"/>                                <byte offset="4019D9" old="0F" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019DA" old="84" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019DB" old="1A" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019DC" old="01" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019DD" old="00" new="90"/>                <byte offset="4019DE" old="00" new="90"/>	</changes></patch>

  6. Hi , I know that the class name & sprite path for each job is hard-coded in the client.


    But what I would like to know is if there is a way for the server to tell the client to pick up only the sprite and not change the class name or is it completely controlled by client only.


    (I saw that even for the Santa and Summer suits, the client changes the name to the default - Poring :P and I wanted to change that behavior if possible).


    P.S. I added the topic in source support because i'm looking for a solution in Source code if possible :D

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