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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. @ParSalian Is the client you mentioned as working for you the one you have posted earlier? I will try it out. Maybe its something issue related to the OS?


    @Judas & Shakto OK so about NPC Dialog Extend. Can someone test these? Looks like the Extend NPC Diff was incomplete. This should ( in theory )

    change the buffer size to 4096 bytes



    Find:    81 EC 08 08 00 00 A1 70 F0 99 00 33 C4 89 84 24 04 08 00 00 56 8B C1 57 8B BC 24 14 08 00 00 Replace: 81 EC 04 10 00 00 A1 70 F0 99 00 33 C4 89 84 24 00 10 00 00 56 8B C1 57 8B BC 24 10 10 00 00 Find:    FF D2 8B 8C 24 0C 08 00 00 5F 5E 33 CC E8 75 46 0C 00 81 C4 08 08 00 00Replace: FF D2 8B 8C 24 08 10 00 00 5F 5E 33 CC E8 75 46 0C 00 81 C4 04 10 00 00 

  2. Since people are still having trouble with clients. Working client => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mit3wqhach34c2r

    Diffs Already added in the client:



    Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo()Chat @ BugDisable HShieldDisable Ragexe Filename CheckDisable Swear FilterEnable 64k HairstylesEnable ASCII in TextEnable Custom 3D MobsEnable Multiple GRFsEnable TitleBar MenuEnforce Official Login BackgroundFix Camera Angles MediumIncrease Zoom Out 75%Read Data Folder FirstRead msgstringtable.txtRead questid2display.txtRemove Gravity AdsRemove Gravity LogoRemove Hourly GameGradeRemove Hourly Playtime MinderRemove Serial DisplaySkip License ScreenSkip Packet Header ObfuscationTranslate Client Into English - IncompleteUse Normal Client BracketsUse Plain Text DescriptionsUse Ragnarok IconJobname Fix For Taekwon Class for Langtype 0

    In addition to the above I have also made a second client that also includes the translations found from 2012 Translation (Need to know if this one has any bugs before i can add it to diff file) => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?e1oy851u97p1ld8

  3. nope i think rocred's source is not released as far as i know. Anyways since we have been hex editing clients anyways why not just hexedit rocred.exe :P. The title is interleaved with null bytes in the exe so u need to be careful when replacing. 


  4. updated diff file 

    @parsalian The issue is that even though the Restore Login Window patch brings up the old login window the disable hshield patch is causing issues with it.

    so for the time being we need to login the old way itself (using the .bat file) until it can be resolved. The launchers are just a better way to do it than .bat files thats all.

  5. wow no activity for 12 hours interesting.


    OK So I thought we should translate already known stuff to english from 2012 Translation.

    There are 66 Pairs of strings known as of right now (Thanks to nana and others for their hard work & to swadon for listing them together into the txt file for translation).

    I am not sure if all of them are in there - I used xviscript for replacing them.


    Anyways I made a client with all those replacements done (No other diffs have been added) => http://www.mediafire.com/?hhjmvzzouqepb21


    In case you want to add the translations to the exe you are using already. Download this file => http://www.mediafire.com/?784p7mwa164qjpf

    Open Client in XVI32 Editor, Select XVIScript->Editor. From the Editor window that pops up, Select Open and choose the above xsc file.

    Click Execute and then close the Editor. Save the exe. Enjoy :P


    Let me know if you face any issues. FYI there maybe more strings that need translation which were not there in 2012 clients.

  6. if i use primary as servertype i am getting the ragnarok.exe has changed error .Anyways its working finally. 


    Where are the intro strings being read from now (I mean the /w , /h etc descriptions that show up when you login)?


    I am getting them as korean now. I have put the msgstringtable.txt in data folder and using read data folder patch. I know its working since the Inventory tabnames are correct.

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