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Zell last won the day on November 11 2018

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  1. Hello, I'll use this post to show you some of my projects and modifications. The name of my server is called RO: Zero, but it started before gravity announced theirs, so I chose to keep the name. LOGIN SCREEN https://vimeo.com/287302640 https://vimeo.com/300142810 https://vimeo.com/274177970 SCRIPT & SOURCE Bet System https://vimeo.com/297864967 Pick Item with Mouse Click https://vimeo.com/288068416 Hack'n Slash Attack System https://vimeo.com/285431474 SkillShot System https://vimeo.com/269528679 Header Hud Char Info https://vimeo.com/268928510 LEAGUE OF LEGENDS INSPIRED SKILLS Ivern https://vimeo.com/270423927 https://vimeo.com/270211429 Kalista https://vimeo.com/270518714 Ash https://vimeo.com/270728857 Orianna https://vimeo.com/270911850 Xayah https://vimeo.com/271172345 Katarina https://vimeo.com/269402201 Client Edit New Hud Interface New Game Filter https://vimeo.com/303199417 Item Summon Screen https://vimeo.com/300142810 Rain https://vimeo.com/298893681 Campfire Button Shortcut https://vimeo.com/298498848 Discord Integration ________________________________________ A lot of other things I haven't record, but I will try to keep this updated soon.
  2. Zell


    Tudo que você precisa para fazer isso está no script_commands.txt
  3. Open /doc folder and be happy
  4. Zell

    Instance limits?

    On veronica online I used what annieru is saying. About the two chars, You could use something like this to makes two chars in one, a human and the virtual one. https://rathena.org/board/topic/101598-soul-system-like-shinigami-bleach/#entry291009
  5. That's what i am thinking , like stay at position you want npc, type some command, and choose npc name. house,0,0,5 script BED 422,{ query_sql(QUERY TO GET THE PLAYER ID WHO IS THE OWNER ,.@leader );if(.@leader!=getcharid(0)){message strcharinfo(0),"- I can't use this object.";end;} if(@H_BED==1){switch(select("- Leave Object")){case 1:set @H_BED,0; getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0);query_sql( UPDATE NEW X AND Y FROM BED );}end;} switch(select("Move Object")){ case 1:break;} set @H_BED,1;npcspeed 10; do { getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0); sleep2 100; getmapxy(.@mapname2$,.@map2x,.@map2y,0); if(.@mapx==.@map2x && .@map2y==.@mapy){ npcstop; }else{ npcwalkto .@mapx-1,.@mapy; } } while (@H_BED == 1 && .@mapname2$==.@mapname$); end;} end;} we have the system already ready, we are just discussing npc benefits. I'm just giving another way to move npcs like you are talking, its better than use @commands I quoted you: That's what i am thinking , like stay at position you want npc, type some command, and choose npc name.
  6. That's what i am thinking , like stay at position you want npc, type some command, and choose npc name. house,0,0,5 script BED 422,{ query_sql(QUERY TO GET THE PLAYER ID WHO IS THE OWNER ,.@leader );if(.@leader!=getcharid(0)){message strcharinfo(0),"- I can't use this object.";end;} if(@H_BED==1){switch(select("- Leave Object")){case 1:set @H_BED,0; getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0);query_sql( UPDATE NEW X AND Y FROM BED );}end;} switch(select("Move Object")){ case 1:break;} set @H_BED,1;npcspeed 10; do { getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0); sleep2 100; getmapxy(.@mapname2$,.@map2x,.@map2y,0); if(.@mapx==.@map2x && .@map2y==.@mapy){ npcstop; }else{ npcwalkto .@mapx-1,.@mapy; } } while (@H_BED == 1 && .@mapname2$==.@mapname$); end;} end;}
  7. I was on Mobile, waiting arrive home to edit. Edited anyway. And what I wanted to express was more easier in our native language.
  8. @PTBR Bem, se foi uma coincidência como disse, tudo bem. Por mais que seja uma baita, leia o tópico com meu sistema e entenda o meu motivo http://board.rotakusociety.com/index.php?/topic/25-3108-sistema-de-casas/#entry159 Foi bastante coincidência, tem que admitir, certo? Desculpe se lhe acusei, mas é que todo sistema que eu anuncio em meu servidor alguém começa a fazer por "coincidência" exatamente igual alguns dias depois, tanto que nem anúncio mais nada por causa disso. Meu problema nunca foi alguém copiar um sistema pro servidor pessoal dele, é de distribuir pra todos,,fazendo com que o sistema não tenha mais nada de exclusivo, mas se você diz que foi coincidência, então estou de boa. Foi bom que até vou reformular algumas coisas hoje a noite pra deixar o sistema melhor pra não ficarem achando que não fiz o meu. @ENG Well, if it was a coincidence as you said , all right. Read the topic with my system and understand my Reason http://board.rotakusociety.com/index.php?/topic/25-3108-sistema-de-casas/#entry159 It was quite a coincidence , have to admit , right? Sorry if I accused you, but is that any system that I announce my server in someone starts making by "coincidence" just like a few days later, so that not notice anything because of it. My problem was never anyone copy a system for personal server. It is to distribute to all, causing the system has not anything unique, but if you say it was a just a coincidence, so I'm good with you, after all you are free to script and release whatever you want. It was good that I'm going to rework some things tonight to make my system better and unique than this. It was quite a coincidence , have to admit , right
  9. The system is exactly what I show in my board. If he isn't Brazilian I wouldn't say nothing. But, anyway, I don't care about this, my system is more complete anyway and finished, so whatever, I wished good luck for him too
  10. hmm, I announced that exactly system in my server a month ago, and seeing your npc chat name, I can tell you are Brazilian too, and I don't believe it's just a coincidence, but ok. Well, this is why I'm not more giving news to my players about my server, many people are copying what I'm announce before I launch the server. Anyway, good look with the. The map it's more nice than mine after all
  11. Você leu meu comentario a cima? E esse seu comentário ainda não resolveu minha duvida! Por favor...comente algo mais útil!!! [Warning]: Usando uma gama IP curinga nos IPs de servidores autorizados não é recomendado. WTF? É só você clicar no primeiro link que da pesquisa do google que tem a solução
  12. É tão difícil fazer isso cara?????? https://www.google.com.br/search?q=%5BWarning%5D%3A+Using+a+wildcard+IP+range+in+the+allowed+server+IPs+is+NOT+RECOMMENDED.&oq=%5BWarning%5D%3A+Using+a+wildcard+IP+range+in+the+allowed+server+IPs+is+NOT+RECOMMENDED.%0A&aqs=chrome..69i57.1913j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  13. Hey guys. This is bballa99, the creator of the original PokemonRO (PokemonRO.net, not PokemonRO.com or Pokemon-RO.net or PkmnRO.com) from back in 2009.. the old site can be seen here: https://web.archive.org/web/20110809094609/http://pokemonro.net/forum/ In the past our forum had 700 members and was very active, however development slowed down to a halt as our lives got busier. I still have the original eAthena source code on my HD for many source edits such as the multiple Pokemon slot system, Pokemon catching system, homunculus/Pokemon player skills.. all created by the developers (including myself). I'm thinking of getting this project back online, however, I'm wondering if I should use Hercules or rAthena? And is anyone interested on helping me develop this again? Maybe we can pool resources. Anyways the original pokemonRO was meant to be an MMORPG in the exact style as the original Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow with the first 151 Pokemon. If anyone is interested feel free to send me a PM! I'd be happy to get my baby off the ground and back online again -bballa99 EDIT: Upon further investigation, it appears that one of the original PokemonRO developers has branched off and contributed to another brazil PokemonRO: Yes, here in Brazil the Pokerag is very famous mod. At the time of Veronica, Pokerag and One Piece they stood out, the administrator is called Sonic, but I don't know who is he on Cronus-Emulator, never heard of. They have a lot of systems and etc, lately they were stuck in time , but are launching a new server and are nice. But if I'm not mistaken at first It was very similar to your project but they improved.
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