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Everything posted by REKT

  1. REKT

    New to plugin system

    Oh i see, i'm just new to plugin system as i said. since i'm moving now to Herc. And also everytime i add plugin i only recompile are those? e.g manner,plugin-HPMHooking_char,HPMHooking_map and HPMHooking_log That's all?
  2. REKT

    New to plugin system

    @@hemagx So after adding the plugin and recompile. so everything should be recompile again? @_@
  3. REKT

    New to plugin system

    Sorry about that just new to plugin check if mine is correct. //====================================================//= _ _ _//= | | | | | |//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___//= | _ |/ _ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ / __|//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/__ //= _| |_/___|_| ___|__,_|_|___||___///=//= http://herc.ws/board///====================================================//== Topic Discussion ================================//== http://herc.ws/board/topic/549-introducing-hercules-plugin-manager///====================================================//== Description =====================================//The plugin system allows you to create customized scripts//outside of the source. These scripts won't conflict with any//future source updates - think of it as a /conf/import/ for the source.//==================================================== /* --------------- Format ---------------After you have listed your plugin(s) in "quotations",you need to put in a comma, to separate the plugins.-----------------------------------------plugins_list: [ "example", "other",]-----------------------------------------Please note that your scripts need to be savedin the .c (source code) extension and placed in the /src/plugin/ folder.-----------------------------------------*/plugins_list: [ /* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */ "HPMHooking", //"db2sql", //"sample", //"other", "manner",]
  4. Herc Git: Hercules (f975f0a What Error is this? sorry to ask but i'm just new to Plugin system.
  5. @@AnnieRuru thank you very much! yah i'm moving now to Hercules lol, i need the ASPD plugin for herc PM ME
  6. O_O let me check btw thank you!
  7. Yeah, i have a little problem about adding new NPC? i don't know why it won't work. can you please check this out? jobname.lub NPCIdentity,lub jobidentity,lub My script: // duplicates more if you need.prontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#0 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#1 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#2 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#3 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#4 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#5 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#6 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#7 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#8 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#9 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#10 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#11 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#12 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#13 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#14 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#15 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#16 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#17 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#18 MINE_ROCKprontera,0,0,4 duplicate(bitcoin_mining) Mine#19 MINE_ROCK
  8. where's the map? lol

  9. Hello, i'm bit confuse, where should i edit the problem exactly and also i'm just new to Hercules i just found out this script in old eAthena forum might can be use. // -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- // Poll System 1.1 // For eAthena TXT/SQL // (c) 2007, by Myzter (Raff - Pow4Ever.com) // -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- // - CHANGELOG // -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- // Ver. 1.0 [09-15-2007]: First public version // Ver. 1.1 [09-20-2007]: Added tables to save results on eAthena MySQL // Automatic TXT / SQL detection [with table creation] // Show/hide results before voting [Lupus suggestion] // -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- - script PollInternal -1,{OnInit: // Text for Add Option menu - don't remove color set $@NewOption$, "^1010FF<Add Option>^000000"; // MySQL Parameters - Only for eAthena MySQL Servers set $@PollPageSize, 3; // Paging Size (max: 125) set $@TimeFormat$, "%M %d, %Y %k:%i"; // September 20, 2007 14:20 // Other formats: [%m/%d/%Y %k:%i = 09/20/2007 14:20] [%d/%m/%Y %k:%i = 20/09/2007 14:20] // MySQL Auto-Detection set .MyExist, query_sql("select version()"); if (.MyExist < 0) { set $@UseMySQL,0; debugmes "Poll System: Working on TXT Mode"; } else { set $@UseMySQL,1; debugmes "Poll System: Working on SQL Mode"; } // First Time Initialization if (!$LastPollID && !$PollID) { cleararray $PollData$[0],"",128; set $PollData$[1],$@NewOption$; } // Table checking / creation if ($@UseMySQL == 1) { if ($@PollPageSize > 125) set $@PollPageSize, 125; set $@UseMySQL,2; // Don't ask why i'm doing this query_sql "show tables like 'poll_main'",.PollTable$; if (.PollTable$[0] == "") { debugmes "Poll System - Creating table `poll_main`"; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `poll_main` (`poll_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,`poll_creator` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,`poll_title` varchar(70) NOT NULL,`poll_started` datetime NOT NULL,`poll_finished` datetime default NULL,`poll_status` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`poll_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; } deletearray .PollTable$[0],1; query_sql "show tables like 'poll_options'",.PollTable$; if (.PollTable$[0] == "") { debugmes "Poll System - Creating table `poll_options`"; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `poll_options` ( `poll_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`poll_text` varchar(70) NOT NULL, `poll_votes` int(11) default '0' ) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; } } // The script will continue on OnTimerXXXXX to start the timerOnTimer30000: // Check every 30 seconds initnpctimer; if (!$PollID || !$PollDuration) end; // Static Counter - VERY HELPFUL (Current Time - Started Time >= Wanted Time) if ($PollDurationType) if ((gettimetick(2) - $PollStartDate) / 60 >= $PollDuration) callfunc "AutoClosePoll",1; else if ((gettimetick(2) - $PollStartDate) / 3600 >= $PollDuration) callfunc "AutoClosePoll,1"; end;} - script Poll -1,{ if ($@NewOption$ == "") goto OnInit; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if (!$PollID && !$LastPollID) { mes "Hi " + strcharinfo(0) + ", this is a nice day to play RO."; close; } if ($@UseMySQL) set @ViewHistoryPolls$,"^626200View Old Polls^000000"; else set @ViewHistoryPolls$,"View Previows Poll"; if ($PollID) { if (#LastPollID != $PollID) { if (($PollMinLevel && BaseLevel < $PollMinLevel) || ($PollMaxLevel && BaseLevel > $PollMaxLevel)) { mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", your character don't meet the requirements for voting."; mes " "; if ($PollMinLevel) mes "> ^FF0000Minimum level: ^FF0000" + $PollMinLevel + "^000000"; if ($PollMaxLevel) mes "> ^FF0000Maximum level: ^FF0000" + $PollMaxLevel + "^000000"; close; } mes "Hi " + strcharinfo(0) + ", please vote."; switch ($PollPrizeType) { case 1: mes "> Prize: ^FF0000+" + $PollPrizeAmount + "%^000000 Base Level"; mes "> Chance: ^FF0000" + $PollPrizeProb + "%^000000"; break; case 2: mes "> Prize: ^FF0000+" + $PollPrizeAmount + "%^000000 Job Level"; mes "> Chance: ^FF0000" + $PollPrizeProb + "%^000000"; break; case 3: mes "> Prize: ^FF0000" + $PollPrizeAmount + "z^000000"; mes "> Chance: ^FF0000" + $PollPrizeProb + "%^000000"; } mes " "; mes " (1 vote x account)"; if ($LastPollID) set @MainMenu$, "^0000F0Vote^000000:" + @ViewHistoryPolls$ + ":^FF0000Exit^000000"; else set @MainMenu$, "^0000F0Vote^000000::^FF0000Exit^000000"; } else { mes "Hi " + strcharinfo(0) + ", may i help you?"; if ($LastPollID) set @MainMenu$, "^F00000View Current Poll^000000:" + @ViewHistoryPolls$ + ":^FF0000Exit^000000"; else set @MainMenu$, "^F00000View Current Poll^000000::^FF0000Exit^000000"; } } else { mes "Hi " + strcharinfo(0) + ", may i help you?"; set @MainMenu$, ":" + @ViewHistoryPolls$ + ":^FF0000Exit^000000"; } emotion e_no1; next; switch (select(@MainMenu$)) { case 1: goto L_Poll; case 2: if ($@UseMySQL) goto L_OldPolls; else { callfunc "DrawLastPoll"; close; } }L_Exit: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "I hope to see you again ^^"; close;L_PollClosed: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Oh sorry, the Poll is closed."; close;L_Poll: if (!$PollID) goto L_PollClosed; set @TotPollOpts, callfunc("CountPollOpts"); set @TotPollVotes, callfunc("CountPollVotes"); mes "^0000FF" + $PollData$[0] + "^000000"; mes " ^25B54C(Total Votes: " + @TotPollVotes + ")^000000"; if ($PollShowBeforeVote || #LastPollID == $PollID) { mes "^C0C0C0×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××^000000"; callfunc "DrawPollOption"; } if (#LastPollID != $PollID) { next; set @opc,select($PollData$[1],$PollData$[3],$PollData$[5],$PollData$[7],$PollData$[9],$PollData$[11],$PollData$[13],$PollData$[15], $PollData$[17],$PollData$[19],$PollData$[21],$PollData$[23],$PollData$[25],$PollData$[27],$PollData$[29],$PollData$[31], $PollData$[33],$PollData$[35],$PollData$[37],$PollData$[39],"^FF0000Exit^000000"); if (@opc == 21) goto L_Exit; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Selected Option:"; mes " >^0000FF" + $PollData$[@opc * 2 - 1] + "^000000 <"; next; if (select("^0000FFConfirm!^000000","^FF0000Change Option^000000") == 2) goto L_Poll; if (!$PollID) goto L_PollClosed; set #LastPollID,$PollID; set @PollVotes, atoi($PollData$[@opc * 2]) + 1; set $PollData$[@opc * 2], @PollVotes; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if ($PollPrizeType) { if ($PollPrizeProb < 100) { mes "Please, press <Next> to check your prize:"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000I hope you win!^000000"; next; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; } if (rand(100) <= $PollPrizeProb) { soundeffect "tming_success.wav",0; specialeffect2 610; emotion e_grat; mes "Congratulations!!!"; switch ($PollPrizeType) { case 1: set BaseExp, BaseExp + ((NextBaseExp / 100) * $PollPrizeAmount / 100) * 100; mes "You Win: ^FF0000+" + $PollPrizeAmount + "%^000000 Base Level"; break; case 2: set JobExp, JobExp + ((NextJobExp / 100) * $PollPrizeAmount / 100) * 100; mes "You Win: ^FF0000+" + $PollPrizeAmount + "%^000000 Job Level"; break; default: set zeny, zeny + $PollPrizeAmount; mes "You Win: ^FF0000+" + $PollPrizeAmount + "z^000000"; } } else { soundeffect "goat_die.wav",0; specialeffect2 611; emotion e_sry; mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", i hope you win the next time!"; mes " "; mes "Thank's for your Vote."; } } else { mes "Thanks for your vote " + strcharinfo(0) + "!"; } if (!$PollShowBeforeVote) { next; mes "^0000FF" + $PollData$[0] + "^000000"; mes " ^25B54C(Total Votes: " + (@TotPollVotes + 1) + ")^000000"; if ($PollShowBeforeVote || #LastPollID == $PollID) { mes "^C0C0C0×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××^000000"; callfunc "DrawPollOption"; } } } if ($PollMaxVotes && @PollVotes >= $PollMaxVotes) callfunc "AutoClosePoll",1; close;L_OldPolls: deletearray @pollcount[0],128; query_sql "select count(*) from poll_main where poll_status = 1",@pollcount; if (!@pollcount[0]) { mes "[^930781Poll History^000000]"; mes "Sorry, there are not Old Polls to view."; close; } set @ototpages, (@pollcount[0] - 1) / $@PollPageSize; set @opage, 1; while (1) { cleararray @opollid[0],0,128; cleararray @opolltit$[0],"",128; cleararray @opollstart$[0],0,128; cleararray @opollfinish$[0],0,128; cleararray @opolltot[0],0,128; set @pindex, @opage * $@PollPageSize - $@PollPageSize; set @cnt, query_sql("select a.poll_id, poll_title, date_format(poll_started,'" + $@TimeFormat$ + "'), date_format(poll_finished,'" + $@TimeFormat$ + "'), (select sum(poll_votes) from poll_options b where b.poll_id = a.poll_id) from poll_main a where poll_status = 1 order by poll_title limit " + @pindex + "," + $@PollPageSize,@opollid,@opolltit$,@opollstart$,@opollfinish$,@opolltot); mes "[^930781Old Polls Page " + @opage + "^000000]"; mes "Select a Poll to view the details."; next; if (@ototpages > 0 && @opage < @ototpages + 1) set @EndMenu$, "^0000FF> Next Page^000000:"; else set @EndMenu$, ":"; if (@opage > 1) set @EndMenu$, @EndMenu$ + "^0000FF< Previows Page^000000:^FF0000Exit^000000"; else set @EndMenu$, @EndMenu$ + ":^FF0000Exit^000000"; set @opc, select( @opolltit$[0], @opolltit$[1], @opolltit$[2], @opolltit$[3], @opolltit$[4], @opolltit$[5], @opolltit$[6], @opolltit$[7], @opolltit$[8], @opolltit$[9], @opolltit$[10], @opolltit$[11], @opolltit$[12], @opolltit$[13], @opolltit$[14], @opolltit$[15], @opolltit$[16], @opolltit$[17], @opolltit$[18], @opolltit$[19], @opolltit$[20], @opolltit$[21], @opolltit$[22], @opolltit$[23], @opolltit$[24], @opolltit$[25], @opolltit$[26], @opolltit$[27], @opolltit$[28], @opolltit$[29], @opolltit$[30], @opolltit$[31], @opolltit$[32], @opolltit$[33], @opolltit$[34], @opolltit$[35], @opolltit$[36], @opolltit$[37], @opolltit$[38], @opolltit$[39], @opolltit$[40], @opolltit$[41], @opolltit$[42], @opolltit$[43], @opolltit$[44], @opolltit$[45], @opolltit$[46], @opolltit$[47], @opolltit$[48], @opolltit$[49], @opolltit$[50], @opolltit$[51], @opolltit$[52], @opolltit$[53], @opolltit$[54], @opolltit$[55], @opolltit$[56], @opolltit$[57], @opolltit$[58], @opolltit$[59], @opolltit$[60], @opolltit$[61], @opolltit$[62], @opolltit$[63], @opolltit$[64], @opolltit$[65], @opolltit$[66], @opolltit$[67], @opolltit$[68], @opolltit$[69], @opolltit$[70], @opolltit$[71], @opolltit$[72], @opolltit$[73], @opolltit$[74], @opolltit$[75], @opolltit$[76], @opolltit$[77], @opolltit$[78], @opolltit$[79], @opolltit$[80], @opolltit$[81], @opolltit$[82], @opolltit$[83], @opolltit$[84], @opolltit$[85], @opolltit$[86], @opolltit$[87], @opolltit$[88], @opolltit$[89], @opolltit$[90], @opolltit$[91], @opolltit$[92], @opolltit$[93], @opolltit$[94], @opolltit$[95], @opolltit$[96], @opolltit$[97], @opolltit$[98], @opolltit$[99],@opolltit$[100],@opolltit$[101],@opolltit$[102],@opolltit$[103],@opolltit$[104], @opolltit$[105],@opolltit$[106],@opolltit$[107],@opolltit$[108],@opolltit$[109],@opolltit$[110],@opolltit$[111], @opolltit$[112],@opolltit$[113],@opolltit$[114],@opolltit$[115],@opolltit$[116],@opolltit$[117],@opolltit$[118], @opolltit$[119],@opolltit$[120],@opolltit$[121],@opolltit$[122],@opolltit$[123],@opolltit$[124],@EndMenu$); if (@opc < 126) { callfunc "ShowOldPoll",@opollid[@opc - 1],@opolltit$[@opc - 1],@opollstart$[@opc - 1],@opollfinish$[@opc - 1],@opolltot[@opc - 1]; if (select("Back","^FF0000Exit^000000") == 2) goto L_Exit; } else { switch (@opc) { case 126: set @opage, @opage + 1; break; case 127: set @opage, @opage - 1; break; case 128: goto L_Exit; } } }OnTouch: if (($PollID && #LastPollID != $PollID) && (($PollMinLevel && BaseLevel >= $PollMinLevel) || !$PollMinLevel) && (($PollMaxLevel && BaseLevel <= $PollMaxLevel) || !$PollMaxLevel) && !rand(5)) { emotion e_com; npctalk "Hi " + strcharinfo(0) + ", can you help me please?, it's free!"; } end;OnWhisperGlobal: if (getgmlevel() < 99) end; if (@whispervar0$ == "reset") { set #LastPollID,0; dispbottom "Now you can vote again in this Poll."; end; } mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Hi Master, what can i do for you?"; next; if ($PollID) set @MainMenu$,"::Close Poll:^FF0000Exit^000000"; else set @MainMenu$,"Configure Poll:Publish Poll::^FF0000Exit^000000"; switch(select(@MainMenu$)) { case 1: L_PollConfig: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if ($PollID) { mes "I'm sorry, you must close the current Poll before try to edit them or create a new one."; next; goto OnWhisperGlobal; } mes "Configure your Poll:"; next; L_PollConfig2: set @TotPollOpts, callfunc("CountPollOpts"); if ($PollMinLevel) set @MinLvL$,"Level " + $PollMinLevel; else set @MinLvL$,"no limit"; if ($PollMaxLevel) set @MaxLvL$,"Level " + $PollMaxLevel; else set @MaxLvL$,"no limit"; switch ($PollPrizeType) { case 1: set @PollPrize$,"Base Level (" + $PollPrizeAmount + "%/" + $PollPrizeProb + "%)";break; case 2: set @PollPrize$,"Job Level (" + $PollPrizeAmount + "%/" + $PollPrizeProb + "%)";break; case 3: set @PollPrize$,"Zeny (" + $PollPrizeAmount + "z/" + $PollPrizeProb + "%)";break; default: set @PollPrize$,"none"; } if ($PollDuration) { if ($PollDurationType) set @MenuDuration$, $PollDuration + " min(s)"; else set @MenuDuration$, $PollDuration + " hr(s)"; } else set @MenuDuration$, "no limit"; if ($PollMaxVotes) set @MenuMaxVotes$, $PollMaxVotes + ""; else set @MenuMaxVotes$, "unlimited"; if ($PollShowBeforeVote) set @ViewBeforeVote$, "Show Results Before Vote [^0000FFYes^000000]"; else set @ViewBeforeVote$, "Show Results Before Vote [^FF0000No^000000]"; switch (select("Title [^0000FF" + $PollData$[0] + "^000000]","Options [^FF0000" + @TotPollOpts + "^000000]","Duration [^FF0000" + @MenuDuration$ + "^000000]","Prize [^FF0000" + @PollPrize$ + "^000000]","Min. Lvl [^FF0000" + @MinLvL$ + "^000000]","Max. Lvl [^FF0000" + @MaxLvL$ + "^000000]","Max. Global Votes [^FF0000" + @MenuMaxVotes$ + "^000000]",@ViewBeforeVote$,"^FF0000Reset^000000","Back")) { case 1: L_PollQuestion: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please input the Poll Title:"; if ($PollData$[0] != "") mes "> Current Title: ^0000FF" + $PollData$[0] + "^000000"; mes " (1 to 70 characters)"; next; input @PollQuestion$; if (getstrlen(@PollQuestion$) > 70) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "The max length is 70 characters."; next; goto L_PollQuestion; } if (compare(@PollQuestion$,":")) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Invalid character detected [ ^FF0000:^000000 ]"; next; goto L_PollQuestion; } if (compare(@PollQuestion$,"^")) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Invalid character detected [ ^FF0000^^000000 ]"; next; goto L_PollQuestion; } mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "> ^FF0000" + @PollQuestion$ + "^000000 <"; next; if (select("Confirm","Back") == 2) goto L_PollConfig; set $PollData$[0],@PollQuestion$; goto L_PollConfig; case 2: L_PollOptions: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Select a option to edit / create:"; next; L_PollOptions2: set @TotPollOpts, callfunc("CountPollOpts"); if (@TotPollOpts > 1) set @RAO$,"^B13D05Remove All Options^000000"; else set @RAO$,""; set @opc,select($PollData$[1],$PollData$[3],$PollData$[5],$PollData$[7],$PollData$[9],$PollData$[11],$PollData$[13],$PollData$[15], $PollData$[17],$PollData$[19],$PollData$[21],$PollData$[23],$PollData$[25],$PollData$[27],$PollData$[29],$PollData$[31], $PollData$[33],$PollData$[35],$PollData$[37],$PollData$[39],@RAO$,"^FF0000Back^000000"); switch (@opc) { case 21: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Are you sure that you want to clear all Options?"; next; if (select("No","Yes") == 1) goto L_PollOptions; cleararray $PollData$[1],"",48; setarray $PollData$[1],$@NewOption$; goto L_PollOptions; case 22: goto L_PollConfig; } L_PollOptions3: set @pidx, @opc * 2 - 1; if ($PollData$[@pidx] != $@NewOption$) { switch (select("^F00000* Back^000000","^0000FF* Edit^000000 (" + $PollData$[@pidx] + ")","^800000* Move Up^000000","^8000E0* Move Down^000000","^FF0000* Delete^000000")) { case 1: goto L_PollOptions2; case 2: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Current Option:"; mes "> ^0000FF" + $PollData$[@pidx] + "^000000 <"; break; case 3: if (@pidx > 1) { set @NewOption$, $PollData$[@pidx]; set $PollData$[@pidx],$PollData$[@pidx - 2]; set $PollData$[@pidx - 2],@NewOption$; } goto L_PollOptions2; case 4: if (@pidx < @TotPollOpts * 2 - 1) { set @NewOption$, $PollData$[@pidx]; set $PollData$[@pidx],$PollData$[@pidx + 2]; set $PollData$[@pidx + 2],@NewOption$; } goto L_PollOptions2; case 5: set @px,@pidx; set @mopt,@TotPollOpts * 2; while (@px < @mopt) { set $PollData$[@px],$PollData$[@px + 2]; set @px, @px + 2; } if ($PollData$[@px - 2] != $@NewOption$) set $PollData$[@px], $@NewOption$; else if ($PollData$[@px] == $@NewOption$) set $PollData$[@px], ""; goto L_PollOptions2; } } else { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please input this Option:"; } next; input @NewOption$; if (compare(@NewOption$,":")) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Invalid character detected [ ^FF0000:^000000 ]"; next; goto L_PollOptions3; } if (compare(@NewOption$,"^")) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Invalid character detected [ ^FF0000^^000000 ]"; next; goto L_PollOptions3; } set @pollidx, callfunc("SearchOption",@NewOption$); if (@pollidx == @opc) goto L_PollOptions; if (@pollidx) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes ">> ^FF0000Duplicate option!^000000 <<"; mes "That option already exist in the position #^FF0000" + @pollidx + "^000000."; next; goto L_PollOptions3; } mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if ($PollData$[@pidx] != $@NewOption$) mes "Previows Option: ^0000FF" + $PollData$[@pidx] + "^000000"; mes "New Option: ^FF0000" + @NewOption$ + "^000000"; next; if (select("Confirm","Back") == 2) goto L_PollOptions; set $PollData$[@pidx],@NewOption$; if ($PollData$[@pidx + 2] == "") { set $PollData$[@pidx + 2],$@NewOption$; set $PollData$[@pidx + 3],"0"; } goto L_PollOptions; case 3: L_PollDuration: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Select the time unit:"; next; switch(select("Minutes","Hours","Back")) { case 1: set @PollDurationType,1;break; case 2: set @PollDurationType,0;break; default: goto L_PollConfig; } mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if ($PollDurationType) mes "Input the duration of the Poll (minutes):"; else mes "Input the duration of the Poll (hours):"; mes "(0: unlimited)"; next; input @PollDuration; if (@PollDuration < 1) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Do you want to set unlimited time to this Poll?"; next; menu "Unlimited Time",-,"Change",L_PollDuration,"Back",L_PollConfig; set $PollDuration,0; set $PollDurationType,0; } else { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if (@PollDurationType) mes "Poll duration: " + @PollDuration + " minute(s)"; else mes "Poll duration: " + @PollDuration + " hour(s)"; next; menu "Confirm",-,"Change",L_PollDuration,"Back",L_PollConfig; set $PollDuration,@PollDuration; set $PollDurationType,@PollDurationType; } goto L_PollConfig; case 4: L_PollPrizes: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please, select the prize for this Poll:"; next; set @pprize, select("Base Exp","Job Exp","Zeny","^FF0000No Prizes^000000","^FF0000Back^000000"); if (@pprize == 4) goto L_PollConfig; switch(@pprize) { case 1: L_BLR: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please, input the Base Level Rate for this prize:"; mes " (1-100%, 0: Cancel)"; next; input @pbl; if (!@pbl) goto L_PollPrizes; if (@pbl > 100) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "The max amount of Base Level for a Poll Prize is 100%"; next; goto L_BLR; } break; case 2: L_JLR: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please, input the Job Level Rate for this prize:"; mes " (1-100%, 0: Cancel)"; next; input @pbl; if (!@pbl) goto L_PollPrizes; if (@pbl > 100) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "The max amount of Job Level for a Poll Prize is 100%"; next; goto L_JLR; } break; case 3: L_ZEN: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please, input the amount of zeny for this prize:"; mes " (100-100000, 0: Cancel)"; next; input @pbl; if (!@pbl) goto L_PollPrizes; if (@pbl > 100000) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "The max amount of zeny for a Poll Prize is 100,000z"; next; goto L_ZEN; } break; case 4: set $PollPrizeType,@pprize; set $PollPrizeAmount,@pbl; set $PollPrizeProb,@pbp; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Poll Prize removed!"; next; default: goto L_PollConfig; } mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; switch(@pprize) { case 1: mes "Prize: ^FF0000" + @pbl + "% of Base Level";break; case 2: mes "Prize: ^FF0000" + @pbl + "% of Job Level";break; case 3: mes "Prize: ^FF0000" + @pbl + " of Zeny";break; } mes "^000000Please, input the probabilities to win:"; mes "(1-100%, 0: Cancel)"; next; input @pbp; if (!@pbp) goto L_PollPrizes; if (@pbp > 100) set @pbp, 100; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; switch(@pprize) { case 1: mes "Prize: ^FF0000" + @pbl + "%^000000 of Base Level";break; case 2: mes "Prize: ^FF0000" + @pbl + "%^000000 of Job Level";break; case 3: mes "Prize: ^FF0000" + @pbl + "^000000 of Zeny";break; } mes "Probabilities: ^FF0000" + @pbp + "%^000000"; next; if (select("Confirm","Back") == 2) goto L_PollConfig; set $PollPrizeType,@pprize; set $PollPrizeAmount,@pbl; set $PollPrizeProb,@pbp; goto L_PollConfig; case 5: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please, input the minimum Base Level required for Vote:"; mes "(0: All)"; next; input @minlvl; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Minimum level required for Vote: ^FF0000" + @minlvl + "^000000"; next; if (select("Confirm","Back") == 2) goto L_PollConfig; set $PollMinLevel,@minlvl; if ($PollMinLevel && $PollMaxLevel && $PollMinLevel > $PollMaxLevel) { set @maxlvl,$PollMinLevel; set $PollMinLevel, $PollMaxLevel; set $PollMaxLevel, @maxlvl; } goto L_PollConfig; case 6: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please, input the maximum Base Level required for Vote:"; mes "(0: no limit)"; next; input @maxlvl; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Maximum level required for Vote: ^FF0000" + @maxlvl + "^000000"; next; if (select("Confirm","Back") == 2) goto L_PollConfig; set $PollMaxLevel,@maxlvl; if ($PollMinLevel && $PollMaxLevel && $PollMinLevel > $PollMaxLevel) { set @maxlvl,$PollMinLevel; set $PollMinLevel, $PollMaxLevel; set $PollMaxLevel, @maxlvl; } goto L_PollConfig; case 7: L_PollMaxVotes: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Please, input the total votes to count before close the Poll:"; mes "(0: no limit)"; next; input @PollMaxV; if (@PollMaxV < 1) { set @PollMaxV,0; goto L_PollConfig; } mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "The Poll will be closed after count " + @PollMaxV + " vote(s)"; next; menu "Confirm",-,"Change",L_PollMaxVotes,"Back",L_PollConfig; set $PollMaxVotes,@PollMaxV; goto L_PollConfig; case 8: if ($PollShowBeforeVote) set $PollShowBeforeVote,0; else set $PollShowBeforeVote, 1; goto L_PollConfig2; case 9: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Are you sure that you want to delete the current Poll configuration?"; next; if (select("Yes","No") == 1) callfunc "ClearPollData",0; goto L_PollConfig; default: goto OnWhisperGlobal; } case 2: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if ($PollID) { mes "The Poll is already published."; next; goto OnWhisperGlobal; } if ($PollData$[0] == "") { mes "Sorry, you must define the Poll Title with 2 or more options."; next; goto OnWhisperGlobal; } set @TotPollOpts, callfunc("CountPollOpts"); if (@TotPollOpts < 2) { mes "Sorry, before publish this Poll create at least 2 options to vote."; next; goto OnWhisperGlobal; } for (set @px,1; @px < 42; set @px,@px + 2) { if ($PollData$[@px] == $@NewOption$) set $PollData$[@px],""; } if ($PollDuration) { if ($PollDurationType) set @MenuDuration$, $PollDuration + " min(s)"; else set @MenuDuration$, $PollDuration + " hr(s)"; } else set @MenuDuration$, "sin límite"; mes "Title: ^0000FF" + $PollData$[0] + "^000000"; mes "> Duration: ^0000FF" + @MenuDuration$ + "^000000"; mes "^C0C0C0×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××^000000"; callfunc "DrawPollOption"; next; if (select("Publish Poll","Back") == 2) goto OnWhisperGlobal; set $PollInternalID, $PollInternalID + 1; set $PollID, $PollInternalID; if ($@UseMySQL) query_sql "insert into poll_main (poll_id,poll_creator,poll_title,poll_started) values (" + $PollID + "," + getcharid(3) + ",'" + escape_sql($PollData$[0]) + "', now())"; set $PollStartDate, gettimetick(2); announce "New Poll: [" + $PollData$[0] + "], Please Vote!",bc_all; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "It's done, waiting players votes!"; close; case 3: mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; if (!$PollID) { mes "Sorry, there are not a active Poll right now."; next; goto OnWhisperGlobal; } mes "Title: " + $PollData$[0] + "^000000"; callfunc "DrawPollOption"; next; if (select("Close Poll","Back") == 2) goto OnWhisperGlobal; mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Are you sure that you want to close this Poll?"; next; if (select("No","Yes") == 1) goto OnWhisperGlobal; if (!$@UseMySQL) { mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "Save the results in the option '^0000FFView Previows Poll^000000'?"; mes " "; mes "(^FF0000replace Last Poll information^000000)"; next; switch (select("Save","Don't Save","Back")) { case 1:callfunc "AutoClosePoll",1;break; case 2:callfunc "AutoClosePoll",0;break; default:goto OnWhisperGlobal; } } else { callfunc "AutoClosePoll",0; } mes "[^930781Tokumitsu^000000]"; mes "The Poll was Closed!"; next; goto OnWhisperGlobal; } goto L_Exit;} function script CountPollOpts { set @TotPollOpts,0; for (set @cpox,1; @cpox < 41; set @cpox,@cpox + 2) { if ($PollData$[@cpox] != "" && $PollData$[@cpox] != $@NewOption$) set @TotPollOpts,@TotPollOpts + 1; } return @TotPollOpts;} function script CountPollVotes { set @TotPollOpts,0; for (set @cpvx,2; @cpvx < 42; set @cpvx,@cpvx + 2) { if ($PollData$[@cpvx] != "") set @TotPollOpts,@TotPollOpts + atoi($PollData$[@cpvx]); } return @TotPollOpts;} function script CountOldPollOpts { set @TotPollOpts,0; for (set @copox,51; @copox < 91; set @copox,@copox + 2) { if ($PollData$[@copox] != "" && $PollData$[@cpox] != $@NewOption$) set @TotPollOpts,@TotPollOpts + 1; } return @TotPollOpts;} function script CountOldPollVotes { set @TotPollOpts,0; for (set @copvx,52; @copvx < 92; set @copvx,@copvx + 2) { if ($PollData$[@copvx] != "") set @TotPollOpts,@TotPollOpts + atoi($PollData$[@copvx]); } return @TotPollOpts;} function script SearchOption { for (set @so,1; @so < 42; set @so,@so + 2) { if ($PollData$[@so] == getarg(0)) return @so / 2 + 1; } return 0;} function script ClearPollData { set $PollID, 0; if (getarg(0)) announce "The Poll [" + $PollData$[0] + "] was closed, thanks for your feedback!",bc_all; cleararray $PollData$[0],"",49; setarray $PollData$[1],$@NewOption$; set $PollDuration,0; set $PollMinLevel,0; set $PollMaxLevel,0; set $PollPrizeType,0; set $PollPrizeAmount,0; set $PollPrizeProb,0; set $PollMaxVotes,0; return;} function script DrawPollOption { set @TotPollVotes, callfunc("CountPollVotes"); for (set @dpox,1; @dpox < 42; set @dpox,@dpox + 2) { if ($PollData$[@dpox] != "") { set @DPVotes,atoi($PollData$[@dpox + 1]); mes (@dpox / 2 + 1) + ". ^FF9C01" + $PollData$[@dpox]; if (@DPVotes) set @pct,21 * (@DPVotes * 100 / @TotPollVotes) / 100; else set @pct,0; set @DPOLine$,"^FF0000"; for (set @DPO,0; @DPO < 21; set @DPO, @DPO + 1) { if (@DPO < @pct) { set @DPOLine$,@DPOLine$ + "¤"; } else { if (@DPO - 1 < @pct) set @DPOLine$,@DPOLine$ + "^DCDCDC"; set @DPOLine$,@DPOLine$ + "¤"; } } mes @DPOLine$ + "^000000 ^DC883E[" + @DPVotes + " vote(s)]^000000"; } } return;} function script DrawLastPoll { set @TotPollVotes, callfunc("CountOldPollVotes"); mes "^0000FF" + $PollData$[50] + "^000000"; mes " ^25B54C(Total Votes: " + @TotPollVotes + ")^000000"; mes " (^FF0000Closed^000000)"; mes "^C0C0C0×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××^000000"; for (set @dlpx,51; @dlpx < 90; set @dlpx,@dlpx + 2) { if ($PollData$[@dlpx] != "") { set @DPVotes,atoi($PollData$[@dlpx + 1]); mes ((@dlpx - 50) / 2 + 1) + ". ^FF9C01" + $PollData$[@dlpx]; if (@DPVotes) set @pct,21 * (@DPVotes * 100 / @TotPollVotes) / 100; else set @pct,0; set @DPOLine$,"^F0AF00"; for (set @DPO,0; @DPO < 21; set @DPO, @DPO + 1) { if (@DPO < @pct) { set @DPOLine$,@DPOLine$ + "¤"; } else { if (@DPO - 1 < @pct) set @DPOLine$,@DPOLine$ + "^DCDCDC"; set @DPOLine$,@DPOLine$ + "¤"; } } mes @DPOLine$ + "^000000 ^DC883E[" + @DPVotes + " votes]^000000"; } } return;} function script AutoClosePoll { cleararray $PollData$[50],"",77; if ($@UseMySQL) { for (set .acpx,1; .acpx < 42; set .acpx,.acpx + 2) { if ($PollData$[.acpx] != "") query_sql "insert into `poll_options` (`poll_id`,`poll_text`,`poll_votes`) values (" + $PollID + ",'" + escape_sql($PollData$[.acpx]) + "'," + atoi($PollData$[.acpx + 1]) + ")"; } query_sql "update `poll_main` set `poll_finished` = now(), `poll_status` = 1"; } if (getarg(0)) { for (set .acpx,0; .acpx < 42; set .acpx,.acpx + 1) { set $PollData$[.acpx + 50],$PollData$[.acpx]; } set $LastPollID,$PollID; } callfunc "ClearPollData",1; return;} function script ShowOldPoll { deletearray .@polltext$[0],128; deletearray .@pollvotes[0],128; mes "[^0000FFPoll Details^000000]"; mes "Title: ^0000FF" + getarg(1) + "^000000"; mes "> Total Votes: ^FF0000" + getarg(4) + "^000000"; mes "> ^930781" + getarg(2) + " to " + getarg(3) + "^000000"; mes "(^FF0000sorted by votes^000000)"; mes "^C0C0C0×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××^000000"; set .@totopts, query_sql("select `poll_text`, `poll_votes` from `poll_options` where `poll_id` = " + getarg(0) + " order by `poll_votes` desc",.@polltext$,.@pollvotes); for (set .@x,0; .@x < .@totopts; set .@x, .@x + 1) { mes (.@x + 1) + ". ^0000FF" + .@polltext$[.@x] + "^000000"; if (.@pollvotes[.@x]) set @pct,21 * (.@pollvotes[.@x] * 100 / getarg(4)) / 100; else set @pct,0; set @SOPLine$,"^F0AF00"; for (set @SOP,0; @SOP < 21; set @SOP, @SOP + 1) { if (@SOP < @pct) { set @SOPLine$,@SOPLine$ + "¤"; } else { if (@SOP - 1 < @pct) set @SOPLine$,@SOPLine$ + "^DCDCDC"; set @SOPLine$,@SOPLine$ + "¤"; } } mes @SOPLine$ + "^000000 ^DC883E[" + .@pollvotes[.@x] + " votes]^000000"; } next; return;} // Duplicatesegg1.gat, 208, 185, 5 duplicate(PollInternal) Poll Board#1-1 2_BULLETIN_BOARD /*prontera,171,180,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#1 831,7,7morocc,172,88,0 duplicate(Poll) Poll#2 831,7,7geffen,103,55,5 duplicate(Poll) Poll#3 831,7,7payon,150,208,6 duplicate(Poll) Poll#4 831,7,7alberta,149,135,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#5 831,7,7izlude,142,151,3 duplicate(Poll) Poll#6 831,7,7aldebaran,137,102,6 duplicate(Poll) Poll#7 831,7,7xmas,150,207,2 duplicate(Poll) Poll#8 831,7,7comodo,182,153,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#9 831,7,7yuno,150,124,6 duplicate(Poll) Poll#10 831,7,7amatsu,191,102,6 duplicate(Poll) Poll#11 831,7,7gonryun,163,142,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#12 831,7,7umbala,75,173,6 duplicate(Poll) Poll#13 831,7,7niflheim,202,160,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#14 831,7,7louyang,224,70,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#15 831,7,7ayothaya,159,92,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#16 831,7,7einbroch,104,202,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#17 831,7,7lighthalzen,258,206,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#18 831,7,7einbech,113,179,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#19 831,7,7hugel,75,163,5 duplicate(Poll) Poll#20 831,7,7rachel,142,147,6 duplicate(Poll) Poll#21 831,7,7veins,201,132,4 duplicate(Poll) Poll#22 831,7,7*/
  10. from japanese ragnarok site '-' NVM
  11. Does anybody know or share how can i download the official jRO Client?
  12. IT works @@AnnieRuru, thank you for having this time. Anyways, for the source. hopefully you could make also.
  13. Thank you for this script @@AnnieRuru i really appreciate it. I guess, this script works only for Hercules.
  14. How i wish, rAthena has a Plugin- System
  15. @@AnnieRuru can you please help me with this?
  16. Thanks for the respond Annie, currently i'm using a47af46 or 15149
  17. This script really works @@KirieZ thanks for this, but everytime the conversation close. this pop-up in my map-server. egg1.gat, 275, 178, 5 script Dressing Girl 1_F_MARIA,{ addtimer 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnChangeBack"; mes "do you want to try out the look of some awesome headgear?"; next; .@headId = 0; switch(select("- Upper:- Middle:- Lower")) { case 1: .@headId = select(.upperMenu$) - 1; .@headId = .upper[.@headId]; break; case 2: .@headId = select(.middleMenu$) - 1; .@headId = .middle[.@headId]; break; case 3: .@headId = select(.lowerMenu$) - 1; .@headId = .lower[.@headId]; break; } if ( getiteminfo( .@headId, 5 ) & 256 ) changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, getiteminfo( .@headId, 11 ); else if ( getiteminfo( .@headId, 5 ) & 512 ) changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID, getiteminfo( .@headId, 11 ); else if ( getiteminfo( .@headId, 5 ) & 1 ) changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, getiteminfo( .@headId, 11 ); else { mes "this is not a headgear."; close; } mes "That's look nice on you"; close; OnChangeBack: .@top = getequipid(EQI_HEAD_TOP); changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, ( .@top == -1 )? 0 : getiteminfo( .@top, 11 ); .@mid = getequipid(EQI_HEAD_MID); changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID, ( .@mid == -1 )? 0 : getiteminfo( .@mid, 11 ); .@low = getequipid(EQI_HEAD_LOW); changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, ( .@low == -1 )? 0 : getiteminfo( .@low, 11 ); end; OnInit: // Upper headgear setarray .upper[0], 29080; // middle headgear setarray .middle[0], 29466; // lower header setarray .lower[0], 29490; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.upper); .@i++ ) .upperMenu$ = .upperMenu$ + getitemname(.upper[.@i]) +":"; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.middle); .@i++ ) .middleMenu$ = .middleMenu$ + getitemname(.middle[.@i]) +":"; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.lower); .@i++ ) .lowerMenu$ = .lowerMenu$ + getitemname(.lower[.@i]) +":"; end;}
  18. @@KirieZ ill try this Thank you friend.@@AnnieRuru yeah, i usually do spacing with coordinates all of my script Lemme check this and thank you both i appreciate that!
  19. Hi, Sorry if i'm not allowed in here since i'm rAthena user. i just wanna ask for support about script of AnnieRURU's script Dressing Girl. How to add something like this: Category: Upper Middle Lower And Arrays for category .upper[0] .middle[0] .lower[0] egg1.gat, 275, 178, 5 script Dressing Girl 1_F_MARIA,{ addtimer 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnChangeBack"; mes "do you want to try out the look of some awesome headgear?"; next; .@s = select( .menu$ ) -1; if ( getiteminfo( .headgear[.@s], 5 ) & 256 ) changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, getiteminfo( .headgear[.@s], 11 ); else if ( getiteminfo( .headgear[.@s], 5 ) & 512 ) changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID, getiteminfo( .headgear[.@s], 11 ); else if ( getiteminfo( .headgear[.@s], 5 ) & 1 ) changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, getiteminfo( .headgear[.@s], 11 ); else { mes "this is not a headgear."; close; } mes "That's look nice on you"; close;OnChangeBack: .@top = getequipid(EQI_HEAD_TOP); changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, ( .@top == -1 )? 0 : getiteminfo( .@top, 11 ); .@mid = getequipid(EQI_HEAD_MID); changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID, ( .@mid == -1 )? 0 : getiteminfo( .@mid, 11 ); .@low = getequipid(EQI_HEAD_LOW); changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, ( .@low == -1 )? 0 : getiteminfo( .@low, 11 ); end;OnInit: setarray .headgear[0], // Add as many as possible 29488, 29489; .headgearsize = getarraysize(.headgear); //for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .headgearsize; ++.@i ) Hercules for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .headgearsize; .@i++ ) .menu$ = .menu$ + getitemname(.headgear[.@i]) +":"; end;} And also it gives me [Debug] Source (NPC) Dressing Girl at egg1 (275,178,) Thank you in Advance
  20. There's a mod like this from rAthena which is from Lilit's Mod.
  21. Does it work on 2014-10-22b client?
  22. Any chances to have this topic back since its not been answered yet, yeah there is someone saying reverse engine code but the "THING" is how? people are to much posting but no proof yet.
  23. REKT

    Unique nicks

    I have this mod If you want i can send for you) if you send me too that would be greatly appreciated!
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