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Everything posted by nana

  1. nana


    how can i fix it? add this line in the header #include "../common/timer.h" I got the same error =(
  2. nana

    announce rates

    Thanks i think i get it .. i'll try !!!
  3. nana

    announce rates

    How can i add to this script (sorry i'm a new scripter now TOT) that announce every hour the current rates after change What i think i did was: every monday at 00:00 i change rates all week for a random ones betwen 5x and 8x, then i reloadmobdb and finally i announce it...but i guess only happen once x_x - script dynamic_exp -1,{OnInit:OnHour00: if( gettime(4) == 1 ) { // If its Monday if( gettime(3) == 00) { set $@brate,rand(500,800); set $@jrate,rand(500,800); //Base exp setbattleflag("base_exp_rate",$@brate); //Job exp setbattleflag("job_exp_rate",$@jrate); //we don't change card drops rate, because these values won't change them anyway atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; announce "Current AkiaRO rates are: "+($@brate/100)+"x "+($@jrate/100)+"x ",bc_all,0xFF6060; } }} Thanks in advance ^^U
  4. nana


    I got this errors =( how can i fix it?
  5. I change it ACCESSORY_GOLDEN_FISH = 1081, ACCESSORY_MINI_ANGEL_WINGS = 1082, but now looks like unknown and still see as big ribbon x_x! ________________________________________________________ i fix the unknown but still bog ribbon T_T oh i fixed plop thanks a lot ^^U
  6. I follow this guide http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Items And apparently all goes well ... but.... when i use the item i view big ribbon... (i use view 28) so i think ..ok maybe i need change that 28 to my ID so i use 31000.. and all fails >.< cause i cant use the item, so i roll back and ask help =( Can anyone explainme a little better where i messed up? ^^U sorry >< This are my screen shots and my db item_bd item lub Acc lub accid
  7. Thanks!! solved T^T ~~!!!
  8. Yesterday i setup a local server to test hercules .. today i was testing stuffs, however... when i try get cart i cant see it, the NPC said i have one after rent it but i never get it o.o Can anyone help me? i dont see any error in the console I'm using last version of Hercules plus 2013-12-23Ragexe_Full_Client i dwnload here to >.< i attach some screens Firstone to ensure i have all skills i use @allskills then i try rent cart Can anyone help me plz >.<?
  9. Not good on client side (dunno how many times I ever say this on a single week ) but last time it happened to me, it was because of a misconfiguration either in the other servers' IP at conf/char-server.conf and conf/map-server.conf. If you're setting it as a local test webserver, please try with their default values (commented) so that server will autodetect. You'll receive warning messages but that worked for me. LOL woo!! thanks a lot... sorry i didnt touch an emu since long time ago T_T Thanks!!! <3
  10. i foloow your guide but with the 2013-12-23Ragexe_Full_Client however when i try login.. i can, i got the Server(0) screen, but in that time i got this error on the emu [status]: Connection of the account 'USUARIO' accepted. [info]: Closed connection from 'MYIP'. Someone knows why this happn T_T my server wont crash, ,i just can login but cant access to my char or map >.< Thanks =(
  11. How can i make this thing: 1.- I have a sniper + rudrabow 2.- Sniper makes "owls eyes bonus quest" 3.- Sniper recieve +10 dex +30atk 4.- sniper makes "double strife quest" 5.- Sniepr recieve +10% more damg on double strife +10 vit At the end of this 2 quests sniper have both bonus, in that char +10 dex +30 atk +10 vit +10% more dmg with ds :S thanks in advance =(
  12. The crossdomain file is like a "free access" from some server to make request with the freedom of a LAN system, it is normally used for Flash Player, because Flash player don't permit that the app access to content that don't exist in the domain where the flash is located (sorry my bad english) The main use is this (maybe with this you can understand better): If I have my flash file in dns1.com and I have an image from dns2.com, Flash player send us an error if this dns2.com don't exist in the crossdomain I hope it help you =)
  13. Si es sobre la carpeta System te puede servir ésto: ve a tu iteminfo.lub dentro de la carpeta system y encontrarás algo asi [ID del item] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Nombre del item NO identificado", unidentifiedResourceName = "Nombre de el Sprite usado No identificado(tambien reconoce los archivos act y texture)", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Agregamos una descripción para el objeto NO identificado", } identifiedDisplayName = "Nombre del item IDENTIFICADO", identifiedResourceName = "Nombre del Sprite usado IDENTIFICADO(también reconoce los archivos act y texture)", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Agregaremos una descripcion", } slotCount = Nos indica el numero de Slot siendo estos de 0 a 4, ClassNum = Aquí agregaremos la IDVIEW } Solo llena los campos con lo que necesitas: [1134] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Kiut_Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "Òµså", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Item desconocido, puede ser identificado con [Magnifier].", }, identifiedDisplayName = "Kiut Hat", identifiedResourceName = "ÆúeÃÅ", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Es un hat misterioso que te puede hacer llegar a las nubes.", "Clase :^777777 Headgear^000000", "Ataque :^777777 3^000000", "Peso :^777777 60^000000", "Nivel Requerido :^777777 2^000000", "Apropiado para :^777777 Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000", }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 2 }, Saludos!
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