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Everything posted by Jaburak

  1. Tested all known GRF Encryptor in windows 8 and all of them doesn't really work.
  2. Type in the terminal; ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Hongkong /etc/localtime
  3. Latest Flux CP Design for InvokeRO For more sample designs; Click Me!
  4. hehehe..I mean the word Hercules instead of proud to be..hehehe. anyway thanks... Proud to be Hercules?
  5. Thanks guys! Sure, just give me a details of yours. I'll make one if you want. xD Anyways; can someone give a special slogan for Hercules?
  6. Jaburak

    Tetra Vortex aspd

    ASPD effects or the skill cast? Anyways, you can edit the skill behavior here. Hercules/blob/master/db/re/skill_cast_db.txt //-- WL_TETRAVORTEX2217,5000:6000:7000:8000:9000,2000,0,20000,0,15000,2000 Hercules/blob/master/db/re/skill_db.txt 2217,11,6,1,0,0,0,5,1,yes,0,0,0,magic,0, WL_TETRAVORTEX,Tetra Vortex2218,11,6,1,3,0,0,5,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0, WL_TETRAVORTEX_FIRE,Tetra Vortex Fire2219,11,6,1,1,0,0,5,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0, WL_TETRAVORTEX_WATER,Tetra Vortex Water2220,11,6,1,4,0,0,5,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0, WL_TETRAVORTEX_WIND,Tetra Vortex Wind2221,11,6,1,2,0,0,5,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0, WL_TETRAVORTEX_GROUND,Tetra Vortex Earth
  7. Can I use it too? haha! Anyway thanks for sharing Anakid Yea sure!
  8. Yes, I will do it later when I got home.
  9. Hello, Just want to share my Hercules Userbar, you can use this userbar if you want.
  10. db/re/item_trade.txt Add: 2410,1,1002541,1,1005013,1,1002630,1,1001530,1,1002383,1,1007227,1,100
  11. Try this? //===== rAthena Script =======================================//= MvP Room//===== Template By: =========================================//= Soul//===== Script Overhaul By: ==================================//= Mysterious//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 2.2//===== Compatible With: =====================================//= rAthena SVN //===== Description: =========================================//= A MvP Room with a Tool Dealer, Healer, and NPC that summons//= MvPs, Mini Bosses, and Dungeon Monsters//===== TODO: ================================================// - Revise whole script//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= v1.0 - First release [Soul]//= v1.1 - Fixed Credits [Mysterious]//= v1.2 - Fixed Typos [Mysterious]//= v1.3 - Fixed Sentences [Mysterious]//= v1.4 - Friendly Messages [Mysterious]//= v1.5 - Removed useless spaces [Mysterious]//= v1.6 - Removed useless spaces (Again) [Mysterious]//= v1.7 - Fixed more sentences [Mysterious]//= v1.8 - Missed a typo [Mysterious]//= v1.9 - Organized the script a little more [Mysterious]//= v2.0 - Fixed and implemented proper duplicates [Mysterious]//= v2.1 - Fixed Credits [Mysterious]//= v2.2 - Fixed spacing between NPCs [Mysterious]//============================================================prontera,144,101,5 script MvP Room 971,{ mes "[ MvP Room ]"; mes "Hello there!"; mes "Would you like to test out the MvP Room?"; next; menu "- Yeah Sure!",M_Yes,"- No Thanks!",M_No;M_Yes:next; mes "[ MvP Room ]"; mes "Very well. Which room would you like to go into?"; next; menu "- Room 1",M_r1,"- Room 2",M_r2,"- Room 3",M_r3,"- Room 4",M_r4,"- Room 5",M_r5;M_r1: warp "pvp_n_1-2",96,101; close;M_r2: warp "pvp_n_2-2",96,101; close;M_r3: warp "pvp_n_3-2",96,101; close;M_r4: warp "pvp_n_4-2",96,101; close;M_r5: warp "pvp_n_5-2",96,101; close;M_No:next; mes "[ MvP Room ]"; mes "Alright! Please come back when you think you're ready."; close;}// ============= Healer (Duplicates bottom of script)pvp_n_2-2,98,106,5 script Healer 914,{ mes "[ Healer ]"; mes "I have amazing healing powers!"; mes "You look like a person who needs them.."; mes "Want some?"; next; menu "- Heal",-,"- No thanks",M_CANCEL; percentheal 100,100; mes "[ Healer ]"; mes "Wonderfull, You are now healed!."; mes "Good luck!"; close; M_CANCEL: mes "[ Healer ]"; mes "Allright, come back if you need a heal."; close;}//====== Monster vs Player ======pvp_n_1-2,96,106,5 script MvP Master#1-2::MvP Master 766,{ mes "[ MvP Master ]"; mes "How can I help you?"; next; menu "- MvP",M_MvP,"- Mini Boss",M_Mini,"- Dungeon Monster",M_Dungeon,"- Quit",M_CANCEL;M_MvP:next; mes "[ MvP Master ]"; mes "Choose your MvP:"; next; menu //-------------MvP Monsters----------- "- Amon Ra", Amon, "- Baphomet", Bapho, "- Dark Lord",Dark, "- Doppelg?nger",DG, "- Dracula",Drac, "- Drake",Drake, "- Eddga",Eddga, "- Evil Snake Lored",ESL, "- Golden Thief Bug",GTB, "- Garm",Garm, "- Incarnation Samurai",Samu, "- Stormy Knight",SK, "- Lord of Death",LoD, "- Maya",Maya, "- Mistress",Missy, "- Moonlight Flower",Moony, "- Orc Hero",Hero, "- Orc Lord",Lord, "- Osiris",Osiris, "- Pharaoh",Phara, "- Phreeoni", Phree, "- Tao Gunka",Tao, "- Turtle General",TG, "- Quit",mvp_CANCEL; Amon: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Amon Ra" ,1511,1;close; Bapho: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Baphomet" ,1039,1; close; Dark: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Dark Lord" ,1272,1; close; DG: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Doppelganger" ,1446,1;close; Drac: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Dracula" ,1389,1;close; Drake: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Drake" ,1112,1;close; Eddga: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Eddga" ,1115,1;close; ESL: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Evil Snake Lord" ,1418,1;close; GTB: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Golden Thief Bug" ,1086,1;close; Garm: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Garm" ,1252,1;close; Samu: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Incantation Samurai" ,1492,1;close; SK: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Stormy Knight" ,1251,1;close; LoD: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Lord of Death" ,1373,1;close; Maya: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Maya" ,1147,1;close; Missy: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Mistress" ,1059,1;close; Moony: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Moonlight Flower" ,1150,1;close; Hero: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Orc Hero" ,1087,1;close; Lord: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Orc Lord" ,1190,1;close; Osiris: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Osiris" ,1038,1;close; Phara: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Pharaoh" ,1157,1;close; Phree: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Phreeoni" ,1159,1;close; Tao: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Tao Gunka" ,1583,1;close; TG: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Turtle General" ,1312,1;close;// ===== Mini Boss =====M_Mini:next; mes "[ MvP Master ]"; mes "Choose your Mini Boss:"; next; menu //------------------Mini Bosses---------------------- "- Abysmal Knight",Abi, "- Am Mut",Am, "- Alice",Alice, "- Angeling",Angel, "- Arc Angeling",Arc, "- Cat O' Nine Tail",Cato, "- Chimera",Chim, "- Creamy Fear",Fear, "- Deviling",Devi, "- Eclipse",Ecli, "- Ghostring",GH, "- Hydrolancer",Hydro, "- Mastering",Master, "- Maya Purple",MP, "- Owl Baron",OB, "- Owl Duke",OD, "- Zealotus",Zea, "- Quit",mvp_CANCEL; Abi: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Abysmal Knight" ,1219,1;close; Am: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Am Mut" ,1301,1;close; Alice: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Alice" ,1275,1;close; Angel: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Angeling" ,1096,1;close; Arc: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Arc Angeling" ,1388,1;close; Cato: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Cat O' Nine Tail" ,1307,1;close; Chim: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Chimera" ,1283,1;close; Fear: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Creamy Fear" ,1293,1;close; Devi: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Deviling" ,1582,1;close; Ecli: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Eclipse" ,1093,1;close; GH: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Ghostring" ,1120,1;close; Hydro: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Hydrolancer" ,1720,1;close; Master: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Mastering" ,1090,1;close; MP: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Maya Purple" ,1289,1;close; OB: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Owl Baron" ,1295,1;close; OD: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Owl Duke" ,1320,1;close; Zea: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Zealotus" ,1200,1;close;// ====== Dungeon Monsters =======M_Dungeon:next; mes "[ MvP Master ]"; mes "Choose your Dungeon Monster:"; next; menu //------------------Dungeon Monsters---------------------- "- Bloody Knight",BK, "- Dark Illusion",DI, "- Mobster",MOB, "- Gryphon",Gryph, "- Harpy",Harp, "- Garm Baby",GB, "- Wicked Nymph",WN, "- Mummy",Mum, "- Skogul",Sko, "- Rybio",Ryb, "- Zombie Master",ZM, "- Quit",mvp_CANCEL;BK: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Bloody Knight" ,1268,1;close;DI: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Dark Illusion" ,1302,1;close;MOB: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Mobster" ,1313,1;close;Gryph: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Gryphon" ,1259,1;close;Harp: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Harpy" ,376,1;close;GB: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Garm Baby" ,1515,1;close;WN: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Wicked Nymph" ,1416,1;close;Mum: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Mummy" ,1041,1;close;Sko: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Skogul" ,1752,1;close;Ryb: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Rybio" ,1201,1;close;ZM: monster "pvp_n_1-2.gat",117,99,"Zombie Master" ,1298,1;close;//================================================================================ mvp_CANCEL: next; mes "[ MvP Master ]"; mes "Please come back when you know what to summon."; close; M_CANCEL: next; mes "[ MvP Master ]"; mes "Please come back whenever you feel like it!"; close;}//Duplicated MvP Masterspvp_n_2-2,96,106,5 duplicate(MvP Master) MvP Master#2-2 766pvp_n_3-2,96,106,5 duplicate(MvP Master) MvP Master#3-2 766pvp_n_4-2,96,106,5 duplicate(MvP Master) MvP Master#4-2 766pvp_n_5-2,96,106,5 duplicate(MvP Master) MvP Master#5-2 766//Duplicated Healerspvp_n_1-2,98,106,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#1 914pvp_n_3-2,98,106,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#2 914pvp_n_4-2,98,106,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#3 914pvp_n_5-2,98,106,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#4 914// Tool Dealerspvp_n_1-2,100,106,5 shop Tool Dealer 83,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504:-1,506:-1,601:-1,602:-1,611:-1,610:-1,645:-1,656:-1pvp_n_2-2,100,106,5 shop Tool Dealer 83,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504:-1,506:-1,601:-1,602:-1,611:-1,610:-1,645:-1,656:-1pvp_n_3-2,100,106,5 shop Tool Dealer 83,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504:-1,506:-1,601:-1,602:-1,611:-1,610:-1,645:-1,656:-1pvp_n_4-2,100,106,5 shop Tool Dealer 83,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504:-1,506:-1,601:-1,602:-1,611:-1,610:-1,645:-1,656:-1pvp_n_5-2,100,106,5 shop Tool Dealer 83,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504:-1,506:-1,601:-1,602:-1,611:-1,610:-1,645:-1,656:-1
  12. How to add it in script.c?
  13. This works in rAthena SVN too?
  14. Ohh, alright thanks! Is there anyway to change it to the old quest window?
  15. Hello, I downloaded your file but I still have a korean language in my quest window.
  16. My client reads lua, all the features like booking, battle and etc are working fine and they're translated. I only got problem with this quest window. This is the one I used.
  17. Hello, I downloaded and tried Michieru translation client project(Link). But I still have a korean language in my quest window.
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