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Everything posted by Jaburak

  1. You mean, you want us to remove LHZ and Thana in the warper's menu?
  2. For me it doesn't matter, what more important here is; help them.
  3. It depends on the style you want, message or email us so we can discuss about it.
  4. Case should be case. // NPC Name must have a Number behind it. ex Name#1 , Name#2,...prontera,142,171,5 script Quest Event Ryu#1 412,{function ChainedQuest;mes "I am Ryu, the Chained Quest Npc";mes "You can redo the previous quest if you finish all of the quest";mes "Be carefull if you lose 1 prize part of the quest you cannot continue anymore";mes "GM team will never replace your lost item";mes "Thankyou and enjoy the quest!";next;// Quest Setup : // ChainedQuest( Reward,Amount , Required Zeny, {Item1,Amount1,Item2,Amount2,...} );switch( getd( "Quest"+strnpcinfo(2) ) ){ case 0: ChainedQuest( 6012,1, 1000000, 1001,50, 731,20, 957,30 ); case 1: ChainedQuest( 7464,1, 0, 7218,100, 607,200 ); case 2: ChainedQuest( 7461,1, 0, 7069,150, 923,50 ); case 3: ChainedQuest( 7598,1, 500000, 607,200, 7345,50, 7163,100 ); case 4: ChainedQuest( 7466,1, 0, 7115,200, 7116,100 ); case 5: ChainedQuest( 6016,1, 150000, 947,100, 1048,100, 958,100 ); case 6: ChainedQuest( 7469,1, 500000, 944,200 ); case 7: ChainedQuest( 7462,1, 0, 7124,50, 725,50, 707,10, 7219,100 ); case 8: ChainedQuest( 7601,1, 1000000, 6041,50, 7100,50, 963,100 ); case 9: ChainedQuest( 6017,1, 0, 935,150, 718,150, 7035,1, 7291,1 ); case 10: ChainedQuest( 19538,1, 300000, 6012,1, 7464,1, 7461,1, 7598,1, 7466,1, 6016,1, 7469,1, 7462,1, 7601,1, 6017,1 );default: mes "Greetings from ChrysalisRO team"; mes "We wanna congratulate you for finishing the Quest!"; next; mes "Hope you do the next Chain quest event :)"; set getd( "Quest"+strnpcinfo(2) ),0; close;}OnPCLoadMapEvent: showevent 1,0; end;function ChainedQuest { for( set .@i,3; getarg( .@i,0 ) != 0 ; set .@i,.@i + 2 ){ if( countitem( getarg( .@i ) ) < ( getarg( .@i + 1 )) ){ mes "COMPLETE THE 11 PART QUEST TO OBTAIN ^FF0000COSTUME FULL MOON^000000"; mes "[ ^FF0000Part "+( getd( "Quest"+strnpcinfo(2) ) + 1 )+"^000000 ]"; mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000"; mes "^FF0000Reward^000000 : "+getarg(1)+" x ^0000FF"+getitemname( getarg(0) )+"^000000"; mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000"; mes "then bring me those items :"; mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000"; mes ( Zeny < getarg(2) ? "^FF0000":"^0000FF" )+getarg(2)+" Zeny^000000"; for( set .@a,3; getarg( .@a,0 ) != 0 ; set .@a,.@a + 2 ){ mes (( countitem(getarg( .@a )) < ( getarg(.@a + 1 )) )? "^FF0000[ "+countitem(getarg(.@a))+" / "+(getarg(.@a+1)):"^0000FF[ "+getd( "Quest"+strnpcinfo(2) ) )+" ] "+getitemname(getarg(.@a))+"^000000 "; } close; } } if( Zeny < getarg( 2 ) ){ mes "You required "+getarg( 2 )+" Zeny."; close; } mes "[ ^FF0000Part "+( getd( "Quest"+strnpcinfo(2) ) + 1 )+"^000000 ]"; mes "Look's like you have collected all"; mes "^FF0000_______________________________^000000"; mes ( Zeny < getarg(2) ? "^FF0000":"^0000FF" )+getarg(2)+" Zeny^000000"; for( set .@i,3; getarg( .@i,0 ) != 0 ; set .@i,.@i + 2 ){ mes "^FF0000"+getarg( .@i+1 )+" x ^0000FF "+getitemname( getarg( .@i ) )+"^000000"; } next; if( select("^0000FFContinue^000000:Cancel") == 2 ){ mes "Okay..as you wish ~ come back again when you do continue it."; close; } for( set .@i,3; getarg( .@i,0 ) != 0 ; set .@i,.@i + 2 ){ delitem getarg( .@i ),getarg( .@i + 1 ); } set Zeny,Zeny - getarg( 2 ); set getd( "Quest"+strnpcinfo(2) ),getd( "Quest"+strnpcinfo(2) ) + 1; mes "You will be rewarded with "; mes "^0000FF_______________________________^000000"; mes "^FF0000"+getarg(1)+"^000000 x ^0000FF"+getitemname( getarg(0) )+"^000000"; mes "^0000FF_______________________________^000000"; getitem getarg(0),getarg(1); close;OnInit:waitingroom "EVENT: CHAIN QUEST",0; }}prontera mapflag loadevent
  5. db/re/skill_db.txt Find: 471,9,6,1,0,0x1,0,3,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0, SL_SKE,Eske Change to: 471,9,6,4,0,0x1,0,3,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0, SL_SKE,Eske
  6. Jaburak

    IPB database

    Try to check your cPanel -> Phpmyadmin.
  7. This script will help you. npc/re/guides/guides_prontera.txt
  8. Try.. Just change the itemID#. prontera,200,180,3 script test 123,{if(countitem(7227) < 10 || countitem(7179) < 10) goto Lne;mes "Okay, here you go!";delitem 7227,10;delitem 7179,10;getitem 5135,1;announce strcharinfo(0)+" has finished Megingjard Quest. Congratulations!",bc_all;specialeffect2 248;close;Lne:mes "Do you want to make this item?";mes "You have to bring me these ingredients!";mes "10 TCG";mes "10 PODS";close;}
  9. The error message says it all. You should change the Monster to monster and Emperium to EMPERIUM. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. Try to import manually your item_db2.sql
  11. Like this? prontera,200,180,3 script test 123,{if(countitem(7227) < 10 || countitem(7179) < 10) goto Lne;mes "Okay, here you go!";delitem 7227,10;delitem 7179,10;getitem 5135,1;close;Lne:mes "Do you want to make this item?";mes "You have to bring me these ingredients!";mes "10 TCG";mes "10 PODS";close;}
  12. Jaburak

    IPB database

    Go to your database -> Optimize Table -> Repair Table.
  13. - script healtest -1,{ .@price = 0; // Zeny required for heal .@Buffs = 1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@Delay = 1; // Heal delay, in seconds if( getbrokenid(1) ) repairall; getinventorylist; while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){ if ( !@inventorylist_identify[.@i] ){ delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; } .@i++; } if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@price) { message strcharinfo(0),"Healing costs "+.@price+" Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@price) end; if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close; Zeny -= .@price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INC_AGI,360000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; } if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; close;OnInit: waitingroom "Healer",0;}
  14. - shop donateshop 111,501:50prontera,200,180,3 script Donate Shop 112,{ set @i,0; mes "[Donate Shop]"; mes "Each item will cost you some ^008800Voting Proof Tickets^000000"; mes "Select only one."; callshop "donateshop",1; npcshopattach "donateshop"; end;OnBuyItem: if(.BuildQuest) { for(set .e,0; !compare(getarg(.e+1),"Zeny"); set .e,.e+2) {} npcshopadditem "donateshop",getarg(.e+2),getarg(.e)*compare(getarg(.e+1),"SZeny"); setarray .Shop[.i],getarg(.e+2); set .i,.i+1; goto Quest_Setup; } if(.Shop[@i]!=@bought_nameid) for(set @i,1; 1; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } for(set @i,1; !@e; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set @e,1; set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } mes "[Donate Shop]"; mes "I require the following:"; for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) mes "^880000" + ((countitem(getarg(@i))>=getarg(@i+1))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + " [" + countitem(getarg(@i)) + "/" + getarg(@i+1) + "]"; if(getarg(@i)) mes "^880000" + ((Zeny>=getarg(@i))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i) + " Zeny"; mes "^000000In exchange, I will give you:^000088"; for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) mes getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)); switch(select("Exchange:" + (((((getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 1) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 256) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 512)) && @equip==0))? "Preview Item":"") + ":No thanks")) { case 1: for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) if(countitem(getarg(@i)) < getarg(@i+1)) { next; mes "You have " + countitem(getarg(@i)) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + ", while I require " + getarg(@i+1) + "."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i+1)-countitem(getarg(@i))) + " more " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + "^000000."; close; } if(Zeny < getarg(@i)) { next; mes "You do not have enough Zeny."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i)-Zeny) + " more Zeny^000000."; close; } for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) delitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(@i); for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) getitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); if (compare(getarg(@i,0),"announce")) announce strcharinfo(0) + " has just obtained " + getitemname(@bought_nameid) + "!",bc_all; close; case 2: set @bottomview, getlook(3); set @topview, getlook(4); set @midview, getlook(5); addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On_Leave"; set @equip,getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 5); set @view, getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 11); if(@equip != -1 && @view > 0) { if(@equip & 1) atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @view; if(@equip & 256) atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @view; if(@equip & 512) atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @view; } next; goto OnBuyItem; case 3: close; }On_Leave: atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @topview; atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @midview; atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @bottomview; set @equip,0; set @view,0; set @topview,0; set @midview,0; set @bottomview,0; end;OnInit: npcshopitem "donateshop",0,0; set .BuildQuest,1; set .i,1;Quest_Setup: switch(.i) { default: set .BuildQuest,0; set .e,0; set .i,0; end; case 1: callsub OnBuyItem,7179,10,10,"SZeny",5135,1; }}
  15. Make sure that you're using the correct password in your config/server.php
  16. There will be too many changes. You can contact @ossi0110 for this.
  17. - script cellbasi -1,{ OnInit: setcell "prontera",148,167,163,157,cell_basilica,1; end;}
  18. I'm new to hercules but try this one. prontera,150,180,4 script LMS Event 100,{ warp "guild_vs3",0,0; end;OnInit: hideonnpc ""+strnpcinfo(0); hideonnpc "Reward#LMS"; getmapxy(.m$,.x,.y,1,strnpcinfo(0)); mapwarp "guild_vs3",""+.m$,.x,.y; end;OnClock0100: mapwarp "guild_vs3",""+.m$,.x,.y; announce "[Announce] : LMS Event is active. Warp Prontera 150 180!" ,bc_all; hideoffnpc ""+strnpcinfo(0); initnpctimer; end;OnTimer10000: hideonnpc ""+strnpcinfo(0); mapannounce "guild_vs3","[Announce] : Event Start!!!",0; pvpon "guild_vs3"; if(!getmapflag("guild_vs3",mf_pvp_noparty)) { set .mf_pvp_noparty,1; setmapflag "guild_vs3",mf_pvp_noparty; } if(!getmapflag("guild_vs3",mf_pvp_noguild)) { set .mf_pvp_noguild,1; setmapflag "guild_vs3",mf_pvp_noguild; } if(!getmapflag("guild_vs3",mf_gvg)) { set .mf_pvp_noguild,1; setmapflag "guild_vs3",mf_gvg; } end;OnTimer30000://Clean all player. if(getmapusers("guild_vs3")==1) { hideoffnpc "Reward#LMSE"; mapwarp "guild_vs3","guild_vs3",50,50; }else mapwarp "guild_vs3",""+.m$,.x,.y; pvpoff "guild_vs3"; if(.mf_pvp_noparty) { set .mf_pvp_noparty,0; removemapflag "guild_vs3",mf_pvp_noparty; } if(.mf_pvp_noguild) { set .mf_pvp_noguild,0; removemapflag "guild_vs3",mf_pvp_noguild; } if(.mf_gvg) { set .mf_gvg,0; removemapflag "guild_vs3",mf_gvg; } stopnpctimer; end;}guild_vs3,50,50,4 script Reward#LMS 100,{ announce "[Announce] : LMS Event winner is "+strcharinfo(0)+" !!!", bc_all; getitem 675,1; hideonnpc ""+strnpcinfo(0); warp "save",0,0; end;}
  19. s1 Lykos Designs ----------- ----------- s1 Lykos, a website design and development team specializing in affordable customized web site/blog design, interactive web development, database-to-web integration, web-based application etc. We also offers ragnarok sprites, patcher, and banner design, etc. ----------- Contact Information Available! (Updated as of January 7, 2021) Website: https://www.facebook.com/s1LykosDesigns Discord: https://discord.gg/4wGfrg7Q8d Services Splash | Web Design Patcher Skin Loading | Login Screen Banner | Logo Coding (HTML, HTML 5, JQuery, CSS, SQL, PHP) Flux CP Addons Custom Sprites Custom Job Headgears | Animated HG Custom Weapons NPC Sprite Monster Sprite Recolors ----------- Want to see more sample designs? Check every pages of this thread! Splash/Landing Page Showcase Flux Design Mocks Custom RO Sprites Showcase Patcher Designs Animated Banners(GIFs) Want to see more sample designs? Check every pages of this thread!
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