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  1. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to ossi0110 in Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI   
    atm it dont give any good protections out there for 2013 clients ^^
  2. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to ossi0110 in Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI   
    problem of Jezu Fixed
  3. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to ossi0110 in Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI   
    replied your PM , just send me the lines i asked  for ,  it seems the patch is not applied correct
  4. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to ossi0110 in Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI   
    Hercules Harmony Patch - 30 MAI
    Made Possible Thanks to
    This is a Diff Patch for the Latest Hercules Version ( Cloned for arround 30 Mins) ,   All Harmony Functions are working , and no server crashe etc.
    I Only Provide a Diff file for the Harmon Version 3.3.12 .
    This Diff only Contains the Harmony SRC Part .  you will have to add your own .BIN files from your harmony Package.
    the diff got tested on Linux / Mac and  WIN7/WIN8 with VS 2010 , no patch error or compiling error.
  5. Upvote
    Jezu got a reaction from icabit in Introducing Hercules' Map Zone Database   
    sir @Ind;
    Is there a % based regarding on skill damage cap on Map Zone Database?
    for example, if I put 50, the skill will increase by 50%, and -50 then, that will decrease the damage by -50% 
  6. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to karazu in Costume System v1   
    Thank you very much for this, my only problem is how to apply the patches?

    tried copy pasting them but i got error in compiling!
  7. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Jedzkie in Ragnarok Web Game! by game321   
    hi guys! game321 is making Ragnarok Zero, a ragnarok web browser game! all infos are here http://ragnarok.game321.com/storyline.shtml
  8. Upvote
    Jezu got a reaction from madtoyz in RO Client Package for Private Server   
    and please NOTE, the package contains Data and System folder only. The EXE is not included on the package. 
    - Data| -- book/| -- sprite/| -- luafiles514/| -- texture/| -- bafrostjoke.txt| -- cardpostfixnametable.txt| -- cardprefixnametable.txt| -- dc_scream.txt| -- GuildTip.txt| -- mapnametable.txt| -- metalprocessitemlist.txt| -- msgstringtable.txt| -- questid2display.txt| -- tipoftheday.txt| -- pettalktable.xml- System| -- Font/| -- ItemInfo.lua| -- monster_size_effect.lua| -- MsgString.lua| -- optioninfo.lua| -- ShadowTable.lua| -- Towninfo.lua 
  9. Upvote
    Jezu got a reaction from Neo-Mind in Customize NPC Shop   
    Hello guys!
    As you can see, customize NPC shops like Euphy's script is a bit hard but it is understand-able when you read it throughly. Why don't we make it simple. 
    Just like 'cashshop' and 'shop' on ordinary NPC. This is an example and it comes the idea from eAmod.
    the <itemid> will be the currency of the said NPC. It will be much easier and can be more customizable. 
    Helpful with rewards, main currencies, etc etc.
  10. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Dastgir in Customize NPC Shop   
    I made this, Just Wait for some minute for me to upload this patch.
    File : ItemShop-May15.diff
    <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>,<item_id> ishop <npc name> <spriteid>,<itemid>:<amount>,.....  Once download gets approved by mods, http://herc.ws/board/files/file/6-customized-shop-needs-item/
    Tested And Working.
  11. Upvote
    Jezu got a reaction from icabit in Customize NPC Shop   
    Hello guys!
    As you can see, customize NPC shops like Euphy's script is a bit hard but it is understand-able when you read it throughly. Why don't we make it simple. 
    Just like 'cashshop' and 'shop' on ordinary NPC. This is an example and it comes the idea from eAmod.
    the <itemid> will be the currency of the said NPC. It will be much easier and can be more customizable. 
    Helpful with rewards, main currencies, etc etc.
  12. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to jaBote in Making Pull Requests on Hercules   
    Do you remember the many advantages Git has against Subversion (SVN)? One of those many advantages is the fact that in Git, you can send pull requests in order to directly collaborate with the community, without even the need of being an official Hercules dev, and if you contribute enough you can surely become a dev if you want. Well then, this is an – as detailed as possible – guide on how to make them.
    First of all: What is a pull request? It's a way of telling the original devs of a (commonly open-sourced) project what changes you've made yourself on their project supposedly for the better, and kindly ask them (request) to merge it (pull). In short, it's a way of collaborating to a project without the need of being related at all to it. Obviously, your pull request may be rejected if it doesn't meet some requirements, but this is another story.
    Git does also offer its own tools for pull requests (more info), but they're incompatible with the ones GitHub has. Moreover, GitHub pull request tools are easier to use than Git's.
    What steps are required in order to do a pull request? In abstract, you'll have to:
    Sign up for a GitHub account, if you don't have it already. Fork Hercules project in GitHub, if you haven't done this already. Clone your previous fork to a local repository in your computer, if you haven't done this already. Work on your fork. Commit your changes to your local repository. Push the changes you've previously committed to your remote repository on GitHub. Make the aforementioned pull request to the Hercules official repository. Steps 3 and 5 have already been shown on the Obtaining Hercules guide by @Ind (Obtaining Hercules through Git on *insert OS here* and Troubleshooting sections). These two steps will be slightly reviewed, but expect a fully detailed how-to in the others.
    By the way, GitHub also has its own (generic) guides on how to fork a repo and then make a pull request, which also explain the toughest parts of this guide (though they're not so tough) and cover steps 2-6 (supposing you have a Git console). You're encouraged to go and read them if you want.
    Well, here we go with the guide!
    Step 1: Sign up for a GitHub account

    Step 2: Fork Hercules project in GitHub

    Steps 3 to 6: Local computer work

    Step 7: (Finally) submitting the pull request

    Congratulations! You have successfully made your first pull request on Hercules! This is a reason to be proud of yourself, isnt it?
  13. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Dastgir in kRO/iRO Patch Files (ftp)   
    Since I haven't seen this topic in Hercules, I am posting This.
    This is Patch site of kRO:
    ftp://ragnarok.nowcdn.co.kr:20021/Patch  No Login Required.
    About iRO, I have seen it nowhere around all the boards of emulator....
    Here is iRO patch site:
    ftp://patch2.playragnarok.com/patch No Login Required.
  14. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Ind in Hercules April 22 Patch   
    Hercules April 22 Patch
    Hello~! - What?!
    1st, most of these things were meant to be released separately but as I started to work with them one thing hooked up to another and I ended up deciding to get all out at once No second today! The all-long, all-mighty list
    New Map Zone DB Updates Added New "All" Zone, easy way to add modifiers to all maps in the game. Automatically inherited by all existent zones. Added new zone setting disabled_commands, can disable any command in any zone "command-name: min-group-lv" also supports min group level to override, to enable back a command disabled by inheritance just use "command-name: 0" Added new zone setting skill_damage_cap (as requested by the community), can cap any skill damage to any range of unit types, and also a new core config "HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE" that controls how the cap is applied (before or after modifiers) New target-type support (used by skill_damage_cap and disabled_skills): PET (special thanks to frenzmu06 for bringing it up!), CLONE and MOB_BOSS Added support to ids! item and skill ids may now be employed in all sections of the file in the place of item/skill names Detailed Map Zone DB Update Hercules Channel System Update Added a IRC bridge as requested by the community, allows users outside of the game (but in a irc network e.g. thru mobile/cel app) to communicate with anyone in-game that is within a specific #channel, and vice-versa Detailed Channel System Update Added Beret and Yommy's suggestion on cash shop file format, also added support for item ids Added Ryuuzaki's kafra point support to the new cashshop Updated map-server's save_setting, added new option: 128, to save buyingstore transactions on the fly Revisited bindatcmd feature, dropped level support, added group level support and added a new flag capable of deciding whether calls to that command should be logged in the atcommand log. Performance Improvement Added a in-memory list to store existent shops (saves iterating through all online players) Modified searchstore to use said db above, making its queries faster Improved pc_groups processing, decreased runtime ram usage by a about 1mb. Improved @command log processing through groups, now caching the state (no longer does dbmap lookup). Improved atcommand.conf file processing (was doing a extra lookup instead of using atcommand_exists already-performed lookup result) Improved atcommand's help file processing (no more lookups! string is now cached directly in the atcommandinfo struct of each command) and data management Improved @help's processing: dropped the huge config file lookup and replaced by using the caches. Improved atcommand logging, added option to not log specific commands (so you dont waste log room with stuff such as @iteminfo/@mobinfo/etc) -- atcommand.conf nolog group Sightly improved zone inheritance processing. Speeded up mvp drop processing Speeded up item log processing Speeded up mob item drop processing Misc With map_zone_db's new clone support, flag 0x8000 (no-clone-use) in the skill db was dropped With map_zone_db's new way to block commands, mapflag nogo was dropped. Fixed a number of discrepancies between unsigned and signed variables in many packets. Fixed loading messages for exp_db, attr_fix, statpoint, mob_chat_db, mob_pouch, mob_branch, mob_classchange, mob_boss, mob_poring and item_group_db pets from gms who cant drop items no longer can loot items (prevents exploit where gm kills something, pet loots, then drops and action is not logged nor blocked). Fixed combo bonuses that used getrefine on weapons/cards that affect weapons. Added @searchstore as to offer same availability to gms as @auction/@mail does Improved 2013 client charselect procedure, all thanks to Yommy! Links~!
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