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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. This is not the real eathena?



    What is Xray btw? what is the difference.?




    I started become an admin with Rathena so I don't really have any idea about Eathena. 

    That's the "New eAthena" that has died pretty much once again thanks to Para. The old eAthena is in the forum archives. 

  2. Download System


    We like to welcome our own download system into the public now! We recently just opened up our download system: http://www.midgard-community.com/the-download-push/


    The future of our download system is to be the #1 housing area for all Ragnarok catered downloads ranging from: tools, sprites, gears, sheets, maps, etc.! It seems that TSR (The Sprite Repository) is now offline and no longer available for users, Midgard Community will take its place! Ever since we opened up our download system, we are being populated with all sorts of new files!


    Check it out: http://www.board.midgard-community.com/files/

  3. There has been always a debate regarding incentives. There is a lot of strong talk regarding server owners providing incentives for their players when it comes to Voting. This can be in a form of points or items. However, there is no incentives for writing reviews for a server.


    I know for a fact that there are servers (typically small ones) that give incentives for their players to write reviews. 


    I can see why this may be an issue to write reviews due to the authentication of the reviews if bribed to just write them. In the end of the day, what is the goal? The goal from the voting and reviewing? The end goal is to make your server stand out; by being at the top of the listings. 


    So why is it really good to have the one, but not the other? 



    Please keep in mind this topic is not for bantering, flaming, harassing, etc. This is just merely an informative topic to gather opinions of server owners, server players, and the community at large.

  4. I wanna say, that's amazing~,jack! :D

    你的道具編碼太神奇了 ,錯誤之後竟可以變成唯一的一個編號

    因為 getuniqueid 變數存不了吧 ,變數只正負21億範圍 ,

    你看你的資料庫 道具編碼是超過 21億, 所以會溢位出一個數 ,

    而這個數竟然剛好就是唯一所以 太神奇了~ 傑克!

    Please use only English in this section of the forums.

  5. Midgard Community is introducing brand new support for Favicons across multiple platforms (favicons support). When browsing around our forums, you can notice it is mobile responsive. Yet, our Favicon wasn’t and wasn’t suitable across all platforms.

    Instead of having a single favicon.ico file, we have all the pictures and HTML code needed for a cool, mobile- and tablet-ready favicon. Our favicon is now perfect for all platforms:

    • PC and Mac, as usual
    • iPhone and iPad
    • Android phones and tablets
    • Windows 8 tablets
    • And more…


    Here is what our icon looks on platforms:



    List of Favicon files for platforms being used:


    • Used by IE, and also by some other browsers if we are not careful.


    • The classic favicon, displayed in the tabs.


    • For Safari on Mac OS.














    • iPhone and iPad users can turn web pages into icons on their home screen. Such link appears as a regular iOS native application. When this happens, the device looks for a specific picture. The 57×57 resolution is convenient for non-retina iPhone with iOS6 or prior. Learn more in Apple docs.


    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for non-retina iPhone with iOS7.


    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for non-retina iPad with iOS6 or prior.


    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for non-retina iPad with iOS7.


    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for retina iPhone with iOS6 or prior.


    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for retina iPhone with iOS7.


    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for retina iPad with iOS6 or prior.


    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for retina iPad with iOS7.



    • Same as apple-touch-icon-57x57.png, for “default” requests, as some devices may look for this specific file. This picture may save some 404 errors in your HTTP logs. See Apple docs


    • Same as apple-touch-icon.png, expect that is already have rounded corners (but neither drop shadow nor gloss effect).

  6. New update: Subscription System


    We added a Subscription System integration with our site: http://www.midgard-community.com/subscription-system/


    With this system, individuals receive:

    • Post notifications of new posts (News, updates, information)
    • Newsletters (when appropriate)
    • and most important, receive emails when a new server is listed


    Yes, that's correct. You will receive an email whenever at new server is listed with us. This is especially helpful for those individuals who want to be on top of new server listings without having to dig around our site. This is really beneficial for those who are looking for servers as well!

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