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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. June & July Digest 2015

    The following digest covers the month of June 1st - June 30th 2015 and July 1st - July 31st 2015.


    June Digest
    Team Changes

      [*]@@4144 has joined the team as a Core Developer.


    Development Highlights


    Database Highlights


    Script Highlights


    June Statistics

      [*]During the period there were 62 Commits. [*]Of these 62 commits, 8 included bug-fixes. [*]3 Commits from Pull Requests.


    July Digest
    Team Changes



    Development Highlights


    Scripting Highlights


    Database Highlights


    July Statistics

      [*]During the period there were 38 Commits. [*]Of these 38 commits, 4 included bug-fixes. [*]3 Commits from Pull Requests.

  2. Thank you anyway.


    I said Amensai Because the creator on footer



    To be honest, you might as well just use FluxCP item and monster DB for your private server. Obviously changes you've done for your server in your mobs/items will be reflected. Then, you always can just use iRO, MC, or RMS databases for accurate data.

  3. Ow, @@Tokeiburu here, so, need to try.


    Btw guys, how much it cost? How can i try your protection on my server without using your VPS services? (because i have own dedi)

    Don't think so. I think you need to be hosted under their servers to use their protection.

  4. Like the shaking that Critical Explosion does.




    I would really appreciate it =)!





    You can try the /effect command. I am not sure if it doesn't disable too many other effects.

    You also could search for a diff to disable the effect or try if the NEMO Patcher option "Disable Quake skill effect" solves that problem.

    Pretty much. According to kRO news, they have a /quake command that was just recently put into their client.  As for now, the only thing to do is what Winterfox has mentioned.

  5. Here are a few more pictures! As you may notice, elements of the design correspond with your browser's width (this means mobile devices as well). I was debating what I should do with the "latest reviews" sidebar... meaning, how many reviews should be shown? If any at all.


    I came to a conclusion that devices with a max of 480px width will see the latest review sidebar with only 2 latest reviews shown. The other 4 reviews will be hidden. I've done it like so because having 6 reviews showing in a mobile device is tiresome to scroll through... as it takes majority of the page.



    What does everyone think so far? Along with some mobile responsiveness, some aspect of pages are getting a spruce up!

    Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.06.46 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.07.27 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.07.33 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.07.03 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.07.12 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.08.46 PM.png

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