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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. Update:
    It's taken a little long, but it has finally arrived! Server owners now have access to a "Review us at MC!" button for their servers! Head over to your account and you can see the preview of the button! The output is in HTML and if you don't like the button, you can always remove it!
    Image Preview:
    Code Example:

    <a href="http://www.midgard-community.com/server/test/"><img src="http://www.midgard-community.com/wp-content/themes/midgard-community/images/ReviewMC.png" alt=""></a>

  2. December Digest 2014

    The following digest covers the month of December 1st - December 31st 2014.

    Team Changes

      [*]GmOcean has been awarded a Community Contributor title for continuous contribution throughout Hercules.


    Development Highlights

      [*]Official offensive skill formulas of KG/OB (Commit) [*]Added RE Version of size_fix.txt (Commit) [*]Speeding up calc aspd process in renewal (Commit) [*]Save Sex in DB (Commit) [*]Channel Configs to Plugin Support (Commit) [*]item_data,mob_db,mob_data structs to plugin (Commit) [*]Updated KG/OB Spirit Charms to official behavior (Commit) [*]Song Aegis Behavior Update (Commit)
        [*]Now songs auto-refreshes every 3 seconds [*]Musical Lesson bonus rounded down for BA_ASSASSINCROSS

      [*]Move check is item usable or not to separate method (Commit)

        [*]New method: itemdb_is_item_usable [*]Can be used as: itemdb->is_item_usable(item)

      [*]Additional Script Commands & Functions:

        [*]Change per character gender function (Commit) [*]setnpcdistance N (Commit) [*]getnpcclass (Commit) [*]getnpcdir and setnpcdir functions (Commit) [*]Extend script command getareausers (Commit) [*]Add function what call OnUntouch event (Commit) [*]Add function what called if player leave npc area (Commit)

      [*]Renewal Updates (Commit):

        [*]Homunculus Official Statuses [*]Updated RE @mobinfo to show proper status data [*]Some official behaviors

      [*]Removal of certain commands: jump_zero, petheal, checkquest, setriding/checkriding, setmadogear/checkmadogear, setdragon/checkdragon


    Scripting Highlights

      [*]Fixed an issue in the Doha's Secret Orders Quest (Commit)


    Database Highlights

      [*]Splitting of mob sql database into mob_db and mob_db_re (Commit)


    December Statistics

      [*]During the period there were 71 Commits. [*]Of these 71 commits, 10 included bug-fixes. [*]17 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 3,328 Additions and 2,861 Deletions.


    [url=Happy New Years! [url=

  3. Update:

    I would like to thank everyone! Midgard Community officially launched on November 25th 2014 and I've noticed a potential growth already of users both on the boards and main page! To end off 2014, we've reached 104 users on the main page with 7 published servers and 90 user registrations in December alone!
    Heres to 2015! Happy New Years everyone !

  4. Update:


    Free advertisement is still available! It'll be available for the first 25 new servers listed! There is no timeframe for you to get the free advertisement, there is however, a first come first served basis. First 25 new servers to email me with the proper guidelines (listed above) will get their free spot! 


    Moving along now! I've been playing around with app making and I created a very basic app for Midgard Community! It currently only runs on iOS and no other platform. 


    As I've mentioned, it's a very basic app. and what I mean by that is, the app is used for gathering quick information regarding Migard Community. You get quick access to email function, news, events, Twitter feed, and links to our pre-re and renewal databases! 


    You may check out more information on our landing page: http://midgard-community.com/landing/


    It is currently not available at the moment. I'll be releasing it in the near future!

  5. Hey everyone! I think it's time to add some more 'liveness' to our main page by bringing in more servers to register with us! For this, I'm offering free ad spots for a whole free month!
    If you visit our ad page, you'll notice I have two advertisement spots labeled. One being Kafra's Bulletin and Kafra's Cover. For new servers that are going to be listed, I'll be giving them a spot (server owner chooses) in Kafra's Bulletin for a full 30 days for free*

    * Terms & Guidelines
    Before getting your ad listed with us, there are a few guidelines a server owner must adhere to:

      [*]Ad Dimension: 700 x 90 [*]Your server must be newly listed with us [*]You must have a 24/7 up server [*]Must follow our Server Owner Rules [*]You must have a link on your server's homepage that redirects users to review your site on Midgard-Community [*]You must email us at [email protected] with the following criteria (taken from our ad spot):
        [*]Your username registered here at Midgard-Community [*]You must show your server’s banner (As an attachment or as a link) [*]Name of Advertisement section(s) (names are listed below) [*]Target URL (i.e. landing page) [*]and, the spot you are going to choose for that specific advertisement section (i.e. from review listing, review listing: low rate, etc).

    I will only be accepting the first 25 newly listed servers! This will be a first come first served basis. Please check the availability down below for available spots.
    To keep track of available spots, here is the current list:

  6. A lot of HRs and SHRs have no balance at all. They allow multiple classes to be over powered over specific ones not to mention, they make their 'mall shops' sell things for 1-1,000 zeny, there's no balance in the economy, etc.


    People just gear up for PvP/WoE and thats it... but that isn't enough. My SHR had roughly 35-50 people because my server wasnt just about PVPING etc. 

  7. Hi everyone! I would just like to apologize for the wait on this digest... I was busy last week finishing up assignments and handing them in before our christmas break begins. So, here it is!


    November Digest 2014

    The following digest covers the month of November 1st - November 30th 2014.

    Team Changes



    Development Highlights

      [*]Introduction of 2014-10-22, Roulette, and Per-Char Gender!  (Commit) (Topic)
        [*]Roulette rewards can be defined in db/roulette_db.conf [*]As we understand the coins are points that you obtain by consuming an item, while such an item is not yet available (will be in a upcoming commit), you can set these values with @set command, they're TmpRouletteBronze,TmpRouletteSilver and TmpRouletteGold -- e.g. @set TmpRouletteBronze 5 [*]Requires PACKETVER 20141022 or higher [*]Sex is now a character table field, which can be defined as 'M', 'F' or 'U'. 'U' being the default value, meaning undefined, which means the accounts gender takes precedence [*](upcoming) a script command to change a characters gender [*]Requires PACKETVER 20141022 or higher

      [*]Missing 'type' field in itemdb now defaults to IT_ETC (Commit) [*]Added missing type check to skill_delunitgroup (Commit) [*]Re-issuing conflicted-out content on battle.c (see history/follow up) (Commit) [*]No cell stacking implemented (official version) (Commit) [*]Function for creating NPC (Commit) [*]Removal of certain commands: jump_zeropethealcheckquest [*]Various Additions / Fixes authored by 4144 (Andrei Karas). Here are some:

        [*]Allow use all char server interfaces from plugins (Commit) [*]Added missing interface methods initialization in char.c (Commit) [*]Added ability to add deprecated commands from scripts and plugins (Commit) [*]Add function for parse or report about unknown object in parsing script file (Commit)


    Scripting Highlights

      [*]Fixed Typo in breeder.txt (Commit)


    Database Highlights


    November Statistics

      [*]During the period there were 141 Commits. [*]Of these 141 commits, 6 included bug-fixes. [*]17 Commits from Pull Requests  [*]In this month, there were 31,717 Additions and 12,154 Deletions.

  8. Let me shine some light on the issue since there seems to be some misinterpretations. :)


    If you guys still remember Jman (Yes! http://herc.ws/board/user/2-jman/) he owned rathena.org, however, he transferred the domain to 1 of many admins of rAthena; typically Brian - Akkarin does not own rAthena.org. The transfer of the domain was done over 5 months ago... thus, the domain should have been verified that long ago.


    It is not a payment issue, it is just a verification issue because of the transfer. In my opinion, the verification should of been done immediately as soon as the domain was transferred over to the new owner. But then again, that's my opinion. 

  9. I would like to thank everyone for taking their time and writing feedback towards my project! For that, I would like to welcome Midgard-Community to the public!


    The public may now access Midgard-Community at http://www.midgard-community.com !


    I hope server owners / server players enjoy new and different features that are offered through the site! I can't wait to start seeing servers being listed :)!

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