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Posts posted by Max

  1. (willing to pay) Hello guys , this is a bit complicated but I hope someone can make this *im using rathena btw


    I need a script for a npc that will warp certain user who set/know the password for the npc (like a housing system)

    > Owner player (vip) talk to a npc (and I need like 10 duplicate npc with different warp)

    > NPC check if the location is empty, user can set password and use the warp until his vip is end (im using rathena vip system, vip_status)

    > Other player (friend) can come to his house using a password that he already set

    > When his vip time is ended , npc remove the warper for user so other user can use the warp


    Similiar to housing system but using vip_status instead with some edits


    Thanks guys

  2. Hello guys I have a problem with my flux cp , I have a landing page and a custom flux cp that I paid , at first it was normal , before I have the landing page. and then after I install my landing page , my flux cp is become slower, yes my landing page included registration and server status check + online peak , and now everytime I turn on server , landing page will respone quick but my flux cp will take 10 mins even updating online players. Can someone help me ? I tried to remove my landing page and still the same , re install flux cp its done also still the same, please help

  3. Hello guys I was wondering how did u do this ? Doing the .APK file for android. Because there's some RO using this feature already , I don't know how to find it.


    I was wondering if any of you know about this ? Thank you



    Sorry if I posted on the wrong section.




  4. I opened another topic before but seem the owner of the script is busy didnt update the script so I was hoping anyone can fix it ?


    /*	By Dastgir/HerculesChangelog:v1.0 - Initial Conversionv1.1 - Dead Person cannot @afk.v1.2 - Added afk_timeout option(Battle_Config too...) Yippy...v1.3 - Added noafk mapflag :Dv1.4 - Compatible with new Hercules.Battle Config Adjustment:You can add "afk_timeout: seconds" in any of the files in conf/battle/ to make it work(so you don't have to recompile everytime you want to change timeout seconds)MapFlags:Add mapflag just like you add other mapflags,e.g:prontera	mapflag	noafk^ Add Above to any script, and it will make prontera to be noafk zone.*/#include "common/hercules.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include "common/HPMi.h"#include "common/memmgr.h"#include "common/mmo.h"#include "common/socket.h"#include "common/strlib.h"#include "common/timer.h"#include "common/mapindex.h"#include "map/battle.h"#include "map/clif.h"#include "map/script.h"#include "map/skill.h"#include "map/pc.h"#include "map/map.h"#include "map/status.h"#include "map/channel.h"#include "common/HPMDataCheck.h"HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo ={	"@afk",			// Plugin name	SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with?	"1.4",			// Plugin version	HPM_VERSION,	// HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated)};int afk_timeout = 0;struct plugin_mapflag {	unsigned noafk : 1;};ACMD(afk){	/*	MapFlag Restriction	*/	struct plugin_mapflag *mf_data = getFromMAPD(&map->list[sd->bl.m], 0);	if (mf_data && mf_data->noafk)	{		clif->message(fd, "@afk is forbidden in this map.");		return true;	}	if( pc_isdead(sd) ) {		clif->message(fd, "Cannot use @afk While dead.");		return true;	}	if(DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(),sd->canlog_tick) < battle->bc->prevent_logout) {		clif->message(fd, "Failed to use @afk, please try again later.");		return true;	}	sd->state.autotrade = 1;	sd->state.monster_ignore = 1;	pc_setsit(sd);	skill->sit(sd,1);	clif->sitting(&sd->bl);	clif->changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_TOP,471);	clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 234,AREA);	if( afk_timeout )	{		status->change_start(NULL, &sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, afk_timeout*1000,0);	}	channel->quit(sd); //Quit from Channels.	clif->authfail_fd(fd, 15);	return true;}void afk_timeout_adjust(const char *val) {	//In Seconds	int value = config_switch(val);	if (value < 0){		ShowDebug("Received Invalid Setting for afk_timeout(%d), defaulting to 0n",value);		return;	}	afk_timeout = value;	return;	}void parse_noafk_mapflag(const char *name, char *w3, char *w4, const char* start, const char* buffer, const char* filepath, int *retval){	int16 m = map->mapname2mapid(name);	if (!strcmpi(w3,"noafk")){		struct plugin_mapflag *mf_data;		if ( !( mf_data = getFromMAPD(&map->list[m], 0) ) )		{			CREATE(mf_data,struct plugin_mapflag,1);			mf_data->noafk = 1;			addToMAPD(&map->list[m], mf_data, 0, true);		}		mf_data->noafk = 1;		hookStop();	}		return;}/* Server Startup */HPExport void plugin_init (void){	addAtcommand("afk",afk);	addHookPre("npc->parse_unknown_mapflag",parse_noafk_mapflag);}HPExport void server_preinit (void) {	addBattleConf("afk_timeout",afk_timeout_adjust);}HPExport void server_online (void) {	ShowInfo ("'%s' Plugin by Dastgir/Hercules. Version '%s'n",pinfo.name,pinfo.version);}

    AFK.c plugins



    Since the new update: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/f102c913b2aa093ef40c7846e25850ebb1106d71


    What should I add ? return ? Should it be like this ?


    HPExport void server_preinit (void) {	addBattleConf("afk_timeout",afk_timeout_adjust);        return; // or return true;}


    The error showing:


    afk.c: In function 'server_preinit':afk.c:125:48: error: macro "addBattleConf" requires 3 arguments, but only 2 given  addBattleConf("afk_timeout",afk_timeout_adjust);                                                ^afk.c:125:2: error: 'addBattleConf' undeclared (first use in this function)  addBattleConf("afk_timeout",afk_timeout_adjust);  ^afk.c:125:2: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

    Thank you


    I modified the script. Might be the problem.

    if ( getgmlevel() >= 80 ) { // gm level to bypass the registration		mes "start the event ?";		next;		if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close;		donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart";		warp .eventmap$, 0,0;		end;	}
    And I just realized you did put bindatcmd to start the event, my bad then.


    I think you misunderstood that behavior

    it was reported in this topic -> http://herc.ws/board/topic/11010-run-or-die-event-aka-poring-bomb/?p=65606 <- I need to update that script later




    On your new version 1.2

    OnStart:OnMinute00://OnClock0000: // put all your start timer here
    Isn't it supposed to be like this ?
    //OnClock0000: // put all your start timer hereOnStart:OnMinute00:
    doesn't matter

    label always read through all labels as long as there is no end; command



    Annie im using your latest script, but still event starting on random timer. It's 9 am now and it's starting, my script start from 11 am.


    Please, close a security hole in fluxcp (any version)

    I did post it to rAthena pms to people what still active in development and support of flux, but they ignoring it.


    The problem in next: anyone can view any account details, paypal details, transaction details, how much a player donate for a server, whem, his private information (First, Last Name), and many more.


    The hole in /data/ %all files%

    You can check it on any server, but for example i will publish only one

    [ link removed ]


    There is another bugs, but i can't remember them, there are many security holes in mail system, in donation module, in vending module.

    But nobody listen. That is the biggest problem. People do not care, so i'm publish this information here, and i guess, it will be solved much faster.


    Have a nice day


    My server just got hacked, this might be why.

  7. I modified the script. Might be the problem.

    if ( getgmlevel() >= 80 ) { // gm level to bypass the registration		mes "start the event ?";		next;		if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close;		donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart";		warp .eventmap$, 0,0;		end;	}

    And I just realized you did put bindatcmd to start the event, my bad then.



    On your new version 1.2

    OnStart:OnMinute00://OnClock0000: // put all your start timer here

    Isn't it supposed to be like this ?

    //OnClock0000: // put all your start timer hereOnStart:OnMinute00:




    I should really remove all plugins from download section and force to download from repo or else



    Enable the link in download section please....

     I downloaded it from your github , also have the same prob with Extended Vending System, tho from github is "updated".
    Then you might really be using old Hercules, Travis build says everything compiles properly, and it was updated roughly 2 months ago(and was tested that time)


    I'm using the newest hercules, just downloaded it yesterday because I got some problem with the guild.c , and using github. I did git pull and already on latest version , no updates today.


    And already installed HPMHooking if you by any chance thinking of that.



    Help me :3

  9. I should really remove all plugins from download section and force to download from repo or else



    Enable the link in download section please....


    I downloaded it from your github , also have the same prob with Extended Vending System, tho from github is "updated".

  10. Another great release from Annie , thank you! Testing it right now :)


    Edit: Worked thank you.


    Edit 2:


    I have a problem now, I set the time only for

    but seems the event starting randomly , I don't know why, any suggestion? It's 3 AM here, and the event started like 10 times already from 1AM to 3 AM.
    And a little suggestion, 5 minutes is too long and without announce for 4-1 minutes players thought the event is error / over. ( I know how to edit it just suggestion )

  11. afk.c: In function 'server_preinit':afk.c:125:48: error: macro "addBattleConf" requires 3 arguments, but only 2 given  addBattleConf("afk_timeout",afk_timeout_adjust);                                                ^afk.c:125:2: error: 'addBattleConf' undeclared (first use in this function)  addBattleConf("afk_timeout",afk_timeout_adjust);  ^afk.c:125:2: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

    I need help for fixing this can anyone ? thank you.


    The plugins from Dastgir.


  12. Nice thank you for the release, can I request something ?


    The event is auto whenever 1 player start put the cash in. and the other players get 2 minutes to get in to the pot, then end game.





    There is no error in my console, but when a player win, the player didn't get the cash.

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