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Posts posted by Rytech

  1. Must be the glitchy animation that happens when server side fires off the damage through the wrong skill ID. In the past the damage was first dealt through Tetra Vortex's 4 element ID's. Then later it was changed to all deal through its main ID when they changed it to allow you to choose what element each strike would be. Then around the beginning of 2012 (somewhere around that) they changed it again to fire off the damage through its element ID's again, along with a full animation update that makes each of the ID's display a different element color. So if someone see's the glitchy animation, then its because the server is incorrectly firing off the damage through the main ID instead of the skills 4 damage ID's.


    I guess that patch could be ok for anyone who feels its needed, but its not really fixing the issue as there is no issue with the client. The real problem is server side. Does this happen on the latest Hercules revision with 2013 clients?

  2. The status won't have any effect unless val2 is set. For example in normal skill cast, Soul Linker's Spirit is casted on a Soul Linker (SL_SOULLINKER). Once casted, itl check if the target is a Soul Linker. If it is, the status activates and puts SL_SOULLINKER (The skill ID) as val2. Whatever val2 is set to will determine the effect the soul link will give. So you need to add to your npc script a check for different jobs so itl be like Knight/Lord Knight/Rune Knight be given SL_KNIGHT for val2 on the status. Your looking at quite a bit of coding to check for all of this.


    Is it possible to have NPC's cast skills on you?

  3. Modifications of the already existing sprites that were introduced into kRO. Someone tried to translate a little and found that they appear to be 2nd or alternate 3rd job outfits you can have. The translations also appeared to say something about cash which means it could be cash shop outfits (Maybe this is what the floor slot is for).

  4. item_db2

    19871,C_Decoration_Of_Music,Decoration of Music,5,20,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,2048,,0,0,1074,{},{ sc_start SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC,-1,0; },{ sc_end SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC; }

    Status ID is DECORATION_OF_MUSIC = 779


    Ive tested and it doesn't work for 2013-07-31 and likely won't work for the 2013-08-07 like others said since its not calling for the STR file. I don't have any data on Aura of Scale or any status ID's.

  5. This means your client is not using any obfuscation, because you (or someone for you, if you're not the one who hexed it), disabled it. This means you'll probably be able to connect to the server even if you have packet_obfuscation set to 0.


    Hercules doesn't currently have the encryption keys for that client version though (unless they're the same as the 20130703 client, but I doubt so), so even if you enable the obfuscation clientside, you might not be able to connect to the server unless you also add the correct keys.



    Im the one who made the client for him. Looking through the list of patches for the 2013-07-31 client I didnt see any patches named "Skip Packet Obfuscation", unless its under a different name now. So I assumed the obfuscation was still on, but then realized it cant be since 3CeAM doesn't support it, yet I can connect fine without that patch. I did add the packets and keys needed for using that client on his server (He uses Hercules) and it worked fine with the packet_obfuscation setting set to 1, but fails to connect on setting 2. Here's where I got the packets and keys...




    Only thing I can think of is some other patch is disabling it and im just not aware of it. I thought the obfuscation was removed from the clients and didn't need the patch anymore.



    I just realized I clicked a sent link that went to a Repository News topic and thought I was in a help topic. Sorry about that.

  6. Looks like their was a 3rd headgear with a status controlled animation. The 3 spirit flames float up and down and flicker like a candle flame.


    Will O Wisp



    Huge thanks to kyeme for telling me about this item and sending me the needed data. kRO doesn't support this item yet.

  7. @Neo

    Thanks for checking. I knew this would be the case since that job ID and option mask just recently appeared. Even tho we don't have access to them in current usable clients, one could just use your custom job support patch and add that job in. Tho since its not a actual job, that option mask would still be needed. ill just get server side things coded in for now to prepare for future client support.



    Beer and sausages? What a feast. Lol. So the costume comes in a box with those other 2 items?

  8. kewl . i dont think kRO has that (because they dont have oktoberfest? :P). But i guess it can be hexed in probably.


    We wouldn't need to do anything client side but put the sprite files in our client. The job ID and OPTION mask would normally be coded into all server's and clients. A example is even skills that are used in some servers while their not used in others (Odin's Recall for example) will always be assigned to the same ID no matter what server its in and if its used or not. We just need a kRO client from a time after that option mask was introduced.


    ill try coding this stuff in server side later this week to see if itl work on a 2013-07-31 will allow it, tho im not keeping my fingers crossed since its dated a few months.

  9. I gave it a try and went as far as copying the mc_changecart bmp,spr,and act and renaming them to mc_cartdecorate. Then I added everything needed in the lua files. Finally I added the skill to be given when equipping a item to easly get it. But nothing happens when using it. I know to use mc_changecart you have to click the icon itself for the packet to be sent to the server, but mc_cartdecorate isnt doing anything. kRO clients may not support it. I used the 2013-07-31 Ragexe.

  10. Which is why I just said whatever. I know stuff like this happens all the time. While the past me would get a little upset over it, the current me doesn't let it bother me. I just keep on going doing what I like to do. Karma will strike back at those who try to sell our work.

  11. @kyeme

    I knew you would get excited once you saw this. I was going to post the code in those topics when I finished it and ensured their was no bugs, but looks like you noticed.



    Be sure to add the bug fixes for the Moon Star and Super Star from r19 as well when you do merge that headgear in. BTW, does anyone know what official server has the Super Star (World Star?) item? I would like to see the item sprite and also get my hands on the superstar.str animation file as well.

  12. Not official. The amount of exp required per level from 150 to 160 is clearly too small of a increase in compare with the increases from level 99 to 150. Not only that, but rate my server isnt a official server database. Its a private server database site that gets their info from the data in eAthena and rAthena software. Finally, ro321 is clearly a copy of RMS, except in a different language.

  13. I remember seeing someone saying the max stats for 3rd jobs increased to 135 when their base level was increased to 175 which makes sense in a way that youll be gaining a lot of stat points between levels 160 to 175. More per level then you would from levels 150 to 160. The only reason I see people wanting this separate stat cap config is because of the base level difference between 3rd jobs and the expanded jobs that can go over level 99.


    I don't think this should be bothered with because I know Gravity will soon increase the base/job caps for those expanded jobs. They did it for expanded jobs not long after the 1st level expansion from 150/50 to 160/50 for 3rds. The 2nd expansion for 160/50 to 175/60 was done in March 20, 2013 and im sure it won't be long til the expanded jobs catch up to that limit. Once they do, they will have the same stat limit.


    Keep in mind that we don't have any official exp tables for levels over 150/50.

  14. I didn't think their would be anymore releases for a long time since the program appears to be perfected. Its a great program that does a great job at updating your kRO and RE files. Not only that, but it also has a few extra's that helps greatly at times. Like a command function that repacks your data and rdata grf files. I was shocked to see the size of my data.grf go down by a few 100 MB's first time I got a message recommending me to repack it. I do wish their was a easier way to access the advanced features in the GUI at times. Maybe a secret spot on the GUI you can click to unveil a advanced options GUI.

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