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Posts posted by Hadeszeus


    Hello takari_L!! Grats to Good Work! I use your CP in my server ;)

    Please, you have "How to make template guide" ?


    log in to url: yourdomain/admin/login. and then, go to setting then click Website theme :) select :)




    Hi takari_L , 



    it's kinda slow. i compare/tested the fluxcp and cora,


    the cora is kinda slow loading. but it's great! :D just improve the loading and it will be awesome! :D


    After comparing using webtest. I can confirm that cora is a bit slow compare to fluxcp. There's a 1.7 seconds difference on rendering time both using default theme. But I believe reducing the number of request and optimizing the images size, & proper caching + gzip can improve cora loading speed. :)


    Can I ask for help? I also had problem on PORT detection. ALL servers are offline and online players are not counting. I am sure that outbound connection is enable for the following port since It's working on my fluxcp. THanks!


    BTW, I'd like to Congratulate you and your team for building this awesome CP :) Logs is <3 so powerful module.




    After manually adding the IP in tcp_wid_ss table all servers are now online. But the weird part is Online Players and Peak are not displaying the correct number. In tcp_wid_ss the value of both is 1 but in website view 0. Thanks!

    You can easily change the options through the widget options (by clicking the widget's name in your widget list in admin panel) ..


    The player count and player peak requires a custom script included in cora's download. /cora/scripts/user_count.txt (or something like that)


    Kinda hard to check right now as I'm on mobile :))


    THank you! Thank you! 

  3. Can I ask for help? I also had problem on PORT detection. ALL servers are offline and online players are not counting. I am sure that outbound connection is enable for the following port since It's working on my fluxcp. THanks!

    BTW, I'd like to Congratulate you and your team for building this awesome CP :) Logs is <3 so powerful module.




    After manually adding the IP in tcp_wid_ss table from to Server IP. all servers are now online. But the weird part is Online Players and Peak are not displaying the correct number. In tcp_wid_ss the value of both is 1 but in website view 0. Thanks!

  4. Requesting a custom command that will broadcast my message to a specific map I declared in the script.


    For example:


    If i type @broadcast2 Announcement for Prontera, Morroc, Payon, Geffen Map Only

    The announcement will only broadcast on the specific map I set in an array/script.


    setarray $broadcastMap$[0],prontera,morroc,payon,geffen;





    Just want to ask if why some players doesn't have mac ip using this. What do you think is the problem?

    Currently known case where MAC address is missing are Wine/Crossover users.

    The protable usb modem too not having mac on its own it will give 00-00-00-00-00 some like that, im trying to solve that isue aparently i have used login check so no more than 2 mac addres logged in same time, but the user who give 00- mac adress is too many from them and they was kicked out from game :(






    from the reference above taken conclusion is the Modem communications type it must be 802.x protocol to have it own mac addres,  truthly i don't even uderstand what they tell but i make it simply modem usb is not real modem :lol::D dummy isn't it


    Exact same issue :) That's why I disabled mac check for dual login :)


  6. Hi can someone help me reduce the effect of DEEPSLEEP. 

    How can I reduce it by -1 for every 20 INT and is it possible to lower the chance of this? :(


    	case SC_DEEP_SLEEP:		sc_def = bst->int_*50;		tick_def = 0; // Linear reduction instead		tick_def2 = bst->int_ * 50 + SCDEF_LVL_CAP(bl, 150) * 50; // kRO balance update lists this formula		break;


    I tried changing the value of int but in game it not working. or maybe i dunno how. Time tick still around 20 seconds.


  7. Can someone pinpoint the commits that i need to patch to fix thiss problem


     166:         .@monster_arena_timer = questprogress(60195,PLAYTIME); // 4 hrs        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   167:         .@monster_arena_timer2 = questprogress(60196,PLAYTIME); // 2 hrs   168:         .@monster_arena_delay = questprogress(60197,PLAYTIME); // 4 hrs



    How about Allowing Some item? Possible? Thanks

    what? I did not understand but who determines the blocked items and yourself '-'


    Sorry my message was not meant for you. :)



    What I'm trying to say is. This source mod unequipped the item of the user using this mapflag. So my question is, how to use this SOURCE MODE that I can still equipped some items I want to allow.



  9. It's because it filters for MOBID_EMPERIUM.


    In map.h:



    You can see that MOBID_EMPERIUM is defined as ID=1288, so it will only work on the monster with ID 1288.


    If you want a different Emperium to work like this instead, just check for its monster ID and put the number instead of MOBID_EMPERIUM. What Emperium ID is spawning in WoE anyway?


    Hmm I'ms ure it's 1288. Since the last time I check my emperium HP change to 100 HP after I update to latest one. When I change again the HP of 1288 mobid it applies to all castle emperium.

  10. Hi Guys, just want to ask if it's possible to hide from chat when someone type a GM command that is not available for normal player or in group id 0?


    Player A [Group ID 0] type in Normal, Party, Guild Chat any GM COMMANDS 

    Like for example Player A type @allstat <-- @allstat should not appear in Chat Box it's like nothing happen just ignore it from displaying.

    Thank you..

  11. db/abra_db.txt


    // Structure of Database://        SkillID,DummyName,RequiredHocusPocusLevel,Rate//// 01. SkillID                  Skill ID to be casted by hocus pocus.// 02. DummyName                Name of the skill (informative, not used by server).// 03. RequiredHocusPocusLevel  Minimum skill level of hocus pocus for the current skill to be selected.// 04. Rate                     Chance at which a skill is selected (1 = 0.01%, 10000 = 100%).


    This could be intressting for you, @skill 292, Summon Monster :)

    Dunno about this haha keep looking in the source :D Thanks buddy!

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