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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. If you are using 20120410 or greater client, then file location should be data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/ Be sure to repack it into GRF. Also make sure your client reads lua files first(as I see, all files in ur dir is .lua) or if it reads .lub first, compile .lua to .lub, or just rename it. Edit: Seems like topic already solved , and my reply coming late due to hell slow internet for me,
  2. Revert your client.conf changes, then try. Data folder:https://code.google.com/p/just-likethis-ro/source/browse/FullData_200804.3x11.7z
  3. if want 10%Change ii=i; To ii = 10; Dont change that rand() line.
  4. My mobile is not allowing me to upload at mf.
  5. Show end of command prompt, where the percentage ends. I myself tested it, this script is split into 5-6process, in which each is allotted a progress of 12-20%, so the progress would slow down, and write the temp file, which you are showing, but after 100%, it will write itemdb.txt and delete this temp file. so the one you are showing is a temp file generally made by script on progress. and outputfilename will be the name of itemdb in txt format.
  6. Possible to have a list of npc/mob/item constants with ID?
  7. You can skip this step, however, this has some false info, you can leave any number of IDs, its not necessary to not to skip id, you dont need to delete .lub files, since it will be overwritten.instead of doing those stuff from shortcut properties, you can do that via command prompt and luac.
  8. If I recall, those items use bonuses, not variable. Variable would help changing element without any items.
  9. Your item aegis name should also be Gem_Box. I dont remember if new group requires source, but I think those db edits are enough.
  10. well, no offense, be cool, but instead of asking like anyone interested, just share the guide.
  11. yes, and other steps as given in wiki, p.s: lua files are case-sensitive.
  12. There was no need to change client.conf Found 2008 data, will upload in few minutes. edit: havent tested, it was on my mem card https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9Bu32G0pWC1N2VQNVRNMHByR0k/edit?usp=docslist_api
  13. 20120410 uses idnum tables and luafiles514/lua files/ folder, no system folder for that client. Lub is compiled while lua is decompiled file. If you had diffed with load lub before lua, your client will read lub files, else it will read lua files The wiki link is having proper guide and locations, you should read it once again maybe.
  14. If you set ii to 100, then it will be 100% success.
  15. Kinda misleading description, he wants to change idnum to iteminfo, Guess what, I have made A tool to convert itemdb.conf to itemdb.txt format... TWO MONTHS AGO.(but not published anywhere yet, due to my busy time) Which is flexible, that means can swap the field and much more. So just use this tool https://github.com/dastgirpojee/LuaScripts/tree/master/Lua/conf2db Read readme.md for usage and Its flexibility. So use this to convert conftodb and use itemconverter, till hercules itemdb compatible itemconverter is released.
  16. Race should be fine, but size, I think it would be little more work, since appearance is changed. I suggest for race and element of a player.... This can make possible to have element/race quests, interelement, racial events, and lots more. Item that can change race/element for x amount of time, and this will make player to choose a race that is having advantage of killing other race monsters, etc.
  17. Well see that line ii = i; ii is the rate, if you want it to be constant you can replace i with number. ii should be between 1-100
  18. Ahh, first time seeing this error, Maybe run your mapcache, if it didnt work, provide gdb coredump, or else wait for someone else to reply.
  19. It doesnt seem to be fluxcp problem, I did some research on this, and got some support from paypal, here's what I can tell from all support I received. 1) Your paypal account is new(less than a month) 2) You are sending full money of paypal balance. 3) you have any open cases/disputes. 4) Open a ticket at paypal so they can check. Ahh thats rude.
  20. Diciphered? Is it a need for it, its structure is easy to understand, just see these 5 files https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/Data/luafiles514/lua%20files/worldviewdata and everyone can understand it.
  21. Ohh, always I thought, killerrid will return mobid.
  22. Queue is not specifically for bg, its an improved waitingroom, can be used with many events , etc. Got the problem, its hercules bug(cant report/bug/pull request bcoz am on mobile) ,maybe its condition problem. Map.c if( sd->bg_id && !sd->bg_queue.arena ) /* TODO: dump this chunk after bg_queue is fully enabled */ bg->team_leave(sd,1); As I think, that ! Should not be there, since if someone has bgid, it wont be null , this is causing the server to not execute the logoutevent of bg.(just done a quick analysis, it may be bigger problem, so bug report would be good, so dev can check in deep) or maybe that condition is correct, and its wip, bcoz theres an todo note over that line.
  23. You have to add them at specific lines, btw you can get a translated one from here http://herc.ws/board/topic/398-client-translation-project/ (Afaik, 20120410 was having hardcoded msg, so msgstringtable.txt wont work, now I dont know which client u are using)
  24. If its not wildcard, maybe try creating a subdomain, and check if patcher can connect.
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