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Everything posted by javierlog08

  1. Coding is just a way to put your own ideas into real world.

  2. Dude, This will replace Z in zenys by any description that i want? For example "Kafra Points" displays KP?
  3. Whe you got connected to server 2. What happen with the server 1? It comes down?
  4. On your trunk/conf/groups.conf configuration you need to be sure that the user have not the command on his group level. Then it would work good. - script fontcontrol -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "font", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCommand"; // HERE PLEASE STRNPCINFO(3) end;OnCommand: if ( !countitem(20357) ) { message strcharinfo(0), "You must have an Font Ticket to use this command"; end; } atcommand "@font "; // leave a space between end;}
  5. That is creating an Infinite Loop X_X. II cant understand what do you want to do...
  6. I had a problem like in this old Post From Rathena... OLD rathena POST I got the solution to solve that problem, that is usually generated after a menu choice. Then in most of cases is imposible delete the Text after choice an item from the menu. Seems that just append to existing npc's dialog. So..... I create this new function called next2, Wich cleans the old text before choice a new menu item. trun/src/map/script.c BUILDIN(next2){ TBL_PC* sd; int fd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); fd = sd->fd; if( sd == NULL ) return true; clif->scriptclear(sd,sd->npc_id); return true;}AND APPENDvoid script_parse_builtin(void) { struct script_function BUILDIN[] = { // NPC interaction BUILDIN_DEF(mes,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(next,""), BUILDIN_DEF(close,""), BUILDIN_DEF(close2,""), BUILDIN_DEF(menu,"sl*"), BUILDIN_DEF(select,"s*"), //for future jA script compatibility BUILDIN_DEF(prompt,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(next2,""), //Javierlog08 NEXT comand simulation without CLICK next button from client ..................................... i just append to my script next2 after choice an menu item mes "Que nivel de jugador tienes?";if(select("Usuario Experto:Principiante")==1) { next2; cutin "jpn_anni02",2; mes "^9933ff[Rates]^000000"; mes "^A0A0A0~Usa el comando @rates^000000"; mes "^9933ff[Cartas MVPs]^000000"; END RESULT:
  7. Do you can share data folder and client? On my server that clients scratch too much And have incorrect Translations
  8. Jezu, Where is the Push or commit refered to that?
  9. Do you have a stable data folder to use with this? Regards
  10. Hehe, no problem. I had a problem with Then follwing the IrO Wiki's Formula {(CurrHP ÷ 50) + (MaxSP ÷ 4)} × (SkillLv × BaseLv ÷ 150)} × {0.95 + DragonTraining_Lv × 0.05} That means that ((70000 / 50) + (1300/4)) * (10 * 175 / 150) * (0.95 + 5 * 0.05) Total Damage = 20125 (0.95+5*0.05) I just was thinking that is too much damage for a server 175, where mostly of the Jobs have low Health I got an effective way to nerf it. Just making a change in md.damage = ((status_get_hp(src) / 50) + (status_get_max_sp(src) / 4)) * skill_lv; By md.damage = ((status_get_hp(src) / 150) + (status_get_max_sp(src) / 4)) * skill_lv; In this way i got 11k Of damage MAx, and just 20k if they are using Tao Gunka Card. I believed the way to reduce it using the Card's and armor reducction, but that alone would ruin the skill. Then on this is a better way to nerf it Sorry for my english XD
  11. Hi, thanks for you reply Angelmelody, Why ? md.damage = md.damage /2
  12. Hi, im looking the way to make dragon breath reducible by Demi-human reduction effects / Defense / and Element. I have looking at files src/map/battle.c In whick are mostly of damage calculations ,but i cant see yet anything related with Dragon Breath and Demi Humans or effects The only is this code that just make the calculation based on iro wiki. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Dragon_Breath case RK_DRAGONBREATH: case RK_DRAGONBREATH_WATER: md.damage = ((status_get_hp(src) / 50) + (status_get_max_sp(src) / 4)) * skill_lv; RE_LVL_MDMOD(150); if (sd) md.damage = md.damage * (95 + 5 * pc->checkskill(sd,RK_DRAGONTRAINING)) / 100; md.flag |= BF_LONG|BF_WEAPON; break;
  13. Using 20130807, but some users cant acces to the server if they are using a data folder old. Do you have some Data folder or client to share with me? Thanks in anyway
  14. Hola busco un programador con experiencia para unirse a mi proyecto. Mi servidor abrio recientemente y el trabajo es mucho. Necesito personas con experiencia. .no aficionados. Tengo una inversión por arriba de los 200 Dolares. Muchas espectativas en este proyecto. www.titans-ro.com GM - Oficial (Cuenta Full ) Esta Cuenta tiene full acceso -> 1 Año como Game Master -> Mayor de 20 Años -> Conocimientos en RO Scripting -> Conocimientos en C++ y C -> Conocimientos en PHP / MYSQL -> Manejo de RO Tools (Sprite Conview,Resource Hacker,Xdiffer) -> Conocimiento en lectura de paquetes -> Conocimiento en herramientas para colaboracion de proyectos (Git / Subversion) -> Experiencia con herramientas para gestion de proyectos (Jira / Readmine) -> Experiencia con CMS (Wordpress / Joomla etc) -> Conocimiento en distribuciones de linux (Centos o Ubuntu) -> Conocimiento en Redes -> Habilidades para diseño GM - Colaborador Esta cuenta carece de comandos de creacion de items y administrativos, Es meramente para la moderación, y colaboracion -> 1 año de experiencia como GM -> Mayor de 20 Años -> Experiencia con gestores de contenido -> Habilidades para diseño -> Conocimientos en FTP/ SSH -> Conocimiento en SEO
  15. I was looking the hercules`s quest and rathena`s mora quest and i look that the set on hercules is not complete. For example (Guillotine cross) NPC have Nap Hood and Nap boots but doesn't have Accesories or armor X_X. and rathen have. Why? HERCULELS https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/npc/re/quests/quests_mora.txt RATHENA https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/re/quests/quests_mora.txt
  16. Hi guys, im looking for new batttlegrounds, Some help ?
  17. Thanks for the reply, What ragnarok client is most stable ?
  18. Is more than this, i think, is like it close without reason.
  19. I'm using secure grf with my client . and for me works good, but sometimes users tell me that they got disconnected some times for no reason. I hunch that maybe Encrypted grf or the client have problems reading data. Could to be posible?
  20. I got a similar problem, but was solved changing the packever from 20130504 to 20130807 in mmo.h
  21. Thanks, in fact this style was one that i made long time ago thinking on a wordpress web site. i saw the oportunity to implement it cause the RO templates aren't not expensive T_T
  22. Hi, i want show my flux site implemetation with some new addons like "Time Online" and RSS feed of news Site link http://titans-ro.com
  23. Sorry, i hope that i can post here yet. Did you solved the problem @Teepo¿, Which is the solution
  24. Hi, there is some way to get the poison toad for kagearou in my own server? or hercules have it?
  25. Do you have a blue gemstone? Yes , blue stone and mitress card. Edit; For you.. that skill works good?
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