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Posts posted by javierlog08

  1. On your trunk/conf/groups.conf configuration you need to be sure that the user have not the command on his group level.

    Then it would work good.


    -    script    fontcontrol    -1,{OnInit:    bindatcmd "font", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCommand"; // HERE PLEASE STRNPCINFO(3)    end;OnCommand:    if ( !countitem(20357) ) {        message strcharinfo(0), "You must have an Font Ticket to use this command";        end;    }    atcommand "@font "; // leave a space between    end;}

  2. I had a problem like in this old Post From Rathena...
    I got the solution to solve that problem, that is usually generated after  a menu choice.
    Then in most of cases is imposible delete the Text after choice an item from the menu.
    Seems that just append to existing npc's dialog.

    I create this new function called next2, Wich cleans the old text before choice a new menu item.
    BUILDIN(next2){	TBL_PC* sd;	int fd;	sd = script->rid2sd(st);	fd = sd->fd;	if( sd == NULL )		return true;	clif->scriptclear(sd,sd->npc_id);	return true;}AND APPENDvoid script_parse_builtin(void) {	struct script_function BUILDIN[] = {		// NPC interaction		BUILDIN_DEF(mes,"s*"),		BUILDIN_DEF(next,""),		BUILDIN_DEF(close,""),		BUILDIN_DEF(close2,""),		BUILDIN_DEF(menu,"sl*"),		BUILDIN_DEF(select,"s*"), //for future jA script compatibility		BUILDIN_DEF(prompt,"s*"),		BUILDIN_DEF(next2,""), //Javierlog08 NEXT comand simulation without CLICK next button from client                .....................................


    i just append to my script  next2 after choice an menu item 

    mes "Que nivel de jugador tienes?";if(select("Usuario Experto:Principiante")==1) { next2; cutin "jpn_anni02",2; mes "^9933ff[Rates]^000000"; mes "^A0A0A0~Usa el comando @rates^000000"; mes "^9933ff[Cartas MVPs]^000000";



  3. Hehe, no problem.

    I had a problem with 

    Then follwing the IrO Wiki's Formula



    {(CurrHP ÷ 50) + (MaxSP ÷ 4)} × (SkillLv × BaseLv ÷ 150)} × {0.95 + DragonTraining_Lv × 0.05} 


    That means that

    ((70000 / 50) + (1300/4)) * (10 * 175 / 150) * (0.95 + 5 * 0.05)

    Total Damage = 20125 (0.95+5*0.05)

    I just was thinking that is too much damage for a server 175, where mostly of the Jobs have low Health

    I got an effective way to nerf it.
    Just making a change in

    md.damage = ((status_get_hp(src) / 50) + (status_get_max_sp(src) / 4)) * skill_lv;


    md.damage = ((status_get_hp(src) / 150) + (status_get_max_sp(src) / 4)) * skill_lv;



    In this way i got 11k Of damage MAx, and just 20k if they are using Tao Gunka Card. I believed the way to reduce it using the Card's and armor reducction, but that alone would ruin the skill.
    Then on this is a better way to nerf it

    Sorry for my english XD


  4. Hi, im looking the way to make dragon breath reducible by Demi-human reduction effects / Defense / and Element.

    I have looking at files 

    In whick are mostly of damage calculations ,but i cant see yet anything related with Dragon Breath and Demi Humans or effects

    The only is this code that just make the calculation based on iro wiki.



    case RK_DRAGONBREATH:	case RK_DRAGONBREATH_WATER:		md.damage = ((status_get_hp(src) / 50) + (status_get_max_sp(src) / 4)) * skill_lv;		RE_LVL_MDMOD(150);		if (sd) md.damage = md.damage * (95 + 5 * pc->checkskill(sd,RK_DRAGONTRAINING)) / 100;		md.flag |= BF_LONG|BF_WEAPON;		break;




  5. Hola busco un programador con experiencia para unirse a mi proyecto.
    Mi servidor abrio recientemente y el trabajo es mucho.
    Necesito personas con experiencia. .no aficionados.

    Tengo una inversión por arriba de los 200 Dolares. Muchas espectativas en este proyecto.


    GM - Oficial (Cuenta Full )


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    -> Conocimiento en lectura de paquetes
    -> Conocimiento en herramientas para colaboracion de proyectos (Git / Subversion)
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  6. I was looking the  hercules`s quest and rathena`s mora quest and i look that the set on hercules is not complete.


    For example (Guillotine cross) NPC have Nap Hood and Nap boots but doesn't have Accesories or armor X_X.


    and rathen have.










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