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Everything posted by anacondaq

  1. git much easyer, and have more features.
  2. Eamod is totally suck emulator. If i can get moneyback, and never buy it, i will do that. Last 2 years all what i do at my own, it's fixing bugs caused by trash code in Eamod. Last few month i following hercules, and i can see a big process in developing. Only one option why i still stand on eAmod, it's detailed WoE stats.
  3. anacondaq

    MAC IP Address

    because NAT everywhere. From the same IP can be many different players. Best way it's hardware detection, like HWiD, MAC
  4. best emulator developers ever. That is possible to apply for 2010* clients? (game exe)?
  5. GUYS PLEASE NEVER GRAND all privileges on your database!!!! It's very dangerous! Very dangerous! Try mleo1 example!
  6. I'm not really need rathena emulator, or community. I need just my PM's with some interesting code. + files. Nothing more.
  7. i think rathena admin who was administrate rathena website/files/backups totally newbie. All things in our life is unstable. And rathena was really great community what reborn ragnarok server development. It's sad to see rathena more than 2 weeks offline. Make backup every day, and reupload it to your pc, dropbox, google drive, mega, custom vpses, etc.
  8. chmod a+x char-server_sql map-server_sql login-server_sql athen-start ./athena-start start
  9. Their website do not work, svn too. For now it's more than 2 weeks. Tell me please some authorized member from eAmod, what happened?
  10. For sure no rathena backups. That why is so long offline. LOL
  11. what is this custom grf? show me your data.ini;
  12. This mean InternalGuard cannot read some your webserver files config. P.S. do not use this shit. http://forum.brathena.org/topic/6584-internal-guard-anti-cheater-bitsecure/page-8 already bypassed. Do not work on Windows x64; Not recommend. All features what in this soft it's: it checking hashsum from files, if different - false start; it use another login algorith by changed only one packet in login.c/char.c/packet_db; It's hide only running proccess from tasklist; (easy to disable by processlasso); and many other shit happened with this stupid hackshield. Collect your money, and buy harmony. Harmony much better.
  13. Hello guys, i am looking for simple sqlinjection/xss protected registration account php script. Features what must be: script must be secured script must be easy
  14. i think, it's ddos attack. (but i hope it's not)
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