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Everything posted by anacondaq

  1. offtopic i hope, in some day *athena/hercules will release multi-thread emulator. But i guess, ro will be dead at this time.
  2. because this very very very hard to write from null the application what will work with emulator. It's like a write new game. + Copyrights, + licence, + etc things. It's easy to talk about protection, but in real life it's very very very hard to make. This is the main problem.
  3. I see only one alternative - it's make server-side security by delays for each feature: item usage (potions/gears) & switching delays Skill usage hard delays depens on the animation & aspd & other parameters. Packet Encryption to protect against simple Bots like openkore. Server side protection by delays & etc, it's 80% against all cheats. The main sense it's make cheat software unusable. Client side is very hard to protect, and that is very dangerous and take a lot of time & money. Protection for client must be next: unique algorythm to check current version, size, signatures of the game .exe; Default hash-cheking feature can be bypassed by simple re-sending packet what contain inself a information about hash of the client. That mean, you can protect your .exe against any injections, but someone will make the same clear .exe and will make hash-sums spoofing (fake sending packet from 3rd party application about "real" .exe), and he will use clear .exe + will send to the server hash-sums of the original exe and he will use any cheat software what he want to use. That is very sad. (i know many exaples of that) Rewrite WinApi Hooks to make system-calls to the worked process (application) not real, or to ignore our application. But it's takes a lot of money & time & admin skill. So that mean it's very hard to realease + that is very unstable, because this emulation can be bypassed by disabling or freezing extra dll for exe what contain this functions, or some antivirus or another application will be always give a crash for Ragnarok .exe; Write or apply (i already saw many ways (with sources) windows driver with official signature from Windows to make imposible to unload this driver from system when process is running + some self-protection functions & checks to check is security dll/exe are work or nope, freezed or nope, hided or nope, etc. But this method is very bad, because many people on this planet using pirate software (around 90% in the world), and each operation system from Windows Family have different configurations, pre-installed software, etc. So there is a big risk to get system unusable. GRF Encryption - that can any GM, it's free and easy to make for each server. This is not full information, just a very small part, but the main sense of my message: need to make a server-side protection on the delay part to make unusable any spamming & in game world hacking.
  4. Harmony start to be a big piece of shit! Why? do not protect against openkore & visual bots do not encrypt their traffic correctly do not work with WinAPI to prevent memory injections (i talking about primitive ways to inject cheat software source code to application) do not have any simple VirutalKeyboard or key hashing to prohibite autoclickerse (like in another differense games) Harmony it's: stupid AES (not diffi-helmann!) it's injected .bin application what encrypt "traffic" (they think they encrypt it); it's only protect against "knowed" cheats by their names (like Romedic/Ahk) It's have a lot of difference configurations, and tons of hellcode only for looks like "pro-security" ALL NOT IDIOT gm's can make the same features for free with free software finded around the internet + some simple coding to detect "knowed" cheat software & apply good encryption algrorythm. It's say's they check nodelay, but it's wrong, any modern software cheats (google!!!) work very good with harmony. Modern cheats using .exe diffing/modernization to make nodelay, to spam packets, to hide some objects/sprites in game & effects from spells etc. So result is next: Sirius_White is bad guy, who get 200$ for nothing, with shitty support, and big downtimes. Sorry, but the real price of this hackshield depends on features what they are provide around 50$ (20$ for books to learn WinAPI & Programming language + 30$ get access to private hack forum where writed tactics & easy methods to hack applications + how to defence it) + your own time (around week/month (depends on your skill)) Thank you! That is true! I can give many screenshots proofs if someone want it.
  5. That is possible to make modification like this one by HPM (hercules plugins manager) and can someone show realisation of it to get more information and start to practice with my own sources. I have an idea, to add most used src mods without any damage for hercules. Like extra pluggins. Can anyone show by by some realizations?
  6. yum install gdb./configure --enable-debug=gdbulimit -c unlimited
  7. make clean ./configure --enable-debug=gdb make sql
  8. apt-get install postfix man postfix
  9. This is in 3ceam too. not tested with harmony
  10. What most stable and have many features client in: 2012 2013 Can anybody make topic with detailed information about each kRO ragexe + link for luas for him and their features?
  11. I think it's not the item sprite, i think it's effect from some spell, and need to find it in atc/spr in client rdata.grf
  12. It's not bad for me, but i want to ask about that too. Maby it problem, because enchanted stone going to 4 slot of equipment, and in idumitemtable (or something like this) or in slotcountable in /data/ folder this item is setted with only 1 slot. Anyway, there is the way to fix this feature? How to make it not colored.
  13. I'm not talking about the ideal variant. Harmony protection is outdated. It's cannot help against trivial things. 200$ for nothing. I hope, Sirius notice that. He must rethink harmony protection, and understand main, there no more romedics, there need protect whole memory! Do not need to block some versions of program. Need to make global protection with memory virtualization & encryption. Romedic, autohotkey it's very easy software. But ro cheat scene is larger then this cheats. Much larger (i know already more than 10 applications what maded for ragnarok online, and all of them read/write to the same memory addresses);
  14. Last two versions harmony have a lot of bugs, and problems: fps bug liknz & other software for ndl and complete autopots + clicker + ndl + other effects in one soft work fine. harmony do not block memory reading, and injection harmony only read latest signatures of cheat software. harmony owner wont fix FPS (decrease when a lot of players at same screen) bug, and other problems. harmony owner do not support fastly, he just answer after 1-2 weeks. That why i think harmony is bad product to protect server. But there is no alternative way to block cheat software. How work harmony? it's check hash-sums of files in hdata.grf to "protect" against ndl. But new ways in nodelay based on sprite freezing. It's check hash-sums of .exe, it's not helpful. It's know already about some software (by signatures) but they do not want to protect memory addresses against read/write ways. Harmony has tunnel where transfer data is encrypted by AES (blue fish) algoritm. But this way is not good against new cheat scene. Where openkore by some people with some perl modules can bypass this method and connect to the server. Harmony check hash-sum for each software what they know.... Sorry guys, SIrius can say another version, but i say true. It's not good protection. You pay for brand, not for protection engine. Harmony was good at 2009-10; For this time is most suckest anticheat engine what i ever seen before. What to do? - Wait for good developers like Magnum Anticheat and use their protection. Protection must: - Revers engeniereng most dangerous (good) cheat software and understand how it work. - They must block API calls to memory. - They must check everytime all files in game to detect modification. - They must HIDE without threads, pids protected Ragnarok.exe; - They must make own virtual keyboard what block whole WINAPI (SendKey('Button') and allow only processrunned virtual button. - They must ask to help increase their protection "level" at professional cheaters. Romedic, ahk, ROPS it's trivial things. - Protection must be CHEAP. - Cheap & good protection = many clients, many money, ro ALIVE.
  15. If that is true, i wish to Ind and other Hercules developers - be happy, good health, and no problems in family:) + Many new ideas & realizations for hercules:)
  16. yes i recompile i am using rathena by eamod go to their stupid community, and ask them how to fix their super-bugged emulator. Megre from their "bugemod" to normal emulator like hercules.
  17. http://herc.ws/wiki/GDB
  18. You mean, you need waiting room on npc what show how many players on the map right now? OnInit: OnTimer1000: delwaitingroom; waitingroom getmapusers(guild_vs3)+" player"+( getmapusers(guild_vs3) > 1 ? "s":"") +" in PVP", 0; initnpctimer; end;end;
  19. No scripts who can help protect against bots. (openkore); Best and most stable way, it's use encrypted traffic between server and client. Diff'n'helman, AES, bluefish, etc. You can write it by yourself, or buy already ready software, like harmony, or etc software. Any scripts what request enter numbers, or words, or images doesnot help, because on openkore many ready plugins to bypass that very easy.
  20. How about peek? And year when it was be?
  21. agree. Very useful command.
  22. harmony in 2013 looks like eamod. To many features, and more bugs without nothing result.
  23. Oright, i was read what is HPM, and i like it. And i will use it, but i dunno how. Can anybody explain me how to use this feature to make plugins by simple examples (maby some @atcommand commands), etc?
  24. Will be great if WoE detailed ranks will be converted for hercules into plugin!
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