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Everything posted by iCORE

  1. oh sorry ive put the old one just use setcashmount();
  2. start from 100 yourthor.thor101 yourthor1.thor102 yourthor2.thor103 yourthor3.thor105 yourthor4.thorand so on....
  3. { Id: 12622 AegisName: "Boarding_Halter" Name: "Halter Lead" Type: 11 Buy: 20 Upper: 63 Script: <" setmounting(); ">}, put it on your ./db/item_db2.conf and use @reloaditemdb in game
  4. Private message me i will try to fix it for you
  5. goto ./addon/vote_for_points/themes/default <---- change "default on your current theme.
  6. Is this the Byteflux v4p? Thanks! EDIT: Hey whenever I clicked the Vote for Credits! on the main menu it leads mo to a blank page. you are using deafult skin flux?
  7. http://herc.ws/board/topic/10762-re-release-paradox-vote-for-points/ hope this will help
  8. Re-release of paradox VOTE addon. credits to the maker of this addon This addon is working on the latest flux CP see ./config/access.php to edit CASHPOINTS and COINS voting. vote_for_credits.rar
  9. please add anieruru's bg plugin thanks.
  10. iCORE

    [Request] UI

    i cant move or do anything after loging in the game
  11. is there any way to change my renewal client to OLD UI? or does hercules support 2010 clients? [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x08a7 (0x4389), 19 bytes received), disconnecting session #7. ragexere 2011 12 28
  12. hi, how to to configure maximum cap for increase and decrease demi-human? I want to set the resistance of Demi-human from 100% to 150% or any else, I don't know where.
  13. hi everyone, how to adjust a miss rate of a certain skill or how to remove its miss value?
  14. prontera,144,164,4 script Perfect Refine 4_PORING,{mes "What item do you want to be refined?";next;set @refine,.equip_part[select(getequipname(.equip_part[0]), getequipname(.equip_part[1]), getequipname(.equip_part[2]), getequipname(.equip_part[3]), getequipname(.equip_part[4]), getequipname(.equip_part[5]), getequipname(.equip_part[6]), getequipname(.equip_part[7]), getequipname(.equip_part[8]), getequipname(.equip_part[9]), getequipname(.equip_part[10]))-1];if(countitem(25010) < 1) {mes "You are missing:";mes ""+((countitem(25010) < 1)?"1 Perfect Refine Ticket":"")+"";close;}if(getequiprefinerycnt(@refine) >= 20) {mes "+20 Item cannot be refined anymore.";close;}else {delitem 25010,1;successrefitem @refine;mes "Clang Clang! Success!";close;}OnInit: setarray .equip_part[0],1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10;} how not to refine non refineable items using this script.
  15. iCORE

    [Help] Stats

    hi i want to ask on how to increase stats per level. Becuase on my test server it only gives 1 attack per level like Level 400 = 400 atk only + STR 350 = 750 atk only can anyone help me on how to increase this? and the following stats ( DEX INT AGI VIT LUK )
  16. iCORE


    the script only works for itemheal not for percentheal
  17. anyway, is it possible to make this? for example i make the ygg berry like this. Script: <" percentheal 50,50; "> and i make a card that have this script Script: <" bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,607,20; "> means that it will add 20% healing on HP
  18. thanks for the reply but its not working for me bonus2 bAddItemSpRate,12135,50; [Warning]: pc_bonus2: unknown type 2700 12135 50!
  19. hi is there a source for additemsprate?
  20. iCORE

    [Help] Script

    hi i cant find what is the script for "Increase SP healing rate" or can anyone help me to make this script Improves Red Potion EffectRecovers 15% HP and 10% SPImproves Blue Potion EffectRecovers 50% SPUnstackable for card script. thanks!
  21. hi im looking for a script for item that can increase the sp healing of a certain item its like this bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,id,n; but SP thanks in advance
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