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  1. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to kukayasko in Cores de cabelo zeram ao relogarar   
    Boa tarde!
    Veja se é isso: conf/battle/client.conf
    nessa parte:

    // Save Clothes color. (This will degrade performance) (Note 1) save_clothcolor: no
    mude pra "yes", ficando assim:

    // Save Clothes color. (This will degrade performance) (Note 1) save_clothcolor: yes
    Reinicie e recompile seu emulador e testa.
  2. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to hemagx in [RELEASED] RO Hooks, a nice set of modifications for your client   
    Hello! ~
    * Introduction
    RO Hooks is a paid project, which will allow a set of custom abilities to your client, such as player name coloring, server side GM sprite and such; It is is meant to be a way to edit this old dead game client to add things either improving player's experience or giving the ability to have new of content or to give your players something special.
    * What do we have currently
    GM Clothes and Robot Clothes controller server side (Robot Clothes is a Special Event Sprite) Player Name coloring (Server-side) Item Name Coloring (Client-Side) Messages Timestamp "inspired by Project Chaos RO (nachtwolke.ai4rei.com)" More to come  
    * Pictures
    - GM and Robot Clothes

    - Name Coloring

    - Colorizing Item Names (Configure client side, could be applied to any kind of items)

    - Messages Timestamp

    * Which Clients are supported?
    Pretty much anything 2012-04 and onward, older clients are also supported upon request.
    * Is there anything more? when is this supposed to be release? And can we suggest something?
    There's still other futures which will be announced soon, I'm pretty much working everyday to find something newer.
    It will be released as soon as we have enough set of custom futures, also any suggestions for features is more than welcome, as soon as anything new finished i will announce it here. Also as soon as it's ready for sell I will get a Paid Service topic.
  3. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Slowpoker in [SOLVED]error messages.conf   
    Olá pessoal estou com um problema na escrita que aparece no jogo da pasta messages.conf, traduzi ela porém ela fica com esses caracteres estranhos... alguém sabe o que poderia ser?
    uso o client 20150916, já testei diversos langtype também porém nenhum resultado aqui.
    Hello everyone, I have a problem with the writing from messages.conf file that appears in the game, I translate it, but it keeps those strange characters ... does anyone know what it could be?
    I use the 20150916 client, I already tested several langtype also but no results here.

    @EDIT : Problem solved, i saved the file in ANSI encoding and works.
  4. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Asheraf in kRO unpacked clients releases   
    Clients without themida protection can be downloaded at http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/
  5. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to ljsb in Bug bg_message   
    O problema era fuga de memória na alocação dinâmica da string, realizei a alteração e testei novamente, agora as mensagens são exibidas normalmente. Criei um pull request no repositório do emulador e agora cabe ao pessoal a aprovação. Agradeço e podem fechar o tópico.
  6. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in September Digest 2017   
    September Digest 2017
    The following digest covers the month of September 1st - September 30th 2017
    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    Adjust rodex packet versions based on tests Add SC_DAILYSENDMAILCNT into constants.conf and sc_config.txt Add missing checks in attaching item to rodex mail Reimplement getiteminfo/setiteminfo in a safer and more maintainable way Split 'View' in two different fields in the item database Update item DB (View -> ViewSprite) Update item DB (View -> Subtype) Differentiate variables that hold a ViewSprite and a weapon Subtype (Part 2) Added Constant SEX_ANY (2) for Male and Female genders Move other view-related variables to `sd->status.look`  allow buildin_getgroupid to take a GID Packet Additions / Changes: Change char server packets for 20170830 and newer clients. Split packets and packets keys. Add autogenerated encryption keys list for all client versions. Add non shuffle packets for 2017-06-14bRagexeRE and newer. Add shuffle packets for all 2014 ragexe clients. Add shuffle packets for all 2015 ragexe clients. Add shuffle packets for all 2016 ragexeRe clients. Add shuffle packets for all released 2017 ragexeRe clients.  
    Database Highlights
    Add item subtype (weapon/ammunition type) constants Bitmask entries for weapons, ammunition, armors, etc. have been replaced with constants: Replace W_DAGGER in the item database Replace W_1HSWORD in the item database Replace W_2HSWORD in the item database Replace W_1HSPEAR in the item database Replace W_2HSPEAR in the item database Replace W_1HAXE in the item database Replace W_2HAXE in the item database Replace W_MACE in the item database  Replace W_STAFF in the item database Replace W_BOW in the item database Replace W_KNUCKLE in the item database Replace W_MUSICAL in the item database Replace W_WHIP in the item database Replace W_BOOK in the item database Replace W_KATAR in the item database Replace W_REVOLVER in the item database  Replace W_RIFLE in the item database Replace W_GATLING in the item database Replace W_SHOTGUN in the item database Replace W_GRENADE in the item database  Replace W_HUUMA in the item database Replace W_2HSTAFF in the item database Replace A_ARROW in the item database  Replace A_DAGGER in the item database  Replace A_BULLET in the item database Replace A_GRENADE in the item database Replace A_SHURIKEN in the item database Replace A_KUNAI in the item database Replace A_CANNONBALL in the item database Replace A_THROWWEAPON in the item database  
    Scripting Highlights
    Fix errors in the Diamond seller script  
    September Statistics
    During the period there were 24 Commits. 6 Commits from Pull Requests with 0 Bugs* fixed from merged issues.  
    *Please note: Bug fixes are counted as references to issues; it does not include bugs that have been fixed without issue reference. The number of commits includes those that were merged.
  7. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to BrOgBr in [Resolvido] Problema Eden 71-85   
    Estou com um problema, o script 71-85.txt do Eden, do Hercules, parece estar incompleto. 
    Ele não possui os NPCs, Meidi, Jeanbai, Ancellia e etc...
    Ou seja acredito que ele deveria estar assim:
    Como no github do @JulioCF
    Mas ele está incompleto, com isso não aparecem os NPCs necessários para a quest.
    Tentei copiar o NPC acima, mas ele apresenta erros nos checkquest, não faço ideia de como fazer ele funcionar no herc, eu sei que agora utiliza o checkprogress, mas também não sei como trocar...
    To meio perdido, não sei se estou certo ou errado, se tem eles em outro diretório, por favor preciso muito deles e não consegui encontrar, fico no aguardo.
    O 71-85.txt do herc está assim:
    Não tem os NPCs necessários para prosseguir com a quest. 
  8. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in Apoligies for lack of Activity   
    Hey everyone!
    Some of you have left me many messages (here on the forum and on Discord) regarding my activity. Sadly, I've been quite busy working at Summer Camp (hence why I haven't been active much through the summer....). I try to check in whenever I have some time to myself, but it is quite difficult to do so with lack of internet and lack of connection.
    Good news is... it's almost done and I'm about ready to get back to my normal routine. Please, if you have any more questions/concerns/ or just want to say hi, don't hesitate to talk to me via PM or Discord! I check Discord more often since I am on my phone more often.
    Mystery out!
  9. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in June Digest 2017   
    June Digest 2017
    The following digest covers the month of June 1st - June 30th 2017
    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    convert specialeffect calls with strings to use GID Unify specialeffect, convert legacy scripts allow to use specialeffect() on any unit, and to send to any player update the documentation for specialeffect() remove specialeffect2 from databases remove specialeffect2 from npcs remove misceffect from npcs convert specialeffect calls with strings to use GID add missing constants to specialeffect calls flag specialeffect2() as deprecated flag misceffect() as deprecated Removed reading battle.conf multiple times from import folder Fixed a bug when removing a card Channel Adjustments: allow channelmes to be called without attached rid allow addchannelhandler to be called with attached rid allow removechannelhandler to be called with attached rid Packet Additions, Changes & Fixes: Add packet 0x0a37 ZC_ITEM_PICKUP_ACK_V7 (based on rAthena) Fix vending list packet for 2016 clients (based on rAthena) Add packet 0x0a84 for guild basic info (based on rAthena) Add packet 0x0aa5 for 2016 clients for guild members list (based on rAthena) Add packet 0x0a43 for party member info (based on rAthena) Add packet 0xa44 for party info (based on rAthena) Add packet 0xabd for send job and base levels to party members (based on rAthena) fix guild leader change in 2017 clients (based on rAthena)  
    Documenation for <URL> browser dimensions  
    Database Highlights
    Fixed assert report when arrow shower(skill) was used on traps correct combo bonus for advanced angelic set Corrected some bonuses in item_options.conf correct Yggdrasil_Herald_Crown equip location  
    June Statistics
    During the period there were 39 Commits. 14 Commits from Pull Requests with 3 Bugs* fixed from merged issues.  
    *Please note: Bug fixes are counted as references to issues; it does not include bugs that have been fixed without issue reference. The number of commits includes those that were merged.
  10. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in July Digest 2017   
    July Digest 2017
    The following digest covers the month of July 1st - July 31st 2017
    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    Implementation of RoDEX Optimisation of char_memitemdata_to_sql() Removed 'NO MSG' message in clients < 20101123 Added time limit parameter to setquest Added getcalendartime script command Code Organization: Move some immune/resists checks from status_change_start into separate functions Move from status_change_start code for end previous sc to separate function Move code for stop actions into separate function from status_change_start Move set options from status_change_start into separate function Move getting val_flag based on type from status_change_start into separate functions Move adding icon code from status_change_start into separate function Move handling unknown sc code from status_change_start into separate functions Add configure flag for silent warnings about var tracking errors Fix possible buffer overflows with snprintf  
    July Statistics
    During the period there were 17 Commits. 9 Commits from Pull Requests with 2 Bugs* fixed from merged issues.  
    *Please note: Bug fixes are counted as references to issues; it does not include bugs that have been fixed without issue reference. The number of commits includes those that were merged.
  11. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Kurare in Fechar cutin (close cutin)   
    Neste caso no script selecionado, acredito que você deva mudar:

     if (!.@i) close; para 
    if(!.@i) {  close2; cutin "",255; end; }  
    Para mostrar outro cutin basta repetir o comando, o cutin sobrepõe o cutin mostrado anteriormente, no caso o 'cutin "",255' que retira, nada mais é do que uma sobreposição por um cutin vazio.

    cutin "npcpadrao",2; mes "Oi, Selecione sua opção"; if( select("Quero ver um duende:Quero ver um elfo") == 1) { next; cutin "duende",2; mes "Aqui está ele, divirta-se!"; close2; cutin "",255; end; } else { next; cutin "elfo",2; mes "Aqui está ele, cuidado com as flechas!"; close2; cutin "",255; end; }  
  12. Upvote
    JulioCF got a reaction from Yazoo in Rank MVP   
  13. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to KirieZ in ERRO FATAL Emulador Hercules!   
    Se me lembro bem o Hercules não deixa ser executado em um usuário com privilégio root, por não ser necessário. Você precisa criar um novo usuário, tente seguir os passos desse tutorial, na parte "create a new linux user": https://habilisbest.com/rathena-setting-up-ragnarok-online-private-server .
  14. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Yazoo in Rank MVP   
    Boa tarde !!!
    Utilizo esse rank de mvp :
    E eu gostaria de que no mapa guild_vs2 o mvp não contasse os mvps mortos lá, há alguma forma de fazer isso ??
    Resolvi !!!
    era só add uma função para desabilitar a contagem de mobs do mapa assim
    getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if(@map$ == "guild_vs2")end;  
    Pode fechar aki !!!
  15. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Yazoo in Guild e Party não aparecem   
    Esta função já estava desabilitada e mesmo assim não funcionou,
    tentei utilizar o /showname, tb utilizei o /set1 e /set2 e nada aconteceu...
    Encontrei o erro:
    Não era o showname ironicamente descobri o erro +/-
    adicionei recentemente um npc chamado killing_titles_v1.0.4
    Não sei bem qual a função dele estava desabilitando o visual do nome da guild.

  16. Upvote
    JulioCF got a reaction from Yazoo in Guild e Party não aparecem   

    // Display party name regardless if player is in a guild. // Official servers do not display party name unless the user is in a guild. (Note 1) display_party_name: false
  17. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Yazoo in [RESOLVIDO] Algumas descrições travam o client e fecham   
    Simples amigo
    o problema pode ser na sua texture/collection
    também pode no seu .spr do item e também pode ser no seu system/iteminfo.lub
    São os arquivos que podem causar este erro, o iteminfo.lub se o nome do item estiver diferente do que o nome do seu cliente o erro é certo.
    Ex.: Seu cliente é do iRo e vc usa um iteminfo.lub do Bro os nomes aegis estão diferentes é erro.
    tambem descobri que alguns itens tem seus nomes substituidos por aqueles quadradinhos de unknow sigla  ■ 
    Creio eu que o mais provável seja este erro no iteminfo.lub.
  18. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Juan Meissner in [RESOLVIDO] Algumas descrições travam o client e fecham   
    Exatamente o que o Yazoo falou, tenta colocar alguma sprite na pasta item com o nome do item indicado no iteminfo.lub e colocar uma bmp no collection tbm.
  19. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to bbicudo in [RESOLVIDO] Algumas descrições travam o client e fecham   
    Estava eu todo feliz terminando a configuração do meu servidor, quando fui testar os mobs.

    Dropei um grimório, id 2109. Cliquei com o botão direito nele e puff, meu client parou de responder e fechou-se.

    Comecei então a dar @item em vários itens que conheço, porém percebi que a maioria funciona corretamente, apenas alguns estão dando estes erros...

    Alguém já passou por isso? Sabe por que acontece ou como resolver?

    Obrigado pela ajuda!!

    Obs.: Hexed 20151029, data do iRO atualizada até o talo.

    Agradeço desde já a ajuda


    Descobri que o erro ocorre somente se eu estiver tentando ver um item (tipo o grimório que é escudo), tendo um escudo equipado.

    Com o pouco conhecimento que tenho, creio que o erro pode estar sendo gerado pela janela de "comparação" de itens, que compara o item que você tem equipado ao item que vc está vendo.

    Existe uma maneira de desabilitar esse sistema?


    Resolvido, faltavam os arquivos bmp da janela de comparação. Se alguém estiver passando por esse perrengue, o iRO não tem os bmps da comparison window. Só pegar na data do kRO tudo que tiver "comparison" no nome que resolve

    Amo vcs <3 
  20. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to fxfreitas in [RESOLVIDO] MOB com drop custom para quest   
    Já existem centenas de mobs clonados na mob_db que se não me engano vem da arena de izlude. Eles não tem drop então são exatamente o que procura. Todos tem o prefixo G_ no nome caso queira procurar la na mob_db (slaves de mvp tambem usam esse prefixo, e eles geralmente não tem drop tambem). E já existem mvps clonados sem drop tambem estão nos IDs 2000+ só procurar.
  21. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Envolvents in Npc que responde a fala   
    Ah sim, sei qual é, eu não lembro onde eu vi isso. Deste modo ai eu não sei mas deve ser a mesma lógica que se usa nas bg com relação ao chat.
    Vou ver depois, é interessante esse sistema, dá até pra fazer ele como um FAQ in game.
  22. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in May Digest 2017   
    May Digest 2017
    The following digest covers the month of May 1st - May 31st 2017
    Team Changes
    hemagx has been moved from Core Developer to Community Contributors malufett has been moved from Core Developer to Community Contributors Pan has been moved from Core Developer to Community Contributors GreenBox has been moved from Core Developer to Community Contributors Susu has been moved from Core Developer to Community Contributors Kenpachi has been moved from Script Developers to Community Contributors Joseph has been moved from Script Developers to Community Contributors AnnieRuRu has been moved from Scripting Moderators to Community Contributors JayPee has been moved from Int'l Moderators to Community Contributors Mhalicot has been moved from Int'l Moderators to Community Contributors Mumbles has been moved from Global Moderators to Community Contributors Olrox has been moved from Graphics Moderators to Community Contributors These members had the 'Former' tag set on their group, however, due to the move towards IPB4, we scraped that Former Tag and figured it was best to just move them to CC.
    Development Highlights
    Fix a race condition when saving the storage on logout Fix saving of storage for non-stackable items Fix storage saving checks and amount update Normal Stat food can't override the effect of Cash Stat food add channel handler events Add storage_data reception, parsing and sending to/from the map-server allow to pass actual params to getparam add exponentiation operator update documentation for the exponentiation operator remove the pow buildin from existing scripts remove the pow buildin from item databases flag the pow() buildin as deprecated allow custom atcommands to have different permissions for each group add buildin add_group_command() add support for custom atcommands in can_use_command  
    Scripting Highlights
    Optimize Uwe Kleine NPC, fix typos and an unintended fall through Updated npc/re/merchants/shadow_refiner.txt to version 2.0 Update npc/<re/>merchants/advanced_refiner.txt  
    Updated *showscript documentation description Documentation update for getequippercentrefinery() and refine_db.confs document previously undocumented parameter of getparam  
    Database Highlights
    Refine rate correction from kRO Update Exp Table   
    May Statistics
    During the period there were 59 Commits. 10 Commits from Pull Requests with 2 Bugs* fixed from merged issues.  
    *Please note: Bug fixes are counted as references to issues; it does not include bugs that have been fixed without issue reference. The number of commits includes those that were merged.
  23. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to lucasgolino in Item_db.conf traduzida pt-br   
    Bem, isso é um 'pre' release. Essa tradução foi gerada automaticamente por um Script que usou a database do brAthena para o formato do Hercules.
    Como foi gerada por UM SCRIPT pode haver bugs, erros, problemas ou inconsistências. Confirmando novamente: ELA NÃO FOI TESTADA.
    Em breve posto o Script que criei para fazer isso, quando tiver certeza que ele funciona bem.
  24. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to vinciover in Oque usar? TXT ou Banco de Dados(sql)? Tradução?   
    Desde os tempos arcaicos que existe emuladores TxT e SQL, sempre foi melhor usar SQL.
    TxT é uma pratica rapida de fazer um servidor, as comunições do servidor q usa banco de dados TxT, na mnha opnião é lenta, e cheia de erros.
    SQL não tem mistério para usar, e funciona todo automático e sua comunicação é muito boa com o servidor.
    Antigamente eu usava TxT, pq era menos trabalho pra configurar, mais sempre dava erro nas comunicações, quando eu tive q usar o SQL, no começo achei dificil configurar pq é cheio de programa pra baixar, mais quando aprendi coisa de 5 dias, ficou uma maravilha o servidor.
    Resumindo: SQL pra mim e para qualquer HOST pago é o melhor, mais se quer fazer um servidor so para rodar na sua maquina e estiver preguiça de aprender sobre o SQL pois tente o TxT.
  25. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in Join our Discord!   
    Hey everyone,
    As I mentioned previously in my last topic:
    Hercules has a Discord server. Although many of you stick with IRC, we are not closing our IRC channel; it will stay open for those of you who prefer IRC over Discord. You can get our IRC Channel information by visiting this topic:
    Join us in our Discord Channel!
    If you use Discord often, then visit our channel --> https://discord.gg/ZUzbRSp Our staff is present both in IRC and Discord. Please note: do not use our Discord Channel as direct access for support; you will be redirected to use our forums for posting support topics. If you have simple questions, sure, not a problem but don't be expected to get answers for every question. 
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