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Posts posted by prism

  1. Does anyone know what file this skill uses for its animation when casted? I couldn't find a .str file with its name on it like other skills. I want to change the animation to something else. Or even how to make the skill use a different animation without modifying the texture files?

  2. Oops. I pasted from the wrong file.


     ACCESSORY_fallen_gladiator_aura = 2832,
      ACCESSORY_RED_AURA = 2837,
    As far as the item_db. I haven't made items with them yet. I'm just using @changelook to test the sprites.

  3. The sprites I'm using are from this pack:




    Right now I'm testing the Aura Sprites and a few of them won't work for me. Red, Yellow, and Violet.


    From my accname.lub:


      [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_fallen_gladiator_aura] = "_fallen_gladiator_aura",
    From my accsessoryid.lub:
      [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_fallen_gladiator_aura] = "_fallen_gladiator_aura",


    Is there perhaps something wrong with the sprite files? They're definitely all in the right places since most of the auras work.


  4. The only problem with @summon is that the mob will warp to you when you respawn which kind of defeats the purpose of it spawning to attack whatever killed you. I wonder if it would be difficult to create a custom @summon that doesn't cause the mob to follow the master. Kind of like summon monster skill that mobs have. It summons mobs to attack but doesn't count as a slave and doesn't follow its master or die when its master dies.

  5. My friend and I are implementing a perks system and have one called Vengeful Spirit. When you die is has a chance to summon a monster that attacks people. However, is it possible to make it so that it doesn't attack your party/guild?

  6. I'm using Hercules.


    case SC_DELUGE:
    val2 = skill->deluge_eff[val1-1]; //HP increase
    That's the original code from status.c I changed it to be 3% per level.
    I was able to get it to work by replacing:
        if( status->current_equip_card_id = 4302 )    
    if(sd->equip_index[EQI_ARMOR] >= 0 && sd->status.inventory[sd->equip_index[EQI_ARMOR]].card[0] == 4302)

  7. I'm trying to make it so that if Tao Gunka Card is equipped, this status will not provide a bonus.


    case SC_DELUGE:
    if( status->current_equip_card_id = 4302 )
    val2 = 0; //HP increase*
      val2 = val1*3; //HP increase*
    I tried doing this but it doesn't seem to work. It just gives 0 HP bonus no matter what.

  8. I kind of got it to work.



    I replaced:


    if(sc->data[sC_VOLCANO] && atk_elem == ELE_FIRE)
    ratio += skill->enchant_eff[sc->data[sC_VOLCANO]->val1-1];
    if(sc->data[sC_VIOLENTGALE] && atk_elem == ELE_WIND)
    ratio += skill->enchant_eff[sc->data[sC_VIOLENTGALE]->val1-1];
    if(sc->data[sC_DELUGE] && atk_elem == ELE_WATER)
    ratio += skill->enchant_eff[sc->data[sC_DELUGE]->val1-1];
    if(sc->data[sC_VOLCANO] && atk_elem == ELE_FIRE)
    ratio += 20;
    if(sc->data[sC_VIOLENTGALE] && atk_elem == ELE_WIND)
    ratio += 20;
    if(sc->data[sC_DELUGE] && atk_elem == ELE_WATER)
    ratio += 20;
    It's kind of ghetto since it just sets it to a flat 20% bonus. But that's a lot better than nothing.

  9. I want to modify the way the scaling works on these abilities. I plan to make an item that give the use extra levels of the skill. 

    10% > 14% > 17% > 19% > 20% extra damage. It becomes 20% at the maximum level 5. The problem though is that past the level 5 point it starts decreasing and becomes a penalty to damage if the skill level is high enough. What I want it to do is stop at 20%.


    From Battle.c :


    if (sc && sc->count) {
    if(sc->data[sC_VOLCANO] && atk_elem == ELE_FIRE)
    ratio += skill->enchant_eff[sc->data[sC_VOLCANO]->val1-1];
    if(sc->data[sC_VIOLENTGALE] && atk_elem == ELE_WIND)
    ratio += skill->enchant_eff[sc->data[sC_VIOLENTGALE]->val1-1];
    if(sc->data[sC_DELUGE] && atk_elem == ELE_WATER)
    ratio += skill->enchant_eff[sc->data[sC_DELUGE]->val1-1];

  10. I found how to change the SP cost. It's in status.c. Search for this:


    case SC_CLOAKING:
    if(!status->charge(bl, 0, 1))
    break; //Not enough SP to continue.
    sc_timer_next(sce->val2+tick, status->change_timer, bl->id, data);
    return 0;


    The 1 is the amount of SP drained per tick.


    Note: changing this will affect Maximize Power as well so you'll need to separate them into different cases.

  11. How would I go about making Asura Strike deal a percentage of the target's HP? I'm reducing the base damage of the skill but want to add percentage damage to it. 15% for example. It would be preferred if that % damage was reflected in the damage displayed when used by the skill. I know that Oboro Jyuhatsu/Illision - Death does percentage damage but it doesn't display the damage.


    Edit: I forgot to mention I don't want the hp % damage to work on bosses.

  12. This thread can be closed. After further investigation I found the answer I was looking for.




    else if(skill_id==MG_COLDBOLT || skill_id==MG_FIREBOLT || skill_id==MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT){
    if (sd->sc.data[sC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[sC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_SAGE)
    maxlv =10; //Soul Linker bonus. [skotlex]
    change the maxlvl = 10 to whatever level desired.

  13. How can I modify this link to increase the skill level cast by auto spell by one? Normally this link makes it autocast level equal to the user's learned level but with some with a custom item of ours that improves autospell this would be seriously OP.


     //Max chance, no skill_lv reduction. [skotlex]


    This comment is near the part in the source from battle.c that seems to affect this.

  14. How can I give a job the ability to equip ammo? I tried removing the job requirements in item_db  but that doesn't work. I tried searching through most of the db files as well. I tried to look in source, but I'm not really sure exactly what to look for! I want to make Creators able to equip cannonballs.

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