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Everything posted by Enko

  1. @off topic Hey Ai4rei, can you update your WDGTranslateClient.txt?
  2. Enko

    CashShop Button

    It's going to be kind of hard since rAthena is our rival. You should wait for rAthena and ask for this convert to rAthena.
  3. rA and TSR live on different VMs on the same box, that's why TSR is down too. Along with 14 of my other sites :/ which sites?
  4. did you use @reloadbattleconf? or did you reboot the server?
  5. I'm using my cellphone, don't uncommenting, you have to copy these scripts and past in your current scripts. if you are using renewal go to db/re/item_db.txt and search for the current scripts for wedding.
  6. last lines: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/db/item_db2.txt
  7. You should re-make another clean data folder to check if it isn't something related to the server side.
  8. Enko

    Suggestion :D

    I like the suggestion. +1
  9. Enko


    Test this second version, I changed something that it may fix your problem. maprecall.txt
  10. Enko


    I took the code from BrianL and I updated the code for Hercules. I didnt test it but it should work. Let me know if it works. maprecall.txt
  11. Enko

    @afk please?

    The first part you can add after this: (Line 3591) /*==========================================**------------------------------------------*/ACMD(reloaditemdb){nullpo_retr(-1, sd);itemdb_reload();clif->message(fd, msg_txt(97)); // Item database has been reloaded.return true;} and the second part, search this: (line 9713) ACMD_DEF(costume), and add this line: ACMD_DEF(afk), You need to compile.
  12. Use this: http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/Weediff2012Pack_v7.7z and mark the option of "disable hackshield" when you are diffing
  13. Enko

    @afk please?

    Open src/map/atcommand.c and add this: /*==========================================* @afk by [cr0wmaster]* Features: 1z required to use. Venders are forbidden to use this command.*------------------------------------------*/ACMD(afk){nullpo_retr(-1, sd);if (sd->vender_id) //check if that player's vending [cr0wmaster]{clif->message(fd, "You can't use this command while you're vending.");}elseif(sd->status.zeny >= 1) { sd->status.zeny += -1; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); sd->state.logout = 1;clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } else { clif->message(fd, "You do not have enough money to use this command."); clif->message(fd, "@afk failed."); }return true;} and this: ACMD_DEF(afk)
  14. News about rAthena http://bit.ly/10FLL14
  15. I found this: background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(255, 249, 186); But i dont understand in what file it goes :/
  16. I opened a ticket but i saw it blue, can you replay my tickect? (demostration)
  17. does your .exe have "Enable Multiples GRF" when you was diffing it?
  18. did you add your custom grf to data.ini?
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