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Posts posted by 4144

  1. this clients was never in nemo.herc.ws. This clients is packed with themida and before use them need unpack first. While unpacking client exe changed in random way, and no one can say is this is official unmodifed client exe or not.

    And on nemo.herc.ws present only official client exes. This clients don't need unpacking, and always can be validated is exe unmodified or not.


    2018 clients you probably saw here http://nemo.herc.ws/clients/#2018. this is information about patches but not downloads itself.

    for 2018 client exes search on forum, some versions here should be present

  2. Not long ago kro clients again packed with themida. And for now no way to unpack this clients for use in pservers. After unpack client always will crash.

    But themida not used in ragexeRE clients, and this clients can be used as before.


    Same issue was with ragexe clients from late 2016 to 2018, worked only ragexeRE clients.

  3. clientinfo or sclientinfo you can put in data folder. but here should be no other files. grf must be official

    only on this client you really can test official data. if you put translation for random client version, it may fail.


    in data probably also need msgstringtable.txt. this depend on what patches you used


    about recommended patches, see recommended button in nemo.


  4. probably issue in lua files

    also normally never enable any patches for hide errors. if client show error, this mean your data is wrong

    but you have enabled atleast this patch " Ignore Lua Errors"


    also try find grf and data for 20200401 and not use any translations.


  5. yes now impossible unpack for usage any new ragexe clients from kro main and zero. for private servers left only new ragexeRE

    but i still show information about patches for ragexe and collecting packets for them.

  6. it can be difficult to bring back old emblems features. because partially old code was removed from client.

    but in future will be don't need web server. i working on hercules for new features, but was slow down because 4th jobs and new game guard in kro..


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