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Posts posted by unknown

  1. can you fixed the script below which is mvp wave event automatically every 1hr. there is 5 round, every round there is 25 mvp monster to be killed. if the player is die, he will warp to a certain map where there is a npc. he need to claim the prize if he killed an mvp atleaset 1 which the prize is 1 poring coin. after that he will warp back to his current position before he joined the mvp wave event. if he still keep alive in the first round, he will still play for the second round, soon and so forth.


    //By Skorm v1.5prontera,102,102,5	script	MvP Warper	100,{	if(countitem(.item)<.amount) {		mes "I'm sorry you need at least "+.amount+" "+getitemname(.item)+"(s).";		close;	}	for(set .@b,1; .@b < getarraysize(.maps$); set .@b,.@b + 1) {		set .@menu$, .@menu$  + "Room["+(.@b-1)+"]- "+((getmapusers(""+.maps$[.@b]+""))?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers(.maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers(.maps$[.@b])+")")+":";	}		if(select(.@menu$)) {		if(getmapusers(.maps$[@menu])){ mes "This room is currently occupied."; close; }		set @menu,@menu;		killmonsterall .maps$[@menu];		if(countitem(.item)>=.pamount){			if(select("Warp:PartyWarp requires- "+getitemname(.item)+"x"+.pamount)-1) {				delitem .item,.pamount;				set @id,getcharid(1);				warpparty .maps$[@menu],0,0,@id;			} else { delitem .item,.amount; warp .maps$[@menu],0,0; }		} else { delitem .item,.amount; warp .maps$[@menu],0,0; }		sleep2 3000;				Onround:			setd ".mob"+@menu, .mamount;			areamonster .maps$[@menu],34,67,67,34,"--ja--",-3,.mamount,"MvP Warper::OnroundDeath";			end;					Onround2:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t, .mamount;			areamonster .maps$[.@t],34,67,67,34,"--ja--",-3,.mamount,"MvP Warper::OnroundDeath2";			end;					Onround3:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t, .mamount;			areamonster .maps$[.@t],34,67,67,34,"--ja--",-3,.mamount,"MvP Warper::OnroundDeath3";			end;					Onround4:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t, .mamount;			areamonster .maps$[.@t],34,67,67,34,"--ja--",-3,.mamount,"MvP Warper::OnroundDeath4";			end;					Onround5:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t, .mamount;			areamonster .maps$[.@t],34,67,67,34,"--ja--",-3,.mamount,"MvP Warper::OnroundDeath5";			end;					OnroundDeath:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t,getd(".mob"+.@t) - 1;			setd ".kmob"+.@t,getd(".kmob"+.@t) + 1;			if(getmapusers(.maps$[.@t])){				set .tmp, getd(".mob"+.@t);				if(.tmp == 25) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 25 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 5) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 5 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 0){ mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Round 1 complete! Round 2 has started!",0; goto Onround2; }			}			end;					OnroundDeath2:			//set $@mob,$@mob - 1;			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t,getd(".mob"+.@t) - 1;			setd ".kmob"+.@t,getd(".kmob"+.@t) + 1;			if(getmapusers(.maps$[.@t])){				set .tmp, getd(".mob"+.@t);				if(.tmp == 25) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 25 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 5) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 5 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 0){ mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Round 2 complete! Round 3 has started!",0; goto Onround3; }			}			end;					OnroundDeath3:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t,getd(".mob"+.@t) - 1;			setd ".kmob"+.@t,getd(".kmob"+.@t) + 1;			if(getmapusers(.maps$[.@t])){				set .tmp, getd(".mob"+.@t);				if(.tmp == 25) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 25 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 5) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 5 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 0){ mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Round 3 complete! Round 4 has started!",0; goto Onround4; }			}			end;					OnroundDeath4:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t,getd(".mob"+.@t) - 1;			setd ".kmob"+.@t,getd(".kmob"+.@t) + 1;			if(getmapusers(.maps$[.@t])){				set .tmp, getd(".mob"+.@t);				if(.tmp == 25) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 25 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 5) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 5 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 0){ mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Round 4 complete! Round 5 has started!",0; goto Onround5; }			}			end;					OnroundDeath5:			for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;			setd ".mob"+.@t,getd(".mob"+.@t) - 1;			setd ".kmob"+.@t,getd(".kmob"+.@t) + 1;			if(getmapusers(.maps$[.@t])){				set .tmp, getd(".mob"+.@t);				if(.tmp == 25) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 25 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 5) mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"Mvper: 5 MvPs remaining!",0;				if(.tmp == 0){ mapannounce .maps$[.@t],"You Win!",0; mapwarp .maps$[.@t],"prontera",156,212; end; }			}			end;	}	close;		OnInit:		set .item, 501; //Item required to warp.		set .amount, 1; //Amount required for single person warp.		set .pamount, 10; //Amount required for party warp.		set .mamount, 1; //Amount of mvps spawned.		setarray .rewards[0],			//	ID ,	Amount, Range Low,	Range High,				501,	10    ,	0        ,	5         ,				502,	20    ,	6        ,	10        ,				503,	30    ,	11       ,	12        ;		setarray .maps$[1], "guild_vs2", "guild_vs2-1", "guild_vs2-2"; //Array of maps used.		end;			OnPCDieEvent:		for(set .@t,1;.@t<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@t,.@t+1) if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.@t]) break;		for(set .@a,0;.@a<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@a,.@a+1) {			if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.a]) {				announce strcharinfo(3)+" has Just become available.",bc_all;				for(set .@b,0;.@b<getarraysize(.rewards);set .@b,.@b+4) {					if(getd(".kmob"+.@t)>=.rewards[.@b+2]&&getd(".kmob"+.@t)<=.rewards[.@b+3]) {						getitem .rewards[.@b], .rewards[.@b+1];					}				}				warp "prontera",156,212;				end;			}		}		end;		OnPCLogoutEvent:		for(set .@a,0;.@a<=getarraysize(.maps$);set .@a,.@a+1) {			if(strcharinfo(3)==.maps$[.a]) {				announce strcharinfo(3)+" has Just become available.",bc_all;				warp "prontera",156,212;				end;			}		}}


    thanks for helping

  2. I want an npc that will give me an item by killing an mvp monster on a specific map like bossinia map.




    if i killed 5 MVP the npc will give me 1 poring coins

    if i killed 10 MVP the npc will give me 2 poring coins


    1-5 killed MVP - 1 poring coin

    6-10 Killed MVP - 2 poring coins

    11-15 Killed MVP - 3 Poring coins

    16-20 Killed MVP - 4 poring coins

    and so on..

    and so forth....



  3. There's a script in named WoE Controller. You can easily configure it in-game. Or i am misunderstanding your question, Maybe your questions is on how to restrict players from entering a castle when it is not available for WoE?

    your the one who cant understand, he clearly said, he want to disable other castle except Fadrigh during woe.


    hercules is stable and still developing to go near kro updates

    thanks a lot sir! =)

    question about stable version solved

    use NEMO client patcher, but you need to download fresh client exe if you have untouched client use Nemo diffpatcher.

  5. no this is not first time to see that I just want to share it here. because some of the item that are included in that iteminfo.lub in not included in the client  side translation iteminfo.lub. maybe they can translate and add it on the client side translation iteminfo.lub next update.


    I try to upaste.me or spoiler to post it but its too big that why I uploaded it in mediafire

    clarify your post many user cant understand what you mean on your post thats why we ask. Its hard to translate all items in iteminfo.lub thats why they did not put all in the clientside area.


    the problem here is how can i check if the total refine is 45 or more


    *getequiprefinerycnt(<equipment slot>)Returns the current number of pluses for the item in the specifiedequipment slot. For a list of equipment slots see 'getequipid'.Can be used to check if you have reached a maximum refine value, defaultfor this is +10:		if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP) < 10) goto L_Refine_HeadGear;		mes "Sorry, it's not possible to refine hats better than +10";		close;	L_Refine_HeadGear:		mes "I will now upgrade your "+getequipname(EQI_HEAD_TOP);
    EQI_HEAD_TOP (1) - Upper head gearEQI_ARMOR (2) - Armor (Where you keep your Jackets and Robes)EQI_HAND_L (3) - What is in your Left hand.EQI_HAND_R (4) - What is in your Right hand.EQI_GARMENT (5) - The garment slot (Mufflers, Hoods, Manteaus)EQI_SHOES (6) - What foot gear the player has on.EQI_ACC_L (7) - Accessory 1.EQI_ACC_R (8) - Accessory 2.EQI_HEAD_MID (9) - Middle Headgear (masks and glasses)EQI_HEAD_LOW (10) - Lower Headgear (beards, some masks)EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW (11) - Lower Costume HeadgearEQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID (12) - Middle Costume HeadgearEQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP (13) - Upper Costume HeadgearEQI_COSTUME_GARMENT (14) - Costume GarmentEQI_SHADOW_ARMOR (15) - Shadow ArmorEQI_SHADOW_WEAPON (16) - Shadow WeaponEQI_SHADOW_SHIELD (17) - Shadow ShieldEQI_SHADOW_SHOES (18) - Shadow ShoesEQI_SHADOW_ACC_R (19) - Shadow Accessory 2EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L (20) - Shadow Accessory 1

     Create a variable .@total or .@sum and add it up the refine rate of each item in your equipment.

    can you give me an example of this?
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