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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. i already get the latest but i cant compile using VNC++
  2. okey i will download the Latest
  3. you mean i will change the packetver ?
  4. #define PACKETVER_RE i dont have this i have only #define PACKETVER in my mmo.h
  5. Xeno its ok now but when i entering Char selection my clients not responding!
  6. can i have one??? i'll try to diff my own but when i click enter using rocred with my username and pass when i enter the game i wee in my server console unknown account (unregistered) then auto close but i have a account thanks in advance!
  7. anyone have this Tool? i dont know where i can get the updated iteminfo.lub in 2013 client! thanks in Advance!!!!
  8. add this for disable on woe [cbox]OnInit: if (!(agitcheck() || agitcheck2())) end; OnAgitStart: OnAgitStart2: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnAgitEnd: OnAgitEnd2: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end;[/cbox]
  9. nice Support boss Joseph 10+ for this support!
  10. Phoenix

    R>NPC scripts

    its not mine but i will share to you! [cbox]// Made by MoonlightRO // Source: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=251759 // Don't take my creation as your own >.> prontera,164,173,3 script Coin Exchanger 878,{ cutin "kafra_08",2; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "What do you want to do today?"; menu "Coins -> Zeny",L_Coins,"Zeny -> Coins",L_Zeny,"Nevermind",L_No; L_Coins: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "Very well. Here is the list on how much a coin is worth:"; mes "^666666Silver Coins^000000: 1,000,000m Zeny"; mes "^FFFF66Gold Coins^000000: 5,000,000m Zeny"; mes "^99CCCCMithril Coins^000000: 10,000,000m Zeny"; mes "Tell me, what coin would you like to exchange?"; next; menu "^666666Silver Coins^000000",M_Silver,"^FFFF66Gold Coins^000000",M_Gold,"^99CCCCMithril Coins^000000",M_Mithril; M_Silver: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "How many coins would you like to give up?"; set @mamount,0; input @mamount; if (@mamount < 0) goto L_No; if (countitem(675) < @mamount) goto L_No; set Zeny,(zeny + (1000000* @mamount)); delitem 675,@mamount; goto L_Thanks; M_Gold: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "How many coins would you like to give up?"; set @mamount,0; input @mamount; if (@mamount < 0) goto L_No; if (countitem(671) < @mamount) goto L_No; set Zeny,(zeny + (5000000* @mamount)); delitem 671,@mamount; goto L_Thanks; M_Mithril: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "How many coins would you like to give up?"; set @mamount,0; input @mamount; if (@mamount < 0) goto L_No; if (countitem(674) < @mamount) goto L_No; set Zeny,(zeny + (10000000* @mamount)); delitem 674,@mamount; goto L_Thanks; L_Zeny: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "Very well. Here is the list on how much each coin is worth:"; mes "^666666Silver Coins^000000: 1,000,000m Zeny"; mes "^FFFF66Gold Coins^000000: 5,000,000m Zeny"; mes "^99CCCCMithril Coins^000000: 10,000,000m Zeny"; mes "Tell me, what check would you like to get?"; next; menu "^666666Silver Coin^000000",M_Silver1,"^FFFF66Gold Coin^000000",M_Gold1,"^99CCCCMithril Coin^000000",M_Mithril1; M_Silver1: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "How many coins would you like?"; set @mamount,0; input @mamount; if (zeny < 0) goto L_No; if (zeny < (1000000* @mamount)) goto L_No; set Zeny,(zeny - (1000000* @mamount)); getitem 675,@mamount; goto L_Thanks; M_Gold1: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "How many coins would you like?"; set @mamount,0; input @mamount; if (zeny < 0) goto L_No; if (zeny < (5000000* @mamount)) goto L_No; set Zeny,(zeny - (5000000* @mamount)); getitem 671,@mamount; goto L_Thanks; M_Mithril1: next; mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "How many coins would you like?"; set @mamount,0; input @mamount; if (zeny < 0) goto L_No; if (zeny < (10000000* @mamount)) goto L_No; set Zeny,(zeny - (10000000* @mamount)); getitem 674,@mamount; goto L_Thanks; L_Thanks: mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "Pleasure doing business with you."; close2; cutin "", 255; close; L_No: mes "[ ^336699Bank Master^000000 ]"; mes "Okay~ Bye!"; close2; cutin "", 255; close; }[/cbox]
  11. Phoenix

    R>NPC scripts

    Mithril Coin Trader( what you mean??? coin to zeny or coin to item???)
  12. please closed this topic thank you boss Angelmelody and jaBote
  13. nice release boss Herzlich Zill
  14. nice release boss Herzlich Zill and Katze
  15. i am using rahtena upgrade to hercules
  16. i dont know why this script not working on me!
  17. nothing happen also Any erro msg on map console? no error in console!! OnTimer181000: = 3mins??? i'll try to afk or idle in my battleground map but nothing happen
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