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Posts posted by Bringer

  1. /*
    alter table `char` add column mvp_rank int(11) default 0 after delete_date, add index (mvp_rank);
    create table mvp_rank_archive (
    `date` datetime,
    pos tinyint(4) unsigned,
    cid int(11) unsigned default 0,
    name varchar(23) default '',
    points int(11) unsigned not null,
    primary key ( `date`, pos )
    ) engine innodb;
    prontera,158,183,3	script	MVP Ladder	100,{
    	mes "[MVP Ladder]";
    	mes "Hello!";
    	mes "What are you doing here?";
    	switch(select("Check rankings.:My stats.:Previous Month ranking")) {
    	case 1:
    		mes "[MVP Ladder]";
    		mes "Rankings :->";
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select name, mvp_rank from `char` where mvp_rank > 0 order by mvp_rank desc limit 10", .@name$, .@count );
    		if ( !.@nb ) {
    			mes "no entry";
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    			mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ .@name$[.@i] +" -> "+ .@count[.@i] +" points";
    	case 2:
    		query_sql "select mvp_rank from `char` where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), .@killed;
    		mes "[MVP Ladder]";
    		mes "You have killed "+ .@killed +" MVPs";
    	case 3:
    		mes "[MVP Ladder]";
    		mes "Last month ranking";
    		if ( gettime(6) > 10 )
    			.@store_date$ = gettime(7) +"-"+( gettime(6) -1 )+"-00 00:00:00";
    		else if ( gettime(6) > 1 )
    			.@store_date$ = gettime(7) +"-0"+( gettime(6) -1 )+"-00 00:00:00";
    			.@store_date$ = ( gettime(7) -1 ) +"-12-00 00:00:00";
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select name, points from mvp_rank_archive where `date` = '"+ .@store_date$ +"' order by pos", .@name$, .@count );
    		if ( !.@nb ) {
    			mes "no entry";
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    			mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ .@name$[.@i] +" -> "+ .@count[.@i] +" points";
    	if ( $mvp_ladder_last_given == atoi( gettime(7) +""+ gettime(6) ) ) end;
    	goto L_give;
    	if ( gettime(5) != 1 ) end;
    	.@nb = query_sql( "select char_id, name, mvp_rank from `char` where mvp_rank > 0 order by mvp_rank desc limit 10", .@cid, .@name$, .@killed );
    	if ( !.@nb ) end;
    	setarray .@reward, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510;
    	setarray .@amount, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    		query_sql "insert into mail ( send_name, dest_id, title, message, nameid, amount, identify, zeny, time ) values ( '"+ escape_sql( .@name$[.@i] ) +"', "+ .@cid[.@i] +", '[MVP RANK]', 'Congratulations for earning No. "+( .@i +1 )+" position in MVP rank. Here is your reward.', "+ .@reward[.@i] +", "+ .@amount[.@i] +", 1, 0, unix_timestamp( now() ) )";
    	if ( gettime(6) > 10 )
    		.@store_date$ = gettime(7) +"-"+( gettime(6) -1 )+"-00 00:00:00";
    	else if ( gettime(6) > 1 )
    		.@store_date$ = gettime(7) +"-0"+( gettime(6) -1 )+"-00 00:00:00";
    		.@store_date$ = ( gettime(7) -1 ) +"-12-00 00:00:00";
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    		.@store$[.@i] = "( '"+ .@store_date$ +"', "+( .@i +1 )+", "+ .@cid[.@i] +", '"+ escape_sql( .@name$[.@i] ) +"', "+ .@killed[.@i] +" )";
    	query_sql "insert into mvp_rank_archive values "+ implode( .@store$, "," );
    	query_sql "update `char` set mvp_rank = 0"; // reset the ladder
    	$mvp_ladder_last_given = atoi( gettime(7) +""+ gettime(6) );
    	if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_MVPEXP ) ) {
    		query_sql "update `char` set mvp_rank = mvp_rank +1 where char_id = "+ getcharid(0);
    		query_sql "select mvp_rank from `char` where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), .@killed;
    		dispbottom "~ You've killed "+ .@killed +" MVP. ~";
    		specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2;

    this script setup for every month How to Change Weekly Setup Only?


    Like this ?


        if ( gettime(4) != 1 ) end;


    2nd question this script auto reset the ladder? if not how to auto reset the ladder points when Every Monday Clock0000


     Reset Menu 

       switch(select("Check rankings.:My stats.:Nothing...", ( getgmlevel() == 99 )? "Reset Ranking" : "" )) {
            mes "[MVP Ladder]";
            mes "Are you sure you want to reset the ranking ?";
            if ( select ( "No", "Yes" ) == 1 ) close;
            query_sql "update `char` set mvp_rank = 0";
            mes "[MVP Ladder]";
            mes "All ranking has been reset";


  2. 1.NPC Start Prontera


    2.Once You Talk to the npc it will ask you to find 1 random Treasure Box NPC


    but there will be 5 treasure boxes hidden on the map but you need to find right box


    3.The right treasure box will show you the requirements. If  treasure will say it's locke  then it is the wrong one.


    Gather all requirements to finish quest and bring them again to the right treasure box and you will get your quest item reward

  3. Requesting Quest Npc Like this

    1.NPC LOCATE @ prontera you need items and zeny next you go the 2nd npc @ nif town you pass the next quest item and go to 3rd npc give the items and zeny and  you need to go back @2nd npc to get the your quest hat 

  4. WOR - War over Rune

    1. The NPC will broadcast " War Of Rune Registration will start at 5 minutes "

    2. After 5 minutes, the NPC will broadcast again " War Of Rune registration has been started you may now register! in 5 minutes"



    3. Player can start registering, after clicking the NPC "War of rune" it have 2 choices "Join or Leave"


    4. If they choose join they will randomize join 50% to Green and 50% to Red Team


    You will be in Green Team!

    *(change the cloth color to green - To show he is in green team.




    You will be in Red Team!

    *(Change the cloth color to red - To show he is in Red Team.


    5. After 5 minutes, The npc will broadcast "War of Rune Registration has been ended"

    at the same time all Green Team


    the 2 teams will have their own room

    then there will be an npc they can talk to to enter the arena

    if they die they goe back to their respective rooms

    exiting WoR was allowed but not allowed to rejoin

    the npc inside the respective team's rooms

    will have an option

    to show the current scores of the teams

    their total kills and deaths

    at the end

    each members from the winning team will receive 50 bonus kill points

    all the players who joined will be warped to a non-pk area

    the npc for exit will be there and gives them 20 Cash Points

    warped to protnera



    players from the same team can attack each other

    so they need to make parties

    there is always 1 player who is colored brown from the 2 teams

    the king

    when he is killed

    he gives more points than normal players

    when a brown player dies he will be replaced by a teammate as soon as the teammate enters the arena.


    Thank you in advance!

  5. 30984,Rune_Knight_Suit,Rune Knight Suit,5,89000,,500,,4,,0,0x00000080,7,2,8192,,10,1,3070,{ changebase 4060; },{},{ changebase Class; }


    when start using the suit 3rd sprite fine but the dragon mount invisible

  6. Maybe this belongs in source, but I notice when I use consumable (such as healing) items, I can't spam them. I've already removed the interval in items.conf, but without result. 


    I am not talking about exeptionary items like Ygg Berries that were given a delay to begin with. I mean normal Red Potions, Apples, Grapes, etc. They all seem to have a 0.5 sec delay.


    Can anyone help me out?

    	Id: 607	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry"	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry"	Type: 0	Buy: 5000	Weight: 300	Upper: 63	BuyingStore: true	Delay: 5000	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">

    Delay: 5000 = 5 sec just remove delay


    From Battle.c


    				case TK_JUMPKICK:					skillratio += -70 + 10*skill_lv;					if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == skill_id)						skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Tumble bonus					if (flag) {						skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Running bonus (TODO: What is the real bonus?)						if( sc && sc->data[SC_STRUP] )  // Spurt bonus							skillratio *= 2;					}

    what part i need to edit to reduce the dmg?


                  case TK_JUMPKICK:

    skillratio += -70 + 10*skill_lv;

    if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == skill_id)

      skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Tumble bonus

    if (flag) {

    skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Running bonus (TODO: What is the real bonus?)

    if( sc && sc->data[SC_STRUP] ) // Spurt bonus

      skillratio *= 2;



    reduce all the skillratio and recompile

    case TK_JUMPKICK:

    skillratio += -30 + 10*skill_lv;

    if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == skill_id)

      skillratio += 5 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Tumble bonus

    if (flag) {

    skillratio += 5 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Running bonus (TODO: What is the real bonus?)

    if( sc && sc->data[SC_STRUP] ) // Spurt bonus

      skillratio *= 1;


    like this?

  8. From Battle.c


    				case TK_JUMPKICK:					skillratio += -70 + 10*skill_lv;					if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == skill_id)						skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Tumble bonus					if (flag) {						skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Running bonus (TODO: What is the real bonus?)						if( sc && sc->data[SC_STRUP] )  // Spurt bonus							skillratio *= 2;					}

    what part i need to edit to reduce the dmg?

  9. anyone edit this code so this 3 skill can be stacked skill


    85,0x86,    ,  0, 6:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:8,1250,enemy,0x018 //WZ_VERMILION

    229,0xb1,    ,  0, 1,1000,enemy, 0x006 //AM_DEMONSTRATION

    83,0x86,    ,  0, 3,1000,enemy, 0x010 //WZ_METEOR

    Please Junk this problem solved

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