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Everything posted by Vietlubu

  1. Client: 2018-03-09aRagexe Profiles: 9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended) 13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended) 35 Read Data Folder First 231 Remove hardcoded address/port 232 Restore old login packet I'm using latest Hercules master version [Info]: Hercules 64-bit for Linux [Info]: Git revision (src): '38527550c17241e1c905f8077f6589413091087e' [Info]: Git revision (scripts): '38527550c17241e1c905f8077f6589413091087e' [Info]: Compiled with GCC v5.4.0 Compile: ./configure --enable-packetver=20180309 --enable-packetver-zero make sql After start server, I log in to the server by 2018-03-09aRagexe_patched.exe. Login success. But after select character map-server show Warning [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0b5a (0x022d), 19 bytes received), disconnecting session #7. I try to disable packet_obfuscation in client.conf to 0 and 1. Client login and select character success.
  2. You can check this topic to learn how to setup Hercules: (Maybe has new update, you can ask on that topic) For Zero client: - Download client: http://herc.ws/board/topic/15348-kro-unpacked-clients-releases/ - Nemo to diff zero client: http://herc.ws/board/topic/15523-another-nemo-patcher-fork/ Keep calm and do step by step. Good luck
  3. Thank for all your release in Herc
  4. I run lastest stable Hercules with 2017-06-14bRagexeRE client and got issue can't click on warp portal to Smith room at Prontera. (prontera 179 184) I already checked with rAthena, and it working fine, don't have this issue. Anyone know the reason? Sorry, I'm not sure this issue from client or server source. Thank for reading Update - solved: The problem from map_cache. - I try to rebuild map_cache with mapcache.exe (already edit grf-files.txt) but not working. I see mapcache.exe not overwrite old map. - I change the way to use WeeMapCache and overwrite all map, update new map_cache.dat. It working pretty good. Sorry, this issue not from the client.
  5. Hi. I have setup a server on CentOS 7. All ok. But after i start server and close terminal ssh. When i re-connect ssh to vps i can't see server's console. How to show console while serrver running? Thanks, and sorry for my bad English.
  6. Solved. I install mysql-devel package and make sql run ok.
  7. Hi. I user Centos 7 and mariadb to setup a hercules server. When i compile source code. I have a problem checking for mysql_config... nochecking for mysql_init... nochecking mysql.h usability... nochecking mysql.h presence... nochecking for mysql.h... nochecking MySQL library (required)... noconfigure: error: MySQL not found or incompatible How i can user mariadb for hercules server? Thanks.
  8. Thanks milk. I will try this. 3. When I use command @job to change to a Transcendent job. I dont have 100 stats point bonus? How to reset stats point, skill point when user use @job .
  9. Hi, My english not good, but I will try. 1. How I can enable for all new characters have some @commands, like @go, @warp, @blvl, @item,... 2. How I can Disable renewal system. I just play on Pre-re. Thanks.
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