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Posts posted by Easycore

  1. Sc_start display buff icon only if the buff/debuff has an Icon, anyways you can add buff icon:


    1.- You must ensure that SC_START you want to add has a SI_START. Go to status.h and find it.


    2.- In status.c find "//Status that don't have a skill associated" and below add this:


    status->dbs->IconChangeTable[SC_TO ADD] = SI_TO ADD;


    4.- In db/const.txt find your sc_start, and remember the number of this.


    3.- Go to luafiles514/lua files/stateicon/efstids.lub and above of "__newindex = function()" add EFST_TOADDWITHOUT"SC_" = NumberOfThisSC,

    example: "EFST_STUN = 2,"


    4.- In the same folder open stateiconimginfo.lub and select priority of this Icon add this [EFST_IDs.EFST_TOADDWITHOUT"SC_"] = "NameOfIcon.tga",below 


    example: [EFST_IDs.EFST_STUN] = "ZANGETSU.tga",


    5.- Open stateiconinfo.lub,in the final add this:


    StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_TOADDWITHOUT"SC_"] = {
    haveTimeLimit = 1,
    posTimeLimitStr = 1,
    descript = {  
    { "Description bla bla blah..." }
    { "Description bla bla blah..." }
    { "Description bla bla blah..." }
    { "Description bla bla blah..." }
    { "Description bla bla blah..." }
    { "Description bla bla blah..." }
            { "%s", COLOR_TIME },
    6.- Build GRF and recompile emulator.

  2. You can open the folder "¸öÅë (몸통)" with the progam SPRConview and check the sprites with previewer.
    Or also, you can apply diff [Enable Custom Job] corresponding to this Guide http://herc.ws/board/topic/9273-guide-how-to-add-custom-jobs/ , so open the file luafiles514/lua files/admin/PCPaths.lub there are the names sprites of every job, you can put any sprites.




    PS: If for example, you put Archer sprite in Acolyte Job, also edit PCHands.lub.

  3. OnPCDieEvent can only undisguise player when died, but still allow GMs to @disguise when died

    that's why I did a plugin


    just test again, it actually works

    maybe your hercules still use the old plugin format that still needs GET_SYMBOL stuff

    How can check this?

  4. If you don't use X-ray, you will add the skills in the folder "skillinfoz", remember add this in skillinfolist.lub, skillid.lub, skilldescript.lub and skilltreeview.lub.

    Also, in skillinfolist you'll add the name of SPR and BMP file of the icon:


    SKILL_INFO_LIST = {	[SKID.SN_WINDWALK] = {		"SN_WINDWALK", <-- This is the name of SPR and BMP, it is best to leave it at that		SkillName = "Wind Walk",		MaxLv = 10,		SpAmount = { 46, 52, 58, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94, 100 },		bSeperateLv = true,		AttackRange = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },		_NeedSkillList = {			{ SKID.AC_CONCENTRATION, 9 }		}	},

    BMP: data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item/

    SPR: data/sprite/¾ÆÀÌÅÛ/


    The sprite of skill is not so important, because it not cause error in game.


    hmm ...

    #include "common/hercules.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "map/pc.h"#include "common/HPMDataCheck.h"HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = {	"deadnodisguise", // Plugin name	SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with?	"0.1",			// Plugin version	HPM_VERSION,	// HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated)};int pc_disguise_pre( struct map_session_data *sd, int class_ ) { // disable player from disguise	if ( pc_isdead(sd) )		hookStop();	return 0;}int pc_dead_pre( struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src ) { // undisguise when player die	if ( sd->disguise != -1 )		pc->disguise(sd, -1);	return 0;}HPExport void plugin_init (void) {	addHookPre( "pc->disguise", pc_disguise_pre );	addHookPre( "pc->dead", pc_dead_pre );}
    sry that I no longer writing source, only plugins


    EDIT: sry there are 2 checks

    Thank you for help me. I'll try this at night ~


    @@AnnieRuru Your plugin doesn't work me. The map-server is crash.

    But don't worry, I'll use OnPCDieEvent for this.

  6. Check "Enable Custom Job" in your Diff.

    Add this files: https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/tree/master/Support/Luafiles514/Lua%20Files/Admin in Luafiles514/Lua Files/Admin/


    So read this Guide and do step to step.



    An Example:


    1 of 4 of my Custom Jobs:



    PS: Death Knight is already in Official Ro, I edited this as I wanted, as well the Sprite.

  7. Why not makes this skill similar of Blitz Beat? (Autocast)

    In skill.c

    switch(skill_id) {		case 0: { // Normal attacks (no skill used)			if( attack_type&BF_SKILL )				break; // If a normal attack is a skill, it's splash damage. [Inkfish]			if(sd) {				// Automatic trigger of Blitz Beat				if (pc_isfalcon(sd) && sd->status.weapon == W_BOW && (temp=pc->checkskill(sd,HT_BLITZBEAT))>0 &&					rnd()%1000 <= sstatus->luk*3 ) {					rate = sd->status.job_level / 10 + 1;					skill->castend_damage_id(src,bl,HT_BLITZBEAT,(temp<rate)?temp:rate,tick,SD_LEVEL);				}


    if((temp=pc->checkskill(sd,CS_CUSTOMSKILL))>0 && rnd()%1000 <= sstatus->luk*3 ) {skill->castend_damage_id(src,bl,CS_CUSTOMSKILL,temp,tick,0);}

    rnd()%1000 <= sstatus->luk*3: This is the chance of autocast, there chance aument of luk*3.

    Change this as you wish.


    Thanks for the reply, but i don't understand this formula:


    int k = (flag-1)/3;

    I don't understand much this, I assimilate that this refers to the damage of KN_CHARGEATK:


    int k (flag-1)/3; //+100% every 3 cells of distance

    if( k > 2 ) k = 2; // ...but hard-limited to 300%.

    skillratio += 100 * k;


    k = 1 every 3 cells, if k > 2, k always be = 2. Finally, skillratio (damage) is 100% * k.

    Eg: if Charge Attack is on 6 cells of distance "k = 2", so skillratio is 200%.


    Try apply this on your passive skills ~

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