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Posts posted by MikZ

  1. Hello Hercules,

    In map zone DB i find it easy to lower skill damage like:

            "adjust_skill_damage    MO_EXTREMITYFIST    10",


    please delete this post. figured it out. thank you!

  2. Hello Hercules,


    I find it not working, because even i use 2 gemini card with sorc and ninja sleep skill my char still go to sleep status. please help me. Thank you!

    		if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
    			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,3000;
    			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,3000;
    		if(readparam(bVit)>=80) {
    			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,5000;
    			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,5000;


  3. The tradeable part you simply edit in item_db.conf file

    The part where the skulls drop, as long as you do not need to keep the attached names, it can be very simple.


    You can use the OnPCDieEvent command, then simply count the skulls in the inventory. Then delete the items from the players inventory and drop that same amount on the floor using the following command:


    makeitem(<item id>, <amount>, "<map name>", <X>, <Y>)


    Maybe there is an easier way to do it, but this seems pretty simple to me. 


    Hi can you give me sample script?

    thank you!

  4. Good day!

    How will i enable all skull from players inventory drop when player dies not just his/her skull and not tradeable.


    Player got/picked 20 skull and player drops. 21 skull drop including his skull.


    Thank you!

  5. Good day Herc. scripters,


    wanted to know, if does this script read last_mac or last_ip?

    I only changed last_ip to last_mac, does that work? what else do i need to change?

    Please help. thanks!

    poring_w01,100,123,6	script	SoloPack Points	TW_TOWER,{
    set .@n$, "[Seyra]";
    query_sql ("SELECT `last_mac` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`=" + getcharid(3) + "", .@lip$);
    if ( getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") > 0 || #NewbieGift > 0)
    mes .@n$;
    mes "I'm sorry, the rewards are exclusively for new players.";
    mes .@n$;
    mes "Welcome! "+strcharinfo(0)+"";
    mes "Here are your points to trade in SOLO PACK SHOP"; 
    set #NewbieGift, 1;
    setd "$" + .@lip$ + "_NG", getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") + 1;
    #FREEBIESSET += 1;
    waitingroom "Solo Pack Points!",0;




    Good day Hercules,


    I'm running AGI BASE skill delay,


    Is there any way to make, like to increase more AGI to remove skill delay or what is the formula or where is it located to increase required agi to remove skill delay? thank you!


    Cuz some custom items of the server has + 25 agi, is there away to make 200 agi for no skill delay? /heh

    Maybe you can try this

    if(readparam(bAgi) >= 200) { bonus bDelayRate, "<SkilName>" , -100; }

    Hi Zao

    Where will i place it?


    Place it on your item script

    script <"if(readparam(bAgi) >= 200) { bonus bDelayRate, "<SkilName>" , -100; }">

    how about without item, bcuz im HR server max stat 199, they can just make 150 agi and skill spam very fast.


    is this applicable in map_zone? 


    Good day Hercules,


    I'm running AGI BASE skill delay,


    Is there any way to make, like to increase more AGI to remove skill delay or what is the formula or where is it located to increase required agi to remove skill delay? thank you!


    Cuz some custom items of the server has + 25 agi, is there away to make 200 agi for no skill delay? /heh

    Maybe you can try this

    if(readparam(bAgi) >= 200) { bonus bDelayRate, "<SkilName>" , -100; }

    Hi Zao

    Where will i place it?


  8. Good day Hercules,

    I'm running AGI BASE skill delay,

    Is there any way to make, like to increase more AGI to remove skill delay or what is the formula or where is it located to increase required agi to remove skill delay? thank you!

    Cuz some custom items of the server has + 25 agi, is there away to make 200 agi for no skill delay? /heh

  9. Good day Master scripters,

    Can you help me why does this happen, if armor and shield combine def becomes negative.
    Here armor script:

    	Script: <"
    		bonus bAllStats,5;
    		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
    		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Holy;
    	if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000;
    	else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,5000;

    Shield script:

    		bonus bAllStats,5;
    		bonus bUnbreakableShield,0;
    		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
    		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,20;
    		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,20;
    		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_MAGICMIRROR",2,150,BF_MAGIC,0;
    		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,15; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Shadow,15;

    Please let me know where did the -def came from?
    i don't have combo script for it

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