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Everything posted by Fou-lu

  1. Never heard of monthly payment for Dev or GM , as normal is to volunteer for a project like that . In the end no matter how much you will invest money in your server, what matters is the settings they will and will attract the public who enjoys this particular setting . Never heard of monthly payment for Dev or GM , as normal is to volunteer for a project like that . In the end no matter how much you will invest money in your server, what matters is the settings they will and will attract the public who enjoys this particular setting .
  2. How do I set it? The old emulators I used did not have it .
  3. [Warning]: Using a wildcard IP range in the allowed server IPs is NOT RECOMMENDED. [Warning]: Not all IP addresses in /conf/map-server.conf configured, auto-detecting... What are these two warnings?
  4. How to acquire this rank: https://www.gatheringro.ch/?module=ranking&action=woe There he free or only buying? And where to get? Note : I'm not disclosing server because neither is mine and not play it.
  5. No, I want it is to create a new Diff does not yet exist.
  6. I replace all npcs current emulator by NPCs another emulator hercules a little older . I also set up the conf files to run these new NPCs , but whenever I run the emulator it carries 0 npcs and gives no error. [Info]: Done loading '0' NPCs: -'0' Warps -'0' Shops -'0' Scripts -'0' Spawn sets -'0' Mobs Cached -'0' Mobs Not Cached [Status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '0' NPCs. [Info]: Hercules, Copyright © 2012-2015, Hercules Dev Team and others. I replace all npcs current emulator by NPCs another emulator hercules a little older . I also set up the conf files to run these new NPCs , but whenever I run the emulator it carries 0 npcs and gives no error.
  7. How do I create a diff for hexed ? How do I create a diff for hexed ?
  8. @edit Problem solved by recompiling emulator .
  9. Julio sou o Fou-lu do NeoRagnarok e estou pensando seriamente em sair do Harmony e passar pra algum shield novo que está em desenvolvimento como o Gepard. O Harmony está sem atualização desde 2013 e não tem nada que mostre que o projeto voltará, por este motivo dele está desatualizado você não pode utilizar hexeds acima de 2012-04-10 pq o sistema não aceita. Não pretendo o HaShield pq já foi anunciado a descontinuação dele e estou saindo do Harmony pelo fato de está descontinuado. E venho pesquisando sobre o Gepard Shield e o Husky Shield. Gepard Shield: O Gepard é mais famoso, ou pelo menos mais conhecido aqui no ocidente. Já pude testar ele em servidores que possuem este shield e realmente o Bot passa por ele. Mas é aquilo que já falaram, qualquer shield é possível passar Bot e tbm existe vários tipos de Bot. Obs: Tive contato com o dono e tive retorno dele dizendo que o projeto é pra longo prazo e que ele trabalha para a criação do site e painel de controle dos usuários. Husky Shield: O Husky apresenta já um site e segundo ele o sistema do shield está todo pronto (informação do site), mas ainda não encontrei nenhum servidor que utilize ele, talvez ele seja mais famoso lá na Tailândia, pois o desenvolvedor dele é de lá. https://huskyshield.org/ Obs: Tentei contato com o dono por Skype e FaceBook e não tive retorno. Experiência com Harmony: Quando comecei usar ele já estava descontinuado por final de 2013. Desde então o seu desenvolvedor nunca deu a cara no Fórum interno do Harmony. O ambiente é bem abandonado e vazio e creio eu que ele não vai responder seu contato nunca. Maioria dos Hacks já ultrapassam o Harmony, nunca peguei um bot nele, mas acredito existir sim Bots especiais para ultrapassar ele.
  10. For example. The Orc Archer is a mob that attacks by far shooting with his bow in his attack there is the animation of the left arrow of the mob and going to the target. What I wanted to know is how I put a missile out of a custom mob I am creating. Sorry a bad english. Google translater. =/
  11. How to put a missile on a custom mob ?
  12. Gepard Shield is blocking BOT? That is a question for those who are using the Gepard or even for those who play on servers that have Gepard . You can tell what's going BOT that shield?
  13. The CrashLog that are caused to a file not loaded correctly is easy to identify, but when CrashLog is caused by something very specific and difficult comprehension? How do I find the reason? The CrashLog I'm posting below always happens when I unequip one Hat on specific, teleport, equipo him again and teleport twice more with them. After these steps Crash will always occur in the second teleport the last step, if you do something different in step the crash does not occur. Where is the explanation for this?
  14. I solved my problem by editing the socket.c on line 49, because there he is trying to import the /linux/tcp.h library that is giving this error. What I did was remove the if and put import the libraries that comes in else that even if and so forgetting that such a tcp.h. I believe this problem will not because I have an old emulator that works like this , only the new emulators that began asking this tcp.h to who compiles on Linux . emulator/src/common/socket.c before: # include <netdb.h> #if defined __linux__ || defined __linux # include <linux/tcp.h> #else # include <netinet/in.h> # include <netinet/tcp.h> #endif # include <sys/ioctl.h> after: # include <netdb.h> # include <netinet/in.h> # include <netinet/tcp.h> # include <sys/ioctl.h>
  15. Você é brasileiro? Devia ter ficado quieto -zoera. Pow muito legal. Em breve te mandarei uma pm para vc me falar melhor desses seus projetos de sprites. Ta muito bacana o seu trabalho. =)
  16. Someone would know what problem would that be? The solution that comes in my mind is to edit the socket.c , but I think it should be some misconfigured library. Nobody ever experienced this ?
  17. Ok , I could solve this problem . My next problem is that what happens after I give the make sql . I am having error with a file include sockt.c I have an old emulator that is compiling normal and it socket.c the file is not asking to include what is that line 49 it currently does not , he has compiled directly with the coming in of this new emulator else .
  18. When I run ./configure I get this error. In git Hercules says that this library is optional, so why is preventing me from compiling ? And what is the importance of it?
  19. I've seen custons maps that have extracted models of Warcraft 3. I wonder if I can also extract the effects of warcraft 3 skills to use in custons skills in Ragnarok . It's possible? And where could start making such a feat ?
  20. Someone would know why the emulator is written in C and not in C ++ ( Object Oriented ).
  21. How to block access through virtual machine on my server?
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