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Batang Kuneho

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Everything posted by Batang Kuneho

  1. Good Day sir 4144 i just did what you said my first servicetype is Korea and langtype 0 then i change to this its same no aura <servicetype>AMERICA</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <connection> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb>http://puyat.ro-game.net/</registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> </aid>
  2. i edit this files\service_korea\ExternalSettings_kr.lub" already but its same can you send youre's that i can test it on my server thanks for the reply
  3. i got problem to when i diff this patch i got clien crash
  4. i use this client 20180621 but i got disconnected all clientinfo sclientinfo are correct ip version langtype but i got disconnected no error on server side and i use 20180620 same disconnect on server dont know why
  5. use mine it will generate HP tables 400/120 But it just doesn't :/. Welp, i'm just generating every HP and SP table with the old rAthena formula for every classes. Weird "bug"? though. ill help you make 1000/1000 rathena forumla thanks its so helpful !!
  6. ah ah grazie ba vene thanks im being slow solve..about the problem!
  7. Any One Know About This Problem Of itemdb2.conf on Hercules? lates SVN All my custom item are like Weapon view id lol Can anyone Got Problem like this And solve it ? thanks grazie Thanks for helping..
  8. Help how to make @disguise into a SKill With Fakename and On & Off i try it but no luck !! { int id = 0; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); { if( sd->fakename[0] ) { sd->fakename[0] = '0'; clif_charnameack(0, &sd->bl); if (sd->disguise) clif_charnameack(sd, &sd->bl); return -1; } if (sd->disguise) // Another packet should be sent so the client updates the name for sd clif_charnameack(0, &sd->bl); return -1; } if (id == 0) { return -1; } if(pc_isriding(sd)) { return -1; } if (sd->sc.data[SC_MONSTER_TRANSFORM]) { return -1; } pc_disguise(sd, id); clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); } break; Help and more power
  9. I got Error On 2013-12-23ragexe using Nemo Patch and when i use other 2013ragexe Nothing Windwos to show And using 2013-12-23ragexe i got this error Plss help me Thank you !!
  10. If you have any problem or trouble kindly reply on this topic. I will do my best to help you. Credits: To all the contributors from Ragnarok Online Community. i try this but 2013-08-07ragexe not showing on my windows .. and no error nothing client.exe showing ..
  11. yes and i try 2 to rathena and its same i cant change job JOB_Goku = 4230, case JOB_Goku: return msg_txt(NULL,739); MAPID_Goku = 0x11, [PCJobTable.JT_Goku] = "Goku", and the other files I solve the problem of @job for 4230 but i give Rouge Class not my Custom Job ? What is wrong ? Help PLSS wont show the Sprite Of the Custom job!!
  12. sir NeoIncrease Custom Item Wont Work 32000 2012-04-10 client is that compatible on your Patch?
  13. i use this Guide but When i use @changejob or @job i can't Change to my custom job always say yOU are unable to cHANGE YOUr job @job 4230>? @job Failed @changejob Failed!
  14. i ADD that files Already but My Custom Job Are not working T_T not event a sprite I did all the problem Well I will all over again for all the files i use! i will post here again if i solve it or not thank you both of you # Easycore Dastgir i ADD that files Already but My Custom Job Are not working T_T not event a sprite I did all the problem Well I will all over again for all the files i use! i will post here again if i solve it or not thank you both of you # Easycore Dastgir GOT A PROBLEM HAHAH IT WONT CHANGE my Class @job 4230 ? you can't change a job
  15. i already did sir but when i use @job the custom class not working its give me A Knight Or Novice using this 0x11 im using 2012-04-10 client sir ! is that ok to use?on Lua Files?
  16. HOW CAN I HEX MY CUSTOM JOB ON MY CLIENT.exe LIKE OTHER SERVER OR HOW TO ADD JOB ON CLIENT.EXE Example 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 69 74 68 28 BF A9 29 ........Custom(¿©)00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 69 74 68 28 B3 B2 29 ........Custom(³²)HERE MY EXAMPLE HEX CODE PLSS HELP ME THANK YOU FOR THE REPLY AND MORE POWER When i add those hex my client.exe are color white and blank image T_T plss
  17. Do you mean by this example? - You cast "Absorb Spirit" on the enemy but in mid casting, the enemy hides and his spheres still get absorbed? You want it so that the hiding cancels the absorb cast/or doesn't absorb when in hiding? yes it is. case MO_ABSORBSPIRITS: i = 0; if (dstsd && dstsd->spiritball && (sd == dstsd || map_flag_vs(src->m) || (sd && sd->state.pvpmode && dstsd->state.pvpmode)) && ((dstsd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) != MAPID_GUNSLINGER || (dstsd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_REBELLION || (dstsd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_THIEF || (dstsd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_ASSASSIN)) { // split the if for readability, and included gunslingers in the check so that their coins cannot be removed [Reddozen] i = dstsd->spiritball * 7; pc_delspiritball(dstsd,dstsd->spiritball,0); } else if (dstmd && !(tstatus->mode&MD_BOSS) && rnd() % 100 < 20) { // check if target is a monster and not a Boss, for the 20% chance to absorb 2 SP per monster's level [Reddozen] i = 2 * dstmd->level; mob_target(dstmd,src,0); } if (i) status_heal(src, 0, i, 3); clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,i?1:0); break; HERE TRY IT!
  18. any guide putting skill on custom icon? and how can you tell me? Help me sir plss thank you more power
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