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About nasagnilac

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  1. I have problem in Refine UI and look like its bug in the last refine. I already refined the weapon to +10 but in the refineUI still +9 appeared
  2. Yes sir I followed that but on this part not sure if I am doing it right to compile. Plugins: Copy all files in plugin folder to your herc/src/plugins folder compile and enable 2 plugins: ExtendedBG ExtendedBG-char (All other files are just includes)
  3. How to install this plugin? I tried to follow this https://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC but I receive error when compiling it
  4. I tried all recommended before maybe I will try it again. langtype dont work.
  5. still nothing happens when I clicked the client. BTW this is the patch I did in the 2019-05-30aRagexe. 1 Use Tilde for Matk 258 Enable Shortcut All Item 9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended) 271 Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path 273 Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path 19 Enable Title Bar Menu 276 Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path 20 Extend Chat Box 277 Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path 21 Extend Chat Room Box 278 Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path 22 Extend PM Box 23 Enable /who command (Recommended) 284 Copy patched Cheat Defender Game Guard 289 Fix Homunculus attack AI 290 Hide build info in client (Recommended) 34 Enable /showname (Recommended) 291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended) 36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) 38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended) 39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended) 296 Force use icons only from stateiconimginfo.lub 297 Hide keyboard button 41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended) 43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion 44 Translate Client (Recommended) 46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended) 305 Hide tip button 63 Use Official Cloth Palettes 64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended) 65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) 73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended) 84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended) 90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended) 200 Enable Multiple GRFs - Embedded 213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) 231 Remove hardcoded address/port (Recommended) 232 Restore old login packet (Recommended) 235 Enable guild while in clan 239 Ignore /account: command line argument 244 Disable Cheat Defender Game Guard (Recommended) 247 Change new char name field height 248 Remove wrong chars from cash shop 253 Skip some hidden menu icon buttons maybe you can help me check what is missing or wrong on it.
  6. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>philippine</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>^008A93Chaos^000000</display> <address></address> <port>6904</port> <version>30</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb>https://test.com/</registrationweb> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> <image>loading07.jpg</image> <image>loading08.jpg</image> <image>loading09.jpg</image> <image>loading10.jpg</image> <image>loading11.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo> Is this correct in my clientinfo.xml? when I use the recommended multiple grf the client open with hotkey errors but when I used the embedded grf client dont open.
  7. No sir I am using 2019, 2019-05-30aRagexe. I am looking for a new client that will fix the character selection when you have 800x600 resolution. I am having trouble in 2018 and maybe this 2019 client will have a new UI for character selection and can be used in 800x600.
  8. windows 10 antivirus. I have question. 2019-05-30aRagexe I already make patch for this but it dont open the game. Only 2018-06-21 works. what should be the problem on that?
  9. Please send me a link of this client since its stable in herc. cant download in nemo due to virus issue.
  10. nasagnilac

    Nemo patcher

    Look like this error appear only in RagexeRE
  11. nasagnilac

    Nemo patcher

    Still the same I only got that on my data.grf and deleted it. also dont have data folder. I use 2018-06-21aRagexe client.
  12. nasagnilac

    Nemo patcher

    I dont have that in my encrypted grf and I use GRF Editor. Im using the same diff before but after updating this error appear now if grf is encrypted.
  13. nasagnilac

    Nemo patcher

    I encountered error when encrypting the client. I tested it also in non gepard client and still receiving the same error. when removing the encryption it works. .
  14. Any of you knows how I can flatten the gat?
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