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Found 3 results

  1. View File Town of Beginnings from SwordArtOnline Town of Beginnings from SAO I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;] Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want. Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic Submitter raPalooza~ Submitted 04/16/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  2. Version 1


    Town of Beginnings from SAO I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;] Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want. Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic
  3. Hello, I am looking for a script to make all players in all cities/towns have quick hp/sp recovery rate. (eg: like 2x or 3x or normal recovery). Thank you
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