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Found 8 results

  1. hi there! i am cozyrere. i used to go by daifuku back then, but i can't access my account anymore so yeah - i'm back! if you are looking for someone who can do: - logo - banner - animated banner - loading screen - login screen - wordpress setup/edits - general photoshop edits .. and more, then you can just simply drop me a message on discord: cozyrere due to being gone for a couple years plus having a new pc, i don't really have anything to show except for my old stuff [click here] but please note that prices might not be the same anymore i am not sure if i can still do patcher coding, it's been forever but i can definitely do the design for it. i am currently doing some things for woon like this for example: (will update more samples as i go)
  2. contact me on facebook! join discord for freebies! welcome to my paid services. below you can find a variety of things I can do to make your server stand out! if you need anything else, just ask. Logo 25$* Patcher 20$* Animated Banner 10$* Advertising Banner 10$* Loading Screen 2$* Login Screen 5$* Facebook Banner + Profile 10$* Forum Skin 30$* Wiki Skin 20$* Interface Skin 20$* Website 30$* Icons 2$* *Please note that prices listed are for re-sellers and come without PSD. *For exclusive graphics with or without PSD please ask for a quote. Advertising 10$/week* Wiki Editor 20$/week* Support GM 20$/week* Event GM 20$/week* Fast Refresh Client 50$* Normal Client 10$* FluxCP Setup 10$* Scripts 5$* Singature 5$* well, that was pretty much all I could think of. for a preview of my works please check the second post below! if you need anything else, just ask.
  3. Version 1.0.1


    __________***PLEASE READ***__________ These graphics were made for a server that never made it live. I wasn't paid and the person who hired me is fine with me releasing them. LZMA-capable extractor is needed (ie 7zip) to extract the files. It comes with a patcher, loadings. loginscreen, background image, logo and there's also a forum skin for IPB 3.0. However I am not sure at this point if I ever finished it/how it looks. (・・;) Feel free to do whatever with the graphics. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: ________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these graphics to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. The PSDs might be chaotic and not cleaned as there was no need for it (never sold them) If you upload them somewhere else, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Forum Skin for IPB 3 Loadingscreens Loginscreen with loginscreen interface edit Logo (not really changeable though) Patcher Background Image
  4. View File Fairy Banner/BG *FREE* __________***PLEASE READ***__________ Ueh, I edited this background a very long time ago but it was a free project and is really nothing special. (・・;) Feel free to do whatever with the graphics. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: ________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these graphics to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. The PSDs is totally chaotic and not cleaned as there was no need for it. I only sold the gif, not the PSD. If you upload it somewhere else, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Background/RO2 chars Submitter Daifuku Submitted 06/08/17 Category Other Graphics  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    __________***PLEASE READ***__________ Ueh, I edited this background a very long time ago but it was a free project and is really nothing special. (・・;) Feel free to do whatever with the graphics. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: ________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these graphics to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. The PSDs is totally chaotic and not cleaned as there was no need for it. I only sold the gif, not the PSD. If you upload it somewhere else, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Background/RO2 chars
  6. Version 1.0.0


    __________***PLEASE READ***__________ These graphics were made for VeilsideRO a very long time ago but it was a free project. I wasn't paid however it was sold to 3 other people as pre-made a few years ago. I'm not sure how adjustable it is, it's prolly super messy since it wasn't cleaned (gomen ne). (・・;) Feel free to do whatever with the graphics. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: ________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these graphics to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. The PSDs is totally chaotic and not cleaned as there was no need for it. I only sold the gif, not the PSD. If you upload it somewhere else, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Animated Banner PSD Chaotiiiiiiiiic!!! -big warning-
  7. View File Animated Banner *FREE* __________***PLEASE READ***__________ These graphics were made for VeilsideRO a very long time ago but it was a free project. I wasn't paid however it was sold to 3 other people as pre-made a few years ago. I'm not sure how adjustable it is, it's prolly super messy since it wasn't cleaned (gomen ne). (・・;) Feel free to do whatever with the graphics. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: ________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these graphics to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. The PSDs is totally chaotic and not cleaned as there was no need for it. I only sold the gif, not the PSD. If you upload it somewhere else, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Animated Banner PSD Chaotiiiiiiiiic!!! -big warning- Submitter Daifuku Submitted 06/08/17 Category Other Graphics  
  8. View File DekanRO Premade Design *FREE* __________***PLEASE READ***__________ These graphics were made for a server that never made it live. I wasn't paid and the person who hired me is fine with me releasing them. LZMA-capable extractor is needed (ie 7zip) to extract the files. It comes with a patcher, loadings. loginscreen, background image, logo and there's also a forum skin for IPB 3.0. However I am not sure at this point if I ever finished it/how it looks. (・・;) Feel free to do whatever with the graphics. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: ________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these graphics to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. The PSDs might be chaotic and not cleaned as there was no need for it (never sold them) If you upload them somewhere else, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Forum Skin for IPB 3 Loadingscreens Loginscreen with loginscreen interface edit Logo (not really changeable though) Patcher Background Image Submitter Daifuku Submitted 06/08/17 Category Other Graphics  
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