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Found 29 results

  1. contact me on facebook! join discord for freebies! welcome to my paid services. below you can find a variety of things I can do to make your server stand out! if you need anything else, just ask. Logo 25$* Patcher 20$* Animated Banner 10$* Advertising Banner 10$* Loading Screen 2$* Login Screen 5$* Facebook Banner + Profile 10$* Forum Skin 30$* Wiki Skin 20$* Interface Skin 20$* Website 30$* Icons 2$* *Please note that prices listed are for re-sellers and come without PSD. *For exclusive graphics with or without PSD please ask for a quote. Advertising 10$/week* Wiki Editor 20$/week* Support GM 20$/week* Event GM 20$/week* Fast Refresh Client 50$* Normal Client 10$* FluxCP Setup 10$* Scripts 5$* Singature 5$* well, that was pretty much all I could think of. for a preview of my works please check the second post below! if you need anything else, just ask.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Do you wish the nightmare version of Clock Tower was more than just an identical version of the original map? More than just darkened elder or clock tower manager sprites? Well if you so desire, you can now apply a fresh coat of paint to the Nightmare Clock Tower maps and sprites, or expand it to include the entire clock tower! The download includes the following: - Clock Tower Maps (1@ctf1, 1@ctf2, 1@ctf3, 1@ctf4) - Clock Tower Dungeon Maps (1@ctb1, 1@ctb2, 1@ctb3, 1@ctb4) - Minimaps (Taken from the original maps) - New Sprites for Clock Tower Nightmare Mobs (Mimic, Rideword, Drainliar, Arclouse, Brilight, Penomena, Bathory, Joker) - Retouched versions of the less-than-stellar official sprites (Big Ben, Big Bell, Time Keeper, Arc Elder) - Untouched versions of the official sprites in case your GRF happens to not have them (Owl Marquis, Owl Viscount, Timeholder) Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  3. View File Clock Tower Nightmare Mode Expansion Do you wish the nightmare version of Clock Tower was more than just an identical version of the original map? More than just darkened elder or clock tower manager sprites? Well if you so desire, you can now apply a fresh coat of paint to the Nightmare Clock Tower maps and sprites, or expand it to include the entire clock tower! The download includes the following: - Clock Tower Maps (1@ctf1, 1@ctf2, 1@ctf3, 1@ctf4) - Clock Tower Dungeon Maps (1@ctb1, 1@ctb2, 1@ctb3, 1@ctb4) - Minimaps (Taken from the original maps) - New Sprites for Clock Tower Nightmare Mobs (Mimic, Rideword, Drainliar, Arclouse, Brilight, Penomena, Bathory, Joker) - Retouched versions of the less-than-stellar official sprites (Big Ben, Big Bell, Time Keeper, Arc Elder) - Untouched versions of the official sprites in case your GRF happens to not have them (Owl Marquis, Owl Viscount, Timeholder) Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 12/07/20 Category Maps & Textures  
  4. Guest

    Optimized ecl_fild01

    Version 1.0.0


    The map "ecl_fild01" is very different from most RO maps, because it is swarmed with plant models that cause massive lag and in some cases it can even crash the game. This map edit lowers the amount of models clustered together to eliminate this issue. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  5. Guest

    Optimized ecl_fild01

    View File Optimized ecl_fild01 The map "ecl_fild01" is very different from most RO maps, because it is swarmed with plant models that cause massive lag and in some cases it can even crash the game. This map edit lowers the amount of models clustered together to eliminate this issue. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 03/11/20 Category Maps & Textures  
  6. Guest

    1@colo (jRO)

    Version 1.0.0


    A seemingly jRO-only map, with its models, textures, and Effect Tool file. Only usable by clients that can read .rsm2 models, which is why I cannot show actual ingame screenshots of it! If someone else can upload a version of the map and models that all clients can read, that would probably be more helpful than this. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  7. Guest

    1@colo (jRO)

    View File 1@colo (jRO) A seemingly jRO-only map, with its models, textures, and Effect Tool file. Only usable by clients that can read .rsm2 models, which is why I cannot show actual ingame screenshots of it! If someone else can upload a version of the map and models that all clients can read, that would probably be more helpful than this. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 02/29/20 Category Maps & Textures  
  8. Hello all, I am running a LAN Private Server for my wife & I to play on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. I wanted to install a new script, YProject, which contains new maps. The steps I took, so I am not sure if I am missing anything: The NPC doesn't auto load, but I am sure this is because I do not have it set to start up, which I am sure I can figure out. However, when I load it and try to use the NPC to warp to the special maps that the person designed, I get the following & the client hangs: I appreciate any help! Thank you
  9. Guest

    Christmas Themed Towns

    Version 1.0.0


    Christmas Themed official maps, for the following areas: Alberta Aldebaran Geffen Hugel Izlude Prontera Prontera Church Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  10. Guest

    Dark Malangdo

    Version 1.0.0


    Malangdo Town map, with Comodo Town's lighting scheme and some special effects the original map did not have. I'm unsure what to name it, so "Dark Malangdo" it is. This is an official map taken from a June or July kRO Zero update and Includes only the GAT, RSW and GND files, inside a zip folder. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  11. Guest

    Dark Sunken Ship

    Version 1.0.0


    Edited version of the official maps "treasure_n1" and "treasure_n2" so that they're different from the regular sunken ship maps and not just copy pastes. They're relatively simple edits: A darker map (no lights), plus hovering particle effects. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  12. Guest

    Moscovian Prontera

    Version 1.0.0


    Simple Prontera Map with only the floor textures swapped for those from Moscovia and its Fields. The GAT (walkable cell) are unchanged from the original version. Enjoy! Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  13. Version 1.0.1


    Three different versions of the official "ordeal_1-2" map. Their textures have been swapped to use those from Prontera, Geffen and Morroc Fields. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Ever noticed that in pre-renewal servers, the map north of Veins (ve_fild06) has an annoying random warp leading to one of two other fields? On top of that, the end of the road is so narrow that a workaround by adding two separate warps makes it looks kind of awkward. Well, this is an attempt to fix the issue, by expanding how far you can walk on the area, so you can actually reach the fork in the road. With this map, you just have to remove the current official warp and add two warps leading to the corresponding fields. Additionally, a few models are placed on the new area so it doesn't look barren, and the map lights and shadows have been redone to remove the blocky shadows. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  15. Guest

    Texture-Swapped ordeal_1-2

    View File Texture-Swapped ordeal_1-2 Three different versions of the official "ordeal_1-2" map. Their textures have been swapped to use those from Prontera, Geffen and Morroc Fields. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 12/27/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  16. View File Veins Field 06 Expansion (ve_fild06) Ever noticed that in pre-renewal servers, the map north of Veins (ve_fild06) has an annoying random warp leading to one of two other fields? On top of that, the end of the road is so narrow that a workaround by adding two separate warps makes it looks kind of awkward. Well, this is an attempt to fix the issue, by expanding how far you can walk on the area, so you can actually reach the fork in the road. With this map, you just have to remove the current official warp and add two warps leading to the corresponding fields. Additionally, a few models are placed on the new area so it doesn't look barren, and the map lights and shadows have been redone to remove the blocky shadows. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 12/27/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  17. Guest

    Moscovian Prontera

    View File Moscovian Prontera Simple Prontera Map with only the floor textures swapped for those from Moscovia and its Fields. The GAT (walkable cell) are unchanged from the original version. Enjoy! Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 12/27/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  18. Guest

    Dark Sunken Ship

    View File Dark Sunken Ship Edited version of the official maps "treasure_n1" and "treasure_n2" so that they're different from the regular sunken ship maps and not just copy pastes. They're relatively simple edits: A darker map (no lights), plus hovering particle effects. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 12/24/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  19. I've just followed a mixture of these guides Guide 1 and Guide 2 to try and get Hercules running a local Rag server on a in house Debian 8 sever I have. Everything seems to be setup correctly, but when I try to start athena, it just sits and waits on the Awaiting maps from map-sever, but never moves passed it. I do notice an error in the conf/map/map-server.conf:2 - syntax error, but I'm not seeing anything related in the map-server.conf that might be failing. Any thoughts? Let me know if you need any other files (I'm new to this).
  20. Guest

    Dark Malangdo

    View File Dark Malangdo Malangdo Town map, with Comodo Town's lighting scheme and some special effects the original map did not have. I'm unsure what to name it, so "Dark Malangdo" it is. This is an official map taken from a June or July kRO Zero update and Includes only the GAT, RSW and GND files, inside a zip folder. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 07/03/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  21. Guest

    Christmas Themed Towns

    View File Christmas Themed Towns Christmas Themed official maps, for the following areas: Alberta Aldebaran Geffen Hugel Izlude Prontera Prontera Church Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 12/25/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  22. I got it, now I m looking how to close the Topic kkk Hi everyone! First my apologies for my bad English and I'm having trouble to ADD a custom map on my Hercules Server I found this topic
  23. Hello friends. Help me with the addition of maps. I already looked through these topics: http://herc.ws/board/topic/15817-adding-a-custom-map-cache-file/ http://herc.ws/board/topic/2800-how-to-add-custom-map/ I'm using this GRF: http://herc.ws/board/topic/6801-release-the-data-grf-project/ I have .gat .gnd .rsw .bmp map files inside (for expample "lasagna") I made a mapcache with a new plugin and added them to "hercules\maps\re" I added all of them to map_index.txt on server and mapnametable.txt on client. I tried to add a separate GRF. When I use "warp" command. (@warp lasagna) Client says "map not found. Warp failed". What I'm doing wrong? BR.
  24. Version 1.0 - Final


    Hi. So, sometimes I make stuff for my server, and release it here for free. This is one of those times. Basically, my boyfriend bought me a bottle of Jaeger Spice, and this is what happened while I drank it. Inside the package you'll find a few maps-- a "Deathmas" version of Prontera (only the center of the map is decorated- I had a use for it, maybe you will as well), Lutie, Lutie field, four identical "arena" maps, and the first floor of the toy factory dungeon. You'll also find a bunch of monster sprites with recolors. Ain't nobody saying you "have" to use them, but they're there in case you're either too lazy to make your own or simply don't know how. I'm not providing support for how to implement custom maps or sprites. A few of the maps experience the disgusting black texture clipping thing. If you know how to fix it, and feel like fixing it/sending the files to me to update this package with, feel free to do so, because I can't be bothered. As an addendum, I suggest you make the following edits for each of the maps to your fogparamtable.txt file for a nice red fog effect: win_pront13.rsw# 0.25# 0.6# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c01.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c02.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c03.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c04.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun2.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_n.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_fild1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# And, I've also taken the liberty of gathering two "christmas in minor mode" songs for you to use for the maps as well, http://www.casualro.com/gm/eiphes/xmnBGM.zip -- You'll have to edit your mp3 table file. Don't know how to do it? Google. If you decide to use this, don't be a fucking mooch, especially if your server has donations/makes a profit. Send me $5.00 via Paypal ([email protected]). Don't redistribute or tweak my files and try to re-release it.
  25. Version 1.0.1


    :!: Angel's Arts - Mapping Project :!: To view all my works click on the link above (guides you at my Facebook page). This map was developed on purpose of being a support room (with a hallway that leads the user there included). Any desired changes are by your own. You can use this map for whatever you want. The sale of this map is prohibited (since it's being released for free). Let the credits on the map if you do not perform major changes (only visible on map editor / not apparent for players). Don't entitle yourself as the author of this content. Redistribution in other communities is free as long as the credits are placed. Thanks, Angel. Facebook: Angel's Arts Mapping Project. rAthena profile: Angelisk brAthena profile: Angelisk - link down TSR profile: Angelisk R.O. Services profile: Angel
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