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Questions regarding Hercules and rAthena

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Hi guys,

I read Jman's post about why Hercules was started, and what I'd like to know is basically this: Where does Hercules stand with rAthena? Despite the fact that both emulators are open-source, does it bother you guys that rAthena is using your code to improve their project? Or are the "Hercules merges" just misleading titles? I'm just curious is all; any reply would be appreciated.

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does it bother you guys that rAthena is using your code to improve their project

If anything, its a compliment.

I'll leave your remaining question to be answered by our development manager, trojal.

Thank you for your interest in Hercules.

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Is Hercules complementary, contradictory, or unrelated to other *athena projects?
Hercules has a different viewpoint on core development, supporting custom features and community contributions from outside the core development team. In this way, Hercules and other projects can co-exist and pursue their own independent paths to excellence. The hope is that each project can maintain and progress towards their own goals, while merging the work from each other. In terms of development, Hercules will strive to be more open to community contributions, involving pull requests and public code contributions and acceptance.

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Thank you, Ind and Trojal; both of your responses answered my questions perfectly. I hope to see great things from the Hercules project and contribute what I can.

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Trojal, from your response, I was just wondering the following...


You mentioned that this emulator is willing to add custom content. I was wondering how you plan to go about approving if custom content should or should not be added. Will it be a community poll - majority wins after x days? Only staff can approve? Or?


Maybe, a plugin feature will be created so that people can easily choose and install what customs they want to add on their own, thus lowering the chances of drama and/or dissatisfaction on both the staff/devs and users. (wishful thinking haha)


Might be stretching it, but I am also wondering if this means that staff are no longer able to open Paid Services or RO servers? (since I believe in *athena, we didnt want another Zeph that was a staff but didnt contribute his work that could have been included in the emulator - now a fuzzy line with being able to add custom content)


Btw, I do like the idea of using GIT but do you have any plans of having an SVN equivalent (for the main branch at least)?

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I'd support the plugin part even if it might be a rather tedious thing, that way it might as well be easier to update. Even if we do use git.


Also support the svn equivalent for the master branch. I finally figured out how to use git but heck it's still confusing and I'm PC literate, so to give better support for future members I'd say add svn, doesn't have to be synced every 5 seconds but maybe every day or 3 times a week.


I'm not sure about the paid services thing, but I suppose I'd like to still see it up. As to if staff can be on servers or owners of servers I'd say it's up to them, although if they drop their role here then kick them out. We sure don't need Zeph imitators. I'd also like to not see Maki imitators of draggin 1/2 the staff into some personal project, not that in this case was actually a waste of time, but it just made little sense when they had other things they could've been doing.

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I'm quite against of adding SVN since we already have Git, it's too overkill in my point of view. I know we still have difficulties in using git but we'll get used to it. I this this is will be out of the topic if we continue discussing adding of SVN here.

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In the end somebody is going to make one anyways. I mean Trojal did make a git for rAthena if I remember. :/

Indeed. Trojal did make one for rAthena but he's the only one maintaining it as of the moment. If an individual wants to get Hercules on SVN, he/she will have to maintain it.

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I feel like my questions are being ignored.... If you don't know the answer to any (such as the first question), just say so? Or split the topic if you are afraid of it "going out of topic" - although my questions are in response to Trojal's post on the topic.


As for SVN copy, I understand GIT has a good number of advantages of using; and I agree with the use of it. However, there are also advantages of having an SVN copy for just the master branch as well.

  • SVN has a linear advancement, unlike GIT, allowing for players to easily say which revision they have when reporting. Or even when someone releases a free download, they can say it works for "r15000+". It also allows bug reports to have a sort of "start" point.
  • Maintaining should be easy with scheduling jobs to pull and git svn it to an SVN copy
  • Seeing how GIT handles its branching business without recopying the files, unlike SVN, is one of its advantages. However, seeing as I am only asking for the master branch to be copied into SVN (no other branches) there is no extra overhead to worry about for creating branches and such in the main repos.

For the plugin feature, I know that code would be a problem, that's why I said it was wishful thinking lol

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In my opinion if you isn't in the latest revision(or latest stable tag) you shouldn't report.

Setting a SVN readonly mirror is pretty simple, just need a commit hook on GitHub and a server handling it to fetch & commit.

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Will there be an SVN mirror?

  • Github automatically provides an SVN mirror of repositories. Hercules is available with:
    svn checkout http://svn.github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git 
  • We won't officially work to support many branches or features in SVN, but it should remain in-sync with the latest stable release, based on master branch in git.


Custom content?

  • Hercules is going to support custom content that has been officially not supported by other emulators. One specific example of this is the mob controller system from eAthena, which enabled developers to use scripts to control mob behavior. Custom content that conflicts with default behaviors will be disabled, and can be enabled with a configuration flag.

Community contributions?

  • For custom content that doesn't fit into our main development branch, we will include a link to the code repository so that the differences can be merged into master branch by individual server owners. We don't have this built yet; the specifics have not been decided.
  • For content that fits into our main development, we will use pull requests to review, test, and give feedback on the code before we merge it. It will be up to the staff to review code changes before merging them into our development branch. If we don't accept the code in our development branch, its repository can still be linked as a custom feature.

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Hmmmp question im from rathena and now when i reading on this forum i notice that they have some same files on svn but when i look on the two svn i notice some files that not have rathena and rathena not have hecules files can i know what is the difference between the two svn.... sorry for bad english

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