AnnieRuru 958 Posted December 25, 2015 (edited) one of my customer sent me Euphy's Event Manager script and asked me to write -> join the event simply using bindatcmd @joinevent means, yeah, all 7 events in that script, use 1 command @joinevent will warp you to the map that event is on Add -> there is also a command @eventlist to tell which event going to have next, since the time is configure by GMs now that the script is in my hand,(of course I can't distribute it, but I can always reproduce it) I have to say that idea is very well made but I'm not satisfy to just limit to 7 events,I want to integrate ALL event scripts across eAthena/rAthena/Hercules forumsso everyone help me search out ALL event script you can find, and post in this topic oh and, of course this is a free release I always thinking of some ways to pull rathena member to use hercules this project should be enough to attract some of them enough, I guess ? since most of the scripts I write will be hercules only script commands Edited January 13, 2019 by AnnieRuru 6 Legend, Ehwaz, Kong and 3 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted December 25, 2015 (edited) My event script go 1st Run or Die event Last Man Standing event Portal event Martial Arts Tournament Fight for Treasure Chest event Scuffle event King of Emperium Hill Devil Square card collector event candy event lucky pick event did you think I only have 3 ? LOL others in eathena dice event clucker event yes I know there is an updated version in our repo ... disguise event yes I know there is an updated version in our repo ... russian roulette find the mushroom poring punch juggernaut event others in rathena count the poring event stolaos-auto-event 7 elements emperium list of my script request not sure which one should take, seems like there are a few of them others in hercules poring summoner gamble event > gamble some of your points with other players, and winner takes all > ... need some rewrite, the idea is nice btw some ideas I really want to make now assault event invasion event after I read through Smoke's battleground, now I'm convinced that battleground system can be turn into events so battleground scripts will be added here too bg_pvp_points bg_emp_round bg_assassinate battleground rush war over rune poring ball arathi basin trade or raid ..... I need to test every script in smoke's collection, maybe some of them are unique yes I know there are a lot out there, but I am not satisfy with any of them, going to make another one Current Total -> 32 events ! . . Rejected list :- stop the clock this script has rumor that bots and openkore player can always get the time correctly find the baphomet too similar to find the mushroom tarot card of fate event too similar to roulette event monster hunt event or mvp hunt event too similar to invasion event poring ball -> another link > this script is too tough, I not sure I want to write this or not guess the password event > after I reread this script again, this event has to start by GM because GM has to set hint and password . some topics worth note : post up ! just post up here make this the truly ALL in One Event manager script, let your server event non-stop 24/7 LOL when you post the event name, remember to post the link to that topic, so I can rewrite them Edited March 12, 2019 by AnnieRuru 3 Legend, Quazi and evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sikiro 3 Posted December 25, 2015 love it love it love it love it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted December 25, 2015 (edited) Maze event -> link - update Portal event -> link - update <- just tested ... it seems some portal vanish inside the building ... need some rework these 2 scripts are too similar Euph's Maze event is a random chance, each portal has 1/15 chance to go to next round player just have to find ANY portal and keep entering any portal to win and my Portal event is based on memory there are X amount of portal in the map, only 2 of them go to next round the portals are always randomize in each run player have to remember which portal and share these information among guilds to quickly advance to next round, or win .... now I not sure want to add Euph's maze event or not ... because updating my portal event is my goal EDIT: I think just add it in then ... since some server players already familiar with that event already Edited December 26, 2015 by AnnieRuru Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
astralprojection 35 Posted December 26, 2015 I cant wait to have this Go go go!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thor1009 9 Posted December 27, 2015 This one is pretty interesting, maybe you can consider it. 1 AnnieRuru reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery 594 Posted December 28, 2015 Nice work as always Annie xD. *Coughs* My Mushroom event *coughs*. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted December 28, 2015 @@thor1009 the script link is dead, but the video alone is enough for me to reproduce that ok I can do it need 2 plugins like OnPCAttackEvent ... and another one for stop player attack the infected players nice idea @@Mysterious I always try to give credit to the one who came out with the idea, not the one who fix it the comment says all //Created by marikitangakak//Edited and Revised by Lunar from MoonlightRO//Original Link: and Revised Script Link: do not take this script as your own.all you did is just fix the script yup, I saw the -> Idea by: marikitangakak Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery 594 Posted December 28, 2015 Oh, so you're just taking in events from those with original authors? o_o A lot of people's events too are ideas taken from other scripts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easycore 31 Posted December 29, 2015 MvP v/s MvP, Players bet on a MvP, if this MvP wins players receive rewards!!!111 Although I think there is no script available Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted December 30, 2015 yup there is no scripts, it has to host by GM if really have to make it into script, maybe require some source edits ... to make monster fight each other maybe that ... setmobdata ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easycore 31 Posted December 30, 2015 What about of AI monster? They can really attack each other. monster .@map$,.@x-3,.@y,"AI 0",1023,1,"",0,0; monster .@map$,.@x+3,.@y,"AI 1",1273,1,"",0,1; Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted December 30, 2015 (edited) I already said in that topic 1. player still can kill steal the mvp 2. mvp still can summon slave 3. mvp can teleport mf_monster_noteleport the 1st one can be solve by MOBDATA_KILLER flag 2nd one can solve by MD_NOCASTSKILL flag enable there is still a lot limitation in our monster controller commands ... rathena already have them, though I have to complete mob controller script commands if there is a chance for this script EDIT: prontera,155,185,5 script djsfksjf 1_F_MARIA,{ getmapxy .@map$, .@x ,.@y, UNITTYPE_NPC; monster .@map$,.@x-3,.@y,"AI 0",1273,1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onaaa",0,0; monster .@map$,.@x+3,.@y,"AI 1",1023,1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onaaa",0,1; end;Onaaa: announce "win", bc_all; end;}hmm ... so it can run event label, no so bad Edited December 30, 2015 by AnnieRuru Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easycore 31 Posted December 30, 2015 For 1st you can use a special map, something similar to this:!XIVHXLqY!7cvsX9QVHIrW578BFT0_J7yoSgusNedNLfHNs9Qkf4U 1 AnnieRuru reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted December 31, 2015 (edited) hmm, this map looks different from the one I saw in the video at rathena topic, 3 years ago but none-the-less, I can make good use of it after I google some "ragnarok event ideas" I have several links that one, Run for the Basilica Event that's the one that I kept searching for days since I open this topic I remember I saw this somewhere in script support section on eathena forum about 5~7 years ago but I kept finding and searching with different key word, no result and someone else actually post it out, twice in fact by different person it seems to be quite a popular event I actually know how to write it use movespeed mapflag (I already release it) to limit the movement speed of the players then use MOBEVENT_ATTACK flag to unitwarp the player instantly out from the map whenever a mob attack a player if the player reach the other end of the map, it trigger OnTouch label and gives the prize the basillica effect can be simulated with OnTouchNPC: to warp monster out from that zone there are some ideas that can be written as event script like the mimic event, all players gather in a small map, like run or die event then spawn a mimic in the map, it *gulp* all the player it ran across any player hit by this mimic will instantly warp out from the map the last one in the remaining map wins the rest have already turn into scripts like disguise event, portal event, find the mushroom event, guess the password event that guess the password event is in the rejected list by the way, the script already provided on the 1st post I'll start off the list of the ones I know so far: Basic Events: -Dice Event: Basically, reach the GM at wherever he or she is standing at (the line he/she is on) through a series of dice rolls. This is how you win the event. First one there wins! Use /dice and compare what you got to the GM's dice roll. If your roll is less or equal to the GM's, you can move forward ONE space. If your roll is greater than the GM's, you remain in your position. Preferred number of participants: 8 or more players. -Hide-and-Seek Event: This event is fairly simple. You just have to find the GM hiding on a map he or she picks. The GM may or may not give clues (minimum one clue) which will probably affect the prize the winner earns. Find the GM FIRST to win! The map can be any map (no restrictions; can be a town, field. or dungeon. Most likely, the GM will hide in a town because no players should really die in a hide-and-seek event). Preferred number of participants: At least 5 or more players should be searching for the GM. -Guess the Monster Event: In this event, you have to guess the monster that the GM is disguised as. You have to type the monster name FIRST and WITH THE CORRECT SPELLING. You do not have to add a capital for the first letter, but you can if you desire to do so. Please do not spam more than once. If you get the spelling wrong the first time, your other correct answers will be disregarded (only for that certain match). Do not argue with the GM in this event unless you are pointing out something to the GM politely. Thank you! Preferred number of participants: At least 6 or more players. There are probably more basic events, but I will edit when I get more input or remember. Special Events: -PvPing with the MvPs: In this special event, there will be at least two teams (around 4-5 on each team). On a certain map, there will be portals on opposite ends of the map (one at each end). Each team has its own portal--they must guard the MvP that lies in the place where the portal leads to. The opposing team must kill the other team's MvP to win the match. In addition, players can kill each other, so you can defend your portal/MvP as well as hunt the other team's MvP down. Players can go back to the site after death. It's a really fun and intense event!~ Preferred number of participants: At least 8 or more players. -Nuke Dice Event or also known as 1234 Dice Event: For this event, players will be situated on a map with the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 available (there are 2-3 warps for this event). Players must obey what the GM says or else it is an instant nuke (but the player must remain on the map; do not warp away). The GM will broadcast the word "Start", and the players will run around, going from numbers to numbers until the hoster says "Stop". Players must stop immediately and stay on the number they are on or closest to. Do not continue walking/running. The GM will then roll a die (/dice). Whatever the GM gets will result in that numbered area to be nuked (all players on the numbered area). The other players remain alive. This event will continue until there is one survivor left. Rules might be changed during the event to accomodate a few things, so do not argue with the event hoster. If the GM rolls 5 or 6, he or she will roll again until the value is 1, 2, 3, or 4. Do not warp out after death. Preferred number of participants: 10 or more players. -Clean the Room Event: This event is also quite fun--players must clear their room of MvPs to win. There will be two teams, and each team gets its own "room" to clean. Players can keep coming back to the site after death. Preferred number of participants: 8 or more players. -Warp Portal Event: This is a very quick event. The GM will have three temporary warp portals ready for players to choose from. Players will all enter one of the portals at the same time. If the players warp out of the map, they already lost the match and must remain where they are warped to or PM the GM. The remaining players on the map will keep choosing other portals that the GM will create. The last one remaining on the map wins! It is possible to have no winners for this event (it is a fast event, so there is probably more than one round for this event). Preferred number of participants: 10 or more players. -Poporing Drop Event: This event will only be hosted a couple of times if the Admins give permission to do so. On a huge map, poporings or other monsters that can loot will be carrying junk and perhaps valuable things (quest items or even customs if allowed). Players will go on a free-for-all battle to kill all the monsters. Be sure to @autoloot! Preferred number of participants: 15 or more players. -Team WoE Event: The title might be self-explanatory, but here I go. There will be two guilds competing for one emperium. There might be obstacles in the way such as MvPs. The event will last for around one hour. Preferred number of participants: 12 or more players. All maxed. -Team PvP Event: This event is simple to understand as well. There will be at least two teams--players fight the opposite team. There will be at least three matches. In each of the match, the last surviving team wins it. Maxed levels please. Preferred number of participants: 10 or more players. -Save the Castle Event: Similar to the other MvP events, but everyone helps each other in this one. The GM will pick one castle or a tower with multiple floors and summon all sorts of monsters. Players must CLEAR ALL MONSTERS on each floor to advance to the next floor. On the top floor, there will be looter monsters that may have some good prizes~ Preferred number of participants: 12 or more players. Novice Events: -Zombie Raid Event: Players must use level 1 novice (for both base and job levels) in order to join the event. In this event, the GM will spawn monsters that will chase the players around. Last player remaining wins the match! To those players who died, do not warp away or log out. No equipment or items allowed. No buffs as well. Preferred number of participants: 8 or more players. -21 Whack Event: For this event, players will abide by the same requirements as all novice events: Only use level 1/1 novices. The GM will spawn a shining plant, and players can hit it either one or two times. Whoever kills the plant LOSES and is out for the match. Players will line up and take turns accordingly. Preferred number of participants: 6 or more players. -Run for the Basilica Event: This is a fun event! Two GMs are needed (or at least 2 priests). The GM will use the skill "Basilica" which will act as a safe spot for the novices (follow novice events requirements). There will be zombies around the map. The players must run across the map to the basilica on the other side. Plyares will keep running back and forth until there is 1-2 players left in the game. Preferred number of participants: 10 or more players. Other Types of Events: Well, I won't go into detail unless someone wants more information. I'll just post the names of the events. -4 Corners Event (involves picking a number, and the GM using Tarot Card on players and using /dice) -Monster Invasion Event (kill all sorts of monsters to save the town) -Fashion Event (2-3 GMs are needed; players wear customs according to the theme the Event GM chooses; judging) -Race Room Event (turbo_room or the poring track) -Racing (the GM will use ground drift skill, and the players have to survive and reach the middle. Players can revive and come back into the race begin once again from the starting point. Try not to die as much as possible!) -Soccer Event (more details can be given if asked to do so) -Poring Death Event (one touch from poring and the player dies; last one remaining wins) -Mafia (kind of like the game "Clue"--kill a player and find out who did it) -Shark and Minnows Event (just like the game "Octopus"; more information can be provided if PMed) -Maze Event (go through a series of portals that lead to different places; this might be hard to host) -Guess the Password Event (the GM will have a locked chat room up, and players should guess what the password is in order to go into the chat room. Hints will be provided by the GM) -Talkie Box Event -Monster Invasion -Bomb Poring Event (Loot things while dying Grin) -Bomb Poring PvP -Find the Hiders (A person or two will be disguised in the fields--maybe prt fields--and players would hunt them down~) Credits: Yuki, Keke, Elaine, and Cookiie. I can explain more about the Bomb Poring events if needed to. Thanks for reading! If anyone would like to add more to these ideas or have some new event ideas, don't hesitate to post! Have fun, people~ Welcome to my guide that contains a personal list of events. ——————————————————————– I personally do not want to read your negative comments about my events and this is just a list of events that I’ve either hosted, or played in. Feel free to use them in your server without having the need of thanking me, hating me, or informing me. You may reply in this topic if it is not negative and it is more of a compliment or a question because you don’t get how that event works. You may also inform me if I have missed out on anything. Thank you. Within this list of events, they are mainly recommended for Low rate servers. I do not suggest hosting events if your server has an incredible drop rate because the drop rate is already considered as an event if monsters can easily drop whatever you want just by killing a few of them. The drop rates will be hindering the prizes for the events in other words. Also, keep in mind that you do not have to be as harsh as I am when I explain what the punishments are for cheating. ————————————————————————————————————————————– Index: Use control + F and search for a particular event that piques your interests. Those with ( * ) mean that they are either incomplete or have a flaw(s) within them. 1. Looter Invasion 2. A Run for Basilica 3. Dodge the Zombie 4. Become a Cunning thief 5. Rats in Ice ( * ) 6. Hide and Seek ( * ) 7. Hide and Seek #2 8. Criminal Scavenger Hunt 9. Guess and Win 10. MvP Event 11. Protect the GM ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Looter Invasion Description: First up, your commonly used event. It’s popular and easy. A large amount of looters have invaded a town; say, Izlude. The looters are rather vicious and over 200 of them are scattered among Izlude. Your job as the warriors of _______ is to destroy the little vicious looters and push them out of the beloved town of Izlude. Map: Anywhere that is small and easy to travel around on. Pre-Setup: Select a town without having anyone know about this upcoming event. You will need a GM to keep watch of the spawn points to where the players arrive in the town. The GMs must keep any players from knowing, if a player finds out, it lowers the fun for others. After selecting a town or even a field, summon a vast amount of porings. If it is possible, try to summon a type of looter that does not drop anything but loots. &sort_r=0 is a website that you may use to find such a looter. Pick looters that are weak. Having the type of monsters scattered, select and determine what the prizes are. Create those items and drop them within the map in certain places and allow the looters to do their job. You have simply finished the setup for the event! Just broadcast the event [ You may use the description if wanted ] and gather everyone to participate in the enjoyment of killing looters for delicious prizes. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A Run for Basilica Description This event is basically a version of “Octopus” in real life. If you haven’t played “Octopus” in real life, I shall explain it to you now. You have a group of players that are summoned by request in participating in the event. They are protected by the high priest skill called “Basilica.” This skill will allow them to be unharmed by the lurking monsters of Ragnarok Online. Outside of the Basilica are hundreds of creatures, ready to tear and rip open any player that dares to travel across the map in order of reaching the second level: Basilica #2. Their job is to run from one end, to the other. Once their goal has been achieved, make sure they understand they have to be inside or else they will die. They will continue this process of going back and forth until the top three remains. Map: A long narrow map with very little obstacles and no warp. It’s basically a map that takes the shape of a rectangle. Pre-Setup: Summon a vast amount of monsters that are considered tough. Try to refrain from using any MVPs since they will manage to ruin the fun and might be too hard. Okay, so on this narrow map, we have scattered monsters that are capable of killing players. Do not go overboard and make it impossible to run through from one end, to the other. Give it a test or two to see if it’s possible. Now that we have the monsters placed, use the skill “Basilica”. Make sure you cast it as level 90 or anything close to that so the skill will last extremely long. If you can’t cast it as level 90 or anything of the sort, then have the GMs spamming the skill often. You can choose to either turn off skills so that the players may not use skills to aid them in passing through and killing off the monsters, or, try to make it fair and sort of a teamwork game by making them get to the other side with teamwork. I do not suggest having skills on however. Broadcast to the server and create a list of names of the players that would like to participate the event. Explain to the players that they must stay within the AoE of Basilica before recalling them. Repeat that you will not summon anyone back if they did not listen or died. Also, have the players to storage all healing and speed items within their storage. Get them to dismount their peco peco’s as well. Once you’re all set, explain the event and get ready to set them free by saying go. They will run wild like a rat in a maze and rush through without being able to use any skills. Make sure you stress out to them that items are not prohibited. Have GMs with @hide to check for any healing items that are being used. Anyone caught would be disqualified. If the players’ destination has been achieved, gather them inside once again, heal them up, give them agi up if you would like to and make them go through the second wave of monsters, reaching to the other side once again. Repeat the process until you have three players left. They will compete and rank from 1st to 3rd. If all three dies and couldn’t make it, judge it by whoever is the closest to the basilica. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Dodge the Zombie Description: A room infested with zombies are blood thirsty. They appear to have taken over the room and are attacking any civilians within their sight! You must escape and live until the rescue team has arrived. Map: Select a place that is rather small and hardly contains any obstacles. The place must not have any warps if possible. Pre-Setup: Broadcast to the server and advise all players that wish to participate must create a novice character and PM their names to you. Create a list of names and summon them to the room. Explain the game and allow them to understand that they are not allowed to have any healing items or speed items on them, and that they all must be level 1. Anyone caught cheating will be disqualified. Once all novices have been gathered and are waiting at one side of the map, you will head over to the other side, and begin your summoning of zombies. Scatter the zombies from the opposite side of the map and slowly summon toward the novices. Do not go over 150 zombies, too many zombies that crowd the map will be impossible to dodge. Please do keep in mind that you shouldn’t summon right in front of them. The zombies basically have the touch of death and one little touch, a novice will be permanently remembering that incident where they have been violated in a horrific way: A touch to the shoulder. Anyways, the novices will simply be running around and trying to live and dodge a hit from every zombie in the map. If it appears to be too easy, begin summoning a bit more, but keep in mind not to summon in front of them. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Become a Cunning Thief Description: All players regardless of level and class will have their chance to shine as a cunning thief. Their job is to open the lock [ Password in this case ] to your safety deposit bank. [ The chat room will enact as the deposit box ] Map: Anywhere that is popular or well visited, best if it was your main town. Pre-Setup: Create a chat room with a password that is far away from the popular place but easy to be found. It could even just be a little south of the designated area. The password will consist of a number between 1 – 1000. The chat room should be called ” [ Your name]‘s bank” and the players will have to search for it, then try to unlock it by figuring out the password. You will broadcast this and anyone who tries to pretend to be a bank would be disqualified, and lose the chance of competing in future events if they think of it as a joke. You may have about three GM’s scattered around the chosen map and have them act as their bank as well. To make things fun, disguise them as a treasure box! The three GM’s will wait for someone to hack in to their chat room, and the first one to do so will win a prize: Their loot! You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Rats in Ice Description: You’re all rats used as an experiment, however, most of you have escaped the lab and are now running wildly in a room with no exit. There’s a rumour that the last three rats are given freedom… or at least an award for being the toughest of them all! Map: Preferably a square map with no obstacles and warps. Something like a custom PvP map. Pre-Setup: Go to the chosen map and turn off all skills. Gather a list of players and have more than 1 GM running this event. Recall all players to the map and explain the game: They are to run and dodge the GM [ Who have @hide on ] from sealing them in and not allowing them to move using the Wizard’s skill: Ice wall. The GMs will Ice wall together and hit random people, slowly sealing off every player they can get. The players are to continue running and be the last to survive. Make sure all players have no buffs on, if they do, use AGI down on them. Of course, be generous and explain that they should not have any pre-buffs before the event. Make sure they are dismounted from their peco peco as well. Keep in mind that the GMs must keep spamming the skill Ice wall for a while. You will need more than one GM to do this event for it will be easier to eliminate players and less time consuming. Flaws: The GMs may be bias or have a legit character. Keep in mind that all GMs must not have legit characters or bias. A bias GM will ruin the game by going for certain players and letting other players live, thus, the reason why more than 1 GM will somewhat eliminate the fact of any GMs being bias. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hide and Seek Description: Players are to hide, and the GMs are to seek. Map: Preferably a small town Pre-Setup: Easily enough, get players to hide in a town and have the GMs will have to search and find the players. Warp them back to town and make sure to keep a list of players before creating the event. Gather the list and eliminate them one by one. Flaw: GM might cheat and warp to you and say they found you. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hide and Seek #2 Description: Similar as the event above, instead, the players are to seek, and the GM is to hide. Map: Preferably a small town Pre-Setup: Have yourself well hidden in a town and get the players to find you. First three to find you will win a prize. You may toughen things up by changing your name, disguising as an NPC or as a monster! If things get too long or hard, give out a hint or two. Note: This one is much easier to do than Hide and Seek. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Criminal Scavenger Hunt Description: Thefts have stolen jewellery from GM ______! You must find these thefts who have ran off and escaped _____’s defence! The current information was provided by _____: The thefts are scattered all over the world. You must find them but do not give out your identity! Take a screen shot and post them in the forums. The first person to find all criminals will be rewarded! We will only accept your information if your post contains a screenshot of all criminals! Map: Randomly select a few maps. They may range from town to dungeon and to fields. Pre-Setup: Implement certain NPCs [ Make sure they all have different sprites ] and place them randomly in the world of Ragnarok. Keep note of where you have placed them and make sure you have the coordinates. This event may last forever until someone is willing to do this devilish task in finding the criminals and posting them on the forum using only one post. First person to post screenshots of all the criminals will win a prize. They will post it on the forum of course. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Guess and Win Description: Choose a treasure box out of 10 other treasure boxes and test your luck! Map: A map that players can not get to. Pre-Setup: You will simply gather a list of players that wish to test their luck and warp them one by one while crossing out their names off the list. They will only be allowed to hit one Treasure box. Only one treasure box out of the 10 other Treasure box will contain a lovely prize within. If they choose to hit them all, they will be penalized. You as the GM could summon 9 Treasure boxes and disguise as one. If they hit you, they get a prize, if they don’t and hit one of your summonings, they do not get a prize. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cold Dazzle Description: This is an event where all novices shall test their luck and strength in withstanding a terrible joke that may freeze any weakling and a lovely lady in distress who shall scream. Map: A map where you can see them all. Pre-setup: You will need two GMs for this event. Have the players to sign up by creating a freshly made [ No equips transfered or levelling done at all ] novice and getting them to PM you their name. You will recall them and get them to form a line or two… as long as you can see them all. They will not be wearing any equips and hopefully they won’t! You as the GM, will be using “Frost Joke” once, those who are unlucky will freeze and be out of the event. Those who didn’t freeze, will stay. Next, the other GM shall be a Dancer using the skill “Scream.” Those who are stunned shall be out of the game, those who aren’t shall stay. Easily enough, you shall continue the process until you have the final 3 decided from 1st place to 3rd place. Once you know your winners, be sure to check their equips for any signs of cheating such as cards that prevent them from such statuses. Check out their level as well since stats may also prevent those statuses. You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MvP Event Description: Your commonly used event. A gruelling monster has attacked a town. It is your job to get rid of this monster who appears to be a boss and has dominated the town for a while now. Map: Any town. Pre-Setup: Select an MvP that will be hard to take down. Make sure no one knows of this or will check out the location. Once you summon the monster, feel free to broadcast, players will enter the town one by one and try their best to get the kill first. You have definitely finished the setup for this simple event! ———————————————————————————————————————————– Protect the GM Description: You are to defend your GM from waves of mobs. The mobs will get harder and harder over time and your GM can only take so much damage! Map: A place where players can not visit or warp to. Have it act like a GvG map as well, you can only die once and get resurrected once before being kicked out of the map and respawning in your saved location. Pre-Setup: Warp yourself to the map, make sure you have 1 GM to act as the person who is in need of protection, and another GM who summons the wave of monsters. GM in need of protection: Your job is to run around and try not to die. Simple enough. You can’t hit or attack or kill, you can only run and be defended. GM who summons: Summon aggressive mobs, do not summon a lot at one go, summon about 20 from certain spots. If the map were to be a square, turn your speed to @speed 10 and spawn about 20 aggressive monsters from each corner. You will need to summon stronger and harder monsters every round if they live. There should be only three rounds. After each round, the players may pre-buff, the delay before the next round should be about 30 seconds. The winners are either decided by the following: 1. Whoever is alive at the end 2. Everyone wins a prize 3. Killing the monsters and getting the EXP and drops is the prize 4. Warn them and drop one prize, whoever picks it up, gets it You have simply finished the setup for the event! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I hope this helps. I’ll update the list with a few more events that come across my mind. Good luck with your server. Edited December 31, 2015 by AnnieRuru 2 evilpuncker and Easycore reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easycore 31 Posted January 1, 2016 Hmmm.... what about of Tower Defense Event? If you've played Warcraft lll will remember this, in rAthena exist something similar called Monster Defense: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) oh that one ... I made before, but that still has bugs the old mob controller system can only detect 2 factions, which is the player side and the monster side in that script, I made the monster side killable for players, and the monster can search and destroy the player until the middle of the room but the monster side ( .ai_action[AI_ACTION_TYPE] == AI_ACTION_TYPE_DETECT ) can't detect the emperium because it seems the emperium also belongs to the monster side so AI_ACTION_TYPE_DETECT can't detect the emperium what I did on that script, is whenever a monster move close to emperium, it deduct the count, so the monster didn't attack the emperium at all just reduce the counter from 100, when it reach 0, you guys failed this seems to be the bug for the mob controller system made by Lance it can search and destroy players, but the monster doesn't seems to be able to attack the emperium not sure the mobevent script command that I'm going to do later ... can fix this bug or not ... Edited January 4, 2016 by AnnieRuru 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted January 15, 2016 hope to be able to test it soon and give lots of feedback and suggestions Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
astralprojection 35 Posted January 28, 2016 AnnieRuru is very busy go go go !!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrlongshen 22 Posted January 28, 2016 Yeah yeah yeah. Busy in real life. hehe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vBrenth 39 Posted February 3, 2016 Okay, so im bumping this topic @@AnnieRuru <3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Louis T Steinhil 4 Posted June 29, 2016 Hump de bump Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrlongshen 22 Posted June 29, 2016 Annie RURU is busy right now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Like it~* 15 Posted March 6, 2017 Would anyone be willing to continue this wonderful idea? Let's raise this topic. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites