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Bubblegum Inquiry


How does bubblegum works? or how does it applies the 100% increase


let say the drop rate of an item is currently 90% so if you use bubblegum it should be 180% right? why does items are not dropping even if it has 180% chance of drop

Edited by Sai

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2 answers to this question

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Bubblegum works like this.


For example:


If jellopy is 30% drop chance in Poring, then if you use Bubblegum it will be like this formula:


"30%" and "30%" not 60%, in short it's like killing 1 Poring 2 times.

Edited by Vuluts

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Umm, iono where you got that info, but bubblegum doesn't give 2x chances, it actually doubles rate (just check its script, it gives SC status that multiplies current item rates). But iirc it's capped at 90% for non-guaranteed drops (>90% stayes unchanged, 90%~45% becomes 90%, <45% becomes 2x)

Edited by Garr

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