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Skull name / rid2name( killedrid ) error


Hello hercules , I need some help from you guys


this is my problem : when I killed other player , the pvp drop and if I take it , I will be dc'ed from server

I don't know why , but I found the problem after I took the skull drop from player , my client dc'ed


and if I login again look at inventory and move my cursor to the skull , I will be dc'ed again


this is the preview screenshot




and this is for the error in putty

[Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0923 (0x0923), 6 bytes received), disconnecting session #8.
please kindly help me , thanks
and I think its a packet db error , im using 2013-08-14 client , when i add this to the packet db " packet(0x0923,7,clif->pActionRequest,2,6); "
new error appeared : " [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0xf409 (0xf409), 6 bytes received), disconnecting session #7. "
Edited by Max

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cannot reproduce




I'm using test server ... *click*


I've Ctr+F inside my packet.h ... 0x0923

no result


packet stuff is not my specialty ... ask someone else

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cannot reproduce




I'm using test server ... *click*


I've Ctr+F inside my packet.h ... 0x0923

no result


packet stuff is not my specialty ... ask someone else


what is your client version ? :s




try newer client 20131223 , It work fine


is this the client problem or the rid2name not supported or I got bug ? im using the latest server hercules 


fixed thanks

Edited by Max

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