Hyoru 3 Posted December 19, 2014 I added delay on my yggdrasil berry: Id: 607 AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry" Name: "Yggdrasil Berry" Type: 0 Buy: 5000 Delay: 2500 Weight: 300 Script: <" percentheal 100,100; "> But now, when the delay is on shows me NO MSG: 1862 NO MSG: 1862 NO MSG: 1862 I've tried to add at messages.conf but didnt work. Someone can help me, please?Thanks in advanced. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Dastgir 1246 Posted December 19, 2014 I added delay on my yggdrasil berry: Id: 607 AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry" Name: "Yggdrasil Berry" Type: 0 Buy: 5000 Delay: 2500 Weight: 300 Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">But now, when the delay is on shows me NO MSG: 1862 NO MSG: 1862 NO MSG: 1862 I've tried to add at messages.conf but didnt work. Someone can help me, please? Thanks in advanced. Update your msgstringtable.txt (client side) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Hyoru 3 Posted December 19, 2014 Still getting the error. Full Updated NO MSG: 1862. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 karazu 33 Posted December 19, 2014 (edited) Use this Do you agree?#Failed to Connect to Server.#Disconnected from Server.#Disconnected from Server.#Server Closed.#Someone has Logged in with this ID.#Unregistered ID. Please make sure you have a registered account and you have correctly typed in the user ID.#Incorrect User ID or Password. Please try again.#This ID is expired.#Rejected from Server.#Character Name already exists.#Character Creation is denied.#Character Deletion is denied.#Please Enter Room Title.#Foul Language Detected.#Please enter Password.#Please enter Password. Passwords must be at least 4 characters long.#Are you sure that you want to quit?#Passwords are at least 4 characters long. Please try again.#Are you sure that you want to delete this character?#Foul Language Detected.#Character Name must be at least 4 characters long.#Command List: /h | /help#Effects On#Effects Off#Sound Volume#BGM Volume#Sound Effects On#Sound Effects Off#Frame Skip On#Frame Skip Off#BGM On#BGM Off#/h or /help: Shows this Command Help List#/w or /who or /player or /who : wiew current the number of player#/music: Turns BGM On or Off#/sound: Turns Sound Effects On or Off#/effect: Effects On or Off#/where: Shows your present location#/skip: Turns Frame Skip On or Off#/v (0~127): Controls the volume of the Sound Effects#/bv (0~127): Controls the volume of the BGM#/ex (Character Name): Blocks whispering from the Character#/ex: View a list of Characters you have Blocked#/in (Character Name): Allows whispering from the Character#/inall: Allows whispers from anyone#/exall: Blocks whispers from everyone#Right click on a character and select [Register as a Friend] to add a person to your Friend List.#F12 Brings up a Hotkey Window which allows you to drag and drop Recovery Items, Equipment and Skills into it for faster access.#You can't type the same word/phrase more than 3 times.#Chat Filter: Yeah, uh, I don't think so buddy...#You cannot overlap items on a window.#You cannot carry more items because you are overweight.#You cannot get the item.#The deal has successfully completed.#You do not have enough zeny.#You are over your Weight Limit.#The deal has failed.#You've blocked whispers from everyone.#You've failed to block all whispers.#You've allowed whispers from everyone.#You've failed to allow all whispers.#You have no Block List.#[ Character Block List ]#Room has been successfully created.#Room Limit Exceeded.#Same Room exists.#The Room is full.#You have been kicked out of this room.#The deal has been rejected.#You are too far away from the person to trade.#The Character is not currently online or does not exist.#The person is in another deal.#You cannot trade because this character will exceed his weight limit.#The deal has been canceled.#The deal has successfully completed.#The deal has failed.#Party has successfully been organized.#That Party Name already exists.#The Character is already in a party.#The Character already joined another party.#Request for party rejected.#Request for party accepted.#Party Capacity exceeded.#You left the party.#Send to All#Send to Party#Request a deal with %s#Ask %s to join your party#Pri:#Pub:#Click ''Restart'' to go back to your save point or click ''Exit'' to select another character.#Please select a Deal Type.# requests a deal.# Party has sent you an invitation. Would you like to join?#Invalid Command#Leave party#Expel from party#Send Messages#1:1 Chat#Information#Party Setup#Friend#Party#Equipment#Status#Inventory#/organize ''Party Name'' To organize a party. Type /leave To leave a Party.#If you are the party master, you can invite someone into your party by right-clicking on a Character.#Recover#Attack#Support#Entire#Weapon#Defense#Water#Earth#Fire#Wind#Please avoid buying 2 of the same items at one time.#Please change your desktop Color Depth to 16-bit when running Ragnarok in windowed mode.#Please wait...#Please wait...#Please wait...#Please wait...#Make a Room#Room Setup#Kick Character Out#Give Master Authority#View Information#Chat Room#Ppl#/sit: Sit command. If you are sitting, you will stand instead.#/stand: Stand command. If you are standing, you will sit instead.#/chat: Creates a Chat Room#/q: Leaves a Chat Room#/deal ''Character Name'' Requests a deal with a character#/organize ''Party Name'' Organizes a party#/leave: Leaves a party#/expel ''Character Name'' kicks a Character out of your party#[Alt] + [End]: Turns HP/SP Bar On or Off#[Alt] + [Home]: Turns Ground Cursor On or Off#[Insert]: Makes you sit or stand. (Hotkey to toggle between /sit and /stand)#Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward item is #!!#Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are # acquired!#You are the MVP, but you can't take the reward because you are over your weight limit.#There is no such character name or the user is offline.# doesn't want to receive your messages.# is not in the mood to talk with anyone.#Killed/Disconnected User.#Kill has failed.#You got %s (%d).#[Alt] + [=]: Fix the interval error between letters.#[F10]: To toggle Chat Window size; [Alt] + [F10]: Toggle Chat Window On or Off#How to Whisper: Enter a Character's Name on the left side of chat window and type your message on the right side. The Tab key helps you move between these boxes.#/!,/?,/ho,/lv,/lv2,/swt,/ic,/an,/ag,/$,/….,/thx,/wah,/sry,/heh,/swt2,/hmm,/no1,/??,/omg,/oh,/X,/hp,/go,/sob,/gg,/kis,/kis2,/pif,/ok: Emotion icons corresponding to Alt + (1~9) Ctrl + (-=)#How to Speak to Party: Add % in front of every message.(Example: %Hello)#You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to Trade.#You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to use Emotion icons.#You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to Sit.#You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to create a chat room.#You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to Party.#You haven't learned enough skills to Shout.#You haven't learned enough skills for Pking.#Buying Items#Item Shop#Selling Items#Item Inventory# is put on.# is taken off.#To add names on the Whispering List#How to Take Screen Shots: Press [Print Screen] or [Scroll Lock]#Tip of the Day#^3850a0Did you know...?^709fed#Display at startup#/tip: Opens ''Tip of the Day''#There are %d Players Currently Connected.#(%s) has entered.#(%s) has left.#(%s) was kicked out.#%d ea.#%s: %d ea.#%s %s: %d#Available Items to sell#Shop Items#Unknown Area#Your Client language doesn't match the Server language.#Please move your equipment to the inventory. And close the equipment window.#This server provides English Text Characters Only.#This is not implemented yet.#No Whisper List.#: Whispering Blocked.#: Whispering Block has failed.#: Whispering Block has failed. Block List is full.#: Whispering accepted.#: Command has failed.#: Command has failed. Block List is full.#You cannot put a space at the beginning or end of a name.#Private#Public#Not Enough SP#Not Enough HP#Skill has failed.#Steal has failed.#Trade#Envenom skill has failed.#You cannot use this ID on this server.#Your Speed has increased.#Your Speed has decreased.#/memo: To memorize a place as Warp Point (If you are an Acolyte Class character)#Random Area#Select an Area to Warp#Skill Level is not high enough#There are no memorized locations (Memo Points).#You haven't learned Warp.#Saved location as a Memo Point for Warp Skill.#Cancel#There is a Delay after using a Skill.#You can't have this item because you will exceed the weight limit.#Out of the maximum capacity#Rent a Cart Items#Take Off Rent a Cart#Vend a Shop#Please Name your Shop.#My Shop#Merchant Shop#Buying Items#%s Purchase Failed %s#Out of Stock#%s %d sold.#Available Items for Vending#Skill has failed because you do not have enough zeny.#Select a Target.#/pk on: Turns PK On. /pk off: Turns PK Off.#Shop#Rent a Cart Items [Alt+W]#Basic Information#The skill cannot be used with this weapon.#Buying %s has been failed. Out of Stock. Current Stock %d.#You've been disconnected due to a time gap between you and the server.#Please equip arrows first.#You can't attack or use skills because you've exceeded the Weight Limit.#You can't use skills because you've exceeded the Weight Limit.#Arrow has been equipped.#Red Gemstone required.#Blue Gemstone required.#Strength#Agility#Vitality#Intelligence#Dexterity#Luck#Attack Power#Defense#Accuracy Rate#Critical Attack#Assigned Guild#Status Points to allocate#Magical Attack#Magical Defense#Flee Rate#Attack Speed#Server is jammed due to over population. Please try again shortly.#Option#Account ID blocked by the Game Master Team.#Incorrect User ID or Password. Please try again.#Choose Hairstyle#Hit Point#Defence Rate#Attack Snap On#Attack Snap Off#Skill Snap On#Skill Snap Off#/snap: Turns snap On | Off for fights, /skillsnap: Turns snap On | Off for skills. /itemsnap: Turns snap On | Off for items on the grounds.#Item Snap On#Item Snap Off#Snap#You cannot carry more than 30,000 of one kind of item.#You cannot delete a Character with a level greater than 30. If you want to delete the character please contact a Game Master.#You cannot use an NPC shop while in a trade.#Shop Name#Skill Tree#Skill Point: %d#Skill has failed.#Passive#Each Take#Even Share#Each Take#Party Share#Party Setup#How to share EXP#How to share Items#Only the Party Leader can change this setting.#Toggle Item Amount.#Character will be deleted after ^ff0000%d^000000 seconds. Press Cancel to quit.#You cannot trade more than 10 types of items per trade.#You are underaged.#Please enter the deletion password.#E-mail Address (Case Sensitive).#Character Deletion has failed because you have entered an incorrect e-mail address.#Enter Second Serial Cord of your Social Security number.#Character Deletion has failed because you have entered an incorrect SSN.#You can't sell more than 15 types of Items at one time.#You are underaged and cannot join this server.#HP/SP will not be restored when your carried weight is over 50% of the Weight Limit.#You can't use Skills or Attack while your carried weight is over 90% of your Weight Limit.#Your HP/SP are now being restored naturally.#Attack and Skills are now available.#Your Game's Exe File is not the latest version.#Items are sold out.#Save Chat as Text File#/savechat: Save a Chat Log#Register#Reject Whispering#Allow Whispering#Shows ''Miss''#Shows ''Miss''#Camera Zooming On#Camera Zooming Off#/camera: Camera Zooming On or Off. /miss: Toggle ''Miss'' display#View Skill Info#Change Skill#Sprite Resolution#Texture Resolution#Arrange Detail#You got %Zeny#Guild Name#Guild lvl#Guild Master#Guildsmen#Avg.lvl of Guildsmen#Territory#Tendency#EXP#Emblem#Tax Point#Alliances#Antagonists#Guild Info#Guildsmen Info#Position#Guild Skill#Expel History#Guild Notice#Entire Guild List#Whispering List#Open Whispering Window#How to Open Whispering List: Press [Alt] + [H]#Open Whispering List Automatically#Delete#Close since next#Last Log-in Time#Last Log-in IP#Friend Setup#Are you sure that you want to delete?#Are you sure that you want to leave?#Register as a Friend#Open 1:1 Chat between Friends#Open 1:1 Chat#Open 1:1 Chat not between Friends#Alarm when you recieve a 1 on 1 Chat#Are you sure that you want to expel?#%s has withdrawn from the guild.#Secession Reason: %s#You have failed to disband the guild.#Disband Reason: %s#This ID has been removed.#Price: #%s has been expelled from our guild.#Expulsion Reason: %s#You can't put this item on.#You can't modify Party Setup.#Guild has been Created.#You are already in a Guild.#That Guild Name already exists.# Guild has sent you a invitation. Would you like to join this Guild?#He/She is already in a Guild.#Offer Rejected#Offer Accepted#Your Guild is Full.#Send (%s) a Guild invitation#You haven't learned enough skills for aligning.#Alignning completed.#You already spent your point for today.#Hasn't been a month yet since you aligned this person.#Remember, Spamming isn't nice.#Please refrain from ill-mannered conduct, thank you.#Align with a Good Point#Align with a Bad Point#Request a deal with (%s)#Ask (%s) to join your party# Guild is asking you to agree to an Alliance with them. Do you accept?#This Guild is already your Ally.#You reject the offer#You accept the offer#They have too many Alliances.#You have too many Alliances.#Set this guild as an Alliance#Guild was successfully disbanded.#You have failed to disorganize the guild due to your incorrect SSN.#You have failed to disorganize the guild because there are guildsmen still present.#Set this guild as an Antagonist#Choose Hair Color#You need the necessary item to create a Guild.#Monster Info#Name#Level#HP#Size#Type#MDEF#Attribute#Neutral#Water#Earth#Fire#Wind#Poison#Holy#Shadow#Ghost#Undead#You can't create items yet.#Item List you can craft# Create#'s materials# item creation failed.# item created successfully.# item creation failed.# item created successfully.#You are not the required lvl.#Too high lvl for this job.#Not the suitable job for this type of work.#Record a message in the Talkie Box#Please type a message for the Talkie Box#Send to Guild#You didn't pay for this ID. Would you like to pay for it now?#Server is jammed due to overpopulation. Please try again after few minutes.#Server still recognizes your last log-in. Please try again after a few minutes.#Release Falcon#Dismount#Small#Med#Big#Double#Triple#Quadruple#You are prohibited to log in until %s.#'s #'s Fire #'s Ice #'s Wind #'s Earth # %s#Very Strong#Very Very Strong#Very Very Very Strong#The Reason of Expulsion#Attack Speed is up.#Attack Speed is down.#Weapon Damage is improved.#Weapon Damage is reduced.#Cast Delay is reduced.#Cast Delay has returned to normal.#Weapon is temporarily enchanted with Poison.#Weapon is temporarily enchanted with an elemental property.#Weapon has changed back to normal.#Armor has been enchanted with the Holy Ghost.#Armor has changed back to normal.#Barrier Formed.#Barrier Canceled.#Weapon Perfection Initiated.#Weapon perfection Canceled.#Power-Thrust Initiated.#Power-Thrust Canceled.#Maximize-Power Initiated.#Maximize-Power Canceled.#[New Server]#(%d)#(On the maintenance)#Guildsman %s has connected.#Guildsman %s has disconnected.#You got %s Base EXP.#You got %s Job EXP.#You left the guild.#You have been expelled from the Guild.#Item Appraisal has completed successfully.#Item appraisal has failed.#Compounding has completed successfully.#Compounding has failed.#Antagonist has been set.#Guild has too many Antagonists.#Already set as an Antagonist#Upgrade has been completed successfully.#Upgrade has failed.#Unavailable Area to Teleport#Unavailable Area to Teleport#Please wait 10 seconds before trying to log out.#Position#Job#Note#Devotion#Tax Point#Leave Guild#Expel#Rank#Position Title#Invitation#Punish#Tax %#Title#Contents#Guild Name#Guild lvl#Guildsmen#Ranking#Item Appraisal#Insert Card#Please enter the reason of Secession.#Please enter the reason of Expulsion.#Please close Shop.#Skill #Item Name#https://pay.ragnarok.co.kr (Billing Web)#IP capacity of this Internet Cafe is full. Would you like to pay the personal base?#You are out of available paid playing time. Game will be shut down automatically.#Name is too long. Please enter a name no greater than 23 english characters.#Character will be deleted in %d seconds.#You paid with the personal regular base.#You paid with the personal regular base. Available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#You are free!#You are free for the test, your available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#You paid with the Internet Cafe regular base. Available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#You paid with the Time Limit for Internet Cafe. Available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#You are free for the test of Internet Cafe version .#You are free for the Internet Cafe version.#You paid on the Time Limit Website.#Emotion icon List#/emo#/!#/?#/ho#/lv#/lv2#/swt#/ic#/an#/ag#/$#/...#/thx#/wah#/sry#/heh#/swt2#/hmm#/no1#/??#/omg#/oh#/X#/hlp#/go#/sob#/gg#/kis#/kis2#/pif#/ok#Shortcut List#Your account is suspended.#Your connection is terminated due to change in the billing policy. Please connect again.#Your connection is terminated because your IP doesn't match the authorized IP from the account server.#Your connection is terminated to prevent charging from your account's play time.#You have been forced to disconnect by the Game Master Team.#You can't use this Skill because you are over your Weight Limit.#Nameless#Congratulations! %s ranking has gone up to %d.#What a pity! %s ranking has gone down to %d.#Pet Info#Hunger#Intimacy#Please avoid opening a chatroom while vending.#ea#You have knocked down %s.#You have been knocked down by %s.#Feed - "%s" is not available.#Feed Pet#Performance#Return to Egg Shell#Unequip Accessory#Check Pet Status#Accessory#Equipped#Pet List#Unequipped#Are you sure that you want to feed your pet?#Only the numbers (0~9) are available.#You cannot sell unidentified items.#Item at 0 Zeny exists. Do you wish to continue?#[New Emotion List]#N/A#N/A#Character in the same account already joined.#(%d ppl) - over the age 18#Provoke initiated.#Provoke canceled.#Endure initiated.#Endure canceled.#Improve Concentration initiated.#Improve Concentration canceled.#Hiding Initiated.#Hiding Canceled.#Cloaking initiated.#Cloaking canceled.#Poison React initiated.#Poison React canceled.#Speed reduced.#Quagmire canceled.#Defense increased.#Angelus canceled.#Blessing aligned.#Blessing canceled.#Signum Crusis initiated.#Signum Crusis canceled.#Slow Poison initiated.#Slow Poison Canceled.#HP/SP recovery increased.#Magnificat canceled.#Luck increased.#Gloria canceled.#You will received double damage from all attacking opponents.#Lex Eterna canceled.#Attack Speed increased.#Attack Speed reduced.#You've just been on a Peco Peco.#You've just got off of a Peco Peco.#You've just carried a Falcon with.#You've just released a Falcon.#Play Dead initiated.#Play Dead canceled.#STR improved.#STR turned back to normal.#Energy Coat initiated.#Energy Coat canceled.#Armor destroyed.#Armor has just been released from destroyed status.#Weapon destroyed.#Weapon has just been released from destroyed status.#Invisibility initiated.#Invisibility canceled.#Sorry. It is delayed due to the process of payment. Please re-connect in a minute#You must unequip munition first.#Arrow List#Cart List#You must have a Pushcart.#You cannot open a Chat Window.#No Information#You cannot use this item while sitting.#Your use of skills and chat will be blocked for the next %d minutes.#Your use of skills and chat have been reinstated.#- [Not equipped]#Very Hungry#Hungry#Neutral#Satisfied#Stuffed#Awkward#Shy#Cordial#Loyal#Unknown#Your account has play time of %d day %d hour %d minute.#Your account is already connected to account server.#Your account has play time of %d hour %d minute.#Your account is a free account.#This account can't connect the Sakray server.#Your pet name must be 23 characters or less.#You may change your pet's name only once. Your pet's name will be changed to ^0000ff^0000ff %s^000000^000000. Do you wish to continue?#/font#Your guild lacks the funds to pay for this venture.#Your guild zeny limit prevents you from performing this action.#Simplified effects have been activated.#Simplified effects have been deactivated.#Required Fee#If you wish to drop an item, you must first open your Item Window (alt+e).#Internet Cafe Time Plan has been ended. Would you like to continue the game with your personal play time?###Your lack of zeny or your zeny limit have prevented you from performing this action.#Your character has fainted. Push the ESC key to restart.#- %d obtained.#Spell List#/minimize#This item has been damaged.#/noshift: You may use your ''force heal'' ability without the Shift key. On | Off#[no shift] option activated. [ON]#[no shift] option deactivated. [OFF]#MSI_REFUSE_BAN_BY_DBA#MSI_REFUSE_EMAIL_NOT_CONFIRMED#MSI_REFUSE_BAN_BY_GM#MSI_REFUSE_TEMP_BAN_FOR_DBWORK#MSI_REFUSE_SELF_LOCK#MSI_REFUSE_NOT_PERMITTED_GROUP#MSI_REFUSE_WAIT_FOR_SAKRAY_ACTIVE#/aura: Simplify Aura effect On | Off#Simplify Aura disabled. [OFF]#Simplify Aura enabled. [ON]#Chat block record %d times#Chat block list#/showname: Change the name font type.#/noctrl | /nc: Auto attack without pressing ctrl key. On | Off#Use auto attack without Ctrl. [Auto attack ON]#Use auto attack with Ctrl. [Auto attack OFF]#Mute this player.#Unmute player & Erase mute time.#Decrease Player Mute time.#Normal Font Displayed. [showname type 1]#Font will be thin and party name will be shown [showname type 2]#/doridori: Shake head#Internet room is paying now.#Prepaid voucher validate until %d days %d hours %d minutes later.nTime limit voucher validate untill %d hours %d minutes later.#/bingbing: Rotates player counter clockwise.#/bangbang: Rotates player clockwise.#/skillfail: Display red font message when skill fails. On | Off#Skill fail messages will be displayed. [Display On]#Skill fail messages will not be displayed. [Display OFF]#/notalkmsg: Chat will not be displayed in chat window. On | Off#Chat content will be displayed in the chat window. [Display ON]#Chat content will not be displayed in the chat window. [Display OFF]#/set1: /noctrl + /showname + /skillfail#/fog: Fog effect. On | Off#You have received a marriage proposal. Do you accept?#Item sharing type#Individual#Shared#nProtect KeyCrypt#Keyboard Driver has been detected. nnDo you want to install a program for keyboard security? nn(After installation, System Reboot is required)#Installation has been completed. nnSystem will be rebooted.#Installation has been failed.#Keyboard Security will be skipped.#Required file for Keyboard Security is not existing. nn(npkeyc.vxd, npkeyc.sys, npkeycs.sys)#USB Keyboard has been detected. nnDo you want to install a program for keyboard security? nn(After installation, System Reboot is required)#ftp://ragnarok.nefficient.co.kr/pub/ragnarok/ragnarok0526.exe#FindHack is not installed correctly. Please download ragnarok0226.exe and install it in RagnarokOnline directory.(%d).#Hacking tool is existing but it hasn't been cleaned. Rangarok Online will not be executed.#Hacking tool scan program has not been downloaded correctly. Please download ragnarok0226.exe and install it in RagnarokOnline directory.#NPX.DLL register error or there is no necessary file to run FindHack. Please download ragnarok0226.exe and install it in RagnarokOnline directory.#Exceptional Error. Please contact the customer support. Return Value: (%d)#Exit button has been clicked.#Unable to connect Findhack Update Server. Please try again or contact the customer support.#Beloved#/report: Save a chat log file.#Chat logs are not accepted as evidence for any ill-mannered violation on account of possible file modifications. However this feature is provided for players' personal reference.#I love you.#Please adjust your monitor/video brightness if effects appear too bright.#If full screen mode fails to work, it is suggested you alt+tab [or ctrl+esc] to inactivate and reactivate the Ragnarok Client.#(%d players) - Pay to Play Server#(%d players) - Free Server#Trial players can't connect Pay to Play Server.#Right click menu skills for F9 are Enabled.[/q1 ON]#Right click menu skills for F9 are Disabled.[/q1 OFF]#/quickspell: Right-click menu enables you to use skills assigned to the F9 hotkey. On | Off#Mouse wheel skills for F7 and F8 are Enabled.[/q2 ON]#Mouse wheel skills for F7 and F8 are Disabled.[/q2 OFF]#/quickspell2: By rolling the mouse wheel up and down, you are able to use skills registered on F7 and F8 hotkeys. On | Off#/q3: /quickspell (/q1) + /quickspell2 (/q2)#/bzz#/rice#/awsm#/meh#/shy#/pat#/mp#/slur#/com#/yawn#/grat#/hp#/emotion: views the emoticon list.#Skills assigned to shortcut windows 1, 2, 3 are Enabled. [/bm ON]#Skills assigned to shortcut windows 1, 2, 3 are Disabled. [/bm OFF]#/battlemode: allows you to use skills assigned to Shortcut Window 2 by pressing Q ~ O keys.#A ~ L keys allow you to use skills assigned to Shortcut Window 3.#Please remember, programs running in the background while playing may affect the game's performance.#Dear angel, can you hear my voice?#I am#Super Novice~#Help me out~ Please~ T_T# wishes to adopt you. Do you accept?#Z ~ > keys allow you to use skills assigned on shortcut window 1. On | Off#Press the space bar to Chat when in Battle mode [/battlemode | /bm].#"Either there's no Game Guard installed on the program or Game Guard is cracked. Please, try to reinstall Game Guard from its setup file."#Some of Windows system files have been damaged. Please re-install your Internet Explorer.#"Failed to run Game Guard. Please, try to reinstall Game Guard from its setup file."#"At least one hazardous program has been detected. Please, terminate all the unnecessary programs before executing Game Guard."#"Game Guard update is canceled. If the disconnection continues, please, check your internet or firewall settings."#"Failed to connect to Game Guard update server. Try to connect again later, or try to check the internet or firewall settings."#"Can't complete Game Guard update process. Please, try to execute a vaccine program to remove viruses. Or, please try to modify the settings of your PC managing tool if you are using any."#/notrade: Declines trade offers automatically. On | Off#Auto decline trade offers has been Enabled. [/nt ON]#Auto decline trade offers has been Disabled. [/nt OFF]#You cannot buy more than 30,000ea items at once.#You do not have enough ingredients.#Login information remains at %s.#Account has been locked for a hacking investigation. Please contact the GM Team for more information.#This account has been temporarily prohibited from login due to a bug-related investigation.#Repairable items#Item has been successfully repaired.#You have failed to repair this item. Please check the distance between you and opponent.#System process enabled [GM mode] [/sc ON]#System process disabled [GM mode] [/sc OFF]#/systemcheck: Check the system process [GM mode] On | Off#(%s) wishes to be friends with you. Would you like to accept?#Your Friend List is full.#(%s)'s Friend List is full.#You have become friends with (%s).#(%s) does not want to be friends with you.#This character will be blocked to use until %s.#Price will be fixed at 10,000,000 zeny, even if you enter higher price.#(Down below)#(Below)#(Average)#(Above)#(Up below)#You have been blocked from using chat and skills for %d minutes by the GM Team.#%d minutes remain until release from the GM penalty.#You have been released from the GM penalty.#You have been blocked from using chat and skills for %d as an automatic penalty.#%d minutes remain until release from auto penalty.#You have been released from the auto penalty. Please refrain from spamming in-game.#%s and %s have divorced from each other.#%s has been designated as Gravity %s's Solar Space.#%s has been designated as Gravity %s's Luna Space.#%s has been designated as Gravity %s's Stellar Space.#Gravity %s's Solar Space: %s#Gravity %s's Luna Space: %s#Gravity %s's Stellar Space: %s#%s has been designated as Gravity %s's Solar Monster.#%s has been designated as Gravity %s's Luna Monster.#%s has been designated as Gravity %s's Stellar Monster.#Gravity %s's Solar Monster: %s#Gravity %s's Luna Monster: %s#Gravity %s's Stellar Monster: %s#/window: Display windows will snap/dock together. On | Off#Display window docking enabled. [/wi ON]#Display window docking disabled. [/wi OFF]#/pvpinfo: shows your PVP result and PVP points.#You have won %d times and have lost %d times in PVP. Current points %d.#A manner point has been successfully aligned.#You are in a PK area. Please beware of sudden attack.#Game Guard update has been failed when either Virus or Spyware conflicted with. Please, Uninstall Spyware and Virus protection program before you log in.#Program has encountered an error related to Windows compatibility. Please start the game again.#You have been blocked from chatting, using skills and items.#Login is temporarily unavailable while this character is being deleted.#Login is temporarily unavailable while your spouse character is being deleted.#Novice#Swordman#Mage#Archer#Acolyte#Merchant#Thief#Knight#Priest#Wizard#Blacksmith#Hunter#Assassin#Novice#Swordman#Magician#Archer#Acolyte#Merchant#Thief#Knight#Priest#Wizard#Blacksmith#Hunter#Assassin#Send an adoption request to %s#When you become a child, you will be unable to become a Transcendent Class character, all stats will be limited to a maximum of 80, and Max HP/SP will be reduced. Are you sure that you want to be adopted?#All abnormal status effects have been removed.#You will be immune to abnormal status effects for the next minute.#Your Max HP will stay increased for the next minute.#Your Max SP will stay increased for the next minute.#All of your Stats will stay increased for the next minute.#Your weapon will remain blessed with Holy power for the next minute.#Your armor will remain blessed with Holy power for the next minute.#Your Defense will stay increased for the next 10 seconds.#Your Attack strength will be increased for the next minute.#Your Accuracy and Flee Rate will be increased for the next minute.#You cannot adopt more than 1 child.#You must be at least character level 70 in order to adopt someone.#[Point] You have been rewarded with %d Blacksmith rank points. Your point total is %d.#[Point] You have been rewarded with %d Alchemist rank points. Your point total is %d.#X#X#X#X#/notalkmsg2: Hides chat messages(including guild chat). On Off#Show chat messages. [/nm2 ON]#Hide chat messages(including guild chat) [/nm2 OFF]#Upgradable Weapons#Weapons upgraded: %s#Weapons upgraded: %s#You cannot upgrade %s until you level up your Upgrade Weapon skill.#You lack a necessary item %s to upgrade this weapon.#Full Divestment cannot pierce the target. The target is fully shielded.#You cannot adopt a married person.#This name is not registered in your Friend List. Please check the name again.#/hi or /hi message: Send greetings to people who are online and registered on your Friend List.#This character is not your guildsman. Please check the name again.#Please be aware that the maximum selling price is fixed as 2 Billion. You cannot sell an item higher than that.#Whispers from friends are displayed as [ Friend ], and ones from guildsmen are displayed as [ Member ].#( From character name: ) is from an anonymous character who is neither your friend nor guildsman.#/blacksmith: Shows top 10 Blacksmiths in the server.#/alchemist: Shows top 10 Alchemists in the server.#ALT+Y: Opens a window which allows you to use various commands with ease.#[POINT] You have been rewarded with %d Tae-Kwon Mission rank points. Your point total is %d.#[Taekwon Mission] Target Monster: %s (%d%%)#Error - Failed to initialize GameGuard: %lu#Speed Hack has been detected.#The illegal program, (%s) has been detected.#The Game or Gameguard has been cracked.#GameGuard is currently running. Please wait for sometime and restart the game.#The Game or GameGuard is already running. Please close the game and restart the game.#Failed to intialize GameGuard. Please try again after rebooting the system or closing other programs.#Failed to load the scan module of virus and hacking tool. It's caused by lack of memory or PC virus infection.#Homunculus Info#Homunculus Skill List#Please give your Homunculus a name no longer than 23 letters.#You can name a Homunculus only once. You have entered the name, ^0000ff%s^000000. Would you like to continue?#(Away)#[Automated Message]#Send an automated message while you are away.#Cancel automated away message.#Please enter Away Message.#/fsh#/spin#/sigh#/dum#/crwd#/desp#/dice#/pk: Shows top 10 Slayers in the server.#[POINT] You have been rewarded with %d Slayer rank points. Your point total is %d.#Evolution Available#You have decided to delete this Homunculus ^ff0000^ff0000. When deleted, the homunculus and its history will be deleted and they cannot be restored in the future. Would you like to continue?#Save Homunculus status as a file.#Do not save Homunculus status as a file.#Crusader#Monk#Sage#Rogue#Alchemist#Bard#Crusader#Monk#Sage#Rogue#Alchemist#Dancer#High Novice#High Swordman#High Mage#High Archer#High Acolyte#High Merchant#High Thief#High Novice#High Swordman#High Mage#High Archer#High Acolyte#High Merchant#High Thief#Lord Knight#High Priest#High Wizard#WhiteSmith#Sniper#Assassin Cross#Lord Knight#High Priest#High Wizard#WhiteSmith#Sniper#Assassin Cross#Paladin#Champion#Professor#Stalker#Creator#Clown#Paladin#Champion#Professor#Stalker#Creator#Gypsy#You have not set a password yet. Would you like to create one now?#You have incorrectly entered the password 3 times. Please try again later.#Password creation has failed.#Password must be 4~8 letters long.#Password#New Password#Confirm Password#Password has been changed.#Password does not match.#Enter Password#Your Homunculus is starving. Please feed it, otherwise it will leave you.#EXP#[EVENT] You have won an event prize. Please claim your prize in game.#Hate#Hate with a Passion#Homunculus has been customized.#Homunculus has been activated with the basic AI.#Mail List#Write Mail#Read Mail#You cannot change a map's designation once it is designated. Are you sure that you want to designate this map?#Item has been added in the Item Window.#You have failed to add the item in the Item Window.#You have successfully mailed a message.#You have failed to mail a message. Recipient does not exist.#[Solar, Lunar and Stellar Angel] Designated places and monsters have been reset.#The minimum starting bid for auctions is 10,000,000 zeny.#You have successfully started a new auction.#The auction has been canceled.#An auction with at least one bidder cannot be canceled.#Mail has been successfully deleted.#You have failed to delete the mail.#You have equipped throwing daggers.#%s has logged in.#%s has logged out.#/loginout: Shows guildsmen and friends online status. On Off#Display online status of friends in Chat Window. [/li ON]#Do not display online status of friends in Chat Window. [/li OFF]#It is already running.#Use of Macro program has been detected.#Use of Speed hack has been detected.#API Hooking has been detected.#Message Hooking has been detected.#Module has been modified or damaged or its version does not match.#(Thailand) You have logged in game with PC cafe payment.#Prev#Next#Auction#Product List#Register#Sale Status#Purchase Status#Item#Name#Current Bid / Max Bid#Seller#Buyer#End Time#%m %d %H#Time (Hr)#Fee#No items found in auction search.#Your Sale List is empty.#Your Purchase List is empty.#Auction Information is incorrect or incomplete.#You must drag and drop an item from your Inventory into the Register Window to begin a new auction.#The auction has already been registered.#Starting Bid#Current Bid#Buy Now Price#Your Current Zeny#Highest Bid#Previous Bid#Next Bid#Buy it now?#Would you like to sell this item?#Place Bid#Buy Now#End the Auction#Place another Bid#You have placed a bid.#You have failed to place a bid.#You do not have enough zeny.#Armor#Card#Misc.#Bid#Search#You have ended the auction.#You cannot end the auction.#Bid Number is incorrect.#To#Title#You have received a message in the mail.#Searching...#You cannot register more than 5 items in an auction at a time.#You cannot place more than 5 bids at a time.#Please accept all items from your mail before deleting.#Please enter a title.#/shopping: Enables you to open a shop with a single left-click and close your shop with a single right-click. On Off#You can now open a shop with a single left-click and close your shop with a single right-click. [sh ON].#You can open a shop by double-clicking. [/sh OFF]#Please enter zeny amount before sending mail.#You do not have enough zeny to pay the Auction Fee.#View Status#Feed#Stand By#Super Novice (Male)#Super Novice (Female)#Taekwon Boy#Taekwon Girl#Taekwon Master (Male)#Taekwon Master (Female)#Soul Linker (Male)#Soul Linker (Female)#Please check the connection, more than 2 accounts are connected with Internet Cafe Time Plan.#Your account is using monthly payment. (Remaining day: %d day)#Your account is using time limited. (Remaining time: %d hour % minute % second)#This item cannot be mailed.#You cannot accept any more items. Please try again later.#Male#Female#New User.#E-mail address is required to delete a character.#Please enter the correct information.#Please use this key.#Please enter the correct card password.#PT Info#PT_ID is %s#NUM_ID is %s#Please don't forget this information.#1001#1002#1003#1004#1006#1007#1008#1009#1012#1013#1014#1015#1019#1020#1021#1023#1024#1025#1027#1028#10#20#40#50#60#70#80#90#100#110#Do you want to receive 30 points?#30 points (5 hours) have been added.#You cannot register Unidentified Items in auctions.#You cannot register this Consumable Item in an auction.#Please close the Cart Window to open the Mail Window.#Please close the Mail Window to open the Cart Window.#Bullets have been equipped.#The mail has been returned to sender.#The mail no longer exists.#More than 30 players sharing the same IP have logged into the game for an hour. Please check this matter.#More than 10 connections sharing the same IP have logged into the game for an hour. Please check this matter.#Please restart the game.#Mercenary: Archer#Mercenary: Swordman#Mercenary: Spearman#Expiration#Loyalty#Summons#Kill#You can feel hatred from your pet for neglecting to feed it.#[POINT] You earned %d Taming Mission Ranking Points, giving you a total of %d points.#[Taming Mission] Target Monster: %s#/hunting: You can check the your hunting list.#[Angel's Question] Please tell me, how many %s skills do you have?#[Angel's Question] Please tell me, how much zeny you'll have if you divide it by 100,000?#[Angel's Question] Please tell me, what is today's date?#[Angel's Question] Please tell me, how many %s do you have?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in SiYeon's name?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in Munak's name?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in Bongun's name?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, Ragnarok?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, online?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, death?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, knight?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, gravity?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, dark?#[Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, collecter?#[Angel's Answer] Thank you for letting me know~#[Angel's Answer] I'm very pleased with your answer. You are a splendid adventurer.#[Angel's Answer] You've disappointed me...#[Point] You earned %d Ranking Points, giving you a total of %d Ranking Points.#[%s]'s Points: %d Points#Unselected Characters will be deleted. Continue?#You cannot select more than 8.#Do you want to change your name to '%s'?#Character Name has been changed successfully.#You have failed to change this character's name.#You can purchase only one kind of item at a time.#No characters were selected. You must select at least one character.#This character's name has already been changed. You cannot change a character's name more than once.#User Information is not correct.#Another user is using this character name, so please select another one.#The party member was not summoned because you are not the party leader.#There is no party member to summon in the current map.#You cannot find any trace of a Boss Monster in this area.#Boss Monster, '%s' will appear in %02d hour(s) and %02d minute(s).#The location of Boss Monster, '%s', will be displayed on your Mini-Map.#Do you want to open '%s'? Once opened, the contents cannot be moved to other locations aside from the Kafra Storage. The item effect isn't doubled, even if the same items are used more than once.#The Purchase has failed because the NPC does not exist.#The Purchase has failed because the Kafra Shop System is not working correctly.#You cannot purchase items while you are in a trade.#The Purchase has failed because the Item Information was incorrect.#STR has increased.#STR has returned to normal.#AGI has increased.#AGI has returned to normal.#VIT has increased.#VIT has returned to normal.#INT has increased.#INT has returned to normal.#DEX has increased.#DEX has returned to normal.#LUK has increased.#LUK has returned to normal.#Flee Rate (Flee) has increased.#Flee Rate has returned to normal.#Accuracy Rate (Hit) has increased.#Accuracy Rate has returned to normal.#Critical Attack (Critical) has increased.#Critical Attack has returned to normal.#You will receive 1.5 times more EXP from hunting monsters for the next 30 minutes.#This character will not receive any EXP penalty if killed within the next 30 minutes.#Regular item drops from monsters will be doubled for the next 30 minutes.#Boss Monster Map Information for the next 10 minutes.#Do you really want to purchase this item? %d points will be deducted from your total Kafra Credit Points.# You do not have enough Kafra Credit Points.# ^ff0000Expiration Date: %s^000000# The '%s' item will disappear in %d minutes.# '%s' item will be deleted from the Inventory in 1 minute.# '%s' item has been deleted from the Inventory.#Input Number#%m/%d %H:%M#Boss Monster '%s' will appear within 1 minute.#Mercenary Soldier Skill List#Do you agree to cast the magic spell that consumes 1 Black Gemstone and 1,000,000 Zeny?#[Point] You have gained %d Collector Rank Points; you now have a total of %d Collector Rank Points.#[Collector Rank] Target Item: %s#The mercenary contract has expired.#The mercenary has died.#You have released the mercenary.#The mercenary has run away.# The '%s' item will disappear in %d seconds.#IP Bonus: EXP/JEXP %d%%, Death Penalty %d%%, Item Drop %d%%#Symbols in Character Names are forbidden.#Mercenary will follow custom AI.#Mercenary will follow basic AI.# %s's#%s has acquired %s.#Public Chat Display#Whisper Display#Party Chat Display#Guild Chat Display#Item Get/Drop Message Display#Equipment On/Off Message Display#Abnormal Status Message Display#Party Member's Obtained Item Message Display#Party Member's Abnormal Status Message Display#Skill Failure Message Display#Party Configuration Message Display#Damaged Equipment Message Display#Battle Message Window Display#[%s]'s Han Coin: %d Han Coin#Public Log#Battle Log#Mobile Authentication#Read#Auto Read#Bookmark#Previous#Next#Close#%s's Equipment has been damaged.#%s's %s was damaged.#Weapon#Armor#Insufficient Skill Level for joining a Party#[%s]'s Free Cash: %d Cash#Use Free Cash: #Cash#http://payment.ro.hangame.com/index.asp#You need to accept the Privacy Policy from Gravity in order to use the service.#You need to accept the User Agreement in order to use the service.#Incorrect or nonexistent ID.#Do you really want to purchase these items? You will spend %d Regular Cash Points and %d Free Cash Points.#%d hour(s) has passed.#%d hour(s) %d minute(s) has passed.#Please stop playing the game, and take a break. Exp and other features will be reduced to 50%.#Please stop playing the game since you'll need to rest. Exp and other features will be fixed to 0%.#Quest List#RO Shop#Memorial Dungeon, '%s' is booked.#Failed to book Memorial Dungeon, '%s'.#Memorial Dungeon, '%s' is already booked.#Memorial Dungeon, '%s' is created.n Please enter in 5 minutes.#Failed to create Memorial Dungeon, '%s'.n Please try again.#The character blocked the party invitation.#Block all party invitations.#Allow all party invitations.#This item will be permanently bound to this character once it is equipped. Do you really want to equip this item?#%s is now permanently bound to this character.#You do not have enough Kafra Credit Points. Please enter whether you have free credit points.#Request to Join Party#Display WOE Info#Memorial Dungeon %s's reservation has been canceled.#Failed to create Memorial Dungeon %s. Please try again.#This skill cannot be used within this area.#This item cannot be used within this area.#Memorial Dungeon#%s in Standby#%s Available#%s in Progress#No one entered the Memorial Dungeon within its duration; the dungeon has disappeared.#Please apply for dungeon entry again to play in this dungeon.#Your Standby Priority: ^ff0000%d^000000#The requested dungeon will be removed if you do not enter within ^ff0000%s^000000.#Dungeon Mission Time Limit:#The Memorial Dungeon reservation has been canceled.#The Memorial Dungeon duration expired; it has been destroyed.#The Memorial Dungeon's entry time limit expired; it has been destroyed.#The Memorial Dungeon has been removed.#A system error has occurred in the Memorial Dungeon. Please relog in to the game to continue playing.#This slot is not usable.#Your Base Level is over 15.#Your Job Level is over 15.#You cannot play the Merchant class character in this slot.#Not Yet Implemented#You are not eligible to open the Character Slot.#This character cannot be deleted.#This character's equipment information is not open to the public.#Equipment information not open to the public.#Equipment information open to the public.#Check %s's Equipment Info#'%s's Equipment#Show Equip#This service is only available for premium users.#Free Trial users can only hold up to 50,000 zeny.#Battlefield Chat has been activated.#Battlefield Chat has been deactivated.#Mercenary Info - Monster Type#World Map#The Memorial Dungeon is now closed.#^ff0000Deleting a Mercenary Soldier^000000 will also delete his growth history. Do you really want to proceed with the deletion?#The Memorial Dungeon is now open.#This account has not been confirmed by connecting to the safe communication key. Please connect to the key first, and then log into the game.#The number of accounts connected to this IP has exceeded the limit.#You have received a new quest.#^777777Acquirement conditions:#View Skill Info.#Once used, skill points cannot be re-allocated. Would you like to use the skill points?#1st#2nd#This account has been used for illegal program or hacking program. Block Time: %s#The possibility of exposure to illegal program, PC virus infection or Hacking Tool has been detected. Please execute licensed client. Our team is trying to make a best environment for Ro players.#You are currently playing in the best game environment. Please enjoy the Ragnarok.#Job Exp points from hunting monsters are increased by 50% for 30 minutes.#Exp points from hunting monsters are increased by 25% for 30 minutes.#EXP points from hunting monsters are increased by 100% for 30 minutes.#EXP points from hunting monsters are increased by 50% for 60 minutes.#Unable to organize a party in this map.#(%s) are currently in restricted map to join a party.#Simple Item Shop#Han Coin: %d Han Coin#RoK Point: %d RoK Point#Free Cash: %d Cash#An user of this server cannot connect to free server#Your password has expired. Please log in again#3rd#This skill can't be used on that target.#You can't use skill because you have exceeded the number Ancilla possession limit#Unable to use the skill to exceed the number of Ancilla.#Holy water is required.#Ancilla is required.#Cannot be duplicated within a certain distance.#This skill requires other skills to be used.#Chat is not allowed in this map#3 hours have passed since.#5 hours have passed since.#Game guard initialization error or previous version game guard file is installed. Please re-install the setup file and try again#Either ini file is missing or altered. Install game guard setup file to fix the problem#There is a program found that conflicts with game guard#Incorrect client. Please run a normal client#Thank you to accept mobile authentication.#This skill can't be used alone#This skill can be used to certain direction only#Cannot summon spheres anymore.#There is no summoned sphere#There is no imitation skills available.#You can't reuse this skill#Skill can't be used in this state#You have exceeded the maximum amount of possession of another item.#No administrative privileges. Must first run the program with administrator privileges.#nProtect KeyCrypt not the same. Please restart the program and the computer first.#Currently wearing WindowXP Compatibility Mode. The program now removes Compatibility Mode. Please restart the program.#PS/2 keyloggers exist.#USB Keylogging attempt was detected.#HHD monitoring tool has been detected.#Paintbrush is required.#Paint is required.#Use the skills that are not at the specified location.#Not enough SP.#Character %d is character selection window cannot connect to the game that exceeds the total. Please remove unwanted characters.#Throat Lozenge is required.#Painful Tears is required.#Throat Lozenge is required.#Cooperation is only available with Weapon Blocking.#Poisoned weapons is required.#Item can only be used when Mado Gear is mounted.#Vulcan Bullet is required.#Mado Gear Fuel is required.#Liquid Cold Bullet is required.#Please load a Cannon Ball.#Please equipped with a Mado Gear Accelerator.#Please equipped with a Hovering Booster.#[Toxin] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#[Paralysis] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#[Fatigue] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#[Laughing] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#[Disheart] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#[Pyrexia] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#[Oblivion] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#[Leech] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#Can only be used in Hovering state.#Please equip a Self-Destruct Mechanism.#Please equip a Shape Shift.#Guillotine Cross Poison is required.#Please equipped with a Cooling System.#Please equipped with a Magnetic Field Generator.#Please equipped with a Barrier Generator.#Please equipped with a Optical Camouflage Generator.#Please equipped with a Repair Kit.#Monkey Wrench is required.#[%s] Cannot use the skills due to cooldown delay.#Deletion is impossible for over level %d#Can't be used while on Magic Gear.#Dismount Dragon#Dismount Magic Gear#I#Cash#Armors#Weapons#Ammo#Card#M#Client response time has passed so connection is terminated#Incorrect version of hack shield file. Please reinstall the client#[Magic Book] is required.#Feel sleepy since Magic Book is too difficult to understand.#Not enough saved point.#Can't read a Magic Book anymore.#Face Paint is required.#Brush is required.#Waiting time has passed. Please log in again#Watch out! Same account is already logged in. Stop mobile verification and log in again after changing your password#Watch out! Same account is waiting for mobile verification. Stop mobile verification and log in again after changing your password#Game setting window#Graphic setting#Sound Setting#Press a key to assign. Pressing 'ESC' will remove the assigned key.#Unable to specify a single key.#Unable to specify the key assigned.#Duplicated with ['%s']. Do you still want to change?#Initialization is stored in the shortcut key settings. Do you want to initialized?#Skill Bar#Window Interface#Macros#Windows Shortcut Key Setting#BGM#Effect#Skin#Chat room entrance sound on#Chat room entrance sound off#/tingonly: you can hear only sound like a chat room entry.#/rock#/scissors#/paper#/love#/mobile#/mail#/antenna0#/antenna1#/antenna2#/antenna3#/hum#/abs#/oops#/spit#/ene#/panic#/whisp#Not Assigned#Cart is available only when mounted.#[Thorny Seed] is required.#[Bloodsucker Seed] is required.#Cannot be used anymore.#[Bomb Mushroom Spore] is required.#[Fire Bottle] is required.#[Oil Bottle] is required.#[Explosive Powder] is required.#[Smokescreen Powder] is required.#[Tear Gas] is required.#[Acid Bottle] is required.#[Bottom Man-Eating Plant] is required.#[Pot of Mandragora] is required.#Party delegation#Do you want to delegate the real party?#Party cannot be delegated.#Immutable#[%s] required '%d' amount.#Is now refining the value lowered.#need to put on [%s] in order to use.#Battle field entrance setting#Battlefield - [%s] you sign up?#Admission application complete.#It was unregistered and not be able to enter the state.#Current admission application state.#Do you want to cancel the admission application?#Admission request has been cancelled.#Go to the battlefield quickly.#Battlefield - [%s]#Do you really want to go back to your savepoint?#Search Message for Party Members#Message option is off the search party members.#10 seconds delay of party support is in effect#Party leader is '%s'.#Unable to enter due to system error.#Cannot wait to enter the number of excess.#Has already been applied.#Registration has been cancelled because of the excessive waiting time.#Unregistered because admission requirements are not matching.#Was unregistered and error.#[%s] is the skills of collaboration.#Integration of skills is a particular skill.#%d requires a total mind bullets#Bullet is required.#Cannot create rune stone more than the maximum amount.#Not able to receive battle field list. Please check and try again#Level is not high enough to enter#You must consume all '%d' points in your 1st Tab.#You must consume all '%d' remaining points in your 2nd Tab. 1st Tab is already done.#Convertible item#Items that can be converted#Item to convert#Combination of item is not possible in conversion.#Is a very heavy weight of the Inventory.#Please ensure an extra space in your inventory.#Item does not exist.#Successful.#All material has disappeared and failed.#Not very long to change the name of the specified tab.#Cannot add more.#Authentication failed.#Bot checks#Items cannot be used in materials cannot be emotional.#It is impossible to connect using this IP in Ragnarok Online. Please contact the customer support center or home.#You have entered a wrong password for more than six times, please check your personal information again.#Consumption items are used in the synthesis. Are you sure?#Please input the captcha code found at your left side.#Describes the battlefield --#Waiting for admission --#Admission application help battlefield#Sorry the character you are trying to use is banned for testing connection.#Remove all equipment#Mini Icon#Camp A: Camp B#Wait#cancellation notice of Battlefield registration.#Required field for staff#Battlefield staff A is waiting.#Battlefield staff B is waiting.#Waiting for my situation: %d (Camp A)#Waiting for my situation: %d (Camp #Battlefield display icon.#Does not display the icon field.#Field notification was moved.#Admission pending notification of the battlefield#Anyone# [%s] deal '%d' damage on you.# [%s] received a damage from [%s] with '%d' damage.# [%s] received '%d' damage.# [%s] deal damage to [%s] with '%d' damage.#You dropped %s (%d).#[%s] Quest - defeated [%s] progress (%d/%d)#The Quest %s has been removed.#[%s] has #You Acquired '%d' Experience Points#You Acquired '%d' Job Experience Points# gained.# has lost.#From [%s], '%d' coins were stolen.#Battle Message#Party Battle Message Display#Experience Message Display#Party Experience Message Display#Quest Info Message Display#Battlefield Message Display#[%s] is #casting [%s].#Activate lock function.#Deactivate lock function.#[%s] has won [%s] from '%s'.#Swordman#Magician#Archer#Acolyte#Merchant#Thief#Knight#Priest#Wizard#Black Smith#Hunter#Assasin#Crusader#Monk#Sage#Rogue#Alchemist#Bard#Dancer#Rune Knight#Warlock#Ranger#Arc Bishop#Mechanic#Guillotine Cross#Royal Guard#Sorcerer#Minstrel#Wanderer#Sura#Genetic#Shadow Chaser#High Swordman#High Magician#High Archer#High Acolyte#High Merchant#High Thief#Lord Knight#High Priest#High Wizard#White Smith#Sniper#Assasin Cross#Paladin#Champion#Professor#Stalker#Creator#Clown#Gypsy#Wedding#High Novice#Super Novice#Gunslinger#Ninja#Taekwon F/M#Star Gladiator#Soul Linker#Party Recruitment#Party Booking List#Recruiting Party#[Bow] must be equipped.#[Musical Instrument/Whip] must be equipped.#Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.#Notice#Item purchase failed due to incorrect shop information.#Item cannot be discarded from the window.#Time#Map#You can't use, equip or disarm items when you're trading.#Unspecified value#/stateinfo : Shows the description of status icons. On Off#Status Information On: Status icon description is enabled.#Status Information Off: Status icon description is disabled.#It is not possible to purchase the same item more than %d pieces at a time#It is not possible to purchase the same item more than %d pieces at a time#Can purchase upto %d pieces of the same item at a time.#User customized key is saved to [%s%s]#[%s] is currently on trade and cannot accept the request.#RO_HELP#Anvil does not exist.#Novice below level 10 is not allowed to whisper.#Attack#Defense#Recovery#Support#Party recruitment related command#Guild alliance application is not possible..#Guild hostility application is not possible.#Adding friends is not possible in this map.#Buying Store Window#Price: #Money: #Purchase Zeny Limit#Please register the item first that has to be purchased.#Enter the price for item %s.#Enter the price for item %s. It has to be below 99990000 Zeny.#Enter the item number for %s.#The sum of purchasing and belonging items is over 9999. The sum has to be bellow 9999.#You have duplicate items in your purchase list.#Enter the limited price.#You have entered a greater amount of zeny than you have. Please check your zeny.#%s : %s Zeny => %s ea.#Available items:#Purchase list:#Price limit: %s Zeny#Buying %s for %s Zeny. Amount: %d.#Wanted items#Available items:#The max. number of items you can sell is %d.#Buyer has insufficient money, lower the amount of items you're selling.#Failed to open purchase shop.#You exceed the total amount of items.#You have purchased all items within the limited price.#You purchased all items.#Failed to deal because you have not enough Zeny.#You have sold %s. Amount: %d. Total Zeny: %dz#%s item could not be sold because you do not have the wanted amount of items.#You have not registered to sell the item.Please Register to sell item.#You don't have any summoned spirits.#This is a restricted server.#OTP password is 6 digits long.#OTP information is unavailable. Please contact your administrator.#OTP authentication failed.#Party ad has been added.#Recruit party members#Roles#1st Jobs#2nd Jobs#3-1 Classes#3-2 Classes#1st Job High#2nd Jobs High#Other Jobs#Recruit#Open party recruitment window.#Searching - #Select All#Recruitment of at least one job must be running.#You have to select atleast 1 or more jobs.#You have selected %d Jobs. You can only select up to 6 different jobs.#Only numeric characters are allowed.#Please enter levels between 1~150.#Nothing found in the selected map.#You cannot equip this item with your current level.#You cannot use this item with your current level.#Enable Battlemode#Failed to add because you have reached the limit.#Window Sign Information#Sell#Purchase#Search for Vends#Shop Name#Amount#Price#Too much results have been found. Please do a more precisely search.#Do you want to open a street stall?#Failed to recognize SSO.#Cannot move to the applied area.#searching item including the word#User has been expelled.#You have not accepted the user agreements yet.#You will not be disconnect from the game.#It is available only for 12 hours.#Your account is blocked due to illegal use of the game account.#Your account is blocked because there may exist a bug with your account.#Increases base exp and job exp gained by killing monsters up to 75% for 30 minutes.#Increases base exp and job exp gained by killing monsters up to 50% for 30 minutes.#No sales information.#Failed to search any further.#The selected item does not exist.#Cannot search yet.#Enter the card name or prefix/suffix.#Searches left: %d#No result has been found.#The item price is too high.#General#Costume#minute#second#Please enter the name of the item.#The item you have entered does not exist.#The map is not available.#The selected name or prefix/suffix does not exist.#You can purchase up to 10 items.#Some items could not be purchased.#Enter your birthday (e.g: 20101126)#Now Logging Out.#A database error has occurred.#Please leave your guild first in order to remove your character.#Please leave your party first in order to remove your character.#You cannot delete this character because the delete time has not expired yet.#You cannot delete this character at the moment.#Your entered birthday does not match.#You lack of familiarity.#This is only available on style change for fighting classes.#This is only available on style change for novice.#Registering party has failed.#results have been found.#Failed to remove result.#No results have been found.#No payment information has been found.#Screenshot Trade On/Off#[Trade_%s]#Death due to the auto insurance young people are spending.#Chat Dialog#Redundant is not available.#Use the limit that has been set.#No user restrictions are set.#Connection has failed. Please contact your administrator.#Failed to authenticate.#User is offline.#The age limit from commandment tables cannot connect to this server.#Buy#Cart is empty.#First page#Last page#New#Headgears#Limited#Rental Equipment#Permanent Equipment#Scrolls#Consumables#Other#Cost#Quantity#Total#Free Cash : %s C#CashPoints : %s C#You cannot summon a monster in this area.#exceeded total free cash#%d seconds left until you can use#%d seconds left until you can use#~ [Windows] must be equipped with.#Available only on the dragon.#Unable to proceed due to exceeding capacity.#Real name has not been verified. Go to name verification site.#Please select slot you are going to save.#Congratulation %s, Acquired '%s' !#~ Gloomy state can not be used in#Purchased products has exceeded the total price.#Cannot join a party in this map.#Cannot leave a party in this map.#Cannot withdraw/break the party in this map.#Real Name#ID Number#E-mail#Invalid input#~ Jenny to the other party has failed to pay.#~ Its job is not#~ That gender is not a#User information identification is successful.#Name does not match. Please rewrite.#ID number does not match. Please rewrite.#Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.#Unable to attack while riding.#Unable to cast the skill while riding.#Pin number should be 4~6 characters.#Secured authentication is successful.#Succeeded in creating 2nd password.#2nd password has been deleted.#2nd password has been corrected.#~Password is incorrect.(%d Hoenameum)#Failed to create 2nd password.#Failed to delete 2nd password.#Failed to correct 2nd password.#Unable to use restricted number in 2nd password.#Unable to use your KSSN number.#~There is already a password.#Security Code#Account for the additional password security settings are recommended.#Do not use secure password.#Use the set security password failed.#Use secure passwords. Will be applied to your next login.#Use the set security password failed.#Added to the security of your account password is set.#The numbers below the 4-digit by using the mouse button click.#As input an incorrect password three times or more, will be terminated.#ITEM#SKILL#TACTIC#ETC#COMBAT#NON-COMBAT#BUFF#AUTO EQUIPED#1st. ATTACK#ATTACK#Next attack time: #When died#When invited to a party#Pickup Item#Over 85% Weight#Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.#Monster Job hunting experience that you can get through the doubling of %d is %.2 f minutes.#SaveData_ExMacro %d# set contents [%s] is stored in#Security level#The current character is a party or join the guild can not be deleted.#Objects can be used only near the wall.#%s:%d %s party to obtain level.#The reins of the state board items that are not available.#This skill requires the experience of one percent.#10000000000000000 experimental values??: #Rob de rate: #Death Penalty: #%d%%(PC room%d%%+ TPLUS%d%%+ Premium%d%%+%s server%d%%)#Amount of party members to cast the skill Chorus SP is low.#Possession of a character relative to the transaction exceeds hangyeryang kinds of items is not possible.#Hangyeryang relative excess of the characters deal with possession of the item is not possible.#Possession of the item purchased is not possible to exceed hangyeryang.#Waiting for an AD.#With the following files and text content Ragnarok Official Website -> Support -> Contact Us to submit your comments by:#Has caused an error in billing system haetseup (%d)#Rune items are owned by more than the number of failed purchases.#Is the number of individual items purchased exceeds failed.#An unknown error has occurred and the purchase failed.#Please try again later.#Kunayi item is only available in one state to mount.#Please try to recruit a minimum level value.#Jondagihoeksa will not be receiving the item to the NPC. Please secure a hold of the window space.#This skill is only available in the siege.#This skill is available only to the player.#Forbidden to wear the state can not be worn.#Current location of the shop and chat room creation is disabled.#Elapsed time: %d:%d:%d / %d:%d:%d#Speed: X 1/4#Speed: X 1/2#Speed: X 1 #Speed: X 2 #Speed: X 4 #Speed: X 8 #Speed: X 16 #Speed: Unknown#Service Info: %s#Character Name: %s#Map Name: %s#Record Time: %d-%01d-%01d %d: %02d: %02d#Play Time: %02d: %02d: %02d#No Replay File.#Server No Matching#Replay Option Setting#Enter File Name#Set Replay Save Data#Set Rec Option#%.1f %%Pos¢Ñ:%d:%d:%d#%.1f %%Pos¢Ñ:Does not Move#Start#Stop#Input FileName -> Start#Open Option#Close Option#End#Time#Party & Friends#Chat#Shortcuts#Automatic filename generation#Duplicate File Checking a#There are the same file.#Record Start# is Saved.#Weight: %3d / %3d#Total: %s C#[Shuriken] must be equipped.#Base Lv. %d#Job Lv. %d#Zeny : %s#Trilinear#attack#skill#item#NoCtrl#Battleground#(Character/Total Slot)#Premium Service#Premium #Service#Billing Service#Billing #Command List#LEVEL#MAP#JOB#Not Available#[Guardian Angel of Protection is not available if manrepil#Do you really want to move?#Failed to move Char slot.#Character name is invalid.#Show Quest#Depending on the protection of youth, and 0:00 to 6:00 while under the age of 16 of your game use is limited.#Depending on the protection of youth, 0:00 to 6:00 ^ff0000 under the age of 16 ^000000 limit your use of the game and the game ends.#To change the character name should withdraw from the guild.#To change the character name should withdraw from the party.#Character Name changes to an unknown error failed.#Is ready to change character slots already. (%D)#Is ready to change character names already. (%D)#Want to change the length of the name exceeds the maximum dimensions and character name change failed.#Contain words that you can not use the character name change failed.#Name change because it is forbidden to change the character name has failed.#Finish#During %d minutes your Exp will increase on %d%%.#%02d seconds left until summon.#Your party leader summons you to %s (%s). Warp costs %d Zeny.#Summon target#Block List#%d Zeny will be spent for making party ad.#Insufficient Zeny for making party ad.#) party: accept invitation#) party: decline invitation#) party: show equipment window#up to 36 letters in English can be entered#Enter#1:1 Chat#Block#Insufficient Zeny for recall.#Input your party ad.#Only party leader can register party ad.#You have already accepted this ad.#For#E#P#Drop Lock: On/Off#Party Alarm#Form Party#Leave#Invite#Input Party Name:#Enter Player's Name:# has been sent a Party Invitation# refused to join the party.# has been successfully invited into the party#Recruitment is already a party.#Are the same conditions as the previous search.#After leaving the guild is available.#Withdrawal is available after the party.#Map, the user should not have summoned recall.#Do not recall the party with maps.#Summons has been denied.#Can not be summoned.#Only the Leader Can Invite.#Search for an item:#You must enter a character name.#You must enter the name of the party.#Guild#Guild Options#Form Guild#Input Guild Name:#Make a Guild Tip#What is the guild system#You must enter the name of your guild.#Supported at the party was rejected.#Select Service:#Possible escape area.#Replay File List#File info#File List#%s Items will not be a deal.#Disband the guild#Disband the guild name#Not connected or non-existent characters.#Falcon failed to call.#%d%%(default 100%%+ Premium%d%%+%s server%d%%)#That user is currently participating in the siege.#It is possible to change the same maepeseoman party.#In the current regional party can not be changed.#Gryphon's making#Delete: %d/%d - %d:%d:%d#You can't invite characters in WoE maps.#You are now in the battlefield queue.#Queuing has finished.#Invalid name of the battlefield.#Invalid type of application.#People count exceeded.#Your level doesn't fit this battlefield rules.#Duplicate application.#Re-login and add your application.#Your class can't participate in this battlefield.#Only party leader / guild master can apply.#You can't apply while your team member is already on a battlefield.#You have left the battlefield queue.#Wrong battlefield name.#You are not in the battlefield queue list#The selected arena is unavailable; your application has been cancelled#You have left the queue#Are you sure you want to join a battleground?#[Battlefield application rules]#-------------------------------#1. Different types of battle can not be applied simultaneously.#2. Personal / party / guild battle can not be applied simultaneously.#3. Parties can only be applied by their party leaders.#Offline party members won't proceed to the queue.#4. You can add request to enter the arena from any map except for those who don't allow teleport/warp.#When the battle is finished your character will be returned to the current spot or (if it's not possible) to the save point.#5. You can view and choose rewards in the arena waiting room.#Request help battle position#%s battle begins.#Do you want to enter the arena?#[Note]#When the battle is finished your character will#be returned to the current spot or (if it's not#possible) to the save point.#Waiting for the opponents.#Battlefield position request#Accept standby time:%d seconds#Standby position#Battlefield name:%s#Persons required:%d#Your position:%d#Name:#Goal:#Format:#Level:#Win:#Draw:#Loss:#Do you want to participate in the individuals battle?#Do you want to participate in the parties battle?#Do you want to participate in the guilds battle?#Battleground List#%d VS %d#LV %d and lower#LV %d and higher#LV %d ~ %d#No restrictions#[You can't apply on this map.]#[You must wait about 1 minute to apply.]#[You must be in a party.]#[Only party leader can apply.]#[Too many party members online.]#[You must be in a guild.]#[Only guild master can apply.]#[Too many guild members online.]#Moving Book#Move#Rename#Make Character#http://ro.game.gnjoy.com/#(%s) Server#Item Merge#Two or more of the same type Please select an item.#Item merge is successful.#Combining items will be only one kind at a time.#You cannot have more than 30,000 stacked items.#Rotate left#Rotate right#(%s) to view the old server information#Existing server information#^ff0000 existing server: ^0000ff#^ff0000 existing kaerikmyeong: ^0000ff#Show monster HP bar when attacking.#Hide monster HP bar when attacking..#Merge does not exist as an item#Merge items available does not exist.#Act#Pen#Rec#Epi#Loc#Evt#New#Monsters to kill#Rewards#Required Items#Time Limit#Deadline#Results#Navigation#Back to Navigation#View List#Toggle Minimap#Change the color of the instructions guide#Exit#Change the default UI#Simple changes to UI#Help#All#Map#Npc#Mob#Enter search string... (Ex: word word ...#Scroll#Use Scroll ?#Service#Use Kafra Warp ?#Plane#Use Airship ?#>> Failed to read the target information.#>> Destination <<#<< Goal... >>#-----------#Navigation#= Found (%d) ==#Npc)%s:%s#Mob)%s:%s#Map)%s#======== Results ==========#Dist %d Cell %d WarpMove#Coords %s(%s)#Goal:%s (%d,%d)#Boss#General#Goal :#Goal: (%d, %d)#======= Guidance =======#%2d) Item:%s => %s Use!#%2d) %s(%d,%d)=>(%d,%d)#E%2d) %s(%d,%d)=>(%d,%d)#E%2d) %s#Do you want to cancel navigation?#How to Use Navigation#------------------- Instruction --------------------#1) /Navigation or /navi#ex) /navi prontera 100 100 -> /navi "MAPNAME", 100, 100#2) /Navigation2 or /navi2 #ex) /navi2 prontera 100 111#-> MAPNAME location (100 90), Scroll | Zeny | Plane (1: Enable or 0: Disable)#-> /navi2 goes with the case with location coordinates. They must be no less than 3 characters #3) /$$ Output all the items (Can take a while...) #4) /$$ Lv30 monsters are placed in the output #5) /$$ Lv20~30 monsters in that level range are placed in the output #------------------- Description --------------------#1) One can search for monsters, npcs, maps, or all at once#2) You can press the search button to get results. It will out put the results depending on what rule you choose#ex) Drop down box -> Select "Npc", then type in the box "Kafra". Results will now be displayed#3) When you select an item from a list, information about it are displayed.#-> When button is clicked, it will point you towards your destination if available#4) Scroll | Zeny | Plane options can be checked to find a faster route#5) Guide button is pressed, the result list window displays where routes can change direction#6) Using the button below, search results can be found#-> [Results List Window] <-> [View Modes can be switched]#Level:%d (Boss)#Level:%d (Mob)#Water#Earth#Fire#Wind#Poison#Holy#Shadow#Ghost#Undead#Demi#Medium#Large#Small#Undead#Brute#Plant#Insect#Fish#Demon#Demi-human#Angel#Dragon#Formless#Click to move %s#Move to the Kafra Service Npc#Click the NPC#Move %s#Move to the Airship Service#By Warp#End Points: (%d %d)#That does not support the navigation area#The purpose is unclear#Does not meet the map requirement#Information Failure | Change settings#Failed to set info for location!#Path Failure#Failed to Find Players #No Information#Map Doesn't Support Directions#Please specify target goals.#Found#Directions were started#Is the map that your looking for mob#Map appears on the guide you are looking for#Please navigate using the item#To find the location, please go to#Arrived at the target map#Arrived on the map that has the Npc your looking for. Go to that NPC#You have arrived at the mob you were looking for#You have reached your goal#Please go to indicated direction.#The goal has been reached#Navigation >: %s#Navigation >: Guidance to %s (A) By using#Navigation >: (%s) map, please move to#Navigation >: Goal Map: (%s), Please go to Kafra#Navigation >: Please go to the airship#Navigation >: Use the Warp to Reach the Next Area#Item: #$$#$$lv#~#$$all#Confirm Deal#Below is the total cost:# Zeny to complete the transaction.#Press buy to confirm.#%.1f%% (PCRoom %.1f%% + TPLUS %.1f%% + Premium %.1f%% + %Server %.1f%%)#Card Book#%d%% [ ( Basic 100%% + %sServer %d%% ) * Active %.1f ]#%d%% [ Basic 100%% + %sServer %d%% ]#This is PK region. Minors,Please leave immediately.#Fatigue#Health and gaming revenue is 100%.#Fatigue because it is now a guest of the gaming revenue is down 50 percent.Hope for the proper health#Now because it is a non-health to the health of the guests want to offline games. If you still are online gaming revenue because the damage to the health of the game falls to 0% again after 5 hours will be restored offline.#Online since %d minutes#Online Time: %d#Online since %d hours and %d minutes#/monsterhp : Show the hp of attacked monster. On off#Skills points : #There is no response from the authentification server. Please try again#Please change your password#http://www.ragnarok.co.kr#Guest access is prohibited#Your System is been Shutdown, %1.2d-%1.2d-%1.2d %1.2d:%1.2d:%1.2d is the end time.#Selected System Shutdown is activated in your account,Time Left: %1.2d hours %1.2d minutes.#Replay#Macro#Webbrowser#Navigation#UAEURL#Clan Information#Clan Level#Clan Name#Clan Mark#Ally Clan#Antagonist Clan#Send to Clan#ClanMaster Name#Number of Members#Castles Owned#Clan Chat Messages#Go to Page Charged.#https://gfb.gameflier.com/Billing/ingame/index_new.asp?#Create char#Name does not match#Enter the name of character#Sex Selection Window#Editing of the File Detected#Items obtained by opening the item is character bounded (can not move to storage). Do you want to open the box?#Game Settings#Game System#Game Commands#Game Command ON/OFF#Macro#Trading is prohibited in this Map#Vending is prohibited in this Map#In this Map,Effect of Mirace of Sun and Moon is nullified.#Ranking Board#Rank#Name#Points#BlackSmith#Alchemist#Taekwon#Killer#7 vs 7#RuneKnight#Warlock#Ranger#Mechanic#GuillotineCross#Archbishop#RoyalGuard#Sorcerer#Minstrel#Wanderer#Genetic#ShadowChaser#Sura#Kagerou#Oboro#Select Ranking Type#Ranking Type#Currently,Server is full. ^0000ffPeople Currently Waiting : %d Expected Waiting Time : %dSeconds#Currently,Server is full. ^0000ffPeople Currently Waiting : %d Expected Waiting Time : %dMinutes %d Seconds#CBT is not an invited user#------------------- Instruction --------------------#1) /Navigation or /navi ex) /navi prontera 100 100 -> /navi "MAPNAME", 100, 100#2) /Navigation2 or /navi2 ex) /navi2 prontera 100 111 -> MAPNAME location (100 90), Scroll | Zeny | Plane (1: Enable or 0: Disable)#-> /navi2 goes with the case with location coordinates. They must be no less than 3 characters #3) $$all Output all the items (Can take a while...) #4) $$lv30 monsters are placed in the output #5) $$lv20~30 monsters in that level range are placed in the output #1 vs 1#Costume#%d First character of the profession is more than information. Please contact the Customer Care Center. ErrorCode(%d)#(%s) %d / %d#%s-%s(%d/%d)#Server Exceeded the maximum number of users,Cannot Connect anymore users.#Server Connection Failed (%d)#Login Timeout Permitted#Login Authentication Failed from Authentication Server.#Guild Cannot use Space in the name.#Hey,Hello There#Available Time will End on %d month %d hour %d:%d#You've lot of time,Play in Peace.#Your hours will be terminated within this week. Please Charge before termination.#Your hours will be terminated within 24 hours.Please Charge Quickly.#Current Time Left:%d hours.Charge the game for uninterrupted play.#Current Time Left:%d minutes.Charge the game for uninterrupted play.#Time Left: %d hours %d minutes#%d%% ( Basic 100%% + PCRoom %d%% + Premium %d%% + %sServer %d%% )#After %d hours %d minutes, your game will be terminated.#This Account is permanently Banned.#This Account is banned.nTermination Time:%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d #Monster(Tab)#Map(Alt)#Product Information#Find Information#Non-Process#Kafra#(Arrival)#Mob)%s:%s(%s)#Distribution:%s#Very Plenty#Plenty#Normal#Low#Very Low#The bank is not avaible. Please try again in a few minutes.#Bank balance is low.#You don't have enough zeny#Minimum Deposit Amount: 1 zeny#Minimum Withdrawal Amount: 1 zeny#You cannot hold more than 2,147,483,647 billion#your account is lock by mobil otp#MOTP auth fail#For %d minutes,Job Experience obtained from monster is increased by %d%%#Current Zeny: %s Zeny#Zeny#The Maximum amount is 2,147,483,647Billion zeny#Your bullet is not enough#You may enter more than 10 inhibition Jenny is sold in the price 1000000000.#AuthTicket is Not Valid#ErrorCategory : %d, ErrorCode : %d (%d,%d,%d,%d)#%d%% ( Basic 100%% + Premium %d%% + PCCafe %d%% + %s Server %d%% )# %d Minutes to get through the monsters of the basic item drop rates increased to% d%%.#%d%.2d minutes when monsters of basic items that can be obtained through the drop rates increased to% d%%.#The price of %s#100000000# ^ff0000%d^0000ffbillion#10000000# ^ff0000%d^0000ffmillion#^0000ffZeny ^000000Over.nEnter the Amount?#Money chejjat jab jjyangcheo sunny Zeny #https://www.warpportal.com/account/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2faccount%2fpayment.aspx#https://kepler.warpportal.com/steam/purchase/?step=1&steamid=76561198071003044&game=rose&accountname=khanhtest111〈=en#The end of the earth, Alf H. Splendide is a bridge between the continents and the rich, huge cracks emerging in Bifrost, and you do not know the source of the labyrinth forest#This is a marker indicating the end of the trip, a new world is opening indicators! Guardian, such as the lyrics to the temptation was gradually losing the soul.#While flowing thousands of years, struggling alone with himself writes that what the jikyeonaen, sealed trapped a long time it was not from a rather confused himself was feeling. #Lyrics of temptation when the peak is reached, the end of the earth Alf H. Splendide is a bridge between the continent and the rich, huge cracks in Bifrost woke born, thereby breaking the traffic between the two worlds as was put to inconvenience people. #Now, as the forest labyrinth passage of Bifrost. Even there, the completion of the source is unknown until now there was no one who has passed. #Swallowed countless adventurers to put a hell of confusion, wandering in the forest labyrinth of nowhere, like the heart of a woman was being extend deeper confusion. #You can enter only numbers.#Exchange or store window is active and can not register the withdrawal.#Go to#Item Compare#Now you are trying to mount the gun equipped with bullet does not meet#Now you are trying to mount the guns and bullets will not fit mounted#Has not registered to sell the item. Please register to sell the item#ITEM#Guild storage is not available.#Guild is not subscribed to. After signing up, please use #Two other guild members are in use. Please use it after a while.#Storage Permission#Guild Storage#You do not have permission to use guild storage.#Limited Sale Registration Window#Item DB Name#Item DB Number#Number of Sale#Sale Start Time#Time to sell#Please enter number you want to sell#Enter start time of sale#Start time does not match the scope of sales.#Please enter the time#Please enter the Item DB Name#Item ID lookup failed. Please try again later#>> ItemName : %s / Price : %dc / Quantity : %d / TimeOfSale : %dMonth:%dDay:%dMinute:%dSecond ~ %dMonth:%dDay:%dMinute:%Second#Registration successful#Registration failure. Please try again later.#Item has already been registered. Please try again later.#Failed to delete the item. Please try again later.#%s item has been deleted.#Special#Sales limited sale item update# Discontinued#Quantity update is required #The% d is out of stock or to buy as much as#%s Items are on sale#% s time-out or sale of the items sold has been shut down due to the limited sales #/limitedsale#http://www.ragnarokeurope.com/news/home-r70.html#http://www.ragnarokeurope.com/index.php?rubrique=70&Steam# Edited December 19, 2014 by karazu 1 Rai reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Hyoru 3 Posted December 22, 2014 Still not working Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 karazu 33 Posted December 22, 2014 Client date btw? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Hyoru 3 Posted December 27, 2014 2010-07-30 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Pandaaa 2 Posted January 26, 2017 up getting this message im using the same client.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Pandaaa 2 Posted February 7, 2017 is there no solution for this? hehe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 bWolfie 140 Posted February 7, 2017 Maybe client too old for this feature. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Pandaaa 2 Posted February 7, 2017 Maybe client too old for this feature. Hmm, is there a script that will message the usage delay to a player? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 bWolfie 140 Posted February 8, 2017 (edited) Maybe client too old for this feature. Hmm, is there a script that will message the usage delay to a player? You can make a script, yes, but you won't be able to stop them using the berry again. Example: if (@ygg_berry <= gettimetick(2)) { percentheal 100,100; @ygg_berry = gettimetick(2) + 10; } This will give a 10 second delay for the effect to take place. The issue with this method is if the player uses a berry before the delay timer is finished, the berry will be consumed and no effect will take place. Edited February 8, 2017 by True Zeal Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I added delay on my yggdrasil berry:
But now, when the delay is on shows me
NO MSG: 1862
NO MSG: 1862
NO MSG: 1862
I've tried to add at messages.conf but didnt work.
Someone can help me, please?
Thanks in advanced.
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