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Susu last won the day on June 18 2013

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  1. This can't be made for the moment because the HPM system allows only map-server plugins. The part that deny players from logging in is in the login server so you will have to wait unitil plugins are avalable for login and char servers. PS : There is still a "dirty" way to do that, you could @kick all the players and then load a NPC that will reject the players when they log in. I don't think it's a good way since all the players will thought the server is online until being kicked by the NPC.
  2. If it's just missing packets we'll be fine because we got the world best packet hunter, Yommy
  3. I think it's possible to convert them too, but I didn't look into it ^^. Depending on what the hook system will allow us to do, evertything could be converted into plugins.
  4. Detailed WoE stat can be made into a plugin, it's not that hard. I'm waiting for the Hook update for the HPM system and then i'll try converting some of eAmod stuff into plugins.
  5. You can but you need client hexing and it won't be pretty... I've done that before,and to override the 24 char name limite I hexed my client so it will display like [partyname] PlayerName, then, I use the "partyName" space to insert the title. It works, yes but you are still limited to 24 char for your title name and I had a lot of bugs (when right clicking on a player trading/invite to party displayed the wrong name, party names where not displayed if player had a title). And to answer you question, party name, guild name and guild position have the same lenght, 24 (and actually I think it's 23 since the last one is for the 0)
  6. I spend so many times trying to figure what the "if" in "chrif" means xD. Thx to you mkbu95, now I know it's stands for "interface" . Back on topic, most of the languages uses the "i" as a prefix for the interface, that's why I chose this in the first place, but he "h" prefix sounds good to .
  7. Hi, As some of you may have noticed, I helped a little with the renewal phase one and HPM system, converting some files into interface (based on what you gys already started). I was converting the map.c with my tools (HerculesInterfaceMaker) and noticed when that was done there was a conflict with the interface name "map" because there was already a var with that name (map_data *map) and it created a conflict. I already got the same problem with the db.c file, and I just named the interface DB (caps). So I was thinking it could be nice to have a naming convention for all the current and future interface, this would be easier for developpers and more user-friendly. What do you think ?
  8. I just find a critical error with the HPM. The HPM->event(HPET_INIT) occurs BEFORE every other inits(atcommand, clif etc...) and because of that it's impossible to add new commands or even override functions. When your plugin init is over and you atcommand are added, the do_init_atcommand() occurs, wich set the atcommand->db to NULL, wich erase the commands you previously add with your plugin. The same goes for function ovveriding, because the *defaut() functions are called after your plugin init, wich erase (again) all your modifications. I know it's not finished and you probalbly already found this bug, but I want to try to contribute because the HPM system really as a huge potentiel and a little help can't harm.
  9. This plugin system is really awsome, I'm currently trying it and the possibilities are enormous. Right now it's possible to use GET_SYMBOLE from plugins to import function/var, but will it be possible in the future to import function/var from plugins to Hercules ? Edit: Actually it's already possible, you just have to export the HPM->share function, and use it in your plugin to share your own stuff with Hercules, but I don't know if it's OK to do it this way.
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