PvP, WoE, GvG, & Battleground
Scripts that pertain to PvPing, WoE & GvG, & Battelgrounds.
Example: PvP ladder, PvP room, Party vs Party, WoE Controllers, Capture the Flag
9 files
TouchDown - Battleground Addon
By Alayne
A Battleground Addon based over S4 League TouchDown mode, where players may fight until the end of the delay configured to earn as much points as possible.
You'll earn points by killing players, or by bringing the Poring Ball to the Goal of the opposite team.
The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range.
Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
Command: allowing use of @tdboard, to get a score board for each player in game
Deus Ex - PvP Addon
By Alayne
Come to join a pvp match where you'll have to defeat as much ennemies as possible before God decide you'll have to die
The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range. At start, you'll have a random amount of time to earn as much points as possible. Cause a God may come back to Midgard to punish you. Kill him to earn an insane amount of point. But if he kills you, his wrath will consume your points!
Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
Command: allowing use of @deboard, to get a score board for each player in game
Credits: Do not claim my work as yours.
Feel free to use it, even modify it, but leave the credit on file header
PvPvM - PvP Addon
By Alayne
Come to join a pvp match where you'll have to defeat all players and survive to monsters attack to be the first.
The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range. When all players will join, the fight will start and pop some bunch of monsters choosen randomly. The stronger they are, the more point they'll brought. On the other hand, killing a player will bring as much point as possible
Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
Command: allowing use of @pvpvmboard, to get a score board for each player in game
Credits: Do not claim my work as yours.
Feel free to use it, even modify it, but leave the credit on file header
Death Match - Battleground Addon
By Alayne
Come to join a Battleground match where you'll have to defeat all ennemies to earn points
Death Match is a battleground addon where players may fight until the end of the delay configured to earn as much points as possible.
The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range.
Each team will count 6 players at start, and killing them will bring points to the opposite team.
Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
Command: allowing use of @dmboard, to get a score board for each player in game
Credits: Do not claim my work as yours.
Feel free to use it, even modify it, but leave the credit on file header
Captain - Battleground Addon
By Alayne
Come to join a Battleground match where you'll have to defeat all Captains ennemies before going anymore further
Captain is a battleground addon where players may fight until the end of the delay configured to earn as much points as possible.
The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range.
Each team will count 5 Captains at start, bringing 5 points when you kill one. When a Captain died, he'll raise again as a normal player, but killing him will only bring 1 point. Kill all Captains to get the full team back!
Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
Command: allowing use of @cboard, to get a score board for each player in game
Credits: Do not claim my work as yours.
Feel free to use it, even modify it, but leave the credit on file header
Vampire Bal - PvP Addon
By Alayne
Join the Vampire Bal and be the last Guest to survive
A PvP Addon where players may fight until the end of the delay configured to earn as much points as possible.
The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range.The only thing to notice is that dying will make you lose points, while killing others will steal them points, and ensure you a full healing! That's what it is to become a Vampire!
Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
Command: allowing use of @vbboard, to get a score board for each player in game
Credits: Do not claim my work as yours.
Feel free to use it, even modify it, but leave the credit on file header
Battle Royal - PvP Addon
By Alayne
A PvP Addon where players may fight until the end of the delay configured to earn as much points as possible.
The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range.
Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
Command: allowing use of @brboard, to get a score board for each player in game
PvP Ladder
By Happy
This is a script by Stolao from rAthena. The original versions by him doesn't work well as he was not able to actually test things.
As I was trying to use it, I found the bugs and decided to fix them for release here in Hercules as I've noticed we do not have a ladder here.
@Stolao, if you see this I am sorry for fixing your script without permission and for releasing my unofficial version of it here. Let me know if you need me to take this down and I will be happy to do so.
So basically its a simple PvP Ladder that is using arrays & player permanent variable instead of custom SQL table to store the ranking.
GMs/Admins can reset the ranking
Players can view the ranking
Configurable option to give #Pvppoints or any variable for use on a shop/npc which is not included here.
Configurable anti repeat kill abuse, disable/enable on WoE, Announce, Max Players to Rank
@PvpLadder to easily view ranks
So yeah, All credits to Stolao, I mainly just made it work by fixing the bugs and debugging. I apologize if its not as clean as it should be, I was kinda in rush when i fixed it. I'll probably clean it up when I get some time.
github(if you want to help improve it): https://github.com/happyme9/AthenaScripts
Ultimate Guild Ranker
By Dastgir
Script By Request : http://herc.ws/board/topic/4756-ultimate-guild-ranking
Percentage Changes:AgitCount= 20%Emp Break = 50%Active Participants = 20%KDR = 10%
Guild Ranking
Previous Month Guild Ranking
Rewards based on previous month
Edits to made after installing the Script:
Open npc/guild/agit_main.txt
Add Following Line
doevent "UltimateRanker#00::OnEmpBreak";
// Adjust Economy Invest Level for Castle set .@Economy,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),2) - 5;
Have a Custom WoE? And its not triggering the Script??
Solution: add the following line on EmperiumBreaking Label.
doevent "UltimateRanker#00::OnEmpBreak";
Please report any bugs/suggestions.