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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/17 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    View File 34 Kamishi's Clothes & Hair Palettes (Updated 2018!!) Support All classes including new Mounts, Oboro, Kagerou, Rebellion and 3rd Costumes ! Yay ! =3 The palettes are ranged from 0 to 35. For this pack to look the best you must use my corrected classes sprites and Haziel's 3rd Costumes sprites These palettes are from my big 700 palette pack ! If you want more, you may contact me here : Paletting services (More than 700 Palettes, Races and Colors! :3). Thank you ! >o< Submitter kami-shi Submitted 07/12/17 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  2. 2 points

    Version 4.2.0


    Support All classes including new Mounts, Oboro, Kagerou, Rebellion and 3rd Costumes ! Yay ! =3 The palettes are ranged from 0 to 35. For this pack to look the best you must use my corrected classes sprites and Haziel's 3rd Costumes sprites These palettes are from my big 700 palette pack ! If you want more, you may contact me here : Paletting services (More than 700 Palettes, Races and Colors! :3). Thank you ! >o<
  3. 1 point

    Hercules Battlegrounds

    Hercules Battlegrounds A full conversion and enhancement of eAmod's Battlegrounds system into a easy-to-install Hercules plugin library. Version: 1.0a (alpha) Repository @ https://github.com/Smokexyz/HerculesBG Installation 1) Place plugin files in plugin directory. (If you wish to re-compile the code, please do so the standard way.) 2) Place all script files in the default directory provided in the repository (or your own). 3) Place all database and config parts in their respective files. 4) in conf/plugins.conf add "hBG". Instructions on installing Plugins - http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin Battleground Modes Capture the Flag Eye of Storm Triple Inferno Team DeathMatch Bossnia Conquest Stone Control Domination Rush Free For All Why use it? 1) Prevents conflicts when updating Hercules. 2) Easy to install. 3) Can be easily modified for more functions/features in the future. For contributors If you wish to add a free BG script to the list of available battleground modes, please contact me. Bug Reporting Please feel free to open an issue on the repository and I'll get to it as soon as I can. Donate to support the project and motivate updates.
  4. 1 point
    Speaking the truth, I did not check, so it's complete, it will help a lot of people, it will defuse my mistake.
  5. 1 point
    Perfect for a free package, could have added the 34 of the summoner classes with cart
  6. 1 point
    Thanks, will definitely try it out soon!!!
  7. 1 point
    Awesome can't wait to try it out!!
  8. 1 point
    Day 9 : Didn't want to come back to BeyondCompare.... So, I don't want to come back to BeyondCompare and configuring 1000 of files to the episode 11.1, I was desperateley browsing downloads section for at least something more exciting to do!! Anything... As I've done pretty much everything.... And one more thing cought my eye. DailyRewards!!! Well my server already have that, but very basic one. Why not make it golden? so I took this and a few of similar releases and did this day1 day 2 well you get the idea... And, Yes you rad it correctly "A little something to make a player's day with us even better" And no, it is not an invitation to create 500 characters and farm daily rewards As these items are not actually real items But an Event version (same features but....) - Not Kafra/Guild storable - Not Tradable / Vendable / NPC sellable - Not droppable Basically an item given to one character to make his/her day even more fun... Applying Only Best Practices since 2017... (C)
  9. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    __________***PLEASE READ***__________ These graphics were made for VeilsideRO a very long time ago but it was a free project. I wasn't paid however it was sold to 3 other people as pre-made a few years ago. I'm not sure how adjustable it is, it's prolly super messy since it wasn't cleaned (gomen ne). (・・;) Feel free to do whatever with the graphics. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: ________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these graphics to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. The PSDs is totally chaotic and not cleaned as there was no need for it. I only sold the gif, not the PSD. If you upload it somewhere else, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Animated Banner PSD Chaotiiiiiiiiic!!! -big warning-
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